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5 Year Challengeversary!

Update 1


Current Team
Username: Blueredemption
Game: Platinum
Favorite Challenge: Monotype

I just might spend twice as much time underground than in the challenge...
Username: Ash
Game: Crystal
Favorite Challenge: The event challenges tbh! ♥

Green & Gold - Victreebel
Valentine - Typhlosion
Fish - Lanturn (or Seaking)
Eggcelent - Odd Egg
Slasher - Sneasel
[REDACTED] - Wigglytuff (Azumarill if I get Igglybuff from the Odd Egg)
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Username: Dragon
Game: Pokemon Crystal
Favorite Challenge: Gym Leader Challenge, Favorite

The Team:

1. St Patrick's Challenge - The Green and the Gold

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

2. Love In The Clouds - The Valentine

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

3. The Fish Challenge - The Fish

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

4. Challeggs - Eggcellent!

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

5. Challoween/Haunter and the Carnival of Horrors - The Slasher

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

6. Five Nights at Challenges - [REDACTED]

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Only thing I have to do is trade over my vulpix and marill so I can get them early. *_* (grabs the ol' link cable)
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Username: Quajutsu
Game: HeartGold
Favorite Challenge: The Monotype Challenge

Green and Gold: Victreebel
Valentine: Yanmega
Fish: Qwilfish
Challeggs: Togetic
Slasher: Scyther
[REDACTED]: Nidoking
Username: Waters_Echo
Game: Crystal
Favorite Challenge: FISH! FISHFISHFISHFISH! Fish challenge was the best challenge! *hugs all members of fish team* FISH! A`wA

Meganium: St Patrick's Green and Gold
Ninetales Espeon: Love In The Clouds Valentine
Kingdra: The Fish Challenge Fish
Magmar(/by): Challeggs Eggcellent!
Scyther/scizor: Challoween Slasher
Azumarill: Five Nights at Challenges [REDACTED]

... nooo, wait, that egg's only in Crystal. ... ... ... Hm... Miiiight go with Crystal/Espeon/Magmar? Why must Ninetales and the magby egg be in different games

Is it okay if we use a Randomiser to update moves and remove trade evolution? Only those things.
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well there's always the 10 year anniversary! #epic

Also, will there be an emblem? Im not exactly able to use that swablu right now, unless you were serious about that extra 3DS. :P
There will be an emblem, I just haven't made it yet.
Update 3 (Fuschia City - Pokémon League)

Aaaaand I'm done. Grinding for Dragonite took forever and a half but I did it finally.



Team: (As of entering the hall of fame)

Venusaur (Lv. 50) (Green & Gold)
Razor Leaf
Leech Seed

Pikachu (Lv. 52) (Valentine)
Light Screen
Thunder Wave

Seaking (Lv. 50) (Fish)
Horn Drill

Magmar (Lv. 50) (Eggcelent)
Fire Punch
Confuse Ray

Scyther (Lv. 51) (Slasher)
Swords Dance
Double Team

Nidoking (Lv. 52) [REDACTED] MVP
Take Down
Ice Beam

Challenge Scavenger Hunt:
-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Complete an in-game trade
-Revive a Fossil
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Buy a Magikarp
-Win the Jackpot at the Slots
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[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Challenge Momma Alli would like to fight!
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Verdigris 18
[ Mega Drain | Pursuit | Fury Cutter | Quick Attack ]

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Gyo 15
[ Dragonbreath | Ember | Bite | Leer ]

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

AppleBunny 16
[ Confusion | Incinerate | Quick Attack | Endure ]

Started off with my super fresh and green Treecko, Verdigris. He later became fresher and evolved into Grovyle. Gyo the Bagon proved annoying to hatch, but at least she's here. A little hard to raise, but she'll be a beautiful rampaging butterfly someday. AppleBunny traveled a long journey from the beautiful Unova and is finally getting a chance to shine. I knew that saving that Liberty Garden Victini would be useful someday...plus it's a favorite of mine...and a bunny...it totally is a bunny. Anyway, with Verdigris and Gyo, I made it past Roxanne with relative ease. AppleBunny joined afterwards when we landed in Dewford where we're currently training to take on Brawly. Not much else to say there! Unfortunately, the next party member won't be joining us until we're nearing six badges. Ugh. I did this to myself, though.

About 2 days after my sign up and I am STILL soft resetting for a shiny Torchic x.x Oh, the pain u.u
Update 2


Current Team

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Complete an in-game trade
-Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)
-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Catch a Daily Pokemon at the Great Marsh (DPPt)
-Unlock the National Pokedex (DPPt)
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Alright, think i'm ready to sign up.

Username: Pendraflare
Game: White
Favorite Challenge: The Wedlocke Challenge / The Wonderlocke Challenge

The Team:
1. St Patrick's Challenge - The Green and the Gold: Reuniclus
2. Love In The Clouds - The Valentine: Blaziken - If my pair was active here, i'd probably choose Swampert, since that was her favorite, if memory serves. But since she's nowhere to be seen, i'll take the favorite Pokémon of my very dear bestie from Marriland.
3. The Fish Challenge - The Fish: Basculin - Yay for originality!
4. Challeggs - Eggcellent!: Magnezone - Steel-types are good. (May change this later)
5. Challoween/Haunter and the Carnival of Horrors - The Slasher: Leavanny
6. Five Nights at Challenges - [REDACTED]: Lopunny - Does Jump Kick count?

This is what I plan on, at least until further notice.
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Trainer Information

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

ID: 14081
OT: Lynn
Started: 05/06/2015
Game Time: 0:47
Badges: 1

Party Members
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Male | Level 15

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Male | Level 12

Challenge Journal Entry
Beginning - Violet City

Started off with Chikorita as planned, and trained it to a decent level before getting the pokedex/battling against the RIVAL for the first time. After all the craziness, I finally managed to get my bred vulpix from my silver game, and trained it a little bit before setting off to Violet city!

