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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I really love that about Pom Pom Style Oricorio as well! :D It would be amazing to have a Pokemon that can motivate the entire team & keep everyone in good spirits ^-^

Do you have a favorite Kanto Pokemon yet? (:

Yeah, it would be awsome. :) I can imagine every positive/happy-go-lucky pokemon might actually be like that if they see that therye trainer is down.

Raichuu. Tough there are many others I love. (eeveelutions, Butterfee, Psyduck and the list goes on) {XD}
What about you?

Pom Pom Style Oricorio is without doubt the best of the four styles. Togedemaru is the best one though {:3}.

Coincident - u get a Lieutenant rank on this Club, when u have 5 Posts ;).

Ya, Lt. Surge is cool. And Electric Shock Showdown - Pikachu vs Raichu, classic battle, my all time fav.

Yes its Pikachu, oh wait a minute, that question was meant for stormivy eh :P

Pika Pika :chu:

Hahah thats awsome! ^^
Oh, Electric Shock Showdown is an awsome ep. That epic fight and also Lt. Surge talked about that mysterious war we know nothing about. All in all, that ep is one of my fave.
Hello Ninja Queen. We're all currently trying to create the best e4 member ever. Can you create one even better??
hi forever, chu talks very highly of you, nice to see you on the club xD

yes saw the event, will surely try to come up with something good soon xD
That's good! Good to see you too lmao

Anywaysss, so Zayer's Pokemon:

Alola Beedrill
Alola Raichu
Alola Zebstrika (Fire/Electric)

Level: All 20.

For the second battle it has all these Pokemon + Zekrom because he is too strong for most people. They're all level 40. BUT THE BACKSTORY.

His wife... he married a Ditto. He thought it was a woman but alas it was a Ditto. He had kids... they were Pikachu (somehow????) Those Pikachu? They guard his spot in the e4. They're kinda level 30. Kinda like Totem Pokemon. But even cooler.

That's good! Good to see you too lmao

Anywaysss, so Zayer's Pokemon:

Alola Beedrill
Alola Raichu
Alola Zebstrika (Fire/Electric)

Level: All 20.

For the second battle it has all these Pokemon + Zekrom because he is too strong for most people. They're all level 40. BUT THE BACKSTORY.

His wife... he married a Ditto. He thought it was a woman but alas it was a Ditto. He had kids... they were Pikachu (somehow????) Those Pikachu? They guard his spot in the e4. They're kinda level 30. Kinda like Totem Pokemon. But even cooler.


Damn. I must have spent at least 45 minutes writing up that extensive bio for Alyssa. I thought I did it. I thought I made the most awesome E4 member there was. But... ahh...
It must have been Electric-type Arceus himself that sparked the idea for this...
In just a few mere sentences.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

All my work out the window!!!

I cannot deny it -- this is the best E4 member -- nay, the best character in all of Pokemon. Ohh, the bittersweet feeling. Like spending your whole life (or like, 45 minutes) striving for perfection, only to see someone else attain it before your very eyes -- such a beautiful sight, yet so woeful!
seriously it's 4 am what am i doing
look who's back. did anyone miss me, i hope some of you did xD

wow, looks like I missed a lot of action here o_O.

first of all, welcome to all the new club members - Caite-chan, JustSander, Killua, FireSnow, ordinaryOddball, Squirrel, stormivy, Espeonica, Forever, Cakesu, Your Everyday Ghost and Sunstruck. that's a whole lot of you, hope I didn't miss any xD.

a big congratulations Field Marshal LegendChu, over a 100 posts on the Club, wow that's awesome, you've surely come a long way since you opened the club, fantastic job Sir Field Marshal LegendChu.

and nice celebrations there, can i join in xD

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Hey welcome back NinjaQueen. Of course everybody missed you. Btw, I was also absent for certain time. Anyway looks like everybody's E4 are better than me lol. ;-P
look who's back. did anyone miss me, i hope some of you did xD

wow, looks like I missed a lot of action here o_O.

first of all, welcome to all the new club members - Caite-chan, JustSander, Killua, FireSnow, ordinaryOddball, Squirrel, stormivy, Espeonica, Forever, Cakesu, Your Everyday Ghost and Sunstruck. that's a whole lot of you, hope I didn't miss any xD.

a big congratulations Field Marshal LegendChu, over a 100 posts on the Club, wow that's awesome, you've surely come a long way since you opened the club, fantastic job Sir Field Marshal LegendChu.

and nice celebrations there, can i join in xD

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Welcome back ! And thanks for the warm welcome too xD.
Since it is confirmed that Cubne and Exceggute won't have an alola form, I think Pikachu won' have one either. They won't change the mascot, but that's my opinion.

Any thought on the new design of the anime? Pikachu look a bit... different. Ash too.
Yeah i noticed.. I think its just starting to match the cartoony version mascot with the rounder head and head not being neck-bearded onto the body completely anymore. And that going to school stuff...i get the new plot but that wouldve done way better in johto as an early season thing rather than 6 regions later....
Since it is confirmed that Cubne and Exceggute won't have an alola form, I think Pikachu won' have one either. They won't change the mascot, but that's my opinion.

Any thought on the new design of the anime? Pikachu look a bit... different. Ash too.

About the anime if Ash and Pikachu look a bit different it will be an interesting think to see. But I think they should not. Because they are perfect now. Btw, welcome to the newest member, Corazon.
Welcome to the gang Corazon. Nice to see another OP fan. ^__^

Since it is confirmed that Cubne and Exceggute won't have an alola form, I think Pikachu won' have one either. They won't change the mascot, but that's my opinion.

Any thought on the new design of the anime? Pikachu look a bit... different. Ash too.

