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☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events


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    [PokeCommunity.com] ☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events


    [a id]aa_news[/a id]
    ★ NEWS ★
    12/28/19 - Long time no see! I am back and updating my shop to reflect the new Pokemon Sword and Shield pokemon and demand! I will be focusing on Pokemon with Hidden Abilities and Shinies.
    05/05/13 - New DWF: Ducklett, Pidove, Buneary, Nosepass, Spinda, Shellos, Seel, and Chansey. DWF collection complete! :DDD Thanks Maj48!
    05/03/13 - New DWF: Pinsir and Skorupi.
    04/30/13 - New DWF: Mankey and Emolga.
    04/29/13 - New DWF: Blitzle.
    04/28/13 - New DWF: Numel, Maractus, Aerodactyl, Spearow, Chinchou, Girafarig, Slugma, Magby, Miltank, Corphish, and Absol.
    04/27/13 - New DWF: Spinarak.
    04/26/13 - New DWF: Yanma.
    04/25/13 - New DWF: Skitty, Shieldon, Minccino, Axew, Glameow, and Karrablast.
    04/24/13 - New DWF: Psyduck.
    04/23/13 - New DWF: Rattata, Bouffalant, Carvanha, and Spheal.
    04/22/13 - New DWF: Sandile.
    04/21/13 - Caterpie, Surskit, Seviper, Trubbish, Lillipup, Zubat, Swinub, Rogenrolla, Gible, Natu, Lileep, Elekid, Makuhita, Tympole, Shinx, and Heatmor.
    04/20/13 New DWFs: Woobat, Krabby, Corsola, Chatot, Horsea, Hoothoot, Wooper, Teddiursa, Zigzagoon, Zangoose, Combee, Sewaddle, Venipede, and Cubchoo.
    04/19/13 - New DWFs: Trapinch, Heracross, Purrloin, Grimer, Sentret, Lapras, Electrike and Snubble.
    04/18/13 - New layout! New DWFs: Barboach, Shelmet, and Finneon.
    04/17/13 - New DWFs: Bellsprout, Doduo, Lickitung, Omnatyte, Mareep, Qwilfish, Phanpy, Lotad, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Croagunk, Alomomola, Stunfisk, and Pawniard.
    04/14/13 - New DWFs this week: Pikachu, Clefairy, Oddish, Geodude, Farfetch'd, Shellder, Scyther, Snorlax, Ledyba, Sunkern, Delibird, Skarmory, Smoochum, Cacnea, Tropius, Budew, Crandios, Mantyke, Darumaka, Tirtouga, Solosis, Vullaby, and Durant.
    04/11/13 - New DWFs this week: Sandshrew, Paras, Onix, Sudowoodo, Remoraid, Stantler, Larvitar, Shroomish, Sableye, Aron, Wailmer, Anorith, Starly, Burmy, Spiritomb, Snover, Audino, and Elgyem.
    04/1/13 - Set up a prettier shop with help from twilightblade and twistedpuppy's template. Still mostly their work, but with some tweaks. ^_^; New DWFs this week: Audino, Poochyena, and Illuminese.

    [a id]aa_notes[/a id]
    ★ NOTES ★

    [a id]aa_rules[/a id]★ RULES & NOTES
    NEW RULE When requesting a HAF trade, please list the pokemon AND it's DW ability -- this makes it easier for me to double check that I'm giving you the correct poke, especially for large trades.
    ☆ I have all pokemon in the national dex, but I will not list them as that would get tedious. If you're looking for something in particular just ask.
    ☆ I clone shinies and events.
    ☆ DO NOT redistribute any pokemon with my trainer ID without permission. This applies to events, shinies, EV/IV trained -- not DWFs.
    ☆ Make it clear if you don't want me to redistribute pokemon you trade me (this may affect whether or not I want to trade).
    ☆ I can breed DWFs for natures but it may take longer.
    ☆ No voice chat, please.
    ☆ AR Codes: cloning, quick egg hatch, IV/EV checker.
    ☆ I don't trade hacks on purpose but I do a lot of trading! If you discover a pokemon I traded you is hacked, I will trade back ASAP.

    [a id]aa_wants[/a id]★ WANTS
    ☆ Pokemon with Hidden Abilities that are not listed in my stock
    ☆ Events I do not have and am able to redistribute
    ☆ Shinies I do not have and am able to redistribute

    [a id]aa_pending[/a id]★ PENDING TRADES
    none at the moment

    [a id]aa_ids[/a id]
    ★ IDS ★

    [PokeCommunity.com] ☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events
    OT: Kit | ID: 683660
    FC: SW-3632-3214-2628

    [PokeCommunity.com] ☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events
    White 2
    OT: Kit | ID: 37342
    FC: 1979 9580 2483

    [PokeCommunity.com] ☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events
    Black 2
    OT: Sea Fox | ID: 29033
    FC: 4471 1144 5772

    [PokeCommunity.com] ☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events
    OT: Sea Fox | ID: 17392
    FC: 4857 6616 9303

    [a id]aa_dwfs[/a id]
    ★ Hidden Ability Females ★

    [ GENERATION: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII ]

    [a id]aa_1[/a id]★ GENERATION I
    #037 Vulpix ★ Drought
    #037 Rapidash ★ Anticipation - Galarian

    [a id]aa_2[/a id]★ GENERATION II

    [a id]aa_3[/a id] GENERATION III

    [a id]aa_4[/a id]★ GENERATION IV

    [a id]aa_5[/a id]★ GENERATION V
    #529 Drilbur ★ Mold Breaker

    [a id]aa_6[/a id]★ GENERATION VI

    [a id]aa_7[/a id]★ GENERATION VII

    [a id]aa_8[/a id]★ GENERATION VIII
    #831 Grimmsnarl ★ Pickpocket
    #851 Centiskorch ★ Flame Body

    [a id]aa_events[/a id]
    ★ EVENTS ★

    Coming soon.

