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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

This is random but right now in Sun I have a pichu. I didn't thought I wanted an alola Raichu, but now I kinda want it!!
Yo Marie, howz u!

Oh man, everyone seems be playing Sun & Moon except me -_-. So how far have u progressed into the game or are u already done with the first playthrough?

DISCUSSION #10 - If Ash turns into a schoolboy, in the Anime, what role do you think Pikachu will have to play?

Pikachu should play the role of Ash's teacher, that would be kewl.
I can imagine Pikachu being the teacher {XD} the typical outfit would suit him.
And every time Ash fails to abide by the rules, as punishment he gets, ya u guessed right - Shock Therapy.

But Cadet Linyit, u will be getting a reward. So, Congratulations, u just got ur first promotion on the Club. From now on u'll be referred to as Lieutenant Linyit ^^.

Pika Pika :chu:
Haha as for my game of Sun, I don't have much time to play so I only played like 5 hours and still on the first island! I like to play my games slowly and enjoy each places :3
Haha as for my game of Sun, I don't have much time to play so I only played like 5 hours and still on the first island! I like to play my games slowly and enjoy each places :3
Ya right, I don't like rushing my Games either :). So have got any Electric Types yet?

Hows everyone doing? I got snow here a little bit, need moar tough. :D
No snowfall here, but its starting to get colder.

Pika Pika :chu:
Enough snow to bury a human being. And I was tasked with shoveling the walk and the street so my parents could arrive by taxi. If you guys don't happen to know, snow can be extremely heavy. D:

I know right? :')
Last time I had two bruses on my hands lol. I couldn't move the next day. Chronicle pain + first shovelling of the year, its hurt lol. And I'll have to start again tomorrow morning ah well.

Ya right, I don't like rushing my Games either :). So have got any Electric Types yet?
I had Pichu, who's pikachu now! I might not have it for a long time tho, as it doesn't learn thunderbolt before a while... I want a Raich but not as my final team.

I had Oricorio too but same thing, his move will come only later...
Very cold here, we got a lot of snow, it was amazing. Huge snowflakes too, I played outside with my siblings, who decided that my small snowman needed to be pushed over. :')

Gunna reset Moon soon, is Alolan Raichu worth it? Its really cute and I might shiny hunt one...
Gunna reset Moon soon, is Alolan Raichu worth it? Its really cute and I might shiny hunt one...

Why do you need to reset to get a chance at Alolan Raichu?
Yes Raichu is worth it, but the effort of shiny might not be. (Shiny hunting is more trouble than it's worth no matter what species tbh)
Enough snow to bury a human being. And I was tasked with shoveling the walk and the street so my parents could arrive by taxi. If you guys don't happen to know, snow can be extremely heavy. D:
I know right? :')
Last time I had two bruses on my hands lol. I couldn't move the next day. Chronicle pain + first shovelling of the year, its hurt lol. And I'll have to start again tomorrow morning ah well.
Very cold here, we got a lot of snow, it was amazing. Huge snowflakes too, I played outside with my siblings, who decided that my small snowman needed to be pushed over. :')
I've lived in an area where it snows a lot, for a while, so I have a fair idea of how bad it can get.

I had Pichu, who's pikachu now! I might not have it for a long time tho, as it doesn't learn thunderbolt before a while... I want a Raich but not as my final team.

I had Oricorio too but same thing, his move will come only later...
Gunna reset Moon soon, is Alolan Raichu worth it? Its really cute and I might shiny hunt one...
Why do you need to reset to get a chance at Alolan Raichu?
Yes Raichu is worth it, but the effort of shiny might not be. (Shiny hunting is more trouble than it's worth no matter what species tbh)
Not playing Sun & Moon, but Shiny hunting is very troublesome in general & breeding for one even more -_-. They are just different coloured Pokemon of the same species, I've never found anything special about Shinies, except that they "shine".

Pika Pika :chu:
Why do you need to reset to get a chance at Alolan Raichu?
Yes Raichu is worth it, but the effort of shiny might not be. (Shiny hunting is more trouble than it's worth no matter what species tbh)
I dont, I just wanna know whether or not I should catch one for my next team when I do reset later. I find it fun so itll be worth it for me to get one if I want to use it. ^^

I've lived in an area where it snows a lot, for a while, so I have a fair idea of how bad it can get.
My new state is higher north than the old one so theres supposed to be a lot more than Im used to so Im really excited. :D Its already snowed twice for me! :D I love snow is it obvious?? :D

Not playing Sun & Moon, but Shiny hunting is very troublesome in general & breeding for one even more -_-. They are just different coloured Pokemon of the same species, I've never found anything special about Shinies, except that they "shine".

