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☆ ★ ☆ Sea Fox Trading Co. ~ DWF, Shinies, Events

Hi Kitori :)

DW female request: Tangela and Nidoran (female).
DW female offer: Basculin and Abra.

Hey Pardal! ^_^ I'll get those ready for you. I'll be around pretty much all night, send me a PM when you want to trade.
Hi Kitori, me again :)

DWf request: Poochyena, Sigilyph, Growlithe, tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Drowzee, Exeggcute, Mr. mime, Whismur, Scraggy, Joltik.

DWf offer: Spiritomb, Elgyem, Sableye, Larvitar, Onix, Sandshrew, Aron, Staravia, Shroomish, Stantler, Snover, Sudowoodo. (I already have them ready).

[Trade completed, thanks Kitori :D ]
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Hi Kitori, me again :)

DWf request: Poochyena, Sigilyph, Growlithe, tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Drowzee, Exeggcute, Mr. mime, Whismur, Scraggy, Joltik.

DWf offer: Spiritomb, Elgyem, Sableye, Larvitar, Onix, Sandshrew, Aron, Staravia, Shroomish, Stantler, Snover, Sudowoodo. (I already have them ready).

Hey Pardal! I'll get them ready for you tonight. ^_^
Well I have events!Like Shaymin,Darkrai,Mew,Victini,Jiachi,Black Rayquaza,And Celebii

Well, I would definitely be interested in the black rayquaza if it's legit. ^_^;; I'm not sure that's a fair trade though! Were there any other DWFs you were interested in?
Updated the DWF list, new this week: Sandshrew, Paras, Onix, Sudowoodo, Remoraid, Stantler, Larvitar, Shroomish, Sableye, Aron, Wailmer, Anorith, Starly, Burmy, Spiritomb, Snover, Audino, and Elgyem.
OMG you got a dwf sableye. idk what to trade you, but i must have it. i also need dwf abra
Updated DWF list with Pikachu, Clefairy, Oddish, Geodude, Farfetch'd, Shellder, Scyther, Snorlax, Ledyba, Spinarak, Sunkern, Delibird, Skarmory, Smoochum, Cacnea, Tropius, Budew, Crandios, Mantyke, Darumaka, Tirtouga, Solosis, Vullaby, and Durant.
I hate to bug you with this, but is there any chance that you or anyone else in this thread has some spare event Pokes that I could have? I have several starters that I can breed, as well as some rarer Pokemon that someone may useful. c:
I hate to bug you with this, but is there any chance that you or anyone else in this thread has some spare event Pokes that I could have? I have several starters that I can breed, as well as some rarer Pokemon that someone may useful. c:

Sorry, but my events are for trade only for other events, if I give them away I wont be able to expand my collection (which is pretty small so far). :C
Anything you might want in exchange for a DWF Poliwag? I don't really have too much, so I'm just wondering so I can see what I can offer.
Do you have any DWFs? You can send me a PM and we can figure something out.
Hi, I would like a DWF Shuckle(Contrary) if possible. I don't have any DWFs that you don't have. Is there perhaps something else I could give you?