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Battle Frontier craze is back! /o/


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401
    PC's shoddy server said:
    Gamer: beachy
    Gamer: do you ever plan on going to kanto?
    lol :(

    I've been playing lv.50 Battle Factory lately to get addicted take a break from the storyline. It's funny, when I try, I'm just frustrated. Today? I was just breezing past battles, wondering about how much sunburn I'll have tomorrow. (look Mum, I'm a burnt orange lol) Squirtle rocked 1-7 with others, 8-14 was easy with Cloyster and Hitmonlee, then I flew through up to 21 with Heracross and Octillery.
    Couple of things
    • I trade every time, no exceptions. (Well, except battle 20, a badass Torkoal was leading and I had to stay with Electabuzz, it was the best of all four terrible possibilities)
    • The new music is a heck of a lot better, not nearly as annoying as it was in Platinum.
    • Oh, and Heracross, Squirtle, Cloyster, Hitmonlee, and Octillery all rule.
    My Team

    Factory aid warns of a Fire Fang-using Arcanine, so I trade out my leading Electabuzz for the best counter: a fearsome Torkoal I had to deal with last battle. (Torkoal | Bold | Quick Claw | Heat Wave | SolarBeam | Earth Power | Sunny Day | EV'd in Def/SpA) So the battle begins against Thorton... bashing my team with 18%, pffft.


    White smoke supremacy!Extemespeed from Arcanine takes Torkoal to 108/134; Earth Power takes him to about ~33%. Another Extremespeed takes me to 83/134. Earth Power knocks Arcanine out. That was easy, but I planned on that, time to see what he has in store...


    Torkoal's Quick Claw, being the total uber that it is, activates and Earth Power trashes the skunk down to about ~37% HP. The Skunk returns with a Posion Jab and, of course, activates the poison. He continues to Poison Jab the next turn and knock Torkoal out. Enter Octillery...

    Skunktank uses Sucker Punch and takes me to 89/170. Octazooooooooka knocks out the skunk pretty easily, but Life Orb takes some damage to 72/170.


    You know what happens here, Raichu knocks out poor ol' Octillery with Thunderpunch. :( Lame. HERE COMES THE COMEBACK KING: HERACROSS.

    Hera vs. Raichu, I click Megahorn and await the decision of the game. Thunderpunch connects with Heracross, ripping off about ~51%, so Megahorn needed to one-hit knock out now or it's game over.

    Megahorn OHKOs. AWWW YEAH.

    First symbol of Heart Gold. \o/
    Awesome job (b' ')b

    I've never been the greatest at the Battle Factory, to be honest XD I like using my own Pokemon, not rental ones. But the rentals do have their advantages, I know that.

    Do you have any plans for which building you're gonna try and conquer next? (or are you just gonna try and get the second symbol for the Factory? XD)
    Second symbol for Factory, then I'll probably move on to the athlon or Kanto.

    I'd trade over my battle arcade team and go for my 200 goal (175 is a fugly number), but that'll tie up all my time, and I want to experience other parts of the game first. XD;

    After Arcade's goal, I plan to "conquer" the Castle. Top record is like 800 or something so that'll be a ways away.

    And then I plan to do other stuff? 8D [/gameplan until gen 5 comes out]
    I fail at the Battle Factory, lol. Somehow managed a Silver symbol/print/whatchamacallit in Platinum, and that was good enough for me.

    Might not even do the Frontier in SS since all my worthy (read: EV trained) Pokemon are in (and will likely stay in) Platinum except when I briefly trade them over to demolish Red.
    Heh, gold symbol is hard as hell, but I'll try.

    And any particular reasoning for that? (bar red) I plan on trading all my EVs and worthy pokemon from diamond and platinum to Heart Gold when I get the pokemon to trade all that. XD;
    It's pretty much because all my battle records (including all Frontier Silver Prints and Palmer's Gold), Pal Pad contacts, Contest wins, and a 493/493 Pokedex are in Platinum, so I'm not going to be starting over in it.

    Soul Silver is probably the game that I'm going to be doing "restarts" in, so I won't be going through the effort of completing the Pokedex or anything like that in the game.
    Ah. I plan on using Platinum solely to test teams for Arcade runs or whatever.
    Yeah, my SoulSilver is gonna be the restart horse. All I'm doing now is playing through in order to finish the game. Next time I will play through without trading from Platinum. Heehee.

    (I may even go to the Frontier next time. :3)