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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Hi everyone!

Name: Tristen (Just call me TeeJay though)
Favorite Electric Type Pokemon: Pikachu family, Shinx family, Jolteon, Elektrike/Manectric, Raikou, Zebstrika
Favorite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Thunder Fang, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well a lot of them just have really great designs! Not only that but they are often speedy sweepers which are my preferred kind of pokemon to use.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pikachu

When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric type on your team? Of course! I always look to have an electric type on my team but it is always immediately replaced the moment I have access to Pikachu (and thus Raichu).
Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what?) Another pure Electric type would be nice, but I'd love to see new and interesting Dual type Electric type pokemon; combinations we haven't seen before.
What species of rodent would you like the next pika clone to be? Tbh I can't think of any new rodents. Haven't we used them all now? Probably not, but I can't think of any new ones.
Hey Teejay (aka Tristen aka TeeJay_the_Raichu), welcome to the Club bro. Really good to see new members taking time to give their views on previous discussions :). There's an event going on right now, do participate in that. Also if any Rules are not clear, always feel free to drop in a VM :).

So guys- here me out. Here comes my electric pokemon for sun and moon! :D

Type: Electric/ Dark
Name: Zerox
Ability: Volt Absorber/ Quick feet HA: Levitiate(i'll come to that later...
HP 70
Def: 65
Sp.Atk: 125

A fast sp.sweeper.

Look: A Black/blue fox like beast with orange hair spikes, his tails(2tails) produces electricety through rubbing hair (and here comes levitate... because of the the rubbing, its feet producing its own magnet field witch lets it levitate)- high like jolteon

No evolutions
Maybe a different color sheme for male/female?!

I love it xD

What do you think?
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
That's really neat man, thumbs up from me. Electric/Dark seems to be becoming a popular combo here.

Wow this Club is fast becoming the most popular Club around here huh.
Also, it's starting to get crowded in here. Welcome new people!
Its thanks to all you members, so just keep posting.

Captain Ninja Queen reporting on duty Major LegendChu Sir, or should I say Colonel LegendChu Sir lol (just noticed that you got promoted as well).
Okay, so I'll keep my original Partner & as for a Bonus Partner, hmm lemme see! Alright, Pichu, Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Dedenne (I wish I could have them all, I really adore the Pikaclones haha). Okay final choice - Pikachu, can I have a Pikachu please Colonel LegendChu Sir, over & out
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Yes Captain NinjaQueen, you have the permission from Colonel LegendChu to have Pikachu as your second partner, over & out {XD}.

Not sure if I can use these as actual entries, as they originally come from this game, but I thought I'd share them anyway! (Drawings by yours truly.)

My apologies if this was supposed to be serious. xD
Na na, this is supposed to be fun. I agree with NinjaQueen, they are funny, especially the descriptions {XD}

Haha, I was just scrolling through Fakemon and stumbled upon the picture! They are surprisingly similar to your overall idea, so I thought I'd share them and see what everyone thinks. :D
Yeah, an evolution for each of them would be great! The way I imagine an Electric-type firefly Pokemon is with a transparent lower abdomen, inside of which electricity could be crackling, thus giving off the glow. The same could be applied to one with a Fire typing, only instead of electricity there could be flames circulating inside and the Pokemon summons its Fire-type moves from this depository. c:
I found some pretty cool art of a vaguely similar concept:

They're Fire/Electric-types and are meant to be based off both grasshoppers and fireflies. I really like the design of the second one!
I must say, you surely have the knack to find some really awesome Fanarts, very similar to ideas posted here :P.
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Name - Flare or Al/Aly/Ally
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pikachu line, Electrike line, Plusle, Minun, Helioptile line, Pikachu clone pokemon.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Thunder Fang
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - there arent too many but they usually have the best designs and moves.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Muki

