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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I decided to do a rodent because Dragons are out of my skill range. xD It was fun anyways,
But it is quite good huh :)

Btw, another Type Combination that Electric hasn't had is an Electric/Rock Type. What do you guys think about that?

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu:
First of all, hello to the new Club members - XxSheepyxX, Shiny Electivire & Korbinia.

Aha, we have an artist in the house. If I were you, I'd get that design copyrighted ;)
I second that.

Shaymin is actually based on a Hedgehog, which belongs to the order Eulipotyphla, which is completely different from Porcupines, which belong to the order Rodentia (or rodents as we call them), so of course its not the same. And we have two more votes for a Porcupine-based Pikaclone, which brings the total to eight :).
Eulipo-what?. First I had no idea that Porcupine was a rodent & now I never knew hedgehog & porcupines were from different families, till you told me. An animal expert's in the house :P.
Electric/Rock, well again a x4 weakness to Ground. Maybe this is the one that could be given Levitate.
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Btw, another Type Combination that Electric hasn't had is an Electric/Rock Type. What do you guys think about that?
The Porcupine Pokemon we were talking about can have this combination. It can roll itself up to be like a rock & use Rollout, while sending out sparks all around.
How about an Electric/Ice Type, that combo has not been used so far. And being Part Ice Type, will also cover up for Ground Type weakness & also be useful against Grass & Dragon, two types which resist Electric attacks.
Also +1 from me. So many great ideas! Kangaroos are not rodents though.

Agreed, kangaroos aren't rodents, but a kangaroo rat is. But since Pikaclones are all rodents, I doubt though if a kangaroo rat would actually evolve into a kangaroo, which is a marsupial. It would be welcome change though nevertheless.

Yeah I know, that does come as a bit of a drawback haha. But when I said "kangaroo-esque" I did mean just that. :P Like, certain aspects of Breloom are reminiscent of kangaroos but of course in reality mushrooms (aka Shroomish) and kangaroos aren't related. xD

Hmm, maybe instead of a Pikaclone it was its own thing? Also, speaking of marsupials, I'd love to see more of them in Pokemon!


Hey, that's pretty cute!

Oh and another thing I'd love to see is an Electric-type cheetah Pokemon! Not unlike this one, actually:
Hey, that's pretty cute!

Oh and another thing I'd love to see is an Electric-type cheetah Pokemon! Not unlike this one, actually:

Oh my gosh, that is adorable! I want to learn how to do digital artwork, but I need a tablet first. I can draw with a mouse, but if I had a stylus that connects to my computer, things would be soooo much better. xD
Alrighty fellow Club Members, the recent Activity & Discussions on the Club, have given me an idea for an Event. I'll put it up in a few hours, so stay tuned :).

Your Electric Type Tag Partner:
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Your Electric Type Tag Partner --> Chinchou! <3
My Electric Type Tag Partner : Mareep
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pichu
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pachirisu
Your Electric Type Tag Partner - Emolga
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Stunfisk
Your Electric Type Tag Partner
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Plusle
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Stunfisk
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Pichu please~
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx! :3
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Your Electric Type Tag Partner:Elekid
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pikachu.

A reminder for all members, that there are a few (welcome :)) changes to the Partner Rules & a very interesting twist - every Club Member will now be given a Ranking, according to the number of posts they have (what's that you'll know soon ;)). But If you're inactive, then be ready for some punishment as well hehehe >:), j/k :P (I'm in the process of making all those changes right now, should be up soon {:3})

Pika Pika :chu:
Alrighty fellow Club Members, the recent Activity & Discussions on the Club, have given me an idea for an Event. I'll put it up in a few hours, so stay tuned :).
A reminder for all members, that there are a few (welcome :)) changes to the Partner Rules & a very interesting twist - every Club Member will now be given a Ranking, according to the number of posts they have (what's that you'll know soon ;)). But If you're inactive, then be ready for some punishment as well hehehe >:), j/k :P (I'm in the process of making all those changes right now, should be up soon {:3})

Pika Pika :chu:
A Club Event, I'm really excited about this, I hope you put it up soon.
Okay all Fellow Club Members, here's the First Club Event. I'm hoping active participation from everyone here :).

EVENT #1 - My Electric Pokemon for SUN & MOON

1. Create an Electric Type Pokemon for the new Sun & Moon Games, with a Type Combination not used before - Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Dark, Ice, Grass, Fire (okay the latter three are Type combinations for Rotom, but only for its Alternate formes, so I decided to include them as well).
2. There is no limit to the number of Pokemon you can create, but ONLY ONE ENTRY PER POST (& please avoid double posting).
3. In case you want to create 2nd/3rd Stage Evolutions for your Pokemon, you CAN do that in a SINGLE post.
4. If you think you are a good artist, you can even draw out your Pokemon & post them here ;).
5. You need to fill in all the following criteria (you can have the Same Pokedex Entry for Sun & Moon if you want :))
Name -
Name Origin -
Species -
Type -
Ability -
Pokedex Entry (Sun) -
Pokedex Entry (Moon) -

Here my first Pokemon, based on the one which seems to be very famous as of now ;):-

Name - Porcuspark
Name Origin - Porcupine + Spark
Species - Pin Cushion
Type - Electric/Poison
Ability - Static or Poison Point
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - Its usually very timid, but when in danger this Pokemon shoots out spikes from its body, which can either Paralyze or Poison the foe.
Pokemon Entry (Moon) - It rolls up into a ball to conceal itself & is often mistaken for a thorny shrub, but be careful as touching it may shock you.

Pika Pika :chu:
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Name - Drabolt
Name Origin - Dragon + Bolt
Species - Tiny Dragon
Type - Electric / Dragon
Ability - Guts
Pokedex Entry (Sun/Moon) - Although its small in size, its very courageous & will stand up to bigger opponents, without caring for its own safety.
Oh, this sounds fun! :D Not sure if I'll be able to enter today, but I will try and get around to it. Is there a deadline?

Oh my gosh, that is adorable! I want to learn how to do digital artwork, but I need a tablet first. I can draw with a mouse, but if I had a stylus that connects to my computer, things would be soooo much better. xD

I know, right? I'm terrible at drawing with the mouse but I sometimes doodle on my iPad with my fingers. If I had access to a tablet, a stylus and a decent drawing program however, I reckon it'd really improve my skill! :)
Name - Drabolt
Name Origin - Dragon + Bolt
Species - Tiny Dragon
Type - Electric / Dragon
Ability - Guts
Pokedex Entry (Sun/Moon) - Although its small in size, its very courageous & will stand up to bigger opponents, without caring for its own safety.
Hey man, seems like you missed the Rules, Dragon wasn't on the list, lol {XD}. But anyways, since you made the first effort, I'll let it stay ;)

Oh, this sounds fun! :D Not sure if I'll be able to enter today, but I will try and get around to it. Is there a deadline?
Thanks, making it fun was the intention. Nopes, no deadlines, just take your time to think it out (not too much time huh :P).

I know, right? I'm terrible at drawing with the mouse but I sometimes doodle on my iPad with my fingers. If I had access to a tablet, a stylus and a decent drawing program however, I reckon it'd really improve my skill! :)

Pika Pika :chu:
Name - Ultricae
Name Origin - Latin words for "Electric" + "Psychic"
Species - Mind bending Pokemon
Type - Electric Psychic
Ability - Synchronize.
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - This Pokemon is reclusive to humans, usually living far from cities and urban areas. It is said they use their powers for good rather than evil.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) - The power of this pokemon is intimidating to people, so it keeps away from populated areas. Feeling that people don't like it, it hides in rural areas.

Wow, that took a brain and a half. xD ahahah.
Name - Ultricae
Name Origin - Latin words for "Electric" + "Psychic"
Species - Mind bending Pokemon
Type - Electric Psychic
Ability - Synchronize.
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - This Pokemon is reclusive to humans, usually living far from cities and urban areas. It is said they use their powers for good rather than evil.
Pokedex Entry (Moon) - The power of this pokemon is intimidating to people, so it keeps away from populated areas. Feeling that people don't like it, it hides in rural areas.

Wow, that took a brain and a half. xD ahahah.
Hey XxSheepyxX, thanks a lot for participating. Wow a Mind Bending Pokemon huh, that's really neat. I love this Pokemon
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pika Pika :chu:
I really like the Opposum Pokemon in the Clover's link!

1. Create an Electric Type Pokemon for the new Sun & Moon Games, with a Type Combination not used before - Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Dark, Ice, Grass, Fire, Water (okay the latter four are Type combinations for Rotom, but only for its Alternate formes, so I decided to include them as well).:

Have your forget about Lanturn? ;)

This is not for the event, but take a look at this Bug/Electric Fan Art! so cute <3 I want this as the starter bug!

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Here my first Pokemon, based on the one which seems to be very famous as of now ;):-

Name - Porcuspark
Name Origin - Porcupine + Spark
Species - Pin Cushion
Type - Electric/Poison
Ability - Static or Poison Point
Pokedex Entry (Sun) - Its usually very timid, but when in danger this Pokemon shoots out spikes from its body, which can either Paralyze or Poison the foe.
Pokemon Entry (Moon) - It rolls up into a ball to conceal itself & is often mistaken for a thorny shrub, but be careful as touching it may shock you.

Pika Pika :chu:
Like you said, I really think you should actually get this Pokemon copyrighted with Game Freak. I wish someone could actually draw this Pokemon. I would have, but I'm not good with drawing & all :P.

Have your forget about Lanturn? ;)
And Chinchou as well ;)

This is not for the event, but take a look at this Bug/Electric Fan Art! so cute <3 I want this as the starter bug!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Awwww that's soooo cute, I feel like cuddling it right now.
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Have your forget about Lanturn? ;)
And Chinchou as well
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Oh jeez, here I was correcting DragonGuru about the Dragon Pokemon & I just realized I goofed up as well :3c. Thanks ladies, made the changes.

Like you said, I really think you should actually get this Pokemon copyrighted with Game Freak. I wish someone could actually draw this Pokemon. I would have, but I'm not good with drawing & all
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I already did ;)

This is not for the event, but take a look at this Bug/Electric Fan Art! so cute <3 I want this as the starter bug!

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Awwww that's soooo cute, I feel like cuddling it right now.
Wow, those are really cool Pokemon. Don't those antennae & that tail on the third Evo - Elertafly, remind of Raichu {XD}

Pika Pika :chu:
I know, right? I'm terrible at drawing with the mouse but I sometimes doodle on my iPad with my fingers. If I had access to a tablet, a stylus and a decent drawing program however, I reckon it'd really improve my skill! :)
I remember seeing a certain elephant teapot in a certain similar contest not too long ago, can't say that one was badly drawn. On the contrary, I wanted to hug it so badly. <3

Great contest by the way, I'll be posting my entry soon! :D
Mawa.. oh my god that fanart is so cute. D: I would love to find the artist and tell them how cute I think it is.

Anyways, I actually really want to partake in this event, but in order to do so I'd like to draw up my idea.. which can take a little bit. But it's never too late to show an electric fan design right? ;3 So I'll be sure to post it when it's ready. I don't do well at expressing myself through words, especially when it comes to making fakemon, so it'd be nice to put something together.

& welcome new fans!!