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△ HYRULE △ The Golden Era △ [OOC/SU]

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Lilizuki's Twili is Accepted.

Reservations until January 1:
Zora - Game_sloth

Remaining Spots:
Places will be returned if reservations end.

Hylian: 4 remain (0 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Kokiri: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Gerudo: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Goron: 4 Remain (0 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Zora: 3 Remain (1 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Rito: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Twili: 2 Remain (0 Reserved, 3 Accepted)

Hylians: djcboi
Goron: heretostay123
Zora: IceFyr1928, Reserve
Twili: WolfOfEve, IceFyr1928, Lilizuki

Name: Maleko "Of the sea" Akuma "Red"

Nickname: Mal (Only used by few)

Race: Zora

Sex: Male

Career: Guard

Appearance: Maleko is an average looking Zora in great shape standing at 5'8 and weighing roughly 140. He is a blue-green color with red in him, a trait passed down from his mothers side. He has violet-colored eyes. He wears a single pauldron and a helmet which signifies him as a second rank guard. Crappy picture below (I'm no artist, but you get the gist and you will have to click on it because I suck).

Personality: Maleko's job his his first and highest priority. He cares for the civilians of Zora's Domain than he does himself. On the job, he never jokes around and never lets his guard down. Outside of his job, though, he is a fun-loving guy with a dry sense of humor. He loves being around people, most of the time. He tends to be distant around the anniversary of the Hero of Time's fall because his father died as well trying to protect Zora's Domain prior to Ganon being sealed away. He is very honest, sometimes too honest. It will get him in trouble with females and he never seems to know why. Most people seem to really like him, though, and he easily makes new friends.

History: Maleko's earliest memories only include his father, being his mother died in child birth. His father and him were always very close, even up to the day of his death. His father was a guard as well and was loved by all. The death of his father, which news was given to him by another guard along with his father's polearm and savings, at the age of 14 was what made Maleko want to become a guard. He had had no sense of revenge since Ganon had been sealed away for eternity and just wanted to follow in his father's footsteps.

He started training himself immediately- constantly working out, exercising, and training with the polearm that was passed down to him. In his downtime, he would stay well read up. As he came to the age of 19, he entered the guard program. He flew it, graduating in a mere year at the top of his class. At the age of 22, Maleko became a rank 2 guard. He still currently holds this rank, though close to ranking up. He lives alone with no family, but often has friends over. He saves his money well and is quite wealthy because of it.

As word of darkness rising, he feels fear for his people and will do whatever he needs to keep them safe. Even if he has to leave his post and his city to do so. A sense of revenge starts to arise because of the rumor of Ganon's return.

Password: Red Rupee
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Game_sloth's Zora is Accepted. (Just note that you're thinking of the wrong timeline, in this one Link falls to Ganon, and Ganon is sealed into the Sacred Realm via the Triforce and the Sages.)

Reservations until (N/A):

Remaining Spots:
Places will be returned if reservations end.

Hylian: 4 remain (0 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Kokiri: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Gerudo: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Goron: 4 Remain (0 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Zora: 3 Remain (0 Reserved, 2 Accepted)
Rito: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Twili: 2 Remain (0 Reserved, 3 Accepted)

Hylians: djcboi
Goron: heretostay123
Zora: IceFyr1928, Game_sloth
Twili: WolfOfEve, IceFyr1928, Lilizuki

We need some of the other races filled. We should start when there's at least one in each race.
I wanna sign up! Reserve me for Hylian. If Link is...resting, what will become of Termina? O.o

Name: Kamui Ozora
Nickname: Oz
Race: Hylian
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Career: Hyrule Traveler

Appearance: He looks like Oz, the Great & Powerful! xD Like every other Hylian, Oz has long ears. He can hear from long distances, of course. He has a bowl shaped, dark aqua hair with short mutton chops. He likes that style very much. He also has a circle shaped face. He's starting to grow a beard. It's not a big beard though. His eye color is also aqua. He has that serious look in his eyes too. His eyes are a bit squinted I mean. I hope I clarified the eyes well enough. Oz wears a chain necklace, & the pendant is in the shape of a triangle. Yes, it's like one of the triforce pieces. It's just a necklace. Oz wears a yellow tunic, with decorated hems, the color red, around the edges. He wears black tights that is held with a belt. For his shoes, he sports plain brown boots. He is slightly taller than most Hylians. I'm starting to suck at appearances. It's hard trying to describe a Hylian that lives during that time.