Pika Pika :chu:
I enjoy the focus and time spent on the hunt....if I get a shiny out of it. XD I dont like breeding for them though, but I did hatch my first ever shiny as a Cleffa from the Odd Egg in Crystal a while ago. :D Yeah, not much different other than their pallet, but a lot of times the colors are better and I like the random finds or the happiness of getting what you were looking for, especially the satisfaction when you find one someone asked you for. ^^
No snowfall here, but its starting to get colder.

Pika Pika :chu:

We had snow, but not anymore. Meh.

Enough snow to bury a human being. And I was tasked with shoveling the walk and the street so my parents could arrive by taxi. If you guys don't happen to know, snow can be extremely heavy. D:

You can give us the extra snow pls. {XD}
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Hurray..... Finally my exam is over. So I'm back. Is there anybody who missed me? Or everybody forgot once there was a member named 'Imrul Quayes Adnan'.xD
So is there any good or bad news for me? I don't think I have any good news.xD
And yeah.... CHU..... not only you but also me not playing SUN or MOON. I think this is the bad news for me. Huh???xD
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My new state is higher north than the old one so theres supposed to be a lot more than Im used to so Im really excited. :D Its already snowed twice for me! :D I love snow is it obvious?? :D
We had snow, but not anymore. Meh.
Don't hate snow, but would rather not live in a place with heavy snowfall :P.

Hurray..... Finally my exam is over. So I'm back. Is there anybody who missed me? Or everybody forgot once there was a member named 'Imrul Quayes Adnan'.xD
So is there any good or bad news for me? I don't think I have any good news.xD
And yeah.... CHU..... not only you but also me not playing SUN or MOON. I think this is the bad news for me. Huh???xD
Welcome back Imrul. Ya, don't have 3DS, but even if I did won't have time to play -_-.

Why do you need to reset to get a chance at Alolan Raichu?
Yes Raichu is worth it, but the effort of shiny might not be. (Shiny hunting is more trouble than it's worth no matter what species tbh)
I enjoy the focus and time spent on the hunt....if I get a shiny out of it. XD I dont like breeding for them though, but I did hatch my first ever shiny as a Cleffa from the Odd Egg in Crystal a while ago. :D Yeah, not much different other than their pallet, but a lot of times the colors are better and I like the random finds or the happiness of getting what you were looking for, especially the satisfaction when you find one someone asked you for. ^^
Ya many shinies do have better palettes than the original, but still, would rather run into one :).

And I have some good news for both of u.

Captain DyingWillFlareon, u have been promoted & will now be known as Major DyingWillFlareon. U can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner ^^.

And Major ordinaryOddball, u too got urself a promotion & will now be referred to as Colonel ordinaryOddball. This also gives u some special privileges. U can now choose Two more Pokemon, for ur Team ^^. These can be ANY Pokemon, including 2nd & 3rd Stage Pokemon (but NOT Legendaries/Megas). If its a Basic Stage Pokemon (from the "Available Starters" list) & has a 2-Stage/3-Stage Evolution, you can choose to Evolve it to its Second/Third Stage, any time you like, but you CANNOT CHANGE it with any other Pokemon.

So both of u let me know ur choices :).

Pika Pika :chu:
And Major ordinaryOddball, u too got urself a promotion & will now be referred to as Colonel ordinaryOddball. This also gives u some special privileges. U can now choose Two more Pokemon, for ur Team ^^. These can be ANY Pokemon, including 2nd & 3rd Stage Pokemon (but NOT Legendaries/Megas). If its a Basic Stage Pokemon (from the "Available Starters" list) & has a 2-Stage/3-Stage Evolution, you can choose to Evolve it to its Second/Third Stage, any time you like, but you CANNOT CHANGE it with any other Pokemon.

In a sudden heel-turn, I choose... Bulbasaur! Haha, grass types rule!

I kid. Let's see, I didn't actually plan this far. How about Joltik and Rotom? I like Joltik and Rotom. I'll call 'em Popcorn and Nano.
Captain DyingWillFlareon, u have been promoted & will now be known as Major DyingWillFlareon. U can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner ^^.

i love snow im glad i got more!!!<3

Yay! :D Yeah I do wanna evolve Magnemite, I also still need to give it a name nnn.... I guess until further notice its name is 'Nuki' as in 'Not Muki'....

Looks like Im a major deal now eh? ;D
Here it changes soo much with the snow. In the inner parts of Finland they have more snow than us in the bottom. :V

In other news, I finally got a Pikachu in pokemon go from a 5K egg. Still missing the christmas Pikachu and Raichu. ^^