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[span="letter-spacing: -2px;"][b]└──[/b]►[/span]TY
  • 1,302
    • Age 35
    • She/Her
    • Seen May 16, 2024
    an art thread by Kinarii

    So it's been quite a while since last I was here. A lot (and I mean a lot) has happened in that span of time, including large quantities of art. I figured I'd start over with a brand new gallery since there is so much new stuff to share!

    For the new folks here who are unfamiliar with me or my art, I'm Kinarii (Kina for short). I am a long-time artist and old PC-er that drifts back here from time to time to share what I have with the nice folks of the forums. I almost never do fanart, and choose instead to draw and paint as a means of expressing feelings or some highly personal allegories, often using dragons and other things as symbols for real people. The most common media I use are pencils/colored pencils, watercolors, and good ol' Photoshop, but I've picked up just about everything you can think of, from pixels to sculpting/3D modeling to handmade books to animation and beyond. I just love art!

    If you are interested in my work I also have a deviantART, a sketch blog, a YouTube channel, and a Newgrounds account that you can check out!

    Hover over each piece for the title; click to enlarge. There is also more stuff throughout the thread that isn't in this post!

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    I absolutely love the last two pictures. <33

    I love your work, I see you use more than one material to make different styles. The first picture, were you using oil pastels? I used them before, and the texture looks very similar. =o

    That first one is colored pencil on illustration board. Pastels are something I have not tried (at least since elementary art classes once upon a time), but yes, I do enjoy many different media. That second one I did with coffee and felt-tip pens :3

    The last two are messages of sorts to a special person. In truth, all this stuff here is about him, but those are manifestations of specific sentiments, and are meant to be a bit more special ♥
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    Here are four more pieces for your viewing pleasure :3
    I absolutely love what you did with Creation- splatter's have always been my favorite, but this is just perfect! The flow is great and I must say it reminds me a bit of the Gulf Spill, though I don't know if this was intended or not. xD

    Really great work, your skill with traditional mediums is to die for! I cannot wait to see more! >u<//
    Thank you so much! Always nice to see commentary here :3

    I love splatters, too. I plan to use them more once I shift back into watercolor again. The intent behind Creation was actually creation itself, as in creating a universe. It does look an awful lot like oil, though, now that you mention it X3
    Hey! It's Kinarii! I don't think you'd remember me XD But I really love how you draw dragons. Really nice job.Your use of textures is fabulous :D
    Thanks! And of course I remember you :3
    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

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    Here's some studies I did of birds in preparation for designing a phoenix character for a short film I'm planning. Already have one thing drawn up but I'll wait till I have more to post again.
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    Here's a car I modeled in Maya for a class over the past few weeks. As usual, click the picture for all the lovely detail :3
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    Sheesh, nothing changes around here, does it? >.>

    Anywho, here's some more stuff!

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    Super low-poly model made to be a papercraft T. Rex mask. Photo of me wearing it here.

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    A character I modeled for the same Maya class as the car.

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    Another drawing of that dragon I had to get out of my system last week with some new Prismacolor pencils.

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    Some action pose gestures of a male character for drawing class (also with Prismacolor pencils).​

    ... Also, thousandth post! :3
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    Your work is so amazing, I don't think "Amazing" describes how awesomely fantastic your work is O:
    and your dragons are so cool! :3
    Thanks so much, guys! :D

    @Touko - Yes, I did (with Prismacolor markers). I always use my own art in my sigs/avis and stuff :3

    This guy here is from back in January. We had a big ol' snow-in for like half a week so I spent a couple of days designing and building a papercraft ♥

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul
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    Hey Kina!!

    I always love your work and stuff, your sense of originality and imagination is amazing! d: So this is me, supporting you~!
    Yay! Thanks a bunch, Maddy! :3

    Also, here are some more pictures:

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    These were done with French gray Prismacolor markers but I of course did stuff to them in Photoshop as usual.​
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    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    Last night I felt utterly compelled to paint this, and just finished a bit ago. Been a while since I did a digital piece. As usual, hover for title; click to enlarge.​
    Oh, PC. >.>

    Herp derp. Here's something more serious - I'm working on this species design so I can model and rig one for my portfolio for when I graduate. You can read all about it in the full blog post these pictures are from. I did these illustrations with Prismacolor colored pencils and then used some Photoshop magic for the rest.

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul
    [PokeCommunity.com] art&soul

    Last night I felt utterly compelled to paint this, and just finished a bit ago. Been a while since I did a digital piece. As usual, hover for title; click to enlarge.​


    Well, I love the depth here, and how the feathers of the wing were given details. I would suggest a yellow or orange color to the beck, possibly the legs as well. It just looks a little weird without some color to it other than white, but maybe that's just me. xD I really like clouds. I might suggested to add some cyan and white colors, though. The clouds look faded out, and sorta looks like fog. =o