Personality: Kamui Ozora, nicknamed Oz, is a relatively nice guy. He's always thinking about the future, & likes to shoot arrows all the time. He fancies pointy things actually. Arrows are just #1 on his Top 10 list. He's a brave type of guy who risks everything to get somewhere. His only fear though: water. He's okay canoeing over a river. Swimming is his weak point. He won't get near the water unless there is a safe procedure. Oz is very interested in the Twili. He wants to study where they live & how they act. He's very fond of them, even though he's never met one in person. Oz likes meeting new people, but gets a little tempered when they take something from him that doesn't belong to them, unless they have permission from him to hold it. Did I mention he's allergic to chickens? That means Cuccos.

History: Oz was just a newborn baby born near Hyrule Castle. His parents were great caretakers, always helping to raise the little Hylian. When he was 4, his parents sent him to Kakariko Village so he could live with his aunt & uncle for a little while. He was able to play around outside, & got to play at the graveyard. His aunt & uncle made sure he didn't wander into the graveyard during the night. Oz wondered about the well that stood at Kakariko Village. When he peeked down inside, he accidentally fell inside & started splashing around. He couldn't swim & was screaming for help. His aunt & uncle were able to hear his cry & get him out. It was a nightmare that he almost drowned. He swore never to get near the well as long as he lived.

A few days later, Oz was wandering outside when he saw strange clouds hover over Hyrule Castle. His aunt & uncle took Oz back inside so he could be safe. It was little time before Oz's parents were dead. Ganondorf had seized Hyrule, & now rules all.

Oz was not allowed to leave the premises of Kakariko Village, or even go into the graveyard. Oz wanted to see his parents, but his aunt & uncles didn't tell him the story. They weren't sure themselves. New residents were coming into Kakariko Village. The carpenters were finished with a building. During the next 7 years, Oz was stuck in this village. He wanted to go out & see the world. Being stuck in Kakariko Village wouldn't help him. Oz got to see the new building. It was a shooting gallery. Oz was given permission to go there, except during night. Oz was given a slingshot from his aunt & uncle so he could try the new place out. He enjoyed his time there, shooting little pebbles at the Rupees. It was 20 Rupees to play one game though. Of course, some of the rewards were actually 50 rewards when you hit all 10 Rupees. Oz lost on the first ten tries, having to wait to get some Rupees before from his aunt & uncle before trying again. On 11th try, Oz was actually able to hit all 10 Rupees, & got a sweet reward. He was becoming a master at shooting. This is where he got his love for shooting. At age 10, Oz was given a new bow & some arrows, since he was becoming a pro at shooting.

At age 11, Oz wandered out of Kakariko Village into the Death Mountain Trail. There was lots of boulders rolling down, but Oz made sure he stayed where he was near Kakariko Village. Out of nowhere, fire hit one of the houses near Kakariko Village. There was fire on one of the houses or so. Wood broke out of the well that hung over it. He could see from his view. Oz remembered that some kid back then roamed around here. The well was drained for some reason. It didn't matter how, Oz looked through 7 years without fear of falling into water. Back to the story. The residents were able to clear out the fire in Kakariko Village. Oz remembered some adult run around wherever he was going. He wandered why he ran to places, & why he could travel around Hyrule.

When Oz came back to the village, he found that his aunt & uncle were caught in the recent fire. They were dead. A man named Sheik was taking care of the injured. Now Oz was alone & an orphan. Nobody told him that his parents were really dead. He believed that they were just wandering around Hyrule & forgot about him.

When peace was restored in Hyrule, Oz was already staying at Impa's house, where he was being taken care of. For the next 10 years, Everything was mildy well. There were still some monsters around for some reason though. It wasn't that bad. At age 18, Oz was free to leave anywhere he pleased. He wanted to explore all of Hyrule. He packed a few stuff, his bow & arrow & left. As he traveled around Hyrule, he was hoping to find his parents, wherever they were. Oz heard stories of Twili. They seemed interesting to him, & Oz wanted to meet these Twili. With freedom to go anywhere, Oz wouldn't have to get near Cucco's that he saw almost everyday during the time he was in Kakariko Village. He sneezes a lot around them.

Other: Oz has high accuracy when he shoots with his bow. He's a master at shooting & is able to hit with precise accuracy. He goes crazy over chocolate, like a dog with a biscuit.

Password: Yellow Rupee
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Name: Nadia
Nickname: Nada (Spanish for 'nothing')
Race: Hylian
Sex: Female
Age: 9

Appearance: Nadia is exactly four feet tall and weighs about 59 pounds. Her frame is scrawny and weak looking. Her skin is fairly pale and is sporadically dotted with light tan 'beauty marks'. Nadia's eyes are a soft blue color which lie below pale brown eyebrows. Although not immediately noticeable, Nadia has dark under eye circles which seem to indicate lack of sleep. Nadia has straight jet-black hair reaching down to her chest. She wears a white dress which falls a bit below her knees, a red baggy cloak over it and worn out brown boots. Nadia only wears the large hood of her cloak if she feels threatened by something, as the cloak helps amplify her magical power. She always keeps a quartz crystal on a chain around her neck, as quartz crystals generally serve to repel negativity and protect those around them.

Personality: Nadia can be described as a happy child, almost always smiling and having a positive attitude. She isn't one to overreact to things and remains levelheaded even in the most strained situations. Unlike most children her age, she doesn't feel the need to constantly have someone by her side to take care of her. For the most part, she can care for herself and can protect herself from moderate harm. Nadia possesses average intelligence but is very observant and notices things that other people would probably miss, and uses that skill accordingly. Nadia is incredibly sensitive to energy and can feel strong emotions of those around her, including spirits and animals. As you can probably tell, Nadia is very in touch with her surroundings. She gets along well with most people and behaves as politely as she can.

However, Nadia can be aggressive when wary of strangers. If she gets any bad feelings from someone, she will not allow them to get anywhere near her and she can become very combative, not hesitating to attack using her magic. Although she is generally good natured, Nadia isn't immune to holding grudges against someone for whatever reason. If the dislike or even hatred is intense enough, she'll be happy to cause a person to suffer. Nadia can easily be manipulated into doing things if she's convinced that they will benefit her in some way. Even if she were to be ordered to go out and kill someone, she'd still do it if she really thought it would help her out. Despite being very in touch to both positive and negative energies, Nadia isn't very good at differentiating between right and wrong.

History: Nadia was born in Castle Town and grew up with her father, George, in a small two story house. Nadia never met her mother, Brandy, because her parents divorced when she was a baby. George discovered that Brandy had been cheating on him, so he immediately divorced her and took complete custody of Nadia. Brandy started to become a bother as she would always show up at the house and demand to see Nadia. George wouldn't allow it as Brandy became an alcoholic following the divorce and would have violent outbursts and inappropriate behavior. After growing sick of her, Nadia's father moved himself and Nadia to Kakariko Village and they settled there. By this time, Nadia was about three years old.

George practiced magic and made sure to teach Nadia everything he knew. Nadia was born very sensitive to the energy of those around her, so magic came naturally to her. She practiced as often as she possibly could in order to maintain control of her power. George gave her a quartz crystal and told her to always keep it on her because it would help protect her from evil.

Even though he never spoke of it, George was struggling financially and only barely made enough money to feed and shelter himself and Nadia. Almost 24/7, the fear that one day they may no longer live in their home lingered in his mind. Nadia picked up on his negative energy but didn't know why George felt so bad all the time. She never asked him about it because she simply didn't understand serious issues like these. A few weeks after Nadia turned five, her father lost his job and not long after that, they were forced out of their home. Living out on the streets with no place to stay, the two were always hungry and almost always cold. They continued to live this way for about four months, before George was jailed for robbing a bank in an attempt to provide themselves with a better life. Nadia was left in the streets all alone at this point.

As she grew older she consistently stole food when nobody was around to catch her in the act. More often then not, she wandered out of Kakariko Village and travelled around to other places in search of shelter and higher quality food (most of the food displayed outside in Kakariko was just bread). One day while Nadia was out walking in the cold, an old mysterious woman gave her a red cloak and told her that it would help her grow stronger. Nadia put it on and felt a lot warmer and she felt her energy increase as well. She was about to ask the woman if it would be okay for her to tag along for a little while, but the woman disappeared. After four years, Nadia became quite used to her lifestyle and was able to care for herself, especially since she never gave up training her magic. That isn't to say her magic was always successful. She also had plenty of instances where her magic simply wasn't powerful enough and she was forced to flee from danger.



