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Event: Art Studio Hearts Month

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 1,460
    あいしてるよ、 みんな-さん!
    It's time for the Art Studio Hearts Month <3

    Okay, but what is this event all about?
    What is the Hearts month, anyway? Well, in short, it's a shipping month (from February 14th to March 14th) where you are heavily recommended to draw your ships- OC, non-OC, crackships, platonic, the sky's the limit!

    This event, as promised, is one of the multiple mini-events of Art Studio where we proceed to at the very least give you prompts on what to draw if you're stuck! All in all, this is intended to be chill (and would be mixing in with White Day on March 14 if you're more into that than Valentines :3c) and just an avenue for you to become your inner shipping queen/king/royalty.

    To keep it simple, we have chosen a main theme that encompasses all of prompts. Art submissions are encouraged to follow the theming, but if you just want to ship for the ship, go for it!


    The theme for this month is Shōjo (Shoujo), an editorial category of Japanese comics targeting an audience of adolescent females and young adult women. As a rule, shoujo manga emphasizes emotions, relationships and feelings, rather than actions or situations.

    An example of a typical shoujo manga panel

    You do not have to replicate the shoujo art style, but aesthetic traits such as flower backgrounds, doe-eyed protagonists, scenes where you just feel the sweetness bursting from your insides... you get the idea!

    o///o Protagonist of a shoujo manga

    Maybe it's a good time to experiment with some of the brushes you've downloaded but never used! Those screentone files aren't going to be put there themselves, right? I joke, but, at least two characters should be in each art piece. It's not a ship if it's just one!

    It's the chance to try stepping out of your comfort zone

    But is there actually Prompts:
    Yes! They're a bit different this time. We have a.. list of captions or potential speech bubbles for your pleasure. It's up to you to figure out how to interpret and use it to your liking!


    Alternatively, if you're not a dialogue person..
    We do also offer the counter option of using ship dynamics! Rough examples are the ones below. While there's no concrete list like the first one, these are easily searchable and easier to tailor to your particular characters!

    These can be searched on google with the keyword: "Ship Dynamics"

    I tried to make this cleaner and an actual fan art but no I went with the sketchy ways like I always do

    Masumi and [REDACTED] of Dream Diary
    I really like what I see so far! :D

    I started something but have a hard time with motivation at the moment. Hopefully, I'll get it done before the deadline. ^^"
    So, I had an idea that I liked. And then I hated every step afterwards. Doesn't help that I'm currently in a very deep slump. ^^"

    Spoiler: caution, bad art
    [PokeCommunity.com] Art Studio Hearts Month
    I am almost done with me piece!

    A reminder that this is also the last day of the event!

    But ship art is always welcome so by all means, keep posting ships
    (honestly yea keep posting ships, i'll be unstickying this but lets keep it up)
    i'm on the road to give gilly a pal so i might.... show some deets of that lmao after i finalize his design

    So, I had an idea that I liked. And then I hated every step afterwards. Doesn't help that I'm currently in a very deep slump. ^^"

    Spoiler: caution, bad art
    [PokeCommunity.com] Art Studio Hearts Month
    that's fair! still proud of you for finishing!! fhdksj i love that you used that line though
    they're just vibing, carrying the other, chasing the cat what a time to be alive