Spoiler: idk
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name - Electranite, Electranoid
Name Origin - Electric/Granite and Electric/Granite/Meteroid(except pronouncing it grah-nit instead of grah-night).
Species - Rock Horn Pokemon
Type - Electric/Rock (keep out of reach of Ground types)
Ability - Electranite: Intimidate or Guts(hidden ability: Filter) Electranoid: Intimidate or Hustle(hidden ability: Filter)
Pokedex Entry (Sun) -
1. Although small they can get extremely territorial and have been known to attack anything that stands in their way. It is said they are amoung the most loyal Pokemon.
2. Hiding in rocks and caves with their packs, they tend to stay away from Pokemon and people unless threatened. They lock their jaws or claws around prey or foes.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) -
1. They live in packs of about 20 in the mountains and only come down during summer and fall to gather food. The younger ones stay in a cave and eat mostly berries.
2. Mountain hikers are warned often to watch their step in more rugged terrain in case they step on the rocky backs of one of these Pokemon. They enjoy sunbathing on the rocks while not hunting for food and berries.
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Na na, this is supposed to be fun. I agree with NinjaQueen, they are funny, especially the descriptions {XD}

Thanks! I just did something random really. I hope the PokéDex won't actually be offending science.

Spoiler: idk
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name - Electranite, Electranoid
Name Origin - Electric/Granite and Electric/Granite/Meteroid(except pronouncing it grah-nit instead of grah-night).
Species - Rock Horn Pokemon
Type - Electric/Rock (keep out of reach of Ground types)
Ability - Electranite: Intimidate or Guts(hidden ability: Filter) Electranoid: Intimidate or Hustle(hidden ability: Filter)
Pokedex Entry (Sun) -
1. Although small they can get extremely territorial and have been known to attack anything that stands in their way. It is said they are amoung the most loyal Pokemon.
2. Hiding in rocks and caves with their packs, they tend to stay away from Pokemon and people unless threatened. They lock their jaws or claws around prey or foes.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) -
1. They live in packs of about 20 in the mountains and only come down during summer and fall to gather food. The younger ones stay in a cave and eat mostly berries.
2. Mountain hikers are warned often to watch their step in more rugged terrain in case they step on the rocky backs of one of these Pokemon. They enjoy sunbathing on the rocks while not hunting for food and berries.

Ohi, Flare! Awesome to see you here as well! o/

Super cute artworks, as always. <3
The top one reminds me a bit of Nidoran♂, but yay for not having to face Poison Point! ;)
Yeah, an evolution for each of them would be great! The way I imagine an Electric-type firefly Pokemon is with a transparent lower abdomen, inside of which electricity could be crackling, thus giving off the glow. The same could be applied to one with a Fire typing, only instead of electricity there could be flames circulating inside and the Pokemon summons its Fire-type moves from this depository. c:

I found some pretty cool art of a vaguely similar concept:

They're Fire/Electric-types and are meant to be based off both grasshoppers and fireflies. I really like the design of the second one!

I really like this! It can be a good early catch bug type!
Man, I never really got into the fakemon before, but now I do enjoy it! It make me wonder what we can have next! Now I can't wait for the games to come out ^_^

Wow this thread is becoming popular! Each time I get on PC there is more members and many more post!
Welcome to everyone!! :D
Because of the new generation, we'll have so many discussions coming up!


Look at these fan art!! I wouldn't mind to see them coming true!

And this evolution of EMolga!

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Firstly, hello to the newest Club Member - DyingWillFlareon

Look at these fan art!! I wouldn't mind to see them coming true!
And this evolution of EMolga!

This Emolga evo is super-awesome. I really hope if Emolga does get an Evo, its something like this one.

And guess what I found


This one's called Ampar & is the pre-evo of the fanart you posted (which is called Amparai).

This is the Source - https://smiley-fakemon.deviantart.com/art/Ampar-Spark-Fakemon-594398556
Name - Flare or Al/Aly/Ally
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pikachu line, Electrike line, Plusle, Minun, Helioptile line, Pikachu clone pokemon.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Thunder Fang
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - there arent too many but they usually have the best designs and moves.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Muki

Spoiler: idk
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name - Electranite, Electranoid
Name Origin - Electric/Granite and Electric/Granite/Meteroid(except pronouncing it grah-nit instead of grah-night).
Species - Rock Horn Pokemon
Type - Electric/Rock (keep out of reach of Ground types)
Ability - Electranite: Intimidate or Guts(hidden ability: Filter) Electranoid: Intimidate or Hustle(hidden ability: Filter)
Pokedex Entry (Sun) -
1. Although small they can get extremely territorial and have been known to attack anything that stands in their way. It is said they are amoung the most loyal Pokemon.
2. Hiding in rocks and caves with their packs, they tend to stay away from Pokemon and people unless threatened. They lock their jaws or claws around prey or foes.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) -
1. They live in packs of about 20 in the mountains and only come down during summer and fall to gather food. The younger ones stay in a cave and eat mostly berries.
2. Mountain hikers are warned often to watch their step in more rugged terrain in case they step on the rocky backs of one of these Pokemon. They enjoy sunbathing on the rocks while not hunting for food and berries.
Aha, so Flare (aka Al aka Aly aka Ally aka DyingWillFlareon), I Bayleef ;), you finally did decide to join in. A very very warm welcome to the Club. And that artwork is awesomepossum. Great to have another artist on board {:3}.