Telepathy: Ability to speak directly into someone's mind
(Magic Consumption: Low. Only able to speak to others; cannot read minds)

Uproar: Ability to send out shock waves by screaming
(Magic Consumption: Depends on volume and length of time)

Fire: Ability to create fire with the palms of her hands
(Magic Consumption: Medium to high, as a large amount of her own body heat is used to summon this fire)

Password: Red Rupee


Name: Apsaras the Gilded Thorn

Nickname: Thorn

Race: Fairy

Sex: Female

Age: She'll never tell!

Career: Companion to Mirror

Thorn's face curves sharply from her forehead to her pointed chin, in a curve of sleek yet soft bones. Each delicate feature is perfectly shaped, a little too much for any one being, giving her a mien of alien beauty that would let all know of her origin. Almond eyes of deepest amethyst, with barely any whites to be seen past the ages-old orbs. Thorn's eyes are the most prominent feature of Thorn's face, with a tiny porcelain nose and a pair of petal violet lips.

The fairy's ivory locks hang in glossy lines across her shoulders, often slightly out of line from the vigorous motions that flying requires. A tiny crimson flower stays pinned just before one of her pointed porcelain ears, each of which peek out from the curtain of hair. Occasionally, Thorn's hair flickers through various colors, such was when she's feeling strong emotions or singing her own tune.

Thorn's attire is ragged at best, made out of whatever strips of material she's deemed interesting or colorful and bound together with thread. The trails of silk, petals, velvet, and other materials hang off of her willowy frame like a trail through water, with most of them hanging from the bottom of the dress like a bridal train, but allowing her to move other parts to accommodate for the weather, such as with scarves or a hood.

Image of Thorn.

Thorn is out for herself; this is the first thing Mirror realized in her first meeting with the fairy. From her manners to her actions, her selfishness was clear, despite the manner in which they became bound. The fairy plucked strands of ginger hair from Mirror's head to make a belt, and stole the lace from her undergarments to make some hair ribbons; she cares not for possession, unless its her own.

One of her favorite things is to tease others with knowledge they may not possess, whether through riddles she'll never reveal the answer to or blatant lies that would make a thief blush. It's not that she's untrustworthy, because her very nature demands abidance to pacts, but that she enjoys laughing. She knows not to bite the hand that feeds her, her current hand being Mirror, but will gladly tease anyone she can. As such, Mirror doesn't play to her attempts at teasing information about her mother.

Thorn can, however, be trusted to uphold her end of any bargain to the best of her ability. She possesses a great talent in the form of her ability to make music, with a level of general knowledge that allows her to identify many things in some form or another, even if it's only recognition that she's seen something before. Nuggets of wisdom are not to be expected from this fairy, but a nugget of gold might get a healing spell in return.

Most of Thorn's history is a mystery, not for lack of remembering, but for lack of inquiry on Mirror's part, lest she fall into the fairy's trap of riddles and confounding rumors. All she knows of Thorn's time before their meeting is that she spent much of it with Mirror's mother, which helped turn her into the rather bitter fairy that she acts like, instead of the ones Mirror expected from the tales she read of in Twili.

The couple's first meeting came deep within the bowels of the mountain Mirror sought to hide in, after damaging her abilities and crawling through the depths on weak knees. As she came to the edge of a clearing in the rock, with a clear stream to drink from, she found the glass dagger she carried to be glowing softly in its sheathe. After refreshment and slight worry, she decided to follow the path that led to the dagger's glow, getting brighter with each step.

Mirror's journey came to an end, as she came to the sight of a great sapphire pool, besides which Thorn stood, as she hefted a final rupee into the pond with a great grunt that ended the glass dagger's glowing. Their approach was brief, and explanation short, though Thorn recognized the dagger itself and came with a brief explanation for her presence, not wanting to give too much away, of course.

It was a Promise Dagger, made between Mirror's mother and Thorn from a time long before, that left Thorn trapped in a cave filled with treasures. When she threw the last of the treasures into the deep lake, the bearer of the Promise Dagger would find the fairy and allow her to be free from the magical prison. It wasn't the last of Thorn's troubles, however, as there was one final promise held in the glass blade. A powerful magical being would need to be slain with it; and there was none better than the one before her, and the daughter of the blasted Twili that locked her in the mountains to begin with.

With little company to be found in the caves, Mirror agreed to hear Thorn's plea out, and agreed to the fulfill the pact on a series of conditions that would bind them together for far longer than first planned. The being would need to be deemed the correct one by Mirror, and to be done when she saw fit; the target has yet to be fulfilled. Over the next few years, the two became great confidantes, despite Thorn's sore memories of Mirror's mother, and Mirror's mistrust of Thorn's general activities.


Magical Abilities

Healing: Ability to heal herself and Mirror; perhaps others, with greater difficulty.
(Magic consumption: Medium to High.)

Music: The ability to use her singing voice to empower her allies, whether through increasing morale or using her notes offensively. (Magic consumption: Low to High, depending on number of effects and targets.)

Pledges: The ability to create magical contracts with other beings, with potentially lethal results if either participant fails to deliver. (Magic consumption: Low, but can only sustain a limited amount at any given time.)

Notable Items
Promise Dagger

Mirror's Golden Rupee

ShinyDiamond's Hylian is Reserved.
NightOfRemorse's Hylian is Accepted. Glad to see a new character of yours!
Lilizuki, BLARGH!! You know you didn't need to make the fairy a Sign-Up, right? It doesn't really serve much purpose except to those interested.

Reservations until (January 4):
Hylian - ShinyDiamond

Remaining Spots:
Places will be returned if reservations end.

Hylian: 2 remain (1 Reserved, 2 Accepted)
Kokiri: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Gerudo: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Goron: 4 Remain (0 Reserved, 1 Accepted)
Zora: 3 Remain (0 Reserved, 2 Accepted)
Rito: 5 Remain (0 Reserved, 0 Accepted)
Twili: 2 Remain (0 Reserved, 3 Accepted)

Hylians: djcboi, NightOfRemorse, Reserved
Goron: heretostay123
Zora: IceFyr1928, Game_sloth
Twili: WolfOfEve, IceFyr1928, Lilizuki

You should have told me that when I said I was going to make one!
Dear Eve's parents: Don't let him near coffee again.

Also, is there a particular reason for needing one of every race, or is it just a preference of yours?
Dear Eve's parents: Don't let him near coffee again.

Also, is there a particular reason for needing one of every race, or is it just a preference of yours?
[PokeCommunity.com] △ HYRULE △ The Golden Era △ [OOC/SU]

It's just a preference, because people keep going for the same races, and those three are completely untouched. When we have one in each group, I'll post the IC.
Were I as insane as some people think I am, I'd make yet another character. But I won't, because I'm not as insane as some people think. But I still am insane. Just not too much insane. In fact, we're all insane. And if someone is 'insane', they are simply more so. Which compared to them, we would seem completely sane. But what if they were the sane one? To them, we'd be the insane ones.

I guess you could say that it's a matter of perspective.

Just some food for thought that randomly popped into my brain. It does these things when I'm sleepy.
I wanna sign up! Reserve me for Hylian. If Link is...resting, what will become of Termina? O.o

Name: Kamui Ozora
Nickname: Oz
Race: Hylian
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Career: Hyrule Traveler

Appearance: He looks like Oz, the Great & Powerful! xD Like every other Hylian, Oz has long ears. He can hear from long distances, of course. He has a bowl shaped, dark aqua hair with short mutton chops. He likes that style very much. He also has a circle shaped face. He's starting to grow a beard. It's not a big beard though. His eye color is also aqua. He has that serious look in his eyes too. His eyes are a bit squinted I mean. I hope I clarified the eyes well enough. Oz wears a chain necklace, & the pendant is in the shape of a triangle. Yes, it's like one of the triforce pieces. It's just a necklace. Oz wears a yellow tunic, with decorated hems, the color red, around the edges. He wears black tights that is held with a belt. For his shoes, he sports plain brown boots. He is slightly taller than most Hylians. I'm starting to suck at appearances. It's hard trying to describe a Hylian that lives during that time.

Personality: Kamui Ozora, nicknamed Oz, is a relatively nice guy. He's always thinking about the future, & likes to shoot arrows all the time. He fancies pointy things actually. Arrows are just #1 on his Top 10 list. He's a brave type of guy who risks everything to get somewhere. His only fear though: water. He's okay canoeing over a river. Swimming is his weak point. He won't get near the water unless there is a safe procedure. Oz is very interested in the Twili. He wants to study where they live & how they act. He's very fond of them, even though he's never met one in person. Oz likes meeting new people, but gets a little tempered when they take something from him that doesn't belong to them, unless they have permission from him to hold it. Did I mention he's allergic to chickens? That means Cuccos.

