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Box clean out

have you read the rules though?
let me get 6 mystery eggs and we will trade for bagon after that
deal to both any moderators who have reserved any mystery eggs get on wifi now

I need anyone who picked out mystery eggs to pick a number between 1 and 85
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Ive got about 180 pokemon (that's a lot!) it's mostly pokemon eggs and newly hatched baby's (some with egg moves)

So ive made a list of the pokemon i don't need

I am Currently out requests may be posted but i wont be here to accept it.

*max 6 per person
*please only give me something worthless like a bidoof/bibarel because what you trade me will get released
*i remove a space of a pokemon when its all gone
*each group of pokemon will be coded
*post what you want and how many of each eg. 1 burmy, 2 larvitar, 1 ditto, 1 zubat
*to make sure you have read this only posts that start with the word: "preview pokemon"
will be accepted

A3: Budew with leafstorm, extrasensory and energy ball x4
A4: misdreavus with psywave, shadow ball, psychic, charge beam x1
A5: misdreavus with shadow ball, dark pulse, psychic and charge beam x4
A6: mystery eggs x72
A7: ditto with Hardy nature x1
A8: Geodude x4
A9: Zubat x1

B1: Yanma x21
B2: Gible x3
B3: Buizel/Floatzel x4
B4: Starly lv27 x1
B5: Combee x8 all male
B6: Drifloon Ut x1
B9: Gloom x1

C1: Weepinbell x1
C2: Illumise x1
C4: Cacturne x1
C6: Riolu x1
C7: Tyrogue x1
C9: Shinx (adamant with ice fang) x2

D1: Magby x2
D3: Murkrow x1
D4: Aron x3
D5: Bronzong x3
D6: Skarmory with different movesets x10
D7: Mantine x1
D8: Infernape x1
D9: Rhydon x1

thats all for now more will be put on the list if nessecary
here's a reserved list:
~ Andrea: 1 budew, 1 scizor, 1 infernape, 1 gardevior, 1 swellow and 1 mystery egg
~ Madeyoulook: 1 Larvitar, 1 Misdreaveous, 1 elekid, 1 combee
~ Fenix: Teddiursa, Larvitar, combee, yanma, tyrogue, beldum
~ Buguser: 3 burmy
want wats in bold plz thanx
OK. I am dropping A4. I will choose 7, 13, 19, 63, 80. If thats ok.

I can't trade till later though. I am in school at the minute.
oops sorry, ive been away for a while but im ready to trade now if you are =]
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Hey, could I possible get:

1.Misdreavus with shadow ball, dark pulse, psychic and charge beam
1.Shinx with Ice fang
1.Magby (anything with specail attack raising nature)
1.Aron (attack up if possible)

Also would it be possible if u hold these for me for about 4 days as I'm not allowed to play DS until weekend '.'

Hey, could I possible get:

1.Misdreavus with shadow ball, dark pulse, psychic and charge beam
1.Shinx with Ice fang
1.Magby (anything with specail attack raising nature)
1.Aron (attack up if possible)

Also would it be possible if u hold these for me for about 4 days as I'm not allowed to play DS until weekend '.'

(Also can u pm me for communication as there is a huge chance I will forget that I have posted here, I tend to do that alot..Cheers. Also, that isn't my newest Friend code in my signiture. I will update as soon as I connect to the internet successfully !.!)
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I wil be at school when your on. I will be able to trade on Friday moroning though.
im online chamandertoy2 so yea.

Thank You for the 3 burmy's
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charmandertoy, are you free to trade me now ? ill be waiting on wifi anyway.