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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Yep, I also want to see, to know what pokemon do themselves in the wild life. Do they stay together? Or hunt other pokemon, like the real world? That'll be great.
There have been suggestions that Pokemon can be carnivorous, for e.g. Pidgeot's Pokedex entry says that it preys on Magikarps, Taillow apparently feeds on Wurmples. Even in the anime there have been a few instances of Pokemon trying to "eat" other Pokemon, like Pidgeotto trying to swoop down on Caterpie (Ash catches a Pokemon), Meowth trying to eat Magikarp (Pokemon Shipwreck), Snorlax attempting to gobble down Gloom (Pokemon Food Fight). So ya I think Pokemon do hunt other Pokemon for food.

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey, cool place you've got here, Chu!

Name: Lugarugan. But you could call me Lu, Jason, or by my old name, Catman!
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Togedemaru (I probably spelled that incorrectly), Raichu, Vikavolt
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Fusion Bolt, CatastroPika, Wild Charge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: First of all, they look awesome (well, most of 'em), and they're pretty versatile. Except for Ground-types. Ground is bad. Very bad.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Emolga
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Isis
Name - Fayt
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Jolteon, Pikachu family, Zekrom, Shinx family, Launturn, Joltik family
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I've always loved Jolteon since I was a kid, and as I got older I found I really like electric Pokemon and Ground types. Maybe its the fact Electric only has one weakness or just that I've always been a fan of electricity.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Parker
hi new guys and hi old guys and hi guys

Legend do you really really like Pikachu's Z move? I saw it and thought you'd be scared of someone maybe throwing you >:/c

The Z-moves look nice really but?? Those names and animations?? :'D And Pikachu will still be the 'companion' and will probably be rolling its eyes with the exasperated 'pikapi...' when ash screws something up the slightest bit or says the wrong thing or blows up a girls bike again ("IM TRYINA RIDE TO SCHOOL PUNK WHAT WAS THAT FOR")
Hey, cool place you've got here, Chu!

Name: Lugarugan. But you could call me Lu, Jason, or by my old name, Catman!
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Togedemaru (I probably spelled that incorrectly), Raichu, Vikavolt
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Fusion Bolt, CatastroPika, Wild Charge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: First of all, they look awesome (well, most of 'em), and they're pretty versatile. Except for Ground-types. Ground is bad. Very bad.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Emolga
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Isis
Name - Fayt
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Jolteon, Pikachu family, Zekrom, Shinx family, Launturn, Joltik family
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I've always loved Jolteon since I was a kid, and as I got older I found I really like electric Pokemon and Ground types. Maybe its the fact Electric only has one weakness or just that I've always been a fan of electricity.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Parker
Heyo Jason (aka Catman (can't get used to Lugarugan :P)), so u finally made it, welcome to the Club man :).

And a very warm welcome to Fayt (aka Fayt_darkblade) as well :).

So guys, there are lots of discussions going on, just feel free to have a say. And there's also an Event, which u can participate in. If u got anything u have to share, regarding previous discussions (check out the OP, for all details), u are welcome to do that as well. Any queries regarding the Club, u just drop me a VM any time :).

hi new guys and hi old guys and hi guys

Legend do you really really like Pikachu's Z move? I saw it and thought you'd be scared of someone maybe throwing you >:/c

The Z-moves look nice really but?? Those names and animations?? :'D And Pikachu will still be the 'companion' and will probably be rolling its eyes with the exasperated 'pikapi...' when ash screws something up the slightest bit or says the wrong thing or blows up a girls bike again ("IM TRYINA RIDE TO SCHOOL PUNK WHAT WAS THAT FOR")
Yep I liked it ^^!

Hopefully Pikachu will still be doing his usual stuff, eating ketchup, blowing up girls' bikes, blasting off Team Rocket, can't ever get enough of all that {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Thank you <3 do I just post the event in here?

I really hope they bring back some Pikachu stuff! It's been a long time since he's eaten and hoarded ketchup it would be real nice to see him return to things like that.
i miss that too, i'd love to see pikachu's obsession for ketchup and all his antics brought back into the anime xD
Thank you <3 do I just post the event in here?
Yes of course, feel free to do that {:3}.

