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[2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge

  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 13,600
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    • Seen Jul 21, 2024

    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge

    2048 Spring Pokemon Challenge

    Wait What???
    I'm sure most of you are aware of the new memetic game 2048 in which you must slide the numbers to other numbers that match until you get all the way up to 2048. Since then there has been a ton of other versions and there is even a site where you can create your own!​

    So What
    So I decided to bring a little challenge to Pokemon Trivia. I have created a Spring Pokemon version myself and anyone who beat the game will get a little prize! But that isn't all. In the event that there are little who actually beat the game there will also be prizes for those who get the best score out of the ones who didn't beat the game so everyone wins!

    And what's even better? You'll get an emblem just for participating and submitting a score!​

    What do to
    - Play the game here.
    - There is a score at the top of the game board. Once you are finished playing print screen and submit your score via the image. This is simply to avoid any cheating (though in general I find it unlikely for it to happen. It's a 'just in case' scenario.)
    - If you happen to win the game (get all the way up to Shaymin) print screen the whole game board and submit it. Again, this is simply to avoid any cheating.
    - You are welcome to submit your score as many times as you'd like. The highest score will be taken at the very end for your final score.

    That's pretty much all there is to it.​

    The Prizes?
    - Anyone who Participates will get an Emblem.
    - The top three scores at the end of this challenge will get a Second Emblem
    - Those who beat the game may receive an HTML Usertitle (may or may not be limited to the first three).​

    This event will last about two weeks (March 29th - April 12th) so you have plenty of times to get scores in and beat the game!

    - ShayRayq (16092)
    - classiccartoonsftw (5300)
    - Dango (6492)
    - Black Ninetales (6276)
    - Mr. Flix - (3412)
    - waveguidebuizel (12364)
    - [supporter]Kyain[/supporter] (1036)
    - kokoromaix (6976)
    - alvmonster (15696)
    - Virtual Headache (14088)
    - [supporter]Zorogami[/supporter] (2400)​

    - Wobbu (20736)
    - Cherrim (22688)
    - TaichiWind (20224)​
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    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge

    This is the best I can do :\ I can't make it past Whimsicott. I'm not familiar with this game so I don't know if this is a high score or not lol

    I didn't print my whole screen so I've been struggling to beat this score so I can fix that lmao
    Haha that's okay! As long as you print screen that much it's fine. :) And to me that's pretty high I normally get 3-4k because I suck.
    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge

    Well, that was crazy. What had me confused was what became what when joined together.
    Like..Deerling becomes Bellossom? Or was it Buttefree? And then I'd screw up. Well, this is all I'll do for now. It was good.
    My first attempt at this challenge:

    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge

    EDIT: Here's my second attempt as well:
    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge
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    Aaaah congrats Wobbu! Updated the first post. Still putting the score for the 'winners' in the case that there are more than three or something. Haven't quite decided yet but I'll decide if it has to happen haha.

    (you did not say cherrim, but you did combine cherrim with 2048 which i've been addicted to for weeks so it's the same thing, really.)

    I have not been doing well at this one compared to other games so ignore the previous high score... this is the best I've done on this version so far.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge
    A Spring Pokemon anything without Cherrim would have been a disgrace imo. Glad you approve. ♥
    I haven't heard of this game until this thread, but man is this addicting! I've been playing it for quite a bit now, and I ended up with this. I learned that I'm pretty bad at this, with my normal scores around 3,000 to 4,000. :P I'll have to keep trying at this.

    [PokeCommunity.com] [2048] - Spring Pokemon Challenge
    Yaaay we have two winners now congrats Cherrim! There is still over a week left so be sure to get those scores in!