👹Coldness Lies Here 👹
Ghost Pokémon Club
Ghost Pokémon Club
[a id]rules[/a id]
2. Be respectful and kind toward others.
3. Discuss only Ghost type Pokémon here!
4. Do your best to keep the club active and most of all, have fun!
5. Sign up using the form. Everyone can choose One Ghost Type Pokémon when joining.
6. *NEW* If you join and make at least 13 posts, you have the option of turning your Partner Pokemon into a Shiny version! Once you have reached these posts, send me a message about your request.
*Quick Note: If you had changed your Username tell me and i will Update it for you!
Sign-Up Form:
Partner Pokemon:
Reason for Joining:
Answer the Current Topic!:
[a id]discussion[/a id]
~Discussion Topics~
~Past Topics~
1.What is your Favorite Ghost Type Pokemon? and Why?
2. What is your Favorite Ghost Type attack? and Why?
3. What Ghost-Type would you like to see get a Mega Evolution? and why?
4. What is your Favorite Shiny Ghost type Pokemon and Why?
5. To haunt the people of any region, what Ghost type Pokemon would do the best job? Why?
6. Which Ghost type have you used in your recent Playthrough?
7. Which Ghost-type Pokémon has the most Creepiest Pokédex entry?
8. Which is your Favorite Ghost Gym Leader/Elite Four Member? Why?
Ghost Pokémons
Grab the coding here!
Shiny Pumpkaboo
Shiny Pumpkaboo
[a id]members[/a id]
Current Members
2. Quajutsu *bulbagarden.net image removed*
3. Hikamaru*bulbagarden.net image removed*
4. Raiimeiste*bulbagarden.net image removed*
5. Oblox*bulbagarden.net image removed*
6. RayZax*bulbagarden.net image removed*
7. Hero of Twilight*bulbagarden.net image removed*
8. Electrizard *bulbagarden.net image removed*
9. Rain T *bulbagarden.net image removed*
10. MrDrPants *bulbagarden.net image removed*
11. Indigosis *bulbagarden.net image removed*
12. NYL *bulbagarden.net image removed*
13. sarcasm *bulbagarden.net image removed*
14. Spartacus *bulbagarden.net image removed*
15. Aslan *bulbagarden.net image removed*
16. nightsmith97 *bulbagarden.net image removed*
17. Google2.0 *bulbagarden.net image removed*
18. AmourPearlShipper (APS) / KorpiklaaniVodka *bulbagarden.net image removed*
19. Leader Nyx *bulbagarden.net image removed*
20. TwilightBlade*bulbagarden.net image removed*
21. kebab defender*bulbagarden.net image removed*
22. HollowGap*bulbagarden.net image removed*
CSS by TwilightBlade
[alink id=rules]rules[/alink id] - [alink id=discussion]discussion topics[/alink id] - [alink id=members]current members[/alink id]
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