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Breeder's Corner - Where Life Begins

who should we breed?

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    • Seen Apr 9, 2018
    The Breeder's Corner

    Hi, I'm Venitardus! In this club we'll talk about breeding, the different methods of breeding, the Pokemon you've bred, and everything that has anything to do with Pokemon breeding.


    - All of PC's forum-wide rules must be followed
    - All of Pokémon Gaming Cental's rules must be followed
    - Have fun!
    - Try to be active.

    Sign-up Form

    Partner Pokemon: (1-2 Pokemon you've bred yourself)
    Answer the current topic.

    Name: Wolf Masin
    Partner pokemon: Charizard and Blaziken
    Current topic: experiences in breeding pokemon: my experience was great when I got a rough skin gible with 3ivs

    Members List


    Current Topic/QOTW :
    What do YOU want the next challenge to be?

    Old topics:
    What game do you currently breed on? Have you always used the same game?
    what do you guys want to breed for the month of September?
    So has anyone been breeding on OrAs at all? If so, what have you breed
    What would you like to breed for spring 2015?
    What was your first shiny hatched from an egg? If you haven't hatched one yet, what would you like to breed to get a shiny?

    Current Group Breeding Project

    Not available at this time.

    Previous projects:

    Breed a Pokemon that has a move/moves that can only be chain bred.
    • Any Pokemon is is acceptable
    • Has to have, but not limited to, a chained move through breeding.
    EXTRA ~ if you so desire, breed the Pokemon in a special pokè balls (Dusk, love, friend, heavy, quick, ect.)

    Spring '15 - water theme

    Rain theme:
    Breed a pokemon that is either a water type or is weak to water!
    • Breed a water type of your choosing
    • Breed any type that is week against water. (i.e., Fire, Ground, Rock)
    • Breed a pokemon that can learn rain dance. (Optional)

    [February '15] ~ Can you feel the love?


    [September '14] ~ Fly high, young one

    [June '14 - August '14] Summer Time, And The Livin's Easy


    [March '14] Kalos Starters

    [April '14] Welcome Spring

    [May '14] May Flowers
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    Well I'll do a sign up form.

    Name: Venitardus
    Pokémon: Crobat and Greninja
    Current topic: I've been breeding since sapphire and I have been breeding egg move Pokémon.
    Welcome bro, I didn't know that you have bred that long thats alot I just started hahaha
    Welcome bro, I didn't know that you have bred that long thats alot I just started hahaha

    Well I actually bred myself a marill, cyndaquil and Chikorita in my crystal version. But didn't get into the full breeding thing until R/S came out. So yeah. I've been at it a long time
    Daaaaaamn u ol skool I only bred from hoenn but rarely cuz I was 6years old
    Name: YZN

    Partner pokemon:

    Patriarch the Trapinch
    Brave male Lv 93
    Earth Power/Feint/Fissure/Quick Attack

    Sariyah the Swablu
    Sassy Female Lv 1
    Take Down/Double Team/Roost/Dream Eater

    Breeding stories:

    Breeding has become my passion. I got in to it last fall and have hatched lots and lots of eggs. No shinies yet :(

    One of my favorite projects is a Psyduck that I bred for a friend of mine. His team is generally made of pokemon that are confused or sleepy. Here's the stats:

    Tiny-Hands the Psyduck
    Timid Female Lv 1
    Confuse Ray/Hypnosis/Water Pulse/Confusion
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    Name: Nymphadora.
    Partner Pokemon: Riolu.

    Share some of your breeding stories
    I'm not that much of an expert when it comes to breeding, unfortunately. In my entire life, I've bred only about six to seven Pokémon. Pidgey would have to be my first; I was trying to hatch one with Adamant nature. Was successful at it, but it took me a very long time, though. :P
    Welcome lady n gent where life begins nice story nyphadora n yzn
    I hatched some Trapinch eggs today using PATRIARCH and my German Trapinch. No shinies this time, either. Of the eight Trapinch hatchlings, I kept two that have good IVs/nature and released the rest.

    I want to breed a cool bug this weekend too, I'll post the results if I get around to it.
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    Name: Lilith
    Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil
    Current topic: I've been breeding for good natures and good stats since Emerald. One of my earliest and best Emerald breeds was Cyndaquil, but he had a Bashful nature haha. I also bred an Aerodactyl and Starmie, migrated them to Pearl, and used them to win a local tournament. I've bred for IVs a bit in Pearl, Black, and Y, but since learning RNG abuse and other tricks, I just do that. My goal is to breed a shiny Cyndaquil in a Luxury Ball in Y.
    Name: Lilith
    Partner Pokemon: Cyndaquil
    Current topic: I've been breeding for good natures and good stats since Emerald. One of my earliest and best Emerald breeds was Cyndaquil, but he had a Bashful nature haha. I also bred an Aerodactyl and Starmie, migrated them to Pearl, and used them to win a local tournament. I've bred for IVs a bit in Pearl, Black, and Y, but since learning RNG abuse and other tricks, I just do that. My goal is to breed a shiny Cyndaquil in a Luxury Ball in Y.

    If u ever get a shiny cydaquill can u post it here plz
    Yzn I got a shiny vibrava if u wanna c ill post
    I've been trying to breed a shiny starly with decent iv's from my shiny staraptor(caught in platinum as staravia) and a Japanese ditto. I've also have been trying to breed a shiny Froakie with its HA and a shiny noibat with decent iv's (or atleast a regular Froakie and noibat with decent iv's). No luck yet though.
    Name: Miau
    Partner pokemon: Lotad and Croagunk
    Current topic: I started breeding in W2, but I switched to X as soon as I got it, because it's just so much easier to breed Pokemon with good IVs. I breed for IVs, nature and sometimes egg moves, if I want anything specific. I only bred for shiny once before using the Masuda Method, but after 13 full boxes, I decided to take a break. However, I did manage to breed a random Timid, Dry Skin, x/x/31/31/31/31 shiny Helioptile a while ago :)

    My most recent breeding spree was for a rain team. My favorites:

    Lotad | Modest | Swift Swim | 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 | Giga Drain (egg move)
    Croagunk | Adamant | Dry Skin | 31 / 31 / 31 / xx / 31 / 31 | Fake Out, Drain Punch, Quick Guard, Bullet Punch (all egg moves)
    Nice I like the croagunk. Everyone above is a member

    If u have suggestions 4 our breeding project let me no
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    Name: LilJz
    Partner pokemon: Froakie & Squirtle (Both of them shiny :D)
    Current topic: I've been breeding since 2012 and I've had a trading thread in PokeCommunity dedicated to giving away free starters in Gen IV,V & VI games :)
    welcome jz and can u post the pic of that shiny froakie plz.
    welcome jz and can u post the pic of that shiny froakie plz.

    Sure thing, here you go :)

    Hihi, thank you^^
    I was so happy when I saw the shiny Froakie. I remember exactly when it happened :P
    I was on the way home from the mall with my girlfriend and it hatched in the bus haha :)
    Hihi, thank you^^
    I was so happy when I saw the shiny Froakie. I remember exactly when it happened :P
    I was on the way home from the mall with my girlfriend and it hatched in the bus haha :)

    So u n her had a spark there lol ;)