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5 Year Challengeversary!

Username: Brandiboo69
Game: SoulSilver
Favorite Challenge: Avatar Challenge

Green and Gold: Victreebel
Valentine: Ledian
Fish: Seaking
Challeggs: Togekiss
Slasher: Heracross
[REDACTED]: Nidoqueen

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball (Suicune)
-Complete an in-game trade (Bellosom for Onix)
-Revive a Fossil
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon (Red Gyrados)
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage (not sure yet)
-Win a bug catching contest
-Win a Pokeathelon event
Mini update: Since my other challenge had me playing Yellow yesterday, a game I've already completed, I spent most of the day blazing through this challenge and made it from the Jagged Pass all the way to Route 120, where I'm leveling up my latest party member, Absol. I'll probably squeeze in some play time tonight maybe, but my game for today for my other challenge is Silver and that one isn't done (actually recently restarted) sooooooo...

Anyway, my whole team is level 41 except for Absol, who is at 38.
I just went back to New Bark Town to catch Chinchou, and to stop by the ruins of alph to smash some rocks (where I received an Old Amber). I'm on my way to go face Morty.

The Slasher - Heracross Lv 16 [Mantis]
Moves: Aerial Ace, Tackle, Horn Attack, and Endure [I only use Aerial Ace and Endure (though I never really use endure), I haven't replaced it's other moves yet]

Eggcellent! - Slugma Lv 12 (kinda just hatched) [Mia]
Moves: Yawn, Smog, Ember, Rock Throw

REDACTED - Nidorino Lv 20 [Barney]
Moves: Fury Attack, Peck, Double Kick, Poison Sting (haven't been able to get it's recoil move yet)

The Fish - Chinchou Lv 20 [Perceus]
Moves: Flail, water Gun, Confuse Ray, Spark

Plan to get Natu right after defeating the kimono girls after defeating morty (I'll catch it with surf in the ruins of Alph), and hopefully Lickitung soon after that.

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion (Red)
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball (Suicune?)
-Revive a Fossil (Aerodactyl / Old Amber)
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage (Tyranitar)
-Win a Bug Catching Contest
-Win a Pokeathelon event
-Complete an in-game trade (Onix)
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon (Sudowoodo)
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Ah crap I was rather busy this month with mafia and apparently I lost my DS and just recently found it whoops. Give us a week extension and I think I can complete it. ;_:
I'm at the Team Rocket Hideout in Mahogany currently. I went back because it's Tuesday to compete in the bug catching contest and caught paras and won. Since my last update, I've defeated Morty, Chuck, and Jasmine. I've also finally gotten all but one of my party members (Lickitung can't be got until after I defeat Pryce).

Green and Gold - Xatu Lv 25 (going back to Goldenrod after this to get the Amulet Coin)
The Slasher - Heracross Lv 26 (knows Aerial Ace and Shadow Claw)
Eggcellent - Slugma Lv 24
REDACTED - Nidorino Lv 23 (still hasn't learned risk move)
The Fish - Chinchou Lv 24

(Missing team member = The Valentine - Lickitung/Lickylicky

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion (Red)
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball (Suicune?)
-Revive a Fossil (Aerodactyl / Old Amber)
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage (Tyranitar)
-Win a Pokeathelon event
-Complete an in-game trade (Onix)
-Win a Bug Catching Contest (Paras)
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon (Sudowoodo)
Definitely not playing OmegaRuby for the GT one. I don't know what it is about gen VI games, but I have the hardest time replaying them. :/
Continued my adventure, I just beat Claire, so am about to get Dratini :). Also won the Jackpot in game corner :D

Azumarill lvl 36
Ice Punch

Jigglypuff lvl 36 (Shiny ;D)
Body Slam
Ice Punch
Sweet Kiss

Scizor lvl 37
Metal Claw
Fury Cutter

Meganium lvl 35
Razor Leaf

Lanturn lvl 37
Thunder wave
Confuse Ray

Tasks left
-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion
-Catch Lugia without a Master Ball (I assume Suicune is mandatory?)
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Catch a Roaming Pokemon

Question, for the legendary to be caught, does it have to be Lugia, or does Suicune count. I caught Suicune in a Pokeball.