History: Oz was just a newborn baby born near Hyrule Castle. His parents were great caretakers, always helping to raise the little Hylian. When he was 4, his parents sent him to Kakariko Village so he could live with his aunt & uncle for a little while. He was able to play around outside, & got to play at the graveyard. His aunt & uncle made sure he didn't wander into the graveyard during the night. Oz wondered about the well that stood at Kakariko Village. When he peeked down inside, he accidentally fell inside & started splashing around. He couldn't swim & was screaming for help. His aunt & uncle were able to hear his cry & get him out. It was a nightmare that he almost drowned. He swore never to get near the well as long as he lived.

A few days later, Oz was wandering outside when he saw strange clouds hover over Hyrule Castle. His aunt & uncle took Oz back inside so he could be safe. It was little time before Oz's parents were dead. Ganondorf had seized Hyrule, & now rules all.

Oz was not allowed to leave the premises of Kakariko Village, or even go into the graveyard. Oz wanted to see his parents, but his aunt & uncles didn't tell him the story. They weren't sure themselves. New residents were coming into Kakariko Village. The carpenters were finished with a building. During the next 7 years, Oz was stuck in this village. He wanted to go out & see the world. Being stuck in Kakariko Village wouldn't help him. Oz got to see the new building. It was a shooting gallery. Oz was given permission to go there, except during night. Oz was given a slingshot from his aunt & uncle so he could try the new place out. He enjoyed his time there, shooting little pebbles at the Rupees. It was 20 Rupees to play one game though. Of course, some of the rewards were actually 50 rewards when you hit all 10 Rupees. Oz lost on the first ten tries, having to wait to get some Rupees before from his aunt & uncle before trying again. On 11th try, Oz was actually able to hit all 10 Rupees, & got a sweet reward. He was becoming a master at shooting. This is where he got his love for shooting. At age 10, Oz was given a new bow & some arrows, since he was becoming a pro at shooting.

At age 11, Oz wandered out of Kakariko Village into the Death Mountain Trail. There was lots of boulders rolling down, but Oz made sure he stayed where he was near Kakariko Village. Out of nowhere, fire hit one of the houses near Kakariko Village. There was fire on one of the houses or so. Wood broke out of the well that hung over it. He could see from his view. Oz remembered that some kid back then roamed around here. The well was drained for some reason. It didn't matter how, Oz looked through 7 years without fear of falling into water. Back to the story. The residents were able to clear out the fire in Kakariko Village. Oz remembered some adult run around wherever he was going. He wandered why he ran to places, & why he could travel around Hyrule.

When Oz came back to the village, he found that his aunt & uncle were caught in the recent fire. They were dead. A man named Sheik was taking care of the injured. Now Oz was alone & an orphan. Nobody told him that his parents were really dead. He believed that they were just wandering around Hyrule & forgot about him.

When peace was restored in Hyrule, Oz was already staying at Impa's house, where he was being taken care of. For the next 10 years, Everything was mildy well. There were still some monsters around for some reason though. It wasn't that bad. At age 18, Oz was free to leave anywhere he pleased. He wanted to explore all of Hyrule. He packed a few stuff, his bow & arrow & left. As he traveled around Hyrule, he was hoping to find his parents, wherever they were. Oz heard stories of Twili. They seemed interesting to him, & Oz wanted to meet these Twili. With freedom to go anywhere, Oz wouldn't have to get near Cucco's that he saw almost everyday during the time he was in Kakariko Village. He sneezes a lot around them.

Other: Oz has high accuracy when he shoots with his bow. He's a master at shooting & is able to hit with precise accuracy. He goes crazy over chocolate, like a dog with a biscuit.

Password: Yellow Rupee
I am done. I worked really hard on the history. It was stressful.
We can have two characters? Be expecting another SU within the week.


Name: Masahiro
Nickname: Sky-Flyer
Race: Ruto
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Career: A mail man. Doi.

Appearance: (What does your character look like? Differentiation is allowed, but there are some restrictions. Gorons and Zora must still look like their species. Gerudo are dark-skinned, red-haired, and have golden eyes. Twili have red, orange, or yellow hair, with gray, black, and white patterned skin. The length of this section is based on how well you can describe him or her.)

Personality: (How does your character act? How does he/she think? Do they have any racial discrepancies? This section must define your character as a person.)

History: (What has your character been doing before the RP started? What events of importance took place? Please note that the fight where the Hero of Time fell was ten years previous. If he/she wasn't there, they weren't there. This section must explain enough to give your character background.)

Other: (If you have any other important details to add, do so here.)

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