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Let's Get Physical - The PC Fitness Club

  • 2,138
    Ahh, I completely forgot about this club! I must be distracted by the X and Y news :/

    Today did some light cardio and lifting. I have been bad and lazy the past month! My summer goal now is to get a good workout in every day. Though, I have been good on my diet. Mostly meat and vegetables with a dash of fruits and nuts. I still need to watch my dairy, but I love dairy! I have had no refined grains or sugar except for pizza one night last month, and it was two pieces. Oh, and let's not forget my new found love for Raw Zucchini; it's sooo good.


  • 10,994
    Same here! I went to the gym both Sunday and Saturday that passed. I am worried a bit because I need to look good for October, but family is coming to visit so we will be out (and we will most likely be eating out a lot too).. so other than trying to choose options that sound healthier, I'm hoping I wont lose much progress on my toning ;_;
  • 5,983
    Fencing has been more of the same lately, a bit of improvement day by day. I'm gonna see if I can get into head coach's strength workout - 30-50 single leg dips each leg, and single leg plyometric jumps (on park benches and things) 10x, 3-5 sets.

    mmm gurl you look good already ;P'' <-- that's le drool. You'll probably have to put your foot down on more than one occasion though, if you have a plan and you don't stick to it, your gains will go away.


  • 10,994
    Yeah I know. Today I went to Wagamama because of a co-worker's leaving lunch and I opted to order the kids' ramen (370 calories.) A bit bland but most of that restaurant's stuff is bland anyways :/ and everything is overpriced so I didn't feel so robbed to pay 4.50GBP for a meal instead of their usual 10+ (and 1000cals+ dishes..)
    Even their salads are 750+ cals..
  • 5,983
    Hiked for two hours yesterday, and have been hiking a lot for the past week - probably an average of an hour every other day.

    Dark Azelf

  • 7,210
    • Seen Jun 2, 2024
    Username: Dark Azelf
    Overall Fitness Goal: Aesthetics, be big whilst also being shredded/cut.
    Summer Fitness Goal: Drop about 4% bodyfat so i get get to about the 9% bodyfat mark.
    Favorite Physical Activity: Weight training.


    Newish pic from about a month ago, about 153ish lbs 13% bodyfat i think here ? Im only like 5'4 so yeah haha!


    Year ago pic.

    Question: How do you deal with bloating? I've had a pot belly ever since I came back from vacation and it just doesn't seem to go away. I did more drinking than I normally do (none) but I don't think you could grow a beer belly in 3 weeks. I also have invisalign and it makes my teeth feel a bit numb --> chewing food less --> more gas? I eat plenty of vegetables every meal, around 300g cooked for lunch and dinner. Should I consider taking a laxative? I don't think it's plain blubber, it's hard for me to stand up straight, really strains my abdomen.

    Drink more water and cut your sodium intake, those are the most common reasons for bloat. Happens to me also.

    Does cardio really lead to muscle loss? .

    Honestly id say this depends on your body type and the intensity, time and type. Usually you wont lose muscle if you dont go over 90 mins continuous running at once. Also If you are an endomorph or mesomorph aka dont lose weight easily and your diet is in check then definitely not from your standard maintenance cardio. Plus like you said it increases fat oxidization especially at lower intensities and increases your metabolism. However id avoid doing sprints if i was low carbing as that uses a different energy type, aka more glycogen than fat. But apparently you become fat adapted rather than glucose when in ketosis. Im low carbing at the moment and im also in ketosis and havent lost muscle from doing steady 20 min cardio 3x a week. However if you are an ectomorph aka tall and skinny, struggle putting on muscle you are at risk from losing muscle from cardio id just try to not do cardio at all or keep it to a bare minimum.

    Also some of you guys may find this helpful. Im a qualified P.T and i also have a nutrition qualification and i also do bodybuilding and ive found that the following works for me and i use the following as a guideline;

    Complex Carbs (e.g oats, beans, potatoes, brown bread brown rice and brown pasta) are the ones you SHOULD eat. Simple (i.e sugary carbs; white bread, crisps, pasta, rice) carbs get broken down fast and the body stores it as fat if you dont use it quicky, so only eat simple carbs pre workout for energy (if you need it) and post workout to replace glycogen in muscles. Like 50 grams id recommend. These will influence if you gain or lose weight most of all. Complex carbs also fill you up so will also prevent you overeating as they take longer to digest due to the fiber.

    Eat as much veg as you want for minerals, fruit is ok slightly sugary though so try and limit this.

