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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

How I wish I was more creative, this is taking more time than I thought haha, but hopefully I'll work out something to put for this event.

In the meantime, I found something very interesting. Since we were all discussing how the next Pikaclone should have an evolution & all, I managed to find a fanart of a Pikaclone with an Evolution.

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

So super cute! They'd make fantastic early Bug-types. :D Is that a firefly Pokemon? Because I can totally picture one with an Electric/Bug typing. c:

I remember seeing a certain elephant teapot in a certain similar contest not too long ago, can't say that one was badly drawn. On the contrary, I wanted to hug it so badly. <3

Great contest by the way, I'll be posting my entry soon! :D

Aw, thanks! I felt the same way when I was drawing it. xD That was done by finger, though. :P

Anyways, I actually really want to partake in this event, but in order to do so I'd like to draw up my idea.. which can take a little bit. But it's never too late to show an electric fan design right? ;3 So I'll be sure to post it when it's ready. I don't do well at expressing myself through words, especially when it comes to making fakemon, so it'd be nice to put something together.

Looking forward to it! I've seen your gallery and everything there is really cute. ^^

How I wish I was more creative, this is taking more time than I thought haha, but hopefully I'll work out something to put for this event.

In the meantime, I found something very interesting. Since we were all discussing how the next Pikaclone should have an evolution & all, I managed to find a fanart of a Pikaclone with an Evolution.


I know how you feel; sometimes it takes me ages to get the creative juices flowing! Not to mention there are so many choices, haha.

And those Fakemon are pretty good, if not a little... hmm, simple? What are they based off, do you know? They look quite a bit like rabbits, which aren't actually rodents but lagomorphs. :P

I like that typing, though. The Fakemon I have in mind for the event will probably be Electric/Dark. ;)
Waaah! These drawings are so cool! I love the bug/electric type pokemon, because it looks reeeeally cool, but the black and yellow of the other one go so great together! I need to learn how to do digital art, ahah.
Great contest by the way, I'll be posting my entry soon! :D
Anyways, I actually really want to partake in this event, but in order to do so I'd like to draw up my idea.. which can take a little bit. But it's never too late to show an electric fan design right? ;3 So I'll be sure to post it when it's ready. I don't do well at expressing myself through words, especially when it comes to making fakemon, so it'd be nice to put something together.
How I wish I was more creative, this is taking more time than I thought haha, but hopefully I'll work out something to put for this event.
I know how you feel; sometimes it takes me ages to get the creative juices flowing! Not to mention there are so many choices, haha.
Ah that's okay, I'll keep this Event open for a few days. I know its tough creating Pokemon, even I've gotten in only one entry so far :P

In the meantime, I found something very interesting. Since we were all discussing how the next Pikaclone should have an evolution & all, I managed to find a fanart of a Pikaclone with an Evolution.
Wow, this thing is wicked, where did you get this from? One of the best Electric Type fanarts I've seen {:3}

And those Fakemon are pretty good, if not a little... hmm, simple? What are they based off, do you know? They look quite a bit like rabbits, which aren't actually rodents but lagomorphs. :P
Speaking of Lagomorphs, there's a general misconception that Pikachu is based on a Pika, which is false, coz Pikas also belong to the Lagomorph family, whereas Pikachu's species is clearly defined as "Mouse", so its definitely a rodent, not a Pika.

Waaah! These drawings are so cool! I love the bug/electric type pokemon, because it looks reeeeally cool, but the black and yellow of the other one go so great together! I need to learn how to do digital art, ahah.
Alright, I was really waiting for someone to get here. So Lieutenant XxSheepyxX, you now have 10 Posts & are hereby promoted & are now Captain XxSheepyxX :). And with that come two special privileges, as per new Rule addition - first, you can now evolve/change your Starter & second, you can choose another Starter from the Available Starters List. So let me know here, what it will be.

I just realized that I almost missed out the Rules myself :3c. I'm actually eligible to choose a second Pokemon for myself when I made my 20th Post, so I'll choose Elekid.

Pika Pika :chu:
And those Fakemon are pretty good, if not a little... hmm, simple? What are they based off, do you know? They look quite a bit like rabbits, which aren't actually rodents but lagomorphs.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
They're definitely Pikaclones (at least that's what the creator had mentioned).

