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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I use Raichu! I didn't thought I would use it since I wasn't a fan of the design (I prefer regular raichu) but I got attached! o.O
I use Pikachu. Training that Pichu was a bit of a trick but it was all worth it to see my little Alma evolve.
I use Raichu! I didn't thought I would use it since I wasn't a fan of the design (I prefer regular raichu) but I got attached! o.O
Ya, the Pikachu line is a bit tough to train, but that's the fun part {:3}.

Now that I think about it, I've almost never used a Raichu in my team, coz I don't like evolving my Pikachu, except maybe once or twice & then too I had a Pikachu in my team.

Pika Pika :chu:
Ya, the Pikachu line is a bit tough to train, but that's the fun part {:3}.

Now that I think about it, I've almost never used a Raichu in my team, coz I don't like evolving my Pikachu, except maybe once or twice & then too I had a Pikachu in my team.

Pika Pika :chu:

I can't bring myself to evolve my Pikachu... I love Pikachus too much...
I can't bring myself to evolve my Pikachu... I love Pikachus too much...
Even battle-wise, a Light Ball Pikachu, is better than a Raichu imo.

And I'm also glad to inform u that u earned urself a promotion & will now be referred to as Captain LadyLucina. U can now change/evolve ur Starter & choose another Pokemon from the "Available Starters" List. Let me know what they will be :).

Pika Pika :chu:
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Even battle-wise, a Light Ball Pikachu, is better than a Raichu imo.

And I'm also glad to inform u that u earned urself a promotion & will now be referred to as Captain LadyLucina. U can now change/evolve ur Starter & choose another Pokemon from the "Available Starters" List. Let me know what they will be :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Oh hey. Neat. So, I'll evolve my Joltik into Galvantula, and I'd like to add Tynamo to my little team.
Oooops will I lose some friends if I dare to say that I don't really like Pikachu..... ?
But I love Raichu <3 I will evolve my Pikachu as soon as I can. I did had Pikachu for a long time in Sun, as I wanted my Pikachu to learn Thunderbolt. I liked it, really. But overall Pikachu isn't my favorite Pokemon. I love Pichu and Raichu tho.
Oh hey. Neat. So, I'll evolve my Joltik into Galvantula, and I'd like to add Tynamo to my little team.
Alright, done {:3}.

Oooops will I lose some friends if I dare to say that I don't really like Pikachu..... ?
But I love Raichu <3 I will evolve my Pikachu as soon as I can. I did had Pikachu for a long time in Sun, as I wanted my Pikachu to learn Thunderbolt. I liked it, really. But overall Pikachu isn't my favorite Pokemon. I love Pichu and Raichu tho.
M..Marie, h..h..how c..could y..y..you... :( ;-;

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pika Pika :chu:
I love Raichu more than Pikachu. Raichu is my fave. :P :D Tough I havent gotten the game, maby someday. I would train alola Raichu. ^__^
I love Raichu more than Pikachu. Raichu is my fave. :P :D Tough I havent gotten the game, maby someday. I would train alola Raichu. ^__^
No no no, Pikachu is better, Pikachu is the best, Pikachu is the bestest >:(.

But I do have some good news for u. So Captain stormivy, I'm glad to inform u that u have been promoted & will now be referred to as Major stormivy. U can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner ^^.

Pika Pika :chu:
No no no, Pikachu is better, Pikachu is the best, Pikachu is the bestest >:(.

But I do have some good news for u. So Captain stormivy, I'm glad to inform u that u have been promoted & will now be referred to as Major stormivy. U can now Evolve/change both ur Starter & ur Bonus Partner ^^.

Pika Pika :chu:

omgomgomg yeeeessSS! I want to evolve them. :pink_boogie:

Humm did I have a bonus partner? I cant remember if I choose one? ?D :3c

Muahaha, Pikachu is cool alright, but not as floatingly cool as Alola Raichu.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Art by https://meowords.tumblr.com/
omgomgomg yeeeessSS! I want to evolve them. :pink_boogie:

Humm did I have a bonus partner? I cant remember if I choose one? ?D :3c

Muahaha, Pikachu is cool alright, but not as floatingly cool as Alola Raichu.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Art by https://meowords.tumblr.com/
Ya u did :P, u chose a Voltorb. Okay, both ur Partners evolved ^^.

And Pikachu is still the best ;).

Pika Pika :chu:
Pikachu was quite literally, my first friend (if you don't include my brother in which we've been best friends since birth). I like Pichu because of the Pichu Bros., kinda like Raichu because his/her shiny Alolan form is literally a chocolate bunny, but I love Pikachu the most. He's my little buddy~ ♥
Hahah right. Awsome thank you chuu. ^___^
Np :).

Pikachu was quite literally, my first friend (if you don't include my brother in which we've been best friends since birth). I like Pichu because of the Pichu Bros., kinda like Raichu because his/her shiny Alolan form is literally a chocolate bunny, but I love Pikachu the most. He's my little buddy~ ♥
Lots of nostalgia associated with Pikachu. Yellow was my first ever game :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Name: - GnX

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Heliolisk, Raikou, Zebstrika, Zapdos, Pikachu

Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - ThunderBolt, Volt tackle, Thunder Punch, Volt Switch, Charge Beam, Thunder wave, Wild Charge

Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - In general I've always liked lightning, watching storms when ever they come along and seeing the flashes followed by the crackling thunder. And not to mention I like how fast they are most of the time.

Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Helioptile

From what I've seen LegendChu the creator of this thread is currently on a break, is it impossible to join at this time?
Name: - GnX

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Heliolisk, Raikou, Zebstrika, Zapdos, Pikachu

Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - ThunderBolt, Volt tackle, Thunder Punch, Volt Switch, Charge Beam, Thunder wave, Wild Charge

Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - In general I've always liked lightning, watching storms when ever they come along and seeing the flashes followed by the crackling thunder. And not to mention I like how fast they are most of the time.

Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Helioptile

From what I've seen LegendChu the creator of this thread is currently on a break, is it impossible to join at this time?
Hey GnX, welcome to the Club.

Feel free to have a say on any current/previous discussions & participate in Events that have already been done. If u have any queries regarding the Club, always feel free to VM me :).

I'm gonna stick around for a while I guess, but yeah will have to leave soon.

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey GnX, welcome to the Club.

Feel free to have a say on any current/previous discussions & participate in Events that have already been done. If u have any queries regarding the Club, always feel free to VM me :).

I'm gonna stick around for a while I guess, but yeah will have to leave soon.

Pika Pika :chu:

Hello, thanks for the welcome. : )

I will make sure to do that.

Let's see.....

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

Yep, back when playing X/Y and Oras each team I made always had either Manectric, Raikou, Heliolusk or Zebstrika somewhere in there. Mostly Heliolisk, his dry skin ability has saved me a million times oveer and made for some funny moments when an Azumarill or Kyogre tried anything.

Discussion #4 - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
I love Zebstrika's design and it helped me get through Gen 5's story. Sadly Zebstrika doesn't really get a bunch moves to make use of so I think a boost wouldn't hurt. Either that or more moves. I heard Flygon got Dragon Dance in this Gen at least.

Discussion #9 - How do you think Electric types overcome their weakness against Rock types?

Sprinklers will do the trick......either that or a supereffective move.

Discussion #11 - Rotom already has Levitate, so what's the point in giving Fan Rotom an Electric/Flying Typing?

They probably should have came up with another one but with Rotom being an electric fan I guess there was no choice. Might of been cool for each Rotom to gain a new ability and replace levitate.