    Fats like peanut butter and nuts are great and also some saturates (in moderation) (go for about 60-90 grams of fat in total a day). Try and keep it unsaturated if you can. Saturated fats are in animal sources, unsaturated is in non animal sources like oils, nuts etc. Fats are essential for hormone maintenance too.

    As for protein, all meats and fish are great. Dairy products are great. Basically try and eat as natural as you can and keep your protein intake at 1.2-1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight per day if you want to maintain and build muscle, its needed for when you are weight training to repair the muscles too. This will help with the muscle gain and definition you are after. If you look slim but also flabby chances are you arent eating enough protein.

    Drink 1-2 gallons of water a day.

    Optional but really helpful: Multivit tablets, Fish Oil tablet.

    I also use this as a guideline


    *<50 grams of carbs per day for rapid weight loss along with the calorie deficit intake provided by that calc. You NEED to keep your protein high (1.2-1.8 grams of protein per lb of body weight) for this or the body will break down muscle tissue for energy. Eat lots of fats (steak, peanuts etc) for energy also. This is the one im using at the moment to strip myself of bodyfat and get definition. Not recommended for prolonged periods.

    *50-100 Grams of carbs per day for gradual weight loss along with the calorie deficit intake provided by that calc.

    *150 Grams of Carbs maintenance. See calc for calories

    150-200 grams: gradual weigh gain. See calc.

    *250+ grams. You'll either pile on weight and become obese or you run marathons lol.

    I find the rule of thumb with carbs is if you are an ectomorph and/or do prolonged duration exercise or stupidly intense exercises and are more active you need more carbs and obviously more calories. This also applies if you are lean as you have less fat stores to use. If you are en endomorph or mesomorph i.e are more prone to weight gain, you need less carbs and calories. Again all of this will be determined on your activity level so its best to find what works for YOU. Some people also have a bad metabolism which also needs to be taken into account.

    If you want to bulk up or build muscle obviously you need carbs again based on everything above and including a calorie surplus. (Add 500 onto what the calc above provided). If you are new just shoot for maintenance calories and just make sure you are eating right as you will make gains regardless. When you plateau then you should bulk up after maybe 1/2 years+ of weight training.

    Remember, the key to weight loss is insulin (and of course calorie in vs calories out). Insulin is activated by carbs. Insulin is a "storage" hormone, it either stores carbs as glygogen in the muscles/liver post workout or as fat any other time if you dont burn it off. TL;DR if you are eating a diet rich in carbs and arent burning that off every day, you are going to have a horrible time with weight loss see: most of the population these days lol.



    Interesting reads for when you have the time

    Anyway hope this helps some of you a little like it has me.

    If i missed anything i.e didnt elaborate, please let me know and i will. Typed this when i was tired lol.
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  • 5,983
    Is it possible/safe to learn weightlifting alone if you're really anal about the form? Or should there be a coach or somebody to guide you?

    Dark Azelf

  • 7,210
    • Seen Jun 2, 2024
    Is it possible/safe to learn weightlifting alone if you're really anal about the form? Or should there be a coach or somebody to guide you?

    Thats what the mirrors are for and not posing contrary to popular belief haha. ;)

    That or ask a P.T/Gym instructor if your form is ok.
  • 5,983
    Aww man but they're at the centre of the room :( The rubberized weightlifting platform thingies. Meh, here goes nothing.

    Dark Azelf

  • 7,210
    • Seen Jun 2, 2024
    Might aswell post my stuff to keep this alive.

    https://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/carb-backloading-to-get-lean Had ALOT of success with this which i am currently using. I will probably use this every time i cut from now on it has helped me that much.

    My current workout is a very high volume, i find i get the best results that way especially on my chest as it grows very slowly. Also burns a hell of a load of calories. I sometimes do lower volume but higher weight and lower reps, depends how i feel. Each session takes me around an hour and a half and i work to failure.

    My split is as follows, everything is 4x8-12 reps, bar lower body stuff (legs and Deadlifts) which is 5x2-6 reps with a much higher weight as i feel strength is more important than size in that regards.

    Chest and Triceps


    Rest Day (~20 mins steady paced cardio)

    Back, Biceps and Forearms


    Rest Day (20 mins stair climbs at moderate pace)

    Shoulders and Traps


    Rest Day

    Legs, Abs and any lagging muscles


    Rest Day


    As i said im going for a cut so its rather low carbs at the moment, as ive hit 13% bodyfat im gradually going to introduce carbs again but still keep calories low as i have less fat stores now so carbs become a little more important so might have some low GI carbs like a portion of brown rice or oats a day.

    A typical day is something like this.

    A-z multivit tablet. Fish Oil tablet. Vit C and Zinc tablet.