First of all, welcome Fayt.
And I'm agree with LegendChu. That Pikachu mustn't forget its natural activities. That's fun.
I really hope they bring back some Pikachu stuff! It's been a long time since he's eaten and hoarded ketchup it would be real nice to see him return to things like that.
i miss that too, i'd love to see pikachu's obsession for ketchup and all his antics brought back into the anime xD
Did someone say ketchup :P?

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pika Pika :chu:
Okay, I think its been a long time since we last had an Event out here, so let's have ourselves another one, shall we? :)

You guys must have noticed that there is no Elite Four Member who primarily uses Electric Type Pokemon, which is a real shame :(. So what say we create one? {:3}


1. Create an Electric Type Elite Four Member.
2. The Elite Four Member can belong to any region (including Alola).
3. The Elite Four Member should have AT LEAST Five Pokemon in his roster.
4. You gotta add TWO DIFFERENT POKEMON ROSTERS, first when you battle the Elite Four Member for the first time & second when you battle the Elite Four Member for the second time (after defeating the Champion).
5. If you want you can describe the Elite four Member a bit like his/her traits, how they look like, their attire or any detail you wanna add.
6. If you want you can add details to every Pokemon, like Moves known, Ability, Held Items etc.
7. There is no limit on how many Elite Four Members you can create, if you wanna create one for each region, do it, if u wanna create multiple Elite Four Members for the same region, go ahead & do that as well, but ONLY ONE ELITE FOUR MEMBER PER POST.
8. You need to fill in the following criteria:-
POKEMON USED (1st Battle) -
POKEMON DETAILS (optional) -
POKEMON USED (2nd Battle) -
POKEMON DETAILS (optional) -

Pika Pika :chu:

Ok! Here is my electric gym leader

Name: Emmeryn
Gender: Male
Description: Emmeryn is blonde with black highlights. He doesn't stand, he lounges in a chair playing his guitar in a leather jacket without a shirt on and torn jeans. Cause ooo what a rebel so cool. Honestly he's a huge nerd and as suave as a geodude rolling down a hill. Most Other Elite 4 members brush off his advances or laugh it off cause look at this dweeb trying to be cool.
Region: Johto
Pokemon Used (First Battle)

Pokemon Used (Second Battle)
-Ampharos (Mega Stone)
-Wash Rotom
Hey guys, random thought but.... when are we going to have a part electric starter?? I want that ^_^ Maybe grass/electric?

And sorry bw, I am very busy in life and I can't be here often :/
Ok! Here is my electric gym leader

Name: Emmeryn
Gender: Male
Description: Emmeryn is blonde with black highlights. He doesn't stand, he lounges in a chair playing his guitar in a leather jacket without a shirt on and torn jeans. Cause ooo what a rebel so cool. Honestly he's a huge nerd and as suave as a geodude rolling down a hill. Most Other Elite 4 members brush off his advances or laugh it off cause look at this dweeb trying to be cool.
Region: Johto
Pokemon Used (First Battle)

Pokemon Used (Second Battle)
-Ampharos (Mega Stone)
-Wash Rotom
Hey Fayt, thnx a lot for participating in the Event {:3}. And love that description :P, good job there.

Wow @_@, that's cool collection of Pikachu and ketchum. I think LegendChu should make an album with those and some more.xD
that is so cute chu :3 & i agree this would make a great album xD
I second the motion, they need to make an episode where they tour a ketchup factory and Pikachu gets lost in it and thus leads to shenanigans
this sounds like a great idea, hopefully we get something like that :3
Ya, I really miss all that, let's make Pikachu great again {XD}.

Hey guys, random thought but.... when are we going to have a part electric starter?? I want that ^_^ Maybe grass/electric?
We don't have a Grass/Electric Type yet, so not a bad idea at all.

And sorry bw, I am very busy in life and I can't be here often :/
Despite that, u're the second highest poster here o_O & that's why u're #Mawawesome ^^.

Hahah Pikachu and kethcup. What a pair. :-D
Speaking of pair, Congratulations Lieutenant stormivy, I'm very pleased to inform u that u have been promoted & will now be referred to as Captain stormivy. You can now Evolve/Change ur Starter & also add another Pokemon to ur team, from the "Available Starters" List. Let me know ur choices {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu: