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[Showcase] I'm a Lazy, Lazy Man, Roger


Ya'll Are Weird
  • 543
    The Lazy Something of Some Dude

    Introduction? Yawn.

    Hey, whatchy'all know good? My name is Patrick, and this some shtuff I uploaded because why not, right?

    I don't really do much illustration unless there's a good reason for it. I prefer to work on comics, animations and games. Having said that, you'll find that I really enjoy bringing characters to life, and while having fun with them, I really like to make them relatable as well. I'm not much for seriousness or realism, so everything I do is a little silly.

    One more thing. I love Nidos ('Rina especially), but honestly it's not nearly as extreme as I make it out to be. The fact is that I own a website that's for the fans of the Nidoran family, and we all contribute to it. Partially as obligation, I do a lot of artwork for the site, so there may be a whole lotta Nido in this gallery since I normally don't draw anyway.


    Maybe I'll eventually learn some CSS and make this presentable. But I'm a lazy, lazy man, Roger.

    Generic Pokemon


    Stuff That Like... Isn't Pokemon


    Pokemon Characters from Comics, Shorts, Games, etc. (or the meat of this gallery)


    That's all for now. Sorry if everything's so overwhelmingly Nido (read: I'm not sorry at all).

    Now if you excuse me, I must get back to doing important things. *sits in chair and falls asleep*
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    Your work is incredible. It really brought a smile to my face, I also really enjoyed your animation. I don't really have any critique for you, I just simply loved your work and thoroughly enjoyed flicking through it, watching the animation, and in general just being in awe of your fantastic style and talent.

    I hope you keep sharing it with us. I'll be looking forward to all updates!

    It would be redundant and borderline condescending if I sit here, on the other end of this computer, and pretend to "critique" your gallery. We all know that your lines are amazing, shading, style, blah blah blah. A critique isn't what you posted this gallery for, mostly because this thread is a product of pressure from me and other members, partially because you've said yourself that it's difficult to "rate" drawings that are just /that/ good.

    What I do see here, is a true labor of love. Obviously, the Nido-family isn't what your professional artistic life consists of. So what I see is a true artist who has a profoundly intellectual and charming relationship with a character and uses that character for the more casual elements of his life. This gallery epitomizes what I love most about art. Maybe it's because I'm also on the verge of a real professional career in the industry, but the lighthearted and the sheer lack of ostentatious-ness compounded by the clear talent you have really reminds me that art is anything and everything you want it to be.. but above all, it's fun. You have the ability, the skill, and the resources to pursue something so much greater than A&D.. so much greater than you probably believe yourself. Yet, you chose to be here, giving advice to fellow fledgling artists. That's what makes this gallery so amazing.

    This thread, and I know I'm speaking for the entire A&D community when I say this; is real. It's clever, it's well done, it's hilariously absurd, and it's real. I hope I can be half as talented as you are... I'm sure you've inspired a great deal of us and I am not excluded from that. As I said to you before, your gallery makes me want to draw. I think you've given true prestige to all those stupid, derpy, ridiculous doodles of Pokemon that we all do. It's glamorous, brother. Please keep going.

    One more thing. Your gallery makes me feel like this :
    I am in awe of your work! The lines and coloring is magnificent, especially in this one. Nidorina's eyes and blush just make her personality stick out so much more. Glad you went for lineless too, that really brings more attention to the amazing coloring! Can't really critique much either since I really like your style and especially how you color.

    Keep it up, please! Would love to see you update regulardly! <3
    Thanks guys. Makes me wish I was less of a sloth. Honestly, lots of very talented artists inspire me every day, but unlike those who have blogs where they post daily, mostly because others are doing it as motivation, that method does not work for me. I'd rather sit under a tree in the sun or something. It's funny because I guess that's my disposition overall, I'm very laid back. I'll get the job done but I'm totally nonchalant about it. But I'm also a perfectionist to a degree, too, and I'm hardest on myself most of all. Does that even make sense?

    If nothing else, I'll be taking some lessons from Alex Woo eventually. Why? Honestly because I can. I'm not even doing this stuff professionally anymore (again, barring game assets). That's just how weird I am about art. @_@ I love it to death, and am willing to learn from all the best people, but I prefer to do it for free (and it drives some people nuts for some reason?).

