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5 Year Challengeversary!


  • 5,090
    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

    5 years ago, Pokemon General Gaming was flooded with challenge threads. Threads which didn't really belong there, threads that encourages playing as opposed to discussion. Threads that stretched Pokemon as we know it into new forms and shapes. 5 years ago, those threads were gathered up, and moved into a new home. A home that we have all come to know and love as the Challenges Forum. It may not be the most popular forum, but it's ours. And so, I present to you, a retrospective in the form of a Challenge, built on the pieces of Challenges before it. The Anniversary Challenge, or


    Da Rules:
    1. This challenge is to be played on a main series Pokemon game. If you think you can play the challenge on one of the Gamecube RPGs, those are acceptable as well.
    2. No hacking or trading, except where otherwise stated. You may trade for Pokemon that would be otherwise unobtainable in your game, however.
    3. You must start the game of your choice from the beginning.
    4. In order to complete the challenge, you must complete the Challenge Scavenger Hunt, a series of mini challenges. This can be done post game or during the story.
    5. This challenge will end on July 7th, 2015 at Midnight US Pacific time.

    Sign Up Form:

    Favorite Challenge:

    Username: Azazel
    Pokemon Y
    Favorite Challenge:
    The Monotype Challenge

    The Team:
    1. St Patrick's Challenge - The Green and the Gold
    -Green Pokemon, includes green shinies
    -Holding an Amulet Coin (RBGY Exempt)

    2. Love In The Clouds - The Valentine
    -Favorite Pokemon of your irl partner, best friend, or pair

    3. The Fish Challenge - The Fish
    -POISSON D'AVRIL!!!!!!!!

    4. Challeggs - Eggcellent!
    -A Pokemon recieved as an egg. You may trade for an egg if you desire. RBGY users may use a Pokemon who received a baby form in future games.

    5. Challoween/Haunter and the Carnival of Horrors - The Slasher
    -A Pokemon with blade like appendages
    -Can only know blade based attacks and status moves

    6. Five Nights at Challenges - [REDACTED]
    -A Rabbit-like Pokemon
    -Nightmare - WAS IT ME?: Learn a risky move (Recoil, self confuse, high miss rate, etc)

    *For requirements your Pokemon can't fill until later in the game, you may ignore the requirement until you CAN fill it. For example, until you can teach the Slasher a blade move, you may use other attacks.

    Challenge Scavenger Hunt:
    You may complete these in any order. Some of the challenges are limited to certain games, and some must be completed in every game.

    General Tasks

    -Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
    -Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
    -Complete an in-game trade
    -Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)
    -Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
    -Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage

    Game Tasks

    -Buy a Magikarp (RBGY/FRLG)
    -Win the Jackpot at the Slots (RBGY/FRLG/GSC)
    -Win a Bug Catching Contest (GSC/HGSS)
    -Catch a Roaming Pokemon (GSC)
    -Win a Pokeathelon event (HGSS)
    -Build a Secret Base and fully decorate it (RSE/ORAS)
    -Win a Master Rank Contest (RSE/ORAS)
    -Catch a Daily Pokemon at the Great Marsh (DPPt)
    -Unlock the National Pokedex (DPPt)
    -Defeat the true Champion (BW)
    -Hatch the Ranger's Egg (BW)
    -Defeat N (B2W2)
    -Return to Nuvema Town (B2W2)
    -Create a PR Video (XY)
    -Help Looker (XY)

    Challenge Heroes:
    Azazel - Pokemon Y
    Alli - OmegaRuby
    Candy - SoulSilver
    striderviper - Yellow
    jdthebud - HeartGold
    Lycanthropy - Ruby
    MachoPony - Diamond
    DyingWillFlareon - Crystal
    Annie - AlphaSapphire
    Blueredemption - Platinum
    Ash - Crystal
    Dragon - Crystal
    Quajutsu - HeartGold
    waters_echo - Crystal
    Pendraflare - White
    The Dark Avenger - VoltWhite 2
    AoTora - FireRed

    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
    If you complete the challenge, you will receive a special 4IV Moon Ball Swablu from the Challenge Momma herself, Alli!