Waaah! These drawings are so cool! I love the bug/electric type pokemon, because it looks reeeeally cool, but the black and yellow of the other one go so great together! I need to learn how to do digital art, ahah.
Wow, this thing is wicked, where did you get this from? One of the best Electric Type fanarts I've seen {:3}
Dark Types aren't exactly my favs, but I loved this Type combination with Electric Type & ya the design is super cool & the colour match is what makes it even cooler.

Alright, I was really waiting for someone to get here. So Lieutenant XxSheepyxX, you now have 10 Posts & are hereby promoted & are now Captain XxSheepyxX :). And with that come two special privileges, as per new Rule addition - first, you can now evolve/change your Starter & second, you can choose another Starter from the Available Starters List. So let me know here, what it will be.
I just realized that I almost missed out the Rules myself :3c. I'm actually eligible to choose a second Pokemon for myself when I made my 20th Post, so I'll choose Elekid.

Hey I think I'm quite close to 10 Posts (have I got there already, have to check).
Hey man, seems like you missed the Rules, Dragon wasn't on the list, lol {XD}. But anyways, since you made the first effort, I'll let it stay ;)
Oh sorry, missed that part of the rules & thanks for letting it stay. I'll come up with another one soon.

In the meantime, I found something very interesting. Since we were all discussing how the next Pikaclone should have an evolution & all, I managed to find a fanart of a Pikaclone with an Evolution.

This thing rocks. Fantastic fanart. The creator should get a round of applause for this creation.
Hey that's exactly where I found it from, haha.

I think it deserves a third evolution as well, don't you guys think so?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking! It seems just a little incomplete without a third (or second) evo. Also, I like how the artist was going for a more bad-ass look. While I'm all for cute 'mons, it's a refreshing change from the adorable, squishy kind of Pikaclone. xD

LegendChu said:
Name - Porcuspark
Name Origin - Porcupine + Spark
Species - Pin Cushion
Type - Electric/Poison
Ability - Static or Poison Point
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - Its usually very timid, but when in danger this Pokemon shoots out spikes from its body, which can either Paralyze or Poison the foe.
Pokemon Entry (Moon) - It rolls up into a ball to conceal itself & is often mistaken for a thorny shrub, but be careful as touching it may shock you.

Hey, guess what I found? :D

Okay the first evolution of this line is a little silly but otherwise it's quite fitting! Here's where I found it, if you're interested. ^^
They're definitely Pikaclones (at least that's what the creator had mentioned). Dark Types aren't exactly my favs, but I loved this Type combination with Electric Type & ya the design is super cool & the colour match is what makes it even cooler.
This thing rocks. Fantastic fanart. The creator should get a round of applause for this creation.
They're certainly interesting (and Kokurai is growing on me haha), so I'd love to see some Pokedex info on these two! :D
I think it deserves a third evolution as well, don't you guys think so?
Yeah, that's what I was thinking! It seems just a little incomplete without a third (or second) evo. Also, I like how the artist was going for a more bad-ass look. While I'm all for cute 'mons, it's a refreshing change from the adorable, squishy kind of Pikaclone. xD
Wow these two seem to be getting quite popular huh. I think someone should think of a third Evolution for them.

Hey, guess what I found? :D

Okay the first evolution of this line is a little silly but otherwise it's quite fitting! Here's where I found it, if you're interested. ^^
How in the world did you actually manage to find something so similar to what I actually imagined the Pokemon to be, when I was creating them {D:}. I love them {:3}.

Hey I think I'm quite close to 10 Posts (have I got there already, have to check).
You are absolutely right. So Lieutenant NinjaQueen, now that you have 10 Posts, you hereby promoted & will now be known as Captain NinjaQueen :). And you can not only evolve/change your Starter now, but you can also choose another Starter from the Available Starters List. So let me know here, what it will be.
So Let's do this !

Name - Roman also knows as Wethrin
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Emolga and Jolteon
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Voltswitch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - Always the fastest ;D and I kinda like the color yellow(no not my fav)
Electric Type Tag Partner - Emolga
Tag Partner's Nickname - Ikarus for emolga and Cito for my Jolteon.

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them? Of course and its always jolteon =)
Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? I'm looking forward to a Electric/Dark type
Discussion #3 - What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be? NO PIKA CLONE PLZ XD
So Let's do this !

Name - Roman also knows as Wethrin
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) - Emolga and Jolteon
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) - Thunderbolt, Voltswitch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon - Always the fastest ;D and I kinda like the color yellow(no not my fav)
Electric Type Tag Partner - Emolga
Tag Partner's Nickname - Ikarus for emolga and Cito for my Jolteon.

Discussion #1 - When building teams in the Games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them? Of course and its always jolteon =)
Discussion #2 - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? I'm looking forward to a Electric/Dark type
Discussion #3 - What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be? NO PIKA CLONE PLZ XD
Hey Roman (aka Wethrin), welcome to the Club bro. Hey nice to see you took time out to put in views about the old discussions. Ah you get only one Partner for now as per rules, but don't worry, just keep posting & I'm sure you'll be eligible for another one sooner than later {:3}. Just check out the Rules & if anything's unclear always feel free to ask me. There's also an Event going on right now, you can participate in that as well :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey Roman (aka Wethrin), welcome to the Club bro. Hey nice to see you took time out to put in views about the old discussions. Ah you get only one Partner for now as per rules, but don't worry, just keep posting & I'm sure you'll be eligible for another one sooner than later {:3}. Just check out the Rules & if anything's unclear always feel free to ask me. There's also an Event going on right now, you can participate in that as well :).

Pika Pika :chu:

Only one partner hmm?.... then i would like to go with emolga :D its my mascott after alle!

Haha yeah i was like....just give answers to everything xD

I will 100% check it out:D
Hum I see that the fanart I fond is popular hehe, but yes I would love to see a Pokemon like this as the first bug!

As for a firefly Pokemon... there is alreayd volbeat and illumise, I wuld love to see them evlve, and yes indeed it can be an electric evolution! I never imagined a firefly as an electric type but I d now :3 Volbeat can evole into an electric type and Illumise into a fire type, who knows!

Oh and welcome to the new members! :D
Only one partner hmm?.... then i would like to go with emolga :D its my mascott after alle!
Haha yeah i was like....just give answers to everything xD
I will 100% check it out:D
Okay, gotcha, added :). Yep do so & I'm sure you'll come up with something good for the Event :)

Hum I see that the fanart I fond is popular hehe, but yes I would love to see a Pokemon like this as the first bug!
As for a firefly Pokemon... there is alreayd volbeat and illumise, I wuld love to see them evlve, and yes indeed it can be an electric evolution! I never imagined a firefly as an electric type but I d now :3 Volbeat can evole into an electric type and Illumise into a fire type, who knows!
Or maybe they both can evolve into Electric/Fire Type combos. Can someone try come up with something for that?

And in the meanwhile, I have another entry for the Event.

Name - Sparktic
Name Origin - Spark + Arctic
Type - Electric / Ice
Ability - Static or Snow Cloak
Species - Polar Chill
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - A rare Pokemon only found in the freezing North Polar regions.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) - When it gets too cold, it rubs its furry paws to release Static Electricity, to keep itself warm.

Pika Pika :chu:
So guys- here me out. Here comes my electric pokemon for sun and moon! :D

Type: Electric/ Dark
Name: Zerox
Ability: Volt Absorber/ Quick feet HA: Levitiate(i'll come to that later...
HP 70
Def: 65
Sp.Atk: 125

A fast sp.sweeper.

Look: A Black/blue fox like beast with orange hair spikes, his tails(2tails) produces electricety through rubbing hair (and here comes levitate... because of the the rubbing, its feet producing its own magnet field witch lets it levitate)- high like jolteon

No evolutions
Maybe a different color sheme for male/female?!

I love it xD

What do you think?:)
Hi everyone!

Name: Tristen (Just call me TeeJay though)
Favorite Electric Type Pokemon: Pikachu family, Shinx family, Jolteon, Elektrike/Manectric, Raikou, Zebstrika
Favorite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Thunder Fang, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: Well a lot of them just have really great designs! Not only that but they are often speedy sweepers which are my preferred kind of pokemon to use.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pikachu

When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric type on your team? Of course! I always look to have an electric type on my team but it is always immediately replaced the moment I have access to Pikachu (and thus Raichu).
 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what?) Another pure Electric type would be nice, but I'd love to see new and interesting Dual type Electric type pokemon; combinations we haven't seen before.
What species of rodent would you like the next pika clone to be? Tbh I can't think of any new rodents. Haven't we used them all now? Probably not, but I can't think of any new ones.
Not sure if I can use these as actual entries, as they originally come from this game, but I thought I'd share them anyway! (Drawings by yours truly.)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name: Microblitz
Name Origin: Microwave + blitz
Type: Electric/Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Species: Microwave Pokémon
Evolutionary family: Evolves from Buzzding
PokéDex entry (Sun): "According to the laws of energy, electricity can be used to generate heat. Microblitz generates both heat and electricity. Screw that, science!"
PokéDex entry (Moon): "Microblitz's diet is highly adapted to low quality food. Even today, food specialists stand clueless how this species can remain healthy on just microwave meals."

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name: Ozzizilla
Name Origin: Ozzy + Godzilla
Type: Electric/Poison
Ability: Static or Pressure
Species: Dictator Pokémon
Evolutionary family: doesn't evolve
PokéDex entry (Sun): "Ozzizilla has seized reign of its position as the Dictator of the evil organization he called the KFC a long time ago. His old position is currently in position of Swadloon."
PokéDex entry (Moon): "When not dancing uncontrollably, Ozzizilla is occupied with his business selling fresh Combusken meat."

My apologies if this was supposed to be serious. xD

Also, it's starting to get crowded in here. Welcome new people!
Firstly, Hello to the new Club Members - Wethrin & TeeJay_the_Raichu. Wow this Club is fast becoming the most popular Club around here huh.

And in the meanwhile, I have another entry for the Event.

Name - Sparktic
Name Origin - Spark + Arctic
Type - Electric / Ice
Ability - Static or Snow Cloak
Species - Polar Chill
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - A rare Pokemon only found in the freezing North Polar regions.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) - When it gets too cold, it rubs its furry paws to release Static Electricity, to keep itself warm.
Awww, this thing sounds really cute. Hope someone can draw this out :).

Not sure if I can use these as actual entries, as they originally come from this game, but I thought I'd share them anyway! (Drawings by yours truly.)

My apologies if this was supposed to be serious. xD
These things are funny, lol

You are absolutely right. So Lieutenant NinjaQueen, now that you have 10 Posts, you hereby promoted & will now be known as Captain NinjaQueen . And you can not only evolve/change your Starter now, but you can also choose another Starter from the Available Starters List. So let me know here, what it will be.
Captain Ninja Queen reporting on duty Major LegendChu Sir, or should I say Colonel LegendChu Sir lol (just noticed that you got promoted as well).
Okay, so I'll keep my original Partner & as for a Bonus Partner, hmm lemme see! Alright, Pichu, Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Dedenne (I wish I could have them all, I really adore the Pikaclones haha). Okay final choice - Pikachu, can I have a Pikachu please Colonel LegendChu Sir, over & out :P.
A big welcome to our latest members, Wethrin and TeeJay! Hope you guys have fun here in the club. :D

How in the world did you actually manage to find something so similar to what I actually imagined the Pokemon to be, when I was creating them {D:}. I love them {:3}.

Haha, I was just scrolling through Fakemon and stumbled upon the picture! They are surprisingly similar to your overall idea, so I thought I'd share them and see what everyone thinks. :D

As for a firefly Pokemon... there is alreayd volbeat and illumise, I wuld love to see them evlve, and yes indeed it can be an electric evolution! I never imagined a firefly as an electric type but I d now :3 Volbeat can evole into an electric type and Illumise into a fire type, who knows!

Yeah, an evolution for each of them would be great! The way I imagine an Electric-type firefly Pokemon is with a transparent lower abdomen, inside of which electricity could be crackling, thus giving off the glow. The same could be applied to one with a Fire typing, only instead of electricity there could be flames circulating inside and the Pokemon summons its Fire-type moves from this depository. c:

I found some pretty cool art of a vaguely similar concept:

They're Fire/Electric-types and are meant to be based off both grasshoppers and fireflies. I really like the design of the second one!