    [a id]aa_shinies[/a id]
    ★ SHINIES ★

    Coming soon.

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    filler filler filler filler filler filler~~~
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    arrr i be sexy filler there matey
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    I should have mentioned this in the list but my Keldeo WIN2013 is level 100 and trained (not EV trained), let me know if that makes you no longer interested. The other events are untouched.

    I'm interested in:
    (darkrai)#491 ダークライ (LV 50)
    OT: アルミア ID: 03208
    Timid - Bad Dreams - 11/18/09/18/12/31 - Untouched
    Dark Void - Dark Pulse - Shadow Ball - Double Team

    #492 SHAYMIN (LV 50)
    OT: TRU ID: 02089
    Timid - Natural Cure - 24/24/17/00/10/15 - Untouched
    Seed Flare - Substitute - Energy Ball - Aromatherapy

    (arceus) #493 アルセウス (LV 100)
    OT: えいがかん ID: 07189
    Adamant - Multitype - 07/15/22/18/05/18 - Untouched
    Judgement - Roar of Time - Spacial Rend - Shadow Force

    #386 DEOXYS (LV 50)
    OT: Gamestp ID: 06218
    Timid - Pressure - 05/24/15/00/16/30 - Untouched
    Psycho Boost - Zap Cannon - Iron Defense - ExtremeSpeed

    Do you also still have that shiny pansage you were going to trade me? If not, it's not a big deal, but I figured I would ask.

    I'll be around today until 5:30pm CST if these trades sound okay. I'll be gone for a few hours after that but back on later in the evening.

    I knew I was forgetting someone :l Sorry about that. I still have yours in my Black, but all my events are in my White. So add both of the FCs and I'll gift you the Pansage first.
    Hello !

    I'm interested in the following DWF you offer:

    In exchange, I offer you to following DFW:
    Kricketot (Run away)
    Whismur (Rattled)
    Mime Jr. (Technician)
    Spoink (Gluttony)

    I bred them, so they all are level 1.

    If you need additional details or want to negociate, don't be shy !
    I actually just obtained a DWF Kricketot so if you have another I don't have to offer, that would be preferable, but if not I'll still trade you those four. ^_^

    I'm sorry, the only other DWF I have is Munna, which you already have. My pokémon are stored on my White version, so register the appropriate Friend code. By the way, would you rather have a Mime Jr. or a Mr. Mime ?
    I'm sorry, the only other DWF I have is Munna, which you already have. My pokémon are stored on my White version, so register the appropriate Friend code. By the way, would you rather have a Mime Jr. or a Mr. Mime ?
    Let's go with Mr. Mime so it's easier to breed, thanks! :3 I need to get ready to go out tonight now but I have your pokemon ready if you're around tonight we can trade. I'll probably be back around 9:30 CST, otherwise PM me with your availability tomorrow/this weekend and we'll figure something out.
    Let's go with Mr. Mime so it's easier to breed, thanks! :3 I need to get ready to go out tonight now but I have your pokemon ready if you're around tonight we can trade. I'll probably be back around 9:30 CST, otherwise PM me with your availability tomorrow/this weekend and we'll figure something out.

    Actually, I've just got a DWF Kabuto, so I'll be able to breed one for you.
    How about shiny ponyta?

    Thanks everyone! I'll be around today until 5:30pm CST if these trades sound okay. I'll be gone for a few hours after that but back on later in the evening.

    Shiny Ponyta for it sounds good. Just PM me when you're available to trade please. :)
    sorry about the late reply :P is the gamestop keldeo UT? I don't want the trained one anymore sorry :( do you want genesect or celebi for it?
    sorry about the late reply :P is the gamestop keldeo UT? I don't want the trained one anymore sorry :( do you want genesect or celebi for it?
    The gamestop keldeo is untrained. ^_^ I will take celebi. Are you available to trade now?
    ☆ GameStop SPR2013 Meloetta x 2
    --Docile / Adamant ★ Untouched
    Can offer you these pokemon, all are shiny :
    Gastly, sandile, duskull, event eevee untouched, event sceptile untouched, as stated all are untouched :)
    can i trade for the followingpokemon i send a list of what i have to trade they marked as DONE
    ☆ #215 Sneasel ★ Pickpocket

    ☆ #353 Shuppet ★ Cursed Body

    #546 Cottonee ★ Chlorophyll
    ☆ #561 Sigilyph ★ Tinted Lens
    ☆ #582 Vanillite ★ Weak Armor
    can i trade for the followingpokemon i send a list of what i have to trade they marked as DONE
    ☆ #215 Sneasel ★ Pickpocket

    ☆ #353 Shuppet ★ Cursed Body

    #546 Cottonee ★ Chlorophyll
    ☆ #561 Sigilyph ★ Tinted Lens
    ☆ #582 Vanillite ★ Weak Armor

    I have these ready when you're around to trade. ^_^
    i'm interested in ☆ #072 Tentacool ★ Rain Dish untouched
    offering DWF druddigon untouched
    Hi Kitori :)

    DW female request: Tangela and Nidoran (female).
    DW female offer: Basculin and Abra.

    [Trade complete, thanks Kitori :D ]
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