    5 Scrambled eggs (remove two yolks) with black pepper, chives, Onions and tomatoes

    A large cod filet with steamed veg and mature cheddar cheese

    Two hamburger patties with steamed veg and cottage cheese

    Natural Greek yoghurt with blueberries and double cream (optional, sometimes dont have the cream)

    Two Scoops Low Carb low calorie Whey Protein with Full fat milk (milk is for optional if i dont have the milk i put in some peanut butter). If this is a post workout shake i also eat some fruit to replace glycogen.

    Lean Minced Beef with Peas, tomatoes cooked in olive oil with various other veg in a tomoato and basil sauce with some cottage cheese and cracked black pepper.

    About 1700-1900ish kcals.
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  • 5,983
    I've finished my first week of working out. Making some gains - although they're less gains than me not knowing how heavy my real workload is.

    Since Wednesday, my bench is 115 -> 120 (More like 125 or 130, I decided to crazy on my last set and did 6 instead of 4), and my squat is 145 -> 160! I'm doing 3 sets of 2-4 (but really 4) a la your instructions, DA.

    I like to keep the intensity of my workouts up by sneaking in situp/crunch and arms sets in between my bench presses and squats (in that order lol). So I'd do my bicep curls and shoulder raises while waiting for my legs to recover, and do situps/crunches waiting for my chest to recover. I also do practice reps on another bench or cage with an empty barbell just to focus on the movement and feel it a bit more.

    I bought a "strong" multivitamin tablet, then looked at my diet, then looked back at the tablet. I now take them 3 times a week, I get enough of my nutrients from food already, and I don't want to overdose (I did the math, and I could be overdosing on some of the vitamins in a couple month's time. Okay maybe that's not overdose - more like overexposure, it's chronic in any case).

    My protein supplement is cottage cheese. It's 12 grams of protein per one gram of fat. I eat boring food like brown bread and milk. But they work pretty well. Cashews I've found to be a good source of fat in a pinch (we don't have avocados for some reason).

    Dark Azelf

  • 7,210
    • Seen Jun 2, 2024
    Well just posting here for progress, managed to drop down to 12/12.5ish % bodyfat and lost 1lb i believe.

    Abs are starting to show alot more and around the hip definition.


    So currently 5'4 152ish lbs 12/12.5%ish bf in that pic

    Ive increased my calories slightly to about 2000ish and ive also re introduced complex carbs (Oats, Brown Pasta, Brown Rice, Beans and Wholegrain Rhybread mainly) to about 70-100 grams on rest days and to about 150 ish on workout days as i now have less fat stores to utilize so carbs become a little more of a priority. So id say im on about 40 protein, 30/35 carbs, 25/30 fats atm. Added calories with the cardio seemed to have kicked my metabolism in the ass (in a good way) and helped me get over the lag i had come across during my cut.

    Ive also reintroduced some HIIT cardio on one of my cardio days i.e 6 sets 15/20 seconds sprints split up by like a gradual walk/jog in between each one to recover slightly. REALLY felt the DOMS the next day from those in my Quads, Abs, Traps (?_? lol), calves, serratus (also ?_? lol), obliques mainly. The sprints REALLY hammered me lol.

    Also split legs and shoulders up as that was taking ages.

    So current routine is this

    Chest and Tri + 15/20 mins stair climbing
    Rest Day with 20 mins steady state cardio
    Back, Bi and Forearms
    Rest Day with HIIT cardio
    Shoulders and 15/20 mins stair climbing
    Rest Day
    Legs and abs and any lagging muscles

    Pleased with the progress from this so far, upper body is also still looking reasonably full too but with visible fat loss and vascularity, especially on chest.

    Im still at a caloric deficit, so gonna do this until i get to below 10% and take it into a gradual bulk up.

    On a side note


    I have a new found love for these, they are awesome.


    Cant grumble with the nutrients either. Low calories, low fat, reasonable carb, high fiber and a gram of protein per slice. They also go with everything, cream cheese and smoked salmon and even peanut butter on them is just <3 lol. Plus they are also really cheap to buy. :P
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  • 180
    • Seen Aug 12, 2023
    A small tip for people who are doing split bodypart days, try having 2 days (one at beginning of week, and one at the end) for legs if you feel you're lacking there. When your lower body gets worked on correctly, your upper body will follow, especially if you do ATG squats (ass to grass). Remember, legs have separate push and pull (front and back) parts, too!


    Anyway, I plan on getting into working out again as soon as this little nick in my upper left back goes away. My plan is a 3 day a week compound exercise routine. It's actually Mark Rippetoe's starting strength program of which I've had damn good results before in the past (also good for people just getting back into working out after a long period). It has 2 workouts that you alternate.