    Maybe that's the reason right there as to why bloggers like to keep a pace with each other. Most artists are trying to find work with their art. I just want to be a game producer/designer/director (these are not the same as developer and content creator, those of you out there who are pursuing a career in the VG industry). Granted, you still have to work your way up to those, but I'm going to school currently for that managerial stuff so I actually know what the heck I'm talking about when I get to those roles. If nothing else, I need to learn marketing so bad. ;__;

    Anyway, I'll post up whatever stuff I do from Woo's lessons, that'll be fun. :D

    I guess my to do list includes more Tezuka stuff, but the only thing I can guarantee is whatever I'm doing for Valentine's Day. And the Alex Woo stuff. But I shall try to try to post more things in this gallery. For great justice. ;^;

    Alexial357: Holy crud, I think you know me better than I know myself. Everything you said makes a lot of sense, and yet I've never really thought about it. But yeah, for me, art is just something I do for fun *shrug*. It's a relaxation thing. Did you draw that Nidoran yourself? That's so awesome looking, wherever it came from. :D
    i am so jealous of your art skills. you're amazing at like everything. you have such a wide variety. looking at your artwork brought a smile to my face.
    i love this picture so much. i wish there was more focus on the drawings. it made me laugh. it's too cute. i love the idea of these pictures so much!
    i love this drawing. you're so good at shading, it's crazy. i love the eyes how they are so glossy they just glow! i love how you made her blush, it's so cute.
    the vulpix is so cute. it bothers me but idk why. i think it's because it's so different than all the works in your gallery. i think the pointed paws are what it is xD
    i can't wait to see more.

    Nooooo, not my generic comments!

    Holy Toledo, Patrick actually updated with something. Granted, I had school, and to be fair, the last update I made for Aqua Bunny was for Valentine's Day. If I'm not active there, you know something's up.

    I'm gonna go the route of Anastasia and make each new post its own gallery rather than update the first, because new stuff'll probably be missed, and there's far too much in the first post anyway.

    What's New?

    Non Aqua Bunny Stuff


    Aqua Bunny Related and Other Poke Characters
    No man should ever be without his or her daily dose of Nido. And those other creatures, I forget what they're called.​





    Yeah, I guess that's it. Next time, hopefully I'll have wonderful and amazing things. Which I'll bet a buffalo nickel'll primarily be Poke personalities, but whaterya gonna do?​

    Also, I should be starting up my classes with Alex Woo pretty soon, and guess what? I'm gonna meet Bill Plympton on Thursday. Totally rads, ya'll. :D​
    Dbp, as usual, your update is beautiful (love that, "non aqua bunny stuff?" lol nope").

    Nidorina, looking beautiful and sassy as ever. <3;

    Your characters are so unique, so amazing. I love the idea of starting an ask Charlotte tumblr, to be honest. There's so much depth to your characters and bring them more overall attention can never be a bad thing. <3; So to reiterate, I support this!

    Always looking forward to more! Please, please, please keep them coming!

    Yeah, uh, update. If you feel like you've had too much Nido (preposterous! Such a notion simply cannot exist. In fact, you all are Nido deficient as I assume no one else is giving you what you gotta have), then this update is... no different.

    But ALSO in this update, there's some non-Pokemon artwork. For reals this time, no fake outs. One more note, this update does not include all work I've done since last time. Where's the fun in giving every thing away?

    More Things.



    Generic Pokemon
    Comments indented and italicized from Aqua Bunny website​


    FUN Pokemon

    Comments indented and italicized from Aqua Bunny website​


    That's it for this update.

    Coming up next… a full animation? Hah, don't I wish.​
    My mind is blown.

    Seriously, your kind of talent is the kind I've been trying to acquire for a long time. Are you a professional artist or do you plan to be one? Are you self-taught? Because with an understanding of cartooning like this, you could go a loooong way! And you don't draw in the same style all the time, too, that alone is incredible! I'm kind of at a loss for words... what more can I say other than your art is on par with people like Lauren Faust's!
    Oh wow you're work's amazing DHP. I'm jealous. The comics really made em laugh and alot of your art's really cute. I love this one for some reason cause it's kind of true ahahaha.

    But all of it is really amazing and I find it neat how you can incorprate the Nido family in so many way if that makes sense ahaha. Nothing to critique you on really. I've seen your avatars and signature before, but I would have never though you were the one who made all of them yourself. It's all fun looking and excellent work, especially for SAI.

