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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

i love snow im glad i got more!!!<3

Yay! :D Yeah I do wanna evolve Magnemite, I also still need to give it a name nnn.... I guess until further notice its name is 'Nuki' as in 'Not Muki'....

Looks like Im a major deal now eh? ;D
Alright Major Flare, has been done, u got a Magneton named Nuki as in 'Not Muki' :P.

Here it changes soo much with the snow. In the inner parts of Finland they have more snow than us in the bottom. :V

In other news, I finally got a Pikachu in pokemon go from a 5K egg. Still missing the christmas Pikachu and Raichu. ^^
Did u say Christmas Pikachu & Raichu? Here u go.


Pika Pika :chu:
I saw a Christmas Pikachu near a church near my house yesterday but it disappeared so I still have none.....

And if I check and its name is literally "'Nuki' as in 'Not Muki'" im leaving .__.
I was surprised to see that the existing Pikachus I have don't get a santa hat, only new ones I catch. So my only santa-hat one is a CP10!
Oh I got yesterday 2 christmas Pikachus! They are so cute.
Thanks for the pic, cant wait to get christmas Raichu. ♥
awww that pikachu in santa hat is really cute. i wish i can get one too :3
Oh well, wish I was actually playing the Games, I seem to be the only one around who isn't :P.

But ya SantaChu is cute {<3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Name: Brendan
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: I like both regular and Alolan Raichu, Zapdos, Plusle and Minun, as well as all the Rotom formes.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Nothing beats using Thunder in the rain, though I do enjoy Zekrom's Bolt Strike as well.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Joule
Name: Brendan
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: I like both regular and Alolan Raichu, Zapdos, Plusle and Minun, as well as all the Rotom formes.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Nothing beats using Thunder in the rain, though I do enjoy Zekrom's Bolt Strike as well.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Joule
Hey Brendan, so u finally made it {:3}. Welcome to the Club bro & I hope u will be posting here on a regular basis :).

Also, congratulations, u are officially, the 50th Member on the Club ^^.

50 Members huh, that is quite an achievement, got to celebrate that, will come up with something very soon {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Welcome and congrats for being the 50th member in the club :pink_boogie: And congrats Chu for 50 members (:

Btw. I also got one of those SantaChus on PokemonGo :3
Thnx Liny ^^!

Oh jeez, I wish I was playing Pokemon Go -_-.

Pika Pika :chu:


I play pokemon Go, but there are actually not many pokestops in my area, so I'm glad to have a SantaChu now :3 Why don't you play it, is it not available in your country yet or do you lack the time for it?

ps: I wish I could play Sun&Moon atm, but I'm not sure if it would be worth buying a nintendo 3ds just for one game xD :pink_blankstare:

I play pokemon Go, but there are actually not many pokestops in my area, so I'm glad to have a SantaChu now :3 Why don't you play it, is it not available in your country yet or do you lack the time for it?

ps: I wish I could play Sun&Moon atm, but I'm not sure if it would be worth buying a nintendo 3ds just for one game xD :pink_blankstare:
Nopes, not released here yet afaik -_-. There is the AFK File & people do play it on their androids, but dunno, I find it very iffy, don't wanna compromise my mobile.

Exactly, I don't have a 3DS either. The last Game I played was B2W2.

Pika Pika :chu:
Nopes, not released here yet afaik -_-. There is the AFK File & people do play it on their androids, but dunno, I find it very iffy, don't wanna compromise my mobile.

Exactly, I don't have a 3DS either. The last Game I played was B2W2.

Pika Pika :chu:

Oh, I see. I think I compromised my phone a long time ago xD

The last game I played was platinum, so I only have a DS Lite lying aroung somewhere in my room, but who knows, maybe I'll buy a 3ds someday ^^
Oh, I see. I think I compromised my phone a long time ago xD

The last game I played was platinum, so I only have a DS Lite lying aroung somewhere in my room, but who knows, maybe I'll buy a 3ds someday ^^
Ya, better be safe, but I'm tempted :P.

Its been quite a while since I played any Pokemon game, just don't have enough time & I'm someone who doesn't like to rush my games.

Pika Pika :chu:
Sheep said:
Merry Christmas
Mawa said:
Merry Christmas
Harish Sceptile said:
Merry Christmas
Naturia Beans said:
Merry Christmas
BadSheep said:
Merry Christmas
Starry Windy said:
Merry Christmas
NinjaQueen said:
Merry Christmas
Remus said:
Merry Christmas
Lycanthropy said:
Merry Christmas
Poké Bean said:
Merry Christmas
KorpiklaaniVodka said:
Merry Christmas
Avatarika said:
Merry Christmas
DragonGuru said:
Merry Christmas
Clover said:
Merry Christmas
XxSheepyxX said:
Merry Christmas
IsaacTwentySeven said:
Merry Christmas
Korbinia said:
Merry Christmas
Wethrin said:
Merry Christmas
TeeJay_the_Raichu said:
Merry Christmas
DyingWillFlareon said:
Merry Christmas
Fletch said:
Merry Christmas
DKoolGal said:
Merry Christmas
Nick Wilde said:
Merry Christmas
Return said:
Merry Christmas
Imrul Quayes Adnan said:
Merry Christmas
SolarSnivy said:
Merry Christmas
nishthelegendarytrainer said:
Merry Christmas
Sunshine Moonlight said:
Merry Christmas
Mugdho01 said:
Merry Christmas
Caite-chan said:
Merry Christmas
JustSander said:
Merry Christmas
Killua said:
Merry Christmas
FireSnow said:
Merry Christmas
ordinaryOddball said:
Merry Christmas
Squirrel said:
Merry Christmas
stormivy said:
Merry Christmas
Espeonica said:
Merry Christmas
Forever said:
Merry Christmas
Cakesu said:
Merry Christmas
Waterproof said:
Merry Christmas
Sunstruck said:
Merry Christmas
Ċorazòn said:
Merry Christmas
GreenLegend56 said:
Merry Christmas
RahulPokeMaster said:
Merry Christmas
Lugarugan said:
Merry Christmas
Fayt_darkblade said:
Merry Christmas
Linyit said:
Merry Christmas
LadyLucina said:
Merry Christmas
Brendino said:
Merry Christmas
Hey Hey Hey all ya fellow Club Members, time for Celebrations!

And there's more than one reason to do so {:3}.

First of all, I'm very proud to announce that the Club now officially has 50 Members ^^.

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

And of course its Christmas! So....


[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

And some Candies for everyone:-

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Feel free to join the Celebrations & Happy Holidays guys ^^!

Pika Pika :chu: