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Box clean out

After you finish trading Andrea can we trade?
I'll be waiting in WiFi for another 15 minutes so you still got a bit of time. =)
thank you so so so much ! i am really happy with my new pokemon =]=]
there just eggs that ive bred that i dont know what they are and i have no use for

perfectionist is the last trade for the night
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preview pokemon

please may i get a yanma and 5 mystery eggs please?

do you need me to chose numbers for the eggs? if so, i chose 4, 22, 37, 42 and 66 (if any of them are taken, the next one up)
Can I have one each of these, please?:

A5: misdreavus with shadow ball, dark pulse, psychic and charge beam x4
D3: Murkrow x1
D6: Skarmory with different movesets x10
D8: Infernape x1
D5: Bronzong x3
D9: Rhydon x1
ok im back
Kitsuné its declined for 1 obvious reason
Fishyfins accepted
Ok ninshark
Ash (numbers) declined for the same reason as kitsuné
I can trade now. My FC is 0001 2909 7075. If you can trade I will go straight on.
thankyou ^^, please let me know when you want me to go online and trade, ill be around for another hour or so tonight. my FC is in my siggy if you dont already have it ^^
sorry razer my ds froze if you want the others go back on wifi

ok im just adding your fc fishyfins
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thankyou very much Charmander, for your generosity. ill let you know what the eggs hatch into ^^
preview pokemon, umm... you do remember my request about 12 hrs. ago...? 6 mystery eggs.