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@Brain Over Brawn@ Psychic-type Club

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@Unapologetic Sunflower

There's a lot more moves that affect Dark Types than I thought.

Answers for topic

Favourite Psychic Move - Hypnosis.

Favourite Psychic Offensive move - Psychic. It's very reliable and all my Psychic types have that move other than Gallade who has Psycho Cut.

Favourite Status move other than Hypnosis - Calm Mind. Whilst the opponent is sleeping I like to boost my stats.

If I was going to change anything about the moves - I'd make Psychic a touch stronger and Hypnosis have 100% accuracy.

Least favourite Psychic Move - I don't really have one but I am not a huge fan of Magic Room as it does not stop the effect of mega stones I think.
Main topic: Psychic
Sub-topic 1: Hypnosis
Sub-topic 2: I would give Psychic a 15% of causing paralysis. And I would give Hypnosis 100 accuracy.
Sub-topic 3: Your least favorite Psychic-type move? Confusion. Why? It's not that I dislike the move, but I find that it's underpowered.
If I was going to change anything about the moves...
Same reasons as Charmed. I'd make Hypnosis way more accurate than it currently is because the accuracy it has right now is pretty unacceptable.

Least favourite Psychic-type move?
I think Telekinesis. One of those boring, gimmicky double/triple battle moves that I really cannot find a use for.
@Unapologetic Sunflower

There's a lot more moves that affect Dark Types than I thought.

Answers for topic

Favourite Psychic Move - Hypnosis.

Favourite Psychic Offensive move - Psychic. It's very reliable and all my Psychic types have that move other than Gallade who has Psycho Cut.

Favourite Status move other than Hypnosis - Calm Mind. Whilst the opponent is sleeping I like to boost my stats.

If I was going to change anything about the moves - I'd make Psychic a touch stronger and Hypnosis have 100% accuracy.

Least favourite Psychic Move - I don't really have one but I am not a huge fan of Magic Room as it does not stop the effect of mega stones I think.

I didn't exactly memorize those, hope I didn't give that wrong impression! xD
I just looked at Bulbapedia and compiled them on my own! {XD}

Reuniclus, Gardevoir are part of those Pokémon that can make the opponent sleep while boosting their stats. :) ANd Gardvoir, is part of your fave Psychics! ^_^

Main topic: Psychic
Sub-topic 1: Hypnosis
Sub-topic 2: I would give Psychic a 15% of causing paralysis. And I would give Hypnosis 100 accuracy.
Sub-topic 3: Your least favorite Psychic-type move? Confusion. Why? It's not that I dislike the move, but I find that it's underpowered.

If I was going to change anything about the moves...
Same reasons as Charmed. I'd make Hypnosis way more accurate than it currently is because the accuracy it has right now is pretty unacceptable.

Least favourite Psychic-type move?
I think Telekinesis. One of those boring, gimmicky double/triple battle moves that I really cannot find a use for.

I agree with the Hypnosis having a higher accuracy! Both Lovely Kiss and Sleep Powder have 75% as their accuracy, it's not the best but it's surely usable compare to Hypnosis' 60% accuracy!

If no one's making a new topic, I'll make one tomorrow on Saturday (of my timezone)!~
@ Unapologetic Sunflower

It would have been very difficult to list all the moves off the top of your head. Oddly I thought only 10 or so Psychic moves affected the Dark type.

I always have a Gardevoir on my team (Other than Gen 5 where Ralts was only obtainable by a long end game side quest.) but have never used Reuniclus using Gothitelle instead. Hypnosis and Calm Mind are normally on my Gardevoir.

On a suggested topic for next time or the time after:

1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?

2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
Lucario, it can sense auras which is psychic ability.

2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
Exeggutor, it looks so much like a palm tree that it should be pure grass type.
@ Unapologetic Sunflower

It would have been very difficult to list all the moves off the top of your head. Oddly I thought only 10 or so Psychic moves affected the Dark type.

I always have a Gardevoir on my team (Other than Gen 5 where Ralts was only obtainable by a long end game side quest.) but have never used Reuniclus using Gothitelle instead. Hypnosis and Calm Mind are normally on my Gardevoir.

On a suggested topic for next time or the time after:

1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?

2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
CharmedGothet, please quote reply me next time, or I might miss your response.~

Try Reuniclus on your next play through, it works well in a Trick Room team as well!

Those are interesting topics! Great job, please keep up the great work. :)
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
Lucario, it can sense auras which is psychic ability.

2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
Exeggutor, it looks so much like a palm tree that it should be pure grass type.
I forgot Lucario has that Ability. xD

I agree with that! Exeggutor looks nothing like a Psychic, and the type Psychic is more of a burden than a help to that poor coconut tree.
Current topics:
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
Golduck! This Pokémon should be at least part-Psychic! It could be a formidable foe
2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
It's a tie between three Pokémon Lugia, Celebi and Victini. Lugia should be Dragon/Water as nothing from Lugia looks like a Psychic. Celebi should be Grass/Fairy for obvious reasons. Victini should be a Fire/Fairy, he looks like a fairy that uses the power of fire.
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Subtopic 1: Can't decide on this, hahahaha. Psychic and Psyshock are like twins to me, my Reuniclus wouldn't be complete without both of them. I mean, sometimes you encounter a Blissey that just resists Psychic, so you have to go Psyshock it. And then there are those like Golem or Steelix, who resist Psyshock, so you have to Psychic them. But I guess I'll join the majority and go with Psychic. It has a slightly higher power compared to Psyshock after all, and a lot of pokemon can learn it.

Subtopic 2: I'd make Psychic have a small chance(5% maybe?) to cause effects depending on its environment. You know, like Secret Power? Example: If the area you're fighting on is rocky, it has a small chance to make the enemy flinch. I always imagine Psychic like the one in the anime, where they fly/float. And in battles ingame, I imagine the enemy being slammed to its environment.
As for Calm Mind, I think it should remove all stat reductions on Sp. Def/Sp. Atk, then increases them. I mean, what if you got those stats reduced sharply prior to using Calm Mind?

Subtopic 3: Oh my god, Kinesis. Signature move, indeed, but it lowers accuracy by one stage. Pfffft. It's not even as accurate as Sand-attack! Maybe I'd consider it somewhat worthy if it had 100% accuracy and sharply reduces accuracy. It doesn't suit Alakazam's line, since they're made more for offense, and this move is for defense...sloppy as well with the 80% accuracy.

Oh look! New topics!

There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
I'd say Venomoth. It learns Psychic, Confusion, and Zen Headbutt. Sabrina also uses it.

Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
. Unown feels more like a random type to me. I think it should be based on what type its Hidden Power is, since that's the only move it learns.
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There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
I'm with Unapologetic on Psyduck/Golduck there. With the fact it learns some Psychic moves you'd think it should be a Psychic-type but no it isn't.

Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
I'm with whoever said Exeggcute/Exeggutor. I feel that its design doesn't really scream Psychic-type at all.
Subtopic 1: Can't decide on this, hahahaha. Psychic and Psyshock are like twins to me, my Reuniclus wouldn't be complete without both of them. I mean, sometimes you encounter a Blissey that just resists Psychic, so you have to go Psyshock it. And then there are those like Golem or Steelix, who resist Psyshock, so you have to Psychic them. But I guess I'll join the majority and go with Psychic. It has a slightly higher power compared to Psyshock after all, and a lot of pokemon can learn it.

Subtopic 2: I'd make Psychic have a small chance(5% maybe?) to cause effects depending on its environment. You know, like Secret Power? Example: If the area you're fighting on is rocky, it has a small chance to make the enemy flinch. I always imagine Psychic like the one in the anime, where they fly/float. And in battles ingame, I imagine the enemy being slammed to its environment.
As for Calm Mind, I think it should remove all stat reductions on Sp. Def/Sp. Atk, then increases them. I mean, what if you got those stats reduced sharply prior to using Calm Mind?

Subtopic 3: Oh my god, Kinesis. Signature move, indeed, but it lowers accuracy by one stage. Pfffft. It's not even as accurate as Sand-attack! Maybe I'd consider it somewhat worthy if it had 100% accuracy and sharply reduces accuracy. It doesn't suit Alakazam's line, since they're made more for offense, and this move is for defense...sloppy as well with the 80% accuracy.

Oh look! New topics!

There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
I'd say Venomoth. It learns Psychic, Confusion, and Zen Headbutt. Sabrina also uses it.

Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
. Unown feels more like a random type to me. I think it should be based on what type its Hidden Power is, since that's the only move it learns.

I feel a lot on that Psyshock vs Psychic self-debate. {XD} I use Shadow Ball in place of Psychic to counter those who are strong on the Defense stat and Psyshock for those who are insanely strong on Special Defense.~

I had that idea of flinching withthe move Psychic as well, just look at how Sabrina's Kadabra tortured Ash's Pikachu! {XD} No, I shouldn't be laughing, ahem! *uses Fake Tears instead*

By the time Kinesis shows its effect, Le Moustache-san has been murdered with Crunch already.~

That idea about Unown is certainly interesting! I'm actually in it.
CharmedGothet, please quote reply me next time, or I might miss your response.~

Try Reuniclus on your next play through, it works well in a Trick Room team as well!

Those are interesting topics! Great job, please keep up the great work. :)

I forgot Lucario has that Ability. xD

I agree with that! Exeggutor looks nothing like a Psychic, and the type Psychic is more of a burden than a help to that poor coconut tree.
Current topics:
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
Golduck! This Pokémon should be at least part-Psychic! It could be a formidable foe
2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?
It's a tie between three Pokémon Lugia, Celebi and Victini. Lugia should be Dragon/Water as nothing from Lugia looks like a Psychic. Celebi should be Grass/Fairy for obvious reasons. Victini should be a Fire/Fairy, he looks like a fairy that uses the power of fire.

Sorry. I will quote reply in future.

The Reuniclus line is cute. I will give the Reuniclus line a go on my post game team.

Now onto the questions

Which non-psychic type should be Psychic Type?

Ninetales. It is a highly intelligent Pokemon and can understand human speech. It can also learn some Psychic Moves and it was speculated by some to be being made a Fire/Psychic Type. Then Delphox (My favourite fully evolved fire starter) came along and Ninetales is still a Pure Fire Type.

Which current Psychic Type should not be and why?

Solrock and Lunatone. Whilst they are both Tate and Lisa's signature Pokemon I thought the two floating stones would be better suited to being ghost type. There is something vaguely unnerving about the two rocks and I feel they fit the Rock/Ghost type.
Sorry. I will quote reply in future.

The Reuniclus line is cute. I will give the Reuniclus line a go on my post game team.

Now onto the questions

Which non-psychic type should be Psychic Type?

Ninetales. It is a highly intelligent Pokemon and can understand human speech. It can also learn some Psychic Moves and it was speculated by some to be being made a Fire/Psychic Type. Then Delphox (My favourite fully evolved fire starter) came along and Ninetales is still a Pure Fire Type.

Which current Psychic Type should not be and why?

Solrock and Lunatone. Whilst they are both Tate and Lisa's signature Pokemon I thought the two floating stones would be better suited to being ghost type. There is something vaguely unnerving about the two rocks and I feel they fit the Rock/Ghost type.
Oi, oi. Don't make it sound like I scolded you, no need for the sorry! {XD}

Ah, how could I miss the good ol' Ninetales! She's certainly precious, she can learn a good number of Psychic moves including Extrasensory, Hypnosis, Psyshock, Imprison, Calm Mind, Dream Eater, Power Swap, Zen Headbutt and Roleplay! Strangely not the move Psychic, though. A Mega Evolution with Fire/Psychic type or even Fire/Fairy would do the trick for Ninetales. ;)

Probably their blank stare and zero facial expression makes you feel that way! {XD}
Oi, oi. Don't make it sound like I scolded you, no need for the sorry! {XD}

Ah, how could I miss the good ol' Ninetales! She's certainly precious, she can learn a good number of Psychic moves including Extrasensory, Hypnosis, Psyshock, Imprison, Calm Mind, Dream Eater, Power Swap, Zen Headbutt and Roleplay! Strangely not the move Psychic, though. A Mega Evolution with Fire/Psychic type or even Fire/Fairy would do the trick for Ninetales. ;)

Probably their blank stare and zero facial expression makes you feel that way! {XD}

Ninetales was my Fire Type in my Gen 5 run and the hidden ability was very useful. Being made Fire/Psychic is unlikely now with Delphox around but Fire/Fairy could indeed make the white fox relevant again.

Solrock's half asleep stare isn't too bad but Lunatone's is unnerving, at least it's a good source of Moon Stones.
Solrock's half asleep stare isn't too bad but Lunatone's is unnerving, at least it's a good source of Moon Stones.

Same here. Solrock could be Rock/Fire, since it is related to the sun, and Lunatone......just creepy. Look at it....
Spoiler: Beware, Jumpscare!
[PokeCommunity.com] @Brain Over Brawn@ Psychic-type Club

Just kidding! Although that could be its mega evolution?
Ninetales was my Fire Type in my Gen 5 run and the hidden ability was very useful. Being made Fire/Psychic is unlikely now with Delphox around but Fire/Fairy could indeed make the white fox relevant again.

Solrock's half asleep stare isn't too bad but Lunatone's is unnerving, at least it's a good source of Moon Stones.
I hope that doesn't make you hate Delphox though. The fandom has been showing a lot of aggressive comments to her, which she didn't deserve. If there's anything, it should be praises she's receiving. :'(

Yep those red eyes! {XD}

Have at Lunatone's Pokédex entry from the core games:

Seems like its red eyes are super effective against you!! {XD}

I thought Solrock's eyes are something like this? {XD}

Same here. Solrock could be Rock/Fire, since it is related to the sun, and Lunatone......just creepy. Look at it....
Spoiler: Beware, Jumpscare!
[PokeCommunity.com] @Brain Over Brawn@ Psychic-type Club

Just kidding! Although that could be its mega evolution?

That moment when the supposedly serious Psychic-type are creepier than Darks and Ghosts Pokémon. :)

Like usual, some extension to the main topics to keep the club activity. :)

Current topics:
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?

Sub-topic 1:
Which current non-Psychic-type move should be a Psychic-type move and why?
Sub-topic 2:
Which current Psychic-type move should not be Psychic-type and why?

Psych Up should be a Psychic-type move for obvious reason, hence its name.
Rest, I believe it's better off as a Normal Type move than a Psychic-type.

And I'm evolving my Ralts into Kirlia. ^^ Members, please keep track of your own post counts. In case you have forgotten how many I'll teach you a way to do it. :)
Current topics:
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?

Sub-topic 1:
Which current non-Psychic-type move should be a Psychic-type move and why?
Sub-topic 2:
Which current Psychic-type move should not be Psychic-type and why?

Psych Up should be a Psychic-type move for obvious reason, hence its name.
Rest, I believe it's better off as a Normal Type move than a Psychic-type.

And I'm evolving my Ralts into Kirlia. ^^ Members, please keep track of your own post counts. In case you have forgotten how many I'll teach you a way to do it. :)

Please do teach me. I think my Ralts is ready to evolve to Kirlia, and yup, I will evolve her if possible.

Subtopic 2:
Rest for me. It feels more like what a Snorlax and Slaking would do, and they are normal types. And wow, SO MANY pokemon can learn Rest, just like Secret Power/Hidden Power.
Subtopic 1: I'll go with Confuse Ray. The description for it is ghostly enough, but the concept - a ball of light - seems mystical. And mystical usually connects to Psychic.

(Edit: I messed up! I thought subtopic 1 was 2, and 2 was 1. W/e, too lazy to change)
I hope that doesn't make you hate Delphox though. The fandom has been showing a lot of aggressive comments to her, which she didn't deserve. If there's anything, it should be praises she's receiving. :'(

Yep those red eyes! {XD}

Have at Lunatone's Pokédex entry from the core games:

Seems like its red eyes are super effective against you!! {XD}

I thought Solrock's eyes are something like this? {XD}

That moment when the supposedly serious Psychic-type are creepier than Darks and Ghosts Pokémon. :)

Like usual, some extension to the main topics to keep the club activity. :)

Current topics:
1. There are many Pokemon, which current non-Psychic type Pokemon should be Psychic Type and why?
2. Which current Psychic Pokemon should not be Psychic Type and why?

Sub-topic 1:
Which current non-Psychic-type move should be a Psychic-type move and why?
Sub-topic 2:
Which current Psychic-type move should not be Psychic-type and why?

Psych Up should be a Psychic-type move for obvious reason, hence its name.
Rest, I believe it's better off as a Normal Type move than a Psychic-type.

And I'm evolving my Ralts into Kirlia. ^^ Members, please keep track of your own post counts. In case you have forgotten how many I'll teach you a way to do it. :)

I like the Delphox line a lot but it's introduction (Along with Charizard getting drought) leaves the White Fox out in the cold. Delphox is my favourite fire type and is on my team yet I'd like Ninetales to get some spotlight again.

I also found a female Braixen with hidden ability in the friend safari. Yay!

Shiny Lunatone has blue eyes which is a little better.

@DforDragoz (Don't know how to double quote)

The Zelda moon for Lunatone's Mega. I like that idea a lot and agree that Solrock should be Rock/Fire.

Sub Topic 1

I agree with Dfordragoz about Confuse Ray. Confusion is a Psychic Move and can cause confusion and Confuse Ray does just that.

Sub Topic 2

Agreeing with everyone else here with Rest particularly considering so many can learn it. Normal would indeed be a good type for it.

Not sure what post count I am on but I need 16 for a Gothorita and my Gothita will not learn Fake Tears.
Please do teach me. I think my Ralts is ready to evolve to Kirlia, and yup, I will evolve her if possible.

Post count tutorial:
Start from the Pokémon Club section, you should be able to see 2 groups of different numbers under the 'Replies' and 'Views'. You should be able to click the number under the 'Replies' category. Make sure you are clicking the number that corresponds the right thread.

And your post count indicates that you can actually evolve Ralts and Beldum already. {XD} Yes the post count stacks for your whole Pokémon team, it's gonna be an annoying task for us if the post counts for each Pokémon are counted separately anyway. xD

Shiny Lunatone has blue eyes which is a little better.

Not sure what post count I am on but I need 16 for a Gothorita and my Gothita will not learn Fake Tears.

So what's everyone's favorite Psychic shinies? :)

To quote multiple posts, just simply click the 'QUOTE +' button. After clicking it, the button should be 'QUOTE -' and simply click the 'POST REPLY!' button from the thread's bottom left section. :) To un-quote a post you have quoted, just simply click 'QUOTE -' and the button should be back to its original state.

Nah, you just need 8 posts to evolve your Gothorita for now. Don't ignore the 'CURRENT CLUB CAMPAIGN SCENARIO EVENTS' section, hahaha. xD
Post count tutorial:
Start from the Pokémon Club section, you should be able to see 2 groups of different numbers under the 'Replies' and 'Views'. You should be able to click the number under the 'Replies' category. Make sure you are clicking the number that corresponds the right thread.

And your post count indicates that you can actually evolve Ralts and Beldum already. {XD} Yes the post count stacks for your whole Pokémon team, it's gonna be an annoying task for us if the post counts for each Pokémon are counted separately anyway. xD

So what's everyone's favorite Psychic shinies? :)

To quote multiple posts, just simply click the 'QUOTE +' button. After clicking it, the button should be 'QUOTE -' and simply click the 'POST REPLY!' button from the thread's bottom left section. :) To un-quote a post you have quoted, just simply click 'QUOTE -' and the button should be back to its original state.

Nah, you just need 8 posts to evolve your Gothorita for now. Don't ignore the 'CURRENT CLUB CAMPAIGN SCENARIO EVENTS' section, hahaha. xD

Thank you for the information.

My favourite Psychic Shiny is Gardevoir. I really like the blue and orange scheme on the Embrace Pokemon. The mega getting a black dress instead of White is a nice touch and can lead to a pretty epic final battle against Diantha's regular Mega Gardevoir. I am fortunate enough to have both a Shiny and regular Gardevoir. :)

Solrock also has a pretty good Shiny.

My least favourite Psychic Shiny is Delphox. I was planning to Masuda Method a Shiny Fennekin but both Shiny Braixen and Shiny Delphox for me do not look as good as their regular versions.

Neon Green Espeon isn't great either.

On my post count I am now on 8...What Gothita is evolving?
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