Battled a bunch of trainers for experience, and then searched around until I found a Bellsprout, since there's a boy in Violet City who will want a bellsprout for an Onix, just so that I can do a in-game trade! Then I went to the sprout tower to train Chikorita and Vulpix a bit, got the HM, aand then headed off to the Gym.

It wasn't as tough as I thought since Reflect and Poison Powder from Chikorita was really amazing against his level 9 Pidgeotto, and poof, got the badge! Then it was off to the pokemon center to grab the pokemon egg from the aide.


General Tasks
Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
Complete an in-game trade ✓
Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)
Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
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i dont think Diamond has any Non-Legendary interactable pokemon. does rotom count?

Update 3


Current Team

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Complete an in-game trade
-Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)

-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Catch a Daily Pokemon at the Great Marsh (DPPt)
-Unlock the National Pokedex (DPPt)
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[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Trainer Information

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

ID: 14081
OT: Lynn
Started: 05/06/2015
Game Time: 5:33
Badges: 4

Party Members

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Male | Level 32

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Male | Level 25

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Male | Level 20

[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Female | Level 24

Challenge Journal Entry
Azalea Town - Eckruteak City

Sooo, after getting the first badge, it was time to head to the next, but first, needed to get past the Union cave. Easy enough, with Chikorita soon evolving during the way! Soon Azalea Town was within reached. Talked with the pokemon maker Kurt, where I followed him to the Slowpoke Well to stop TEAM ROCKET. After all of that, it was time to battle the gym, where again, Vulpix destroyed all, earning the HIVE BADGE!

In Goldenrod City, I traded for my Marill from Silver, and trained it until it evolved into a Azumarill, since it evolved at a pretty low level anyway. Togepi hatched from the egg, and it surprisingly took little time to evolve it, but from the hair cuts and giving it some items, it managed to! Anywho, went to the gym, defeated Whitney at her own game with Azumarill's Defense Curl + Rollout Combo. Earned the PLAIN BADGE!

In Eckruteak, the Gym was tougher because the ghost types were fast but after Bayleef evolved to Meganium, he just tanked all the ghost hits and retaliated in strong kind, earning the FOG BADGE!


General Tasks
Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
Complete an in-game trade ✓
Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)
Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
Update 4


Current Team

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Complete an in-game trade
-Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)

-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Catch a Daily Pokemon at the Great Marsh (DPPt)
-Unlock the National Pokedex (DPPt)
Update #1 on HeartGold.

Name: Jd
Rival: Silver
Starter: Chikorita

  • Started with Banker the Chikorita. He evolved into Bayleef after beating Sprout Tower, so Falkner wasn't too difficult.
  • Did the Bellsprout for Onix trade.
  • Got the egg and ran around to hatch it, and out popped Cell the Togepi!
  • While Rock Smashing in the Ruins of Alph, I got 2 Helix Fossils and 2 Old Ambers!
  • Moved down through Union Cave and defeated Team Rocket at Slowpoke Well, then fought Bugsy.
  • Bugsy's Scyther was hard to defeat but I prevailed thanks to poison and numerous potions.
  • Went through Ilex Forest to Goldenrod City, then went north to catch Nidoran♂, who I named Redact.
  • While I was waiting for Saturday to roll around, Redact evolved into Nidorino, and Cell evolved into Togetic!
  • Saturday was Bug Catching Contest day, and I won the contest with Hacker the Scyther.
  • Did some more training, then took on the gym. Whitney was surprisingly easy since Miltank missed 2 Rollouts.
  • Moved north and caught Sudowoodo to complete that task, then arrived in Ecruteak City.
  • Decided it was time to get my valentine Pokémon, who is Snorlax. So I headbutted some trees and a Munchlax magically fell out.
  • Named him Okey after my brother's online handle, and then I went all the ay home to deposit all my money with Mom.
  • Sure enough, the next courier in the Poké Mart gave me a Moon Stone, and I used it to evolve Redact in to Nidoking!
  • Back in Ecruteak City, I went to the Burned Tower to beat Silver and release the beasts.
  • The gym was up next, and Morty was really easy after Gengar ran out of Sucker Punch. Cell's Extrasensory ruled here.
  • I am now saved on Route 38, on my way to Olivine City.


Team Jd:
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Banker the Docile Bayleef, ♀ - L24 @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Razor Leaf, Headbutt, Magical Leaf, Synthesis
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Ruby the Jolly Scyther, ♂ - L21 @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Technician
Moves: Cut, Leer, False Swipe, Agility
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Okey the Impish Munchlax, ♂ - L19 @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Moves: Strength, Defense Curl, Amnesia, Lick
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Redact the Jolly Nidoking, ♂ - L23 @ Shell Bell
Ability: Poison Point
Moves: Thrash, Peck, Dig, Double Kick
[PokeCommunity.com] 5 Year Challengeversary!

Cell the Mild Togetic, ♂ - L28 @ Quick Claw
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Extrasensory, Yawn, Wish, Metronome

Update 5


Current Team

-Defeat the Elite Four + Champion or Ghetsis
-Catch a non-mandatory Legendary Pokemon without a Master Ball
-Complete an in-game trade
-Revive a Fossil (GSC Exempt)

-Catch a stationary non-legendary Pokemon
-Raise a Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon to its final stage
-Catch a Daily Pokemon at the Great Marsh (DPPt)
-Unlock the National Pokedex (DPPt)

again, does rotom count for non-legendary, stationary pokemon? cuz i cant think of anything else otherwise.