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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Rotom already has Levitate, so what's the point in giving Fan Rotom an Electric/Flying Typing?


[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

To get more advanced,
Smogon said:
An Electric / Flying typing gives Rotom-S [Spin, aka Fan] five resistances [as well as] an immunity to Ground-type attacks, which allows it to safely switch in against Fighting- and Steel-types lacking a Rock- or Ice-type attack. Rotom-S's typing also grants it helpful immunities to Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Sticky Web. Electric / Flying type is also excellent offensively to check most Water-, Flying-, Fighting-, and Grass-types.
I want to join this! :D

Name: Linyit, or just Liny (:
Favourite Electric Type Pokemons: Raichu, Manectric, Electivire, Electross, Heliolisk and Electrode.
Favourite Electric Type Moves Thunder and Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon They're strong and awesome :pink_boogie:
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Helioptile
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Heliolisk
I figure it's about time I join in on this action.

Name : LadyLucina but you can call me Lucy, Luce, or Lucina if you want.
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : Joltik and Galvantula. They're just so cute in my honest opinion.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : If note Electroweb then it's gotta be Bolt Strike just because of how awesome it looks.
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon : It's because Electric type Pokemon have so much untapped potential.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner : Joltik
Your Tag Partner's Nickname : Skulltula
I want to join this! :D

Name: Linyit, or just Liny (:
Favourite Electric Type Pokemons: Raichu, Manectric, Electivire, Electross, Heliolisk and Electrode.
Favourite Electric Type Moves Thunder and Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon They're strong and awesome :pink_boogie:
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Helioptile
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Heliolisk
I figure it's about time I join in on this action.

Name : LadyLucina but you can call me Lucy, Luce, or Lucina if you want.
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) : Joltik and Galvantula. They're just so cute in my honest opinion.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) : If note Electroweb then it's gotta be Bolt Strike just because of how awesome it looks.
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon : It's because Electric type Pokemon have so much untapped potential.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner : Joltik
Your Tag Partner's Nickname : Skulltula
Hey Liny (aka Linyit), Hey Lucy (aka LadyLucina), welcome to the club ^^.

I was so engrossed with the Event that I almost forgot to update the Club Thread, but thnx a lot for joining in, hopefully the Club will see more activity now :).

There are a few discussions on right now, feel free to have a say. If u have anything u have to share, regarding any previous discussion topic(s) (the OP, has all the details), u are welcome to do that too. And there an Event that's still on, u can participate in that too.

Any queries regarding the Club, hey u know where to find me, just drop me a VM any time :).

I hope both of u have a good time here. Hope to see u around ^^.

Pika Pika :chu:
Awesome, thanks ^^

Oh discussions

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I made this rule for myself, that the first permanent team Pokemon beside the starter has to be electric :D

Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

We need more pure electric types, thats all I know xD New Electric/Dragon or Electric/Psychic pokemon would also be nice.

DISCUSSION #10 - If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

I don't know much about the newer episodes, but Pikachu would be the one to make sure Ash follows his schedule ... maybe? xD
Hmm... A lot of interesting topics.

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I always do. And 9 times out of 10 it's either Pichu and I evolve it into Pikachu, or it's a Pikachu in general.
Awesome, thanks ^^

Oh discussions

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I made this rule for myself, that the first permanent team Pokemon beside the starter has to be electric :D

Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

We need more pure electric types, thats all I know xD New Electric/Dragon or Electric/Psychic pokemon would also be nice.

DISCUSSION #10 - If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

I don't know much about the newer episodes, but Pikachu would be the one to make sure Ash follows his schedule ... maybe? xD
Hmm... A lot of interesting topics.

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I always do. And 9 times out of 10 it's either Pichu and I evolve it into Pikachu, or it's a Pikachu in general.
Ya, an Electric Type is a must on the roster, with all those Water & Flying Types around. 10/10 times its a Pikachu for me ^^. Agreed he takes a bit more strategizing & better training, than most other Pokemon, coz of his weak defenses, but that's the Challenge.

We actually have an Electric/Psychic Type in Sun & Moon - the Alolan Raichu.

I haven't watched the anime since Season 16, but that's a good role for Pika. A nice little Thunderbolt every now & then would keep Ash alert, always eh {XD}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Ya, an Electric Type is a must on the roster, with all those Water & Flying Types around. 10/10 times its a Pikachu for me ^^. Agreed he takes a bit more strategizing & better training, than most other Pokemon, coz of his weak defenses, but that's the Challenge.

I just take the first electric type with me that seems strong :) Haven't had a Pikachu in a while, though :pink_confused:

We actually have an Electric/Psychic Type in Sun & Moon - the Alolan Raichu. I haven't watched the anime since Season 16, but that's a good role for Pika.

It's not the same if it's an already existing Pokemon being Electric/psychich. I want new pokes :D I haven't watched the anime since gen 3, but Pikachu always seemed like the more reasonable one.

A nice little Thunderbolt every now & then would keep Ash alert, always eh {XD}.

Oh my xD A nice little thunderbolt, huh? :pink_laugh:
I just take the first electric type with me that seems strong :) Haven't had a Pikachu in a while, though :pink_confused:
Go catch a Pikachu now Liny, lol {XD}

It's not the same if it's an already existing Pokemon being Electric/psychich.
Ya maybe, but I love most of the Electric Types introduced in Sun & Moon :).

Oh my xD A nice little thunderbolt, huh? :pink_laugh:
Ya, something like this ;).


Pika Pika :chu:
first of all, welcome to the new members linyit :D and lucina :D

ash must be immune to pikachu's thunderbolts by now, having been a victim hundreds of times haha xD.
first of all, welcome to the new members linyit :D and lucina :D

ash must be immune to pikachu's thunderbolts by now, having been a victim hundreds of times haha xD.
Thanks NinjaQueen :D

Hes got to be immune, I'm wondering how he is still fine after all those shocks xD Maybe that's the reason he doesn't get old :pink_eek:
I think anybody would be immune if they had to put up with that many Thunder Shocks/Thunderbolts for that long.
So the biggest secret in the Pokemon world has finally been revealed {XD}.

Its Pikachu's "Shock Therapy" that keeps Ash forever young eh :P.

Pika Pika :chu:
DISCUSSION #10 - If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

Pikachu should play the role of Ash's teacher, that would be kewl.
This is random but right now in Sun I have a pichu. I didn't thought I wanted an alola Raichu, but now I kinda want it!!