Golden Shaymin
Taking a short break
- 220
- Posts
- 17
- Years
- Helping Shaymin
- Seen Nov 25, 2008
have you read the rules though?
want wats in bold plz thanxIve got about 180 pokemon (that's a lot!) it's mostly pokemon eggs and newly hatched baby's (some with egg moves)
So ive made a list of the pokemon i don't need
I am Currently out requests may be posted but i wont be here to accept it.
*max 6 per person
*please only give me something worthless like a bidoof/bibarel because what you trade me will get released
*i remove a space of a pokemon when its all gone
*each group of pokemon will be coded
*post what you want and how many of each eg. 1 burmy, 2 larvitar, 1 ditto, 1 zubat
*to make sure you have read this only posts that start with the word: "preview pokemon"
will be accepted
A3: Budew with leafstorm, extrasensory and energy ball x4
A4: misdreavus with psywave, shadow ball, psychic, charge beam x1
A5: misdreavus with shadow ball, dark pulse, psychic and charge beam x4
A6: mystery eggs x72
A7: ditto with Hardy nature x1
A8: Geodude x4
A9: Zubat x1
B1: Yanma x21
B2: Gible x3
B3: Buizel/Floatzel x4
B4: Starly lv27 x1
B5: Combee x8 all male
B6: Drifloon Ut x1
B9: Gloom x1
C1: Weepinbell x1
C2: Illumise x1
C4: Cacturne x1
C6: Riolu x1
C7: Tyrogue x1
C9: Shinx (adamant with ice fang) x2
D1: Magby x2
D3: Murkrow x1
D4: Aron x3
D5: Bronzong x3
D6: Skarmory with different movesets x10
D7: Mantine x1
D8: Infernape x1
D9: Rhydon x1
thats all for now more will be put on the list if nessecary
here's a reserved list:
~ Andrea: 1 budew, 1 scizor, 1 infernape, 1 gardevior, 1 swellow and 1 mystery egg
~ Madeyoulook: 1 Larvitar, 1 Misdreaveous, 1 elekid, 1 combee
~ Fenix: Teddiursa, Larvitar, combee, yanma, tyrogue, beldum
~ Buguser: 3 burmy