    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!
    Last edited:
    Username: Alli
    Game: OmegaRuby
    Favorite Challenge: Favorite, Random, and Wonderlocke challenges

    Happy five years to my favorite forum on PC! When I started modding it five years ago today, I had no idea that it would soon become my favorite area of the forum and that such a great community would come out of it. <3 Like Necrum said, it may not be the most popular area on PC, but I'd say we're one of, if not THE, friendliest areas on PC. Thanks to everyone for making it happen! :)

    Okay, I'll quit being sappy lol. I will come back and edit with my team choices. Still deciding. :)
    Username: Candy
    Game: Soul Silver
    Favorite Challenge: Random, Scramble, and also Character challenges where I must act like the character I'm using. Also, I like them events the Challenge forums hosts.

    Happy 5th anniversary, Challenge forums! I know I'm not here a lot, but 5 years is a long time. I think it deserves the celebration. :D

    I'll pick a team when I know what to bring. Probably bringing some eggs over from my copy of Platinum or HG. Also, I need to confirm my best friend's other favorite Pokemon since I don't have a Torchic on Gen 4 right now haha. ._."
    Changing the rules to allow trading for otherwise unobtainable Pokemon.

    And my team will be:
    Green & Gold - Chesnaught
    Valentine - Glaceon
    Fish - Basculin
    Eggcellent - Random egg from a TC buddy, will add later
    Slasher - Haxorus
    [REDACTED] - Wigglytuff
    Username: striderviper
    Game: Yellow
    Favourite Challenge: Well the monotype is the only one I've done so far but it's fun.

    And my team will be:
    Green & Gold - Venusaur
    Valentine - Pikachu (You can't get Pichu in Gen 1 but close enough)
    Fish - Seaking
    Eggcelent - Magmar
    Slasher - Scyther
    [REDACTED] - Nidoran(M) (might evolve it, not sure yet)

    Well this is gonna be good. Looking forward to breaking the game with missingno., because why else would I play Gen 1.
    Username: jdthebud
    Game: HeartGold
    Favorite Challenge: Monotype and Monocolor

    Green & Gold - Meganium
    Valentine - Dragonite (I think, need to check)
    Fish - Lanturn
    Eggcelent - Togekiss
    Slasher - Scyther
    [REDACTED] - Nidoking
    Happy birthday, Challenges! I might not be the most active member here, but I love to do a challenge every once in a while!

    Username: Lycanthropy
    Game: Ruby
    Favorite Challenge: I love the event challenges. Those aside, I've only done a few soloruns.

    Green & Gold - Ludicolo
    Valentine - Torkoal
    Fish - Whiscash
    Eggcellent - Tyranitar
    Slasher - Zangoose
    [REDACTED] - Azumarill (Double Edge)
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    Update 1 (Pallet Town - Vermilion City)

    I figured I might as well start. 3 badges in so far, going pretty good.



    Hardest part of this update was getting the Mew glitch to work, I screwed it up like 7 times. I'll get a "real" legendary if you guys consider that cheating, but I'll still need to use it to get Magmar.


    Ivysaur (Lv. 25) (Green & Gold)
    Leech Seed
    Vine Whip

    Pikachu (Lv. 25) (Valentine)
    Double Team
    Quick Attack
    Thunder Wave

    Nidoking (Lv. 26) [REDACTED]
    Poison Sting
    Horn Attack
    Double Kick

    Challenge Scavenger Hunt:
    -Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
    -Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
    -Complete an in-game trade
    -Revive a Fossil
    -Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
    -Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
    -Buy a Magikarp
    -Win the Jackpot at the Slots

    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

    Why is Android 17 in my Pokémon?
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    Ooh, that second team member is almost enough reason to do the challenge already :P
    It seems tough though, I don't think I'll have enough time in the upcoming weeks. Maybe next year!
    ooh this sounds fun