Thanks! I just did something random really. I hope the PokéDex won't actually be offending science.
There are much weirder Pokedex entries already (sample - Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm {D:}), so na I don't think so :P

Wow this thread is becoming popular! Each time I get on PC there is more members and many more post! Welcome to everyone!! :D Because of the new generation, we'll have so many discussions coming up!
And there can be no one much happier about this than me ^^.

And this evolution of EMolga!

And guess what I found

This one's called Ampar & is the pre-evo of the fanart you posted (which is called Amparai).

This is the Source - https://smiley-fakemon.deviantart.com/art/Ampar-Spark-Fakemon-594398556
Wow love these fanarts. The Emolga evo is pretty good, but those birds (Ampar & Amparai), I really love their designs :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Here's a fanart from my side, with a Type combo of two of my most favourite types, Electric & Dragon


The first two are just about okay, but the third one is really wicked according to me. What do you guys think?
hi :)

Name - Fletch
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Mareep line & Joltik line.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Electroweb, Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - They're speedy and powerful. They range in looks from sooooooooo cute too super cool and strong looking.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Tyke

Hey guys! Looks like I came at a good time! :)
Hey Fletch (aka Rowlet), welcome to the Club bro. You came in at exactly the right time & I'm sure you're gonna love this place :). There's an event on at this time, do participate & you can also give in your views about previous discussions.

Here's a fanart from my side, with a Type combo of two of my most favourite types, Electric & Dragon


The first two are just about okay, but the third one is really wicked according to me. What do you guys think?
Aha I expected you to come up with something like this, an Electric/Dragon combo ;). Just in case you don't know, these were created by the same guy who created Kokurai & Korokurai (fanarts posted a few posts earlier by NinjaQueen).

Pika Pika :chu:
Aha, so Flare (aka Al aka Aly aka Ally aka DyingWillFlareon), I Bayleef ;), you finally did decide to join in. A very very warm welcome to the Club. And that artwork is awesomepossum. Great to have another artist on board {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
Hello all :D thankie :3

Ohi, Flare! Awesome to see you here as well! o/

Super cute artworks, as always. <3
The top one reminds me a bit of Nidoran♂, but yay for not having to face Poison Point! ;)
Thanks and I couldnt get nidoran out of my head at the time so its gunna look like that a bit ^^;; even the early sketch was half nidoran/half jolteon...
Aha I expected you to come up with something like this, an Electric/Dragon combo ;). Just in case you don't know, these were created by the same guy who created Kokurai & Korokurai (fanarts posted a few posts earlier by NinjaQueen).
Honestly, I didn't know that. I just googled for an Electric/Dragon Type fanart, stumbled upon those & posted them here :)
I must say, you surely have the knack to find some really awesome Fanarts, very similar to ideas posted here :P.

Oh, it's no knack really, haha. Honestly, I just throw in a few key words and voila! ^^

Name - Flare or Al/Aly/Ally
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pikachu line, Electrike line, Plusle, Minun, Helioptile line, Pikachu clone pokemon.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Thunder Fang
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - there arent too many but they usually have the best designs and moves.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Muki

Spoiler: idk
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name - Electranite, Electranoid
Name Origin - Electric/Granite and Electric/Granite/Meteroid(except pronouncing it grah-nit instead of grah-night).
Species - Rock Horn Pokemon
Type - Electric/Rock (keep out of reach of Ground types)
Ability - Electranite: Intimidate or Guts(hidden ability: Filter) Electranoid: Intimidate or Hustle(hidden ability: Filter)
Pokedex Entry (Sun) -
1. Although small they can get extremely territorial and have been known to attack anything that stands in their way. It is said they are amoung the most loyal Pokemon.
2. Hiding in rocks and caves with their packs, they tend to stay away from Pokemon and people unless threatened. They lock their jaws or claws around prey or foes.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) -
1. They live in packs of about 20 in the mountains and only come down during summer and fall to gather food. The younger ones stay in a cave and eat mostly berries.
2. Mountain hikers are warned often to watch their step in more rugged terrain in case they step on the rocky backs of one of these Pokemon. They enjoy sunbathing on the rocks while not hunting for food and berries.