Update: Got my Dratini with Extremespeed, grinded up my team to level 40, encountered Entei inbetween, so caught it with my Master Ball.

Azumarill lvl 40
Ice Punch

Wigglytuff lvl 40
Body Slam
Ice Punch
Sweet Kiss

Scizor lvl 40
Metal Claw
Fury Cutter

Meganium lvl 40
Razor Leaf

Lanturn lvl 40
Thunder wave
Confuse Ray

Dragonair lvl 40
Thunder Wave

Tasks left
-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage

Another update: I travelled my way to the Pokemon League, mainly training Dragonair. Then I beat the pokemon league ;D.
Quick update on the E4:
Will: Scizor and Lanturn completely devastated him together.
Koga: Wigglytuff with Fire Punch and Scizor for Muk and Crobat
Bruno: Meganium using Reflect, his Machamp was tricky, had to paralyze him with Lanturn, but he kept getting criticals, until Scizor finally killed him.
Karen: Never been challenging, just swapped in the proper Pokemon to every of hers.
Then used all my Rare Candies and evolved Dragonair into Dragonite and murdered Lance with Dragonite's Ice Punch.

Azumarill lvl 40
Ice Punch

Wigglytuff lvl 40
Body Slam
Ice Punch
Fire Punch

Scizor lvl 42
Metal Claw
Fury Cutter
Swords Dance

Meganium lvl 41
Razor Leaf

Lanturn lvl 40
Thunder wave
Confuse Ray

Dragonite lvl 55
Ice Punch
Thunder Wave

All tasks done too, so I'm done with the challenge :)
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I'm rushing to complete the challenge tonight.

General Tasks
-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Revive a Fossil
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Complete an in-game trade
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Win a Bug Catching Contest
-Win a Pokeathelon event
I've been so busy that I don't think I'm gonna finish this. I would be closer but then I forgot my charger in town a couple days ago. Gonna see how far I can get today.
I'm probably not going to finish this. I don't know what it is about gen VI games, but I just...don't enjoy playing them very much. :/ It's hard for me to just get engrossed in them and play for more than an hour like I can with older games.

Anyway though, since it looks like a lot of us are not going to finish, if those of you that didn't finish would still like a Swablu, I'd be more than happy to trade one to you. My FC is in the 3DS postbit if you hover over it. If you see me online here on PC, then I'm likely available to trade with you, so just shoot me a message. :) I don't mind doing nicknames as well provided you ask when you message me about receiving your Swablu. I won't give away certain genders or natures though, sorry.

Thanks to everyone that participated, whether you finished or not! You're all a part of what makes this section great and kept it around for five years. I hope I'll still be here in five more years to celebrate another major milestone. :) Everyone go give Azazel a pat on the back for setting this event up. And thanks again for letting me plan this with you, Necrum. :)