    I was wondering the same as Snowdrop, are you self taught or did you have professional classes?
    Again you've left me speechless. Are critiques even... anything? I think not. You're art is immaculate as ever.

    I always come back to this gallery thinking that I want to spend more time on my raw doodles. I become so overly invested in these huge, gigantic pieces that I end up completely exasperated.. and coming back here always reminds me that I need to get back to having fun. Clean linework isn't be be all end all, and just one brush can accomplish a goal.

    Seeing your gallery reminds me of the kind of artist I want to be. :] Awesome update, Patrick. Can't wait to see that animation.
    your new batch of art are awesome and cute as always!!! :D
    i lol'ed at the Father's Day comic xD
    your rabbit doodles are cute. :3 i like wabbits. <3
    Are you a professional artist or do you plan to be one? Are you self-taught? Because with an understanding of cartooning like this, you could go a loooong way!

    AWsquared said:
    I was wondering the same as Snowdrop, are you self taught or did you have professional classes?

    Ah... both, and I guess I was? I mean that depends on your definition of professional. If I did full time work, then yes, but I was never a J.G. Quintel or anything. Even then, my work now is better than it was even when I was doing it professionally (what I learned then helped a lot, though).

    Almost everything I learned, though, came from working professionals. All of them though are way better at what they do than I am doing just a little bit of what they have, but I find it's great to learn straight from the top where possible. I'm always learning new techniques and tricks, too. Right now my thing is really focusing on silhouette and readability, the whole point behind the Felix picture. I want to make sure my art always reads clearly.

    For the most part, doing this stuff is how I relax, I don't really want it to become work again as well. However, I don't mind creating art assets for games when needed, which is what I've been doing lately among other things such as QA.

    And you don't draw in the same style all the time, too, that alone is incredible!

    If you could attribute an attention span to artistic ability, mine would be on the short end, and flighty at that. I like to try new things and break rules where I can to keep myself stimulated. Having said that, I don't go to the extreme end (except occasionally) and draw weird for weird's sake. Too much of that becomes tiring to look at. This is probably where the professional influences come in. Comics like Bone and Disney/Pixar's best stuff keep me fairly grounded. {:3}

    I find it neat how you can incorprate the Nido family in so many way if that makes sense ahaha

    That's character development at work (technical, not the in universe definition). :D I don't think you could really involve most if not all the Pokemon, generically, in too much of anything aside from some cute/cool situations and a few quick jokes/wordplay/puns. The well of the generic Pokemon runs dry fairly quickly, which is why people will either create characters, create a scenario or assign them to trainers. Depends on what people are more comfortable with.

    Can't wait to see that animation.

    Haha, that makes two of us, then. I won't believe it when I'm finished. I won't believe it IF I finish! A jab at my lengthy production times...
    I love this! It is so great! Since I love Nidoran and Nidoran (lol) this is freaken brilliant to me. keep up the good work! I am pumped for more. :D

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    ^lol, my email said something entirely different.

    Anyway, jumped in to say (outside of "I like Didi too even though she's not supposed to exist yet") that if you liked that sprite animation of Didi which I assume you were gonna change your avatar into, then you'll probably like, uh... "something else" that I'll hopefully have done before the month is over.

    Don't mind me, I'm always secretive. So secretive in fact that I'm STILL working on that Valentine's Day thing. Just yesterday, even.

    Okay, yeah, time to go back into hiding. I'll try not to bump this anymore until I have something worth showing. :I
    Well, you are marvelous! :D

    Well, maybe one day. The gif ain't working. :C
    There's a lot of artwork this time, which I'll explain later. This time it's all Pokemon and all related to Aqua Bunny in some fashion (which essentially means character Pokemon). I remember writing something a long while ago about wanting to draw a bunch of Pokemon characters like Anastasia?​


    Related to Pokemon Y:​

    Tumblr December Pokemonathon Dealie:​

    Cause it's Christmas Time:​

    As you can see, I still have some days left to do in the drawathon. That means that (for a change) this gallery should see another update as soon as the rest are done! I wonder who I'm gonna draw next*... 9.9​

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    Here's the rest of the POKEDDEXY entries...

    Tumblr POKEDDEXY Dec 2013:

    I'm certainly tired of drawing now.