Hiya, Flare! Good to see you here! c: It's not surprising, though - LegendChu seems to be quite persuasive when it comes to getting members to join. xD

And wow, those drawings of yours look great! I like the details. :D I've been lazy as heck and still haven't managed to get my entry in, haha. Just need the inspiration to strike me!

I really like this! It can be a good early catch bug type!
Man, I never really got into the fakemon before, but now I do enjoy it! It make me wonder what we can have next! Now I can't wait for the games to come out ^_^

Yeah, it kinda gets you into the hype, doesn't it? ^_^ There are just so many possibilities for Pokemon out there that you don't really realise! I can see the total amount of Pokemon going over 1000, that's for sure! :D

Look at these fan art!! I wouldn't mind to see them coming true!

And this evolution of EMolga!


Wooow, Amparai looks really good! I'm familiar with that artist and I have to say, he does some of the best Fakemon I've seen!

That Mega Emolga does have character. xD What do you think of this one?


hi :)

Name - Fletch
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Mareep line & Joltik line.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Electroweb, Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - They're speedy and powerful. They range in looks from sooooooooo cute too super cool and strong looking.
Electric Type Tag Partner - Joltik
Tag Partner's Nickname - Tyke

Hey guys! Looks like I came at a good time! :)

Hello, Fletch! Welcome to the club! You certainly did come at a good time; not only is activity increasing but we're also currently running a small event as well! Feel free to participate! :D

Here's a fanart from my side, with a Type combo of two of my most favourite types, Electric & Dragon


The first two are just about okay, but the third one is really wicked according to me. What do you guys think?

I totally agree with you, the third stage is bad-ass all the way!
Hi LegendChu, thanks for inviting me. Sorry couldn't join earlier, haven't been on PC much recently. Just read your invite & here I am.

Name - DKoolGal
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pachirisu, Pikachu, Plusle, Minun, Lanturn, Zebstrika, Heliolisk
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Spark, Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I think they're all super cute, have great speed, make good teammates.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Pachirisu

When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them? - Yes I always do & also make sure it has Thunderbolt, one of the best moves in the games.
Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? - I'd love to see an Electric/Psychic Type. A pure Electric Type would be fine too.
What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be? - I think its going to based on a mouse or squirrel as usual, can't think of anything else.
Hi LegendChu, thanks for inviting me. Sorry couldn't join earlier, haven't been on PC much recently. Just read your invite & here I am.

Name - DKoolGal
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pachirisu, Pikachu, Plusle, Minun, Lanturn, Zebstrika, Heliolisk
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Spark, Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I think they're all super cute, have great speed, make good teammates.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Pachirisu

When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them? - Yes I always do & also make sure it has Thunderbolt, one of the best moves in the games.
Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? - I'd love to see an Electric/Psychic Type. A pure Electric Type would be fine too.
What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be? - I think its going to based on a mouse or squirrel as usual, can't think of anything else.
Hey don't worry, you came in at just about the right time. A very very warm welcome to the Club. And thanx to taking the time to comment on the previous Discussions. Also, please to take part in the Current Event :).

Hello all :D thankie :3
No probs & keep posting :)

Honestly, I didn't know that. I just googled for an Electric/Dragon Type fanart, stumbled upon those & posted them here
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
But they are pretty good man.

Oh, it's no knack really, haha. Honestly, I just throw in a few key words and voila! ^^
But you manage to find just about the right stuff every time eh :P

Wooow, Amparai looks really good! I'm familiar with that artist and I have to say, he does some of the best Fakemon I've seen!
That Mega Emolga does have character. xD What do you think of this one?

Wow, this ones as awesome as the one posted by Mawa {:3}.