    Game: Diamond (havent played it in forever)
    Favorite Challenge: Monotype Challenge

    question, if my "aquaintance"'s fav poke is a legendary can i use it? also can i evolve a poke if his fav non-legend isn't fully evod?
    ooh this sounds fun

    Game: Diamond (havent played it in forever)
    Favorite Challenge: Monotype Challenge

    question, if my "aquaintance"'s fav poke is a legendary can i use it? also can i evolve a poke if his fav non-legend isn't fully evod?
    There's no restriction on legendary Pokemon. And yes you can evolve his favorite.
    Ooh, that second team member is almost enough reason to do the challenge already :P
    It seems tough though, I don't think I'll have enough time in the upcoming weeks. Maybe next year!

    This challenge won't be back next year though. :P
    Alright sounds awesome. Gonna do this while I train for the summer of challenges too! :3

    Username: DyingWillFlareon
    Game: Crystal
    Favorite Challenge: Random Pokemon, and Randomized Nuzlocke!

    Green and Gold- Meganium of course. :P -is too sappy to not use a starter-
    Valentine- I'll ask my sister in the morning. She said Smeargle.
    Fishy- Vaporeon.
    Challegg- The random egg that has a chance to be 8 different Pokemon/higher shiny rate you know the one.
    Challoweenie- Scizor. Wanted to use Tyranitar buuutt.... >.> no blade moves...
    [REDACTED]- Love what you did there. Anyhow, I was thinking Togetic, it reminds me of a bunny rabbit, but I dunno if you guys agree. Also, would Metronome count as risky for being able to self-destruct? .-. If it doesn't count I'll find something.
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    any chance we can hack for evolutions that happen after the Champion? Really would like to get a Shiny Stone to evolve Togekiss before the Elite Four.
    This challenge won't be back next year though. :P
    well there's always the 10 year anniversary! #epic

    Also, will there be an emblem? Im not exactly able to use that swablu right now, unless you were serious about that extra 3DS. :P
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    Update 2 (Vermillion City - Fuschia City)

    Well this update was a total clusterfuck but I did it.


    More glitching, yay! I got the special stat of the pokémon I was using slightly wrong the first time and accidentally unleashed missingno. on the world, whoops. I would've caught it but the game froze on encounter :c



    Venusaur (Lv. 37) (Green & Gold)
    Razor Leaf
    Leech Seed
    Vine Whip

    Pikachu (Lv. 37) (Valentine)
    Quick Attack
    Thunder Wave

    Seaking (Lv. 36) (Fish)
    Horn Attack
    Fury Attack

    Magmar (Lv. 26) (Eggcelent)
    Body Slam
    Mega Kick

    Scyther (Lv. 37) (Slasher)
    Quick Attack
    Swords Dance
    Double Team

    Nidoking (Lv. 37) [REDACTED]
    Poison Sting
    Take Down
    Ice Beam

    Challenge Scavenger Hunt:
    -Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
    -Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
    -Complete an in-game trade
    -Revive a Fossil
    -Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
    -Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
    -Buy a Magikarp
    -Win the Jackpot at the Slots

    [PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

    Nope, nothing to see here.
    Just as a record of my Planned team

    Green and Gold- Torterra, i always liked it
    Friend - Lugia (i was surprised too)
    Fish- Whiscash, was gonna choose seaking but Water/Ground is just too good a typing
    Egg - Lucario
    Halloween - Weavile
    [REDACTED]- Lopunny
    Username: Annie
    Game: Alpha Sapphire
    Favourite challenge: Monotype, Gym Leader Challenge, Time Warp


    St Patrick's: Flygon
    Valentine's: Blaziken
    Fish: Sharpedo
    Challeggs: ??? Gonna get an egg from someone
    Challoween: Absol (that horn of his looks like a blade and he learns blade-related moves)
    [REDACTED]: Plusle