    Week 1: A, B, A
    Week 2: B, A, B

    Workout A:
    ATG Squats 3x5
    Flat Bench Press 3x5
    Deadlift 1x5

    Workout B:
    ATG Squats 3x5
    Standing Overhead Press 3x5
    Powerclean 3x3

    The primary goal of this workout is to add weight to the bar as quickly as possible, but seeing as I'm a fair bit older than the last time I've worked out, I'm gonna take it a little easy on that. I plan on doing this routine until my strength gains start having some noticeable diminishing returns, and then I'm gonna go for Bill Starr's 5x5 workout.

    As far as diet goes, I've always had a problem with a strict diet plan. It hasn't hindered me at all, but, again, seeing as I'm a little older I think it'd be a good idea to have somewhat of a diet plan.


    Edit: This image bothers the hell out of me and I need to address it.
    1. Fats are actually 9 calories per gram and do not directly correlate to gaining fat! Fat is gained from calories not burned, period! (barring genetics). Best sources of fat come from nut oils and olive oil. (This was the start of the overall discreditation of the picture...)
    2. The general rule of thumb for protein is actually 1 gram per lb of body weight.
    3. Fish supplements are a great source of omega 3's and healthy fats, it only indirectly helps you to get better workout results, but all in all, they're a great overall health resource for your heart, that's about it!
    4. I know yogurt is healthy, but, seriously?
    5. Cayenne pepper? WTF?
    6. I'd love to see the study of green tea helping to reduce fat absorption by 33%... If that's true, I'd be drinking only that for the rest of my life.

    A couple of other things to mention: Everyone has a six pack, if you want yours to be visible, then yes, you gotta exercise while you're on a calorie deficit (cutting) diet. Don't discredit certain lower body workouts (particularly squats and deadlifts) for working out your core. They workout your core isometrically, rather than actively though, but only if you don't use assistance such as the belt thing.
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  • 5,983
    There's no general rule of thumb for protein, that's broscience. So is the infographic, anyways. If you're gaining muscle and strength yes, but for people looking for other fitness goals really don't need to. Especially for getting a six pack, that's fat reduction. And to me cardio is much more relevant for fat reduction than exploiting the higher energy cost of digesting protein.

    Yogurt can be a good source of protein and calcium, as well as fat if you're lacking it or find it difficult to eat.

    I like the workout split though, might want to do that some time when I have the time.
  • 180
    • Seen Aug 12, 2023
    Yeah, I know the whole protein thing is broscience, I was just correcting the broscience from the infograph :P.

    Generally for diets some have gone for a split among what calories they intake. Like 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat for example, or 40-40-20. That's just a rough number as there's all sorts of combinations that go with it, but I think you catch my drift. Honestly my only rules in dieting while exercising are to split up my meals into 4-5 meals throughout the day, drink a protein shake right after workout, and eat lots of meats and vegetables. It's worked great for me before, but I can only imagine how much better off I'd be if I went with a proven diet plan with the right amounts of everything when strength training.
  • 5,983
    So ... are you going to bother with signing up? :D It's nice to see more people getting involved with this club :P
  • 180
    • Seen Aug 12, 2023
    Oh! XD Yes I'll sign up. Haha.

    Username: Darkroman
    Overall Fitness Goal: Overall I want to get 300/400/500 on Bench, Squat, and Deadlift respectively. My short term goal for right now is just get back to where I was prior to when I stopped lifting.
    Summer Fitness Goal: Considering summer is over, my goal by next summer is to have more muscle mass, and a little less bodyfat.
    Favorite Physical Activity: Weights
  • 5,983
    Sometimes I notice these girls that look bootylicious but I think it's because lordosis as their backs are unusually curved. Does that come from squatting too much? Is it something to watch out for?


    Back and ready to babble!
  • 630
    I think Imma join!

    I'm planning on going vegetarian (an S.O.E. Vegetarian - Special Occasion-Exempt. Kind of a silly title, I know :3) because I'll drop weight much faster! Well... there are a multitude of other reasons, but that one is relevant to this thread. So if you're a meat-lover, I won't judge you at all, so don't castigate me! D:< Also, I plan to avoid things like corn syrup, artificial dies (ESPECIALLY Red 44) and things of the like. Now when it comes to exercise, when I get enough money I plan to buy a treadmill. In summer I have to use it because I can't go outside due to my severe entomophobia. I am, however, making the most of the recent cold by walking and biking. So let's fill out the sign-up form...

    Oh, okay, there is none! Great :D Sign me up, please!