PS: Everyone go play the GT event now. ;)
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Wattson was hard, like really hard. The only Pokémon I had at that point were Marill and Lombre (and an egg). All of Patty's moves weren't very effective on Magnemite and Magneton (Absorb, Astonish, Fake Out and Swift (Nature Power)). I had to grind by beating level 13 wild Pokémon and raised Jonnie to a level 28 Azumarill whose Bubblebeam was pretty useful, along Patty in lv32. Still it wasn't easy, but I managed to beat him using a super potion, paralyze heal and a quick claw on Jonnie.
It went a lot easier for a while then. Matthew (Torkoal) joined the party at the Fiery Path, followed by Slasher (Zangoose) on Route 114 and the hatching of Junior (Larvitar), who didn't have any attacks until level 23 in which she learned Rock Slide. (I chain bred Dragon Dance from Kingdra via Lapras and Rain Dance and Protect came along). In troublesome situations the high-leveled Jonnie and Patty could assist. With two strong water types, Flannery was a piece of cake to beat. Norman wasn't very hard either. Instead of using my whole team, I decided to make Matthew spam Curse in the double amount of turns thanks to Slaking's Truant, use one healing item and finish all Norman's Pokémon with Body Slam.
The ability to surf outside enabled it to get a good rod and catch my last team member, Fishy the Barboach. Winona didn't provide any trouble at all. I skipped the Gym and went to Lilycove City first, on the way back, Matthew learned Flamethrower and Fishy and Junior evolved into Whiscash and Pupitar respectively.
You wouldn't expect Tate and Liza to give any trouble to a team that has three Pokémon knowing Surf in it. Well, think again. Solrock knows Sunny Day. I wouldn't have made it (without using medicines) if Junior didn't know Rain Dance to counter it. Patty's Swift Swim came in handy too.
I continued the story, wrecked Team Magma, captured a Groudon (named it Force), beat Wallace and passed through the Victory Road. The Elite Four wasn't easy, Phoebe's Dusclops were really annoying. It would've been a lot easier if I were allowed to learn Shadow Ball to Slasher, but it doesn't count as a blade move. Glacia was easy, Slasher can use Swords Dance twice and use Slash to one-hit her first three Pokémon. The shell bell heals damage nicely and allow another use of Swords Dance against the second Glalie. After that Walrein can't survive a Slash either. The same worked for Drake, but I used Junior's Dragon Dance instead (Shelgon is too occupied with using Rock Tomb and protect to actually damage her). Steven requires some medicines to beat, but I used the same tactic, but with Matthew's Curse and Amnesia. Building up defense needs to full restores to get rid of the toxic poison Skarmory gives and one hyper potion is used later on. This worked fine if it wasn't for Cradily, which raised all of its stats twice with Ancient Power, but a retry made me Champion.

Some of the tasks were easy, some weren't. Reviving a fossil, catching Kecleon, building a secret base and in-game trading didn't take much effort. I caught Rayquaza on the fourth try, but none of the battles were really long, as my Pokémon have terrible levels compared to the legendary dragon. Junior still wasn't a Tyranitar upon entering the Hall of Fame, but rematching the Elite Four twice while she holds an experience share did the thing. Most problematic side quest was winning the contest. Jonnie has a decent moveset for tough contests, but I think I'm using the wrong berries for Pokéblocks. I fed him yellow blocks until he had enough and he only got five stars, while the opponents in Master Rank all have seven or eight. Anyway I won after some tries, but I don't really like contests, or at least not having to do them with a Pokémon suited for normal battles.

Final team
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Patty (♂), lv49, Swift Swim @Amulet coin
Surf, Giga Drain, Fake Out, Ice Beam

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Jonnie (♂), lv48, Huge Power @Sea incense
Surf, Rollout, Strength, Double Edge

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Matthew (♂), lv55, White Smoke @Quick claw
Flamethrower, Body Slam, Curse, Amnesia

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Slasher (♀), lv55, Immunity @Shell bell
Slash, Swords Dance, Crush Claw, Fury Cutter

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Junior (♀), lv56, Sand Stream @Hard stone
Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Crunch

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Fishy (♂), lv47, Oblivious @Soft sand
Surf, Earthquake, Amnesia, Rest

Tasks: 8/8
-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis Done
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball Rayquaza
-Complete an in-game trade Pikachu for Skitty
-Revive a Fossil Root fossil
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon Kecleon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage Junior (Tyranitar)
-Build a Secret Base and fully decorate it Done
-Win a Master Rank Contest Tough with Jonnie

Spoiler: Screenshots
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Lastly, thank you Azazel, for the event. I had fun playing it!
And thank you, Alli, for offering the Swablu. Sadly I don't have a 3DS, so I can't accept it, but I still appreciate the offer.
I beat the Elite Four!

Well the event is now over. I'll give out emblems within the week. Thank you all for playing! To five more years of Challenges!