I dont mind if theres no alola Pikachu, tough it would be fun.

Ash does look different. Maby he'll start to age normally. :pink_giggle: Sorry, I just wish he'd age normally.
I like the new design, and also the idea of a new companion. Professor Kukui and his abcoat looks cool too.
Ooooh theres gonna be an anime alola Raichuuu. :pink_love:
look who's back. did anyone miss me, i hope some of you did xD

wow, looks like I missed a lot of action here
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

first of all, welcome to all the new club members - Caite-chan, JustSander, Killua, FireSnow, ordinaryOddball, Squirrel, stormivy, Espeonica, Forever, Cakesu, Your Everyday Ghost and Sunstruck. that's a whole lot of you, hope I didn't miss any xD.

a big congratulations Field Marshal LegendChu, over a 100 posts on the Club, wow that's awesome, you've surely come a long way since you opened the club, fantastic job Sir Field Marshal LegendChu.

and nice celebrations there, can i join in xD

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Wow, look who's back. Welcome back NinjaQueen ^^, really missed having u around {:3}. And of course u can join the celebrations ;)

Name: Corazon
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s)
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon Fast, my fav colour, Yellow
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
Your Tag Partner's Nickname
Hey Corazon, welcome to the Club bro {:3}. There are lots of discussions going on, so feel free to share ur views. And we're also having an Event, do participate in that too. If u have anything to share regarding previous discussions (check out the OP, for all details), u are welcome to share ur thoughts. And, if u have any queries regarding the Club, just drop me a VM :).

Sorry guys!
I have to leave PokeCommunity.It was nice being with you guys.:)
I am pretty busy with stuffs and etc.So can't hack roms, check pokecommunity or anything.
But, will try to visit sometimes.
Thanks to all.
Hey Mugdho, it was gr8 having u around. Ya I can understand, rl stuff. Feel free to drop in any time :)

Hahah thats awsome! ^^
Oh, Electric Shock Showdown is an awsome ep. That epic fight and also Lt. Surge talked about that mysterious war we know nothing about. All in all, that ep is one of my fave.
What's also awesome is that u just got ur first promotion on the Club. So congratulations Cadet stormivy, u'll now be known as Lieutenant stormivy :).

Anywaysss, so Zayer's Pokemon:

Alola Beedrill
Alola Raichu
Alola Zebstrika (Fire/Electric)

Level: All 20.

For the second battle it has all these Pokemon + Zekrom because he is too strong for most people. They're all level 40. BUT THE BACKSTORY.

His wife... he married a Ditto. He thought it was a woman but alas it was a Ditto. He had kids... they were Pikachu (somehow????) Those Pikachu? They guard his spot in the e4. They're kinda level 30. Kinda like Totem Pokemon. But even cooler.

That was an interesting turn of Events there :P. And I'm also pleased to inform u, that u earned urself a promotion. So Lieutenant Forever, u'll now be referred to as Captain Forever. U can now Evolve/Change your Starter & also choose another Pokemon from the "Available Starters" List ^^.

Since it is confirmed that Cubne and Exceggute won't have an alola form, I think Pikachu won' have one either. They won't change the mascot, but that's my opinion.
I dont mind if theres no alola Pikachu, tough it would be fun.
I've always maintained that as the mascot of the Pokemon franchise, Pikachu's design shouldn't be altered in any way.

Any thought on the new design of the anime? Pikachu look a bit... different. Ash too.
Yeah i noticed.. I think its just starting to match the cartoony version mascot with the rounder head and head not being neck-bearded onto the body completely anymore. And that going to school stuff...i get the new plot but that wouldve done way better in johto as an early season thing rather than 6 regions later....
About the anime if Ash and Pikachu look a bit different it will be an interesting think to see. But I think they should not. Because they are perfect now.
Ash does look different. Maby he'll start to age normally. :pink_giggle: Sorry, I just wish he'd age normally.
I like the new design, and also the idea of a new companion. Professor Kukui and his abcoat looks cool too.
Ooooh theres gonna be an anime alola Raichuuu. :pink_love:
Ya, just noticed that & indeed Ash & Pikachu do look different. But its been a long time since I've watched the anime.

So Ash is now "School Boy" Ash? I agree, should have been done in an earlier season, way to late to do this now.

Pika Pika :chu:
i...thought of ash going through years of school...and still being 10 by the end of it...they...theyd do that....

Gosh I went to aee all the revealed so far alola Pokemon and Togedamaru is called the ROLY-POLY POKEMON THERE IS NOTHING WLSE YOU CAN DO TO MAKE ME LOVE THIS GUY MORE <3<3<3<3
Yayy awsome thanks. ^^
Np :)

i...thought of ash going through years of school...and still being 10 by the end of it...they...theyd do that....
Going by how things work in the Anime, Ash will be a schoolboy for the next 20 yrs & still be a 10 yr old {XD}.

Gosh I went to aee all the revealed so far alola Pokemon and Togedamaru is called the ROLY-POLY POKEMON THERE IS NOTHING WLSE YOU CAN DO TO MAKE ME LOVE THIS GUY MORE <3<3<3<3
Roly-poly pokemon, sounds super cute. :D
Definition of Roly Poly - (of a person) having a round, plump appearance.

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Round? YEP
Plump? YEP
Cute? YEP
Lovable? YEP

Pika Pika :chu:
Recently I caught a Voltorb in Alpha Sapphire. :D

Bootleg Ball (its nickname) is now one of my leading team members.
U must have a hard time controlling it, I mean having it stay still ;).

Guys, the type tournament is ON!

And guess what? Electric type is up! HERE.
Yep, already Voted for my favs :t172::t025::t026: & they are winning right now ^^.

Pika Pika :chu: