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Answer the question above & quiz the next user! v2

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 24,228
    • She/Her, It/Its
    • Seen today
    All you do is answer the question above, then ask a different question for the next poster to answer!

    Questions can be anything you like:

    Can you whistle?

    How many times have you fallen off a bicycle?

    Have you ever been to a circus?

    etc. etc. but please make sure to keep it respectful :)

    I'll start us off...

    Are you looking forward to the Get Together?
    Not really... Maybe unplayed videogames on Steam?

    Do you still own plushies from your childhood?
    I don't off the top of my head remember them, but there's still a storage bin with my childhood plushies in them yes.

    Have you ever tutored someone?
    Lower than what I can actually get. That's for sure.

    Do you take notes with your phone?
    Not much, but I do. If I'm at work, I take notes on my computer, and if it's about something I'll need to do at home, I write a planned email to myself. If I'm at home, I take notes on my laptop ^^"

    Do you still use pens?
    72 hours roughly I think? I don't remember what was going on, but it wasn't normal =P
    I usually don't sleep long enough, but not sleeping at all does not happen much to me.

    What's the most expensive piece of videogame merch you've bought?
    If were counting pokemon cards than it would be a AUD 290$ booster box. if were not counting those than it would be a tie between these two



    Do you have a favorite plushie?
    Nope, not really. It does get harder to decide which one you like the more you own.

    If you could create your own merch: what would you create?
    That brings me back to the time I (foolishly) wanted to start doing Youtube vids lol. (never actually did any BTW)
    I even made a rough draft of what I wanted my channel pic to be in ACNH lol. (I'm quite proud of how it turned out actually!)
    So my 'merch' (if I'd ever even gotten that far) would probably have been in relation to that. 👍

    Have you ever wanted to make videos or streams for others to watch?
    I recorded playthroughs of a couple games, which are still on my Youtube.
    They're just pure playthroughs though, there is no commentary or a streamer on screen or anything like that.
    I don't really have the time to do those anymore, which is unfortunate as one of the playthroughs was still in progress =\

    Should've refreshed the page...

    I'm not overly fond of heights but idk if it's extreme enough to be called a phobia =P

    Do you still live near your place of birth or have you moved?
    I am approximately 5500-6000 km away from my place of birth :)

    There's a spider on the wall right now! What do you do?
    You asked the right person, I LOVE spiders! step 1: get a paper towel, step 2: let the spider crawl on the paper towel, step 3: take the paper towel outside and release Him/Her!

    do you have a Favorite bug?