Hiya, Flare! Good to see you here! c: It's not surprising, though - LegendChu seems to be quite persuasive when it comes to getting members to join. xD
Aint that easy though :P. But really thanks to all you guys, coz you all have made this Club such a roaring success :).
Yoo-hoo, LegendChu! Now that I've achieved captaincy, I would like to keep my Shinx unevolved and add Helioptile to my team, with the name Poncho! <3 Is that fine by you? :)

Hi LegendChu, thanks for inviting me. Sorry couldn't join earlier, haven't been on PC much recently. Just read your invite & here I am.

Name - DKoolGal
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Pachirisu, Pikachu, Plusle, Minun, Lanturn, Zebstrika, Heliolisk
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Spark, Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - I think they're all super cute, have great speed, make good teammates.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Pachirisu

When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them? - Yes I always do & also make sure it has Thunderbolt, one of the best moves in the games.
Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? - I'd love to see an Electric/Psychic Type. A pure Electric Type would be fine too.
What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be? - I think its going to based on a mouse or squirrel as usual, can't think of anything else.

Greetings! Nice to see yet another member in our midst. :D Hope you have fun!
Firstly hello to the new Club Members - Rowlet & DKoolGal

Yoo-hoo, LegendChu! Now that I've achieved captaincy, I would like to keep my Shinx unevolved and add Helioptile to my team, with the name Poncho! <3 Is that fine by you? :)
Hey congrats Clover, another Captain & another girl to get to the post. Three Captain, all three girls. All hail woman power.

Okay, two more fanarts from me

Yoo-hoo, LegendChu! Now that I've achieved captaincy, I would like to keep my Shinx unevolved and add Helioptile to my team, with the name Poncho! <3 Is that fine by you? :)
Perfectly fine Captain Clover, will be done ^^

I think I'll also evolve my Elekid into Electabuzz. And since I'm now a Colonel & eligible for two more Partners, I'll choose Shinx & Electrike.

Hey congrats Clover, another Captain & another girl to get to the post. Three Captain, all three girls. All hail woman power.
You can always trust ladies to give in their best & yep all hail women power :).

Aha, just what we we missing, Electric Monkeys. Gr8 find, gr8 artwork. I wish they'd have actually been part of Gen V, instead of the Pan/Simi trio (not that I don't like them, but they were all to similar) {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
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I think I'll also evolve my Elekid into Electabuzz. And since I'm now a Colonel & eligible for two more Partners, I'll choose Shinx & Electrike.
Oh, so Colonel LegendChu now has a four Pokemon roster eh.

You can always trust ladies to give in their best & yep all hail women power :).
Absolutely right ;)

Aha, just what we we missing, Electric Monkeys. Gr8 find, gr8 artwork. I wish they'd have actually been part of Gen V, instead of the Pan/Simi trio (not that I don't like them, but they were all to similar) {:3}.
I forgot to mention the names of those Pokemon. The first one (the Basic Stage) is called Voltam & its evolved form (the second one, the one with the hat like thingy), is called Tamaran.
Probably very late to the party but oh well!

Name: Rabinov, a.k.a Aaron.
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Electrode and Manectric
Favourite Electric Type Moves: Electro Ball and Parabolic Charge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Because they look really cool!
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Voltorb
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Biriridama
Hey Aaron (aka Rabinov), welcome to the Club man. You came at just the right time, in fact this party goes on 24/7 ;). There's an Event going on right now btw, do participate & if you have any views on the previous discussions, they'll be welcome as well :).

Oh, so Colonel LegendChu now has a four Pokemon roster eh.
Yep I do, keep posting & you'll have one soon as well ;).

I forgot to mention the names of those Pokemon. The first one (the Basic Stage) is called Voltam & its evolved form (the second one, the one with the hat like thingy), is called Tamaran.
Even their names sound better than the Pan/Simi Trio :P

Pika Pika :chu:
That Mega Emolga does have character. xD What do you think of this one?


Hum this one is pretty nice too!! The cute little electric rodent becoming a bad ass superhero style haha! I can almost see them as a second and third stage evolution! Or a regular evolution and the mega evolution. Need a Emolgite :3
Hey don't worry, you came in at just about the right time. A very very warm welcome to the Club. And thanx to taking the time to comment on the previous Discussions. Also, please to take part in the Current Event :).
Thank you so much LegendChu, glad to be here. I'll surely take part in the Event. Just wanted to know, can I also post fanarts (they have to be of Electric Pokemon only, right)?