"They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is done!"
We all play video games in one form or the other. We have encountered several enemy types, classes, races, and even ethnicities in the years we have played video games of all shapes, sizes, genres, and even price tags (from the F2P, to Asian stuff, to the AAA). In this thread, we nonchalantly and Not-awkwardly celebrate the enemy mooks that we have all loved and known. The very opponents that would either kick our asses or in a more favorable note, the opponents whom we overcome, defeat, spit at their face, and chew bubblegum at.
As seen in the picture above, video game enemies have come in all forms of shapes, sizes, ethnicies, and even appeal. We had demons, aliens, the undead, space orcs, Nazis, North Koreans, Cringy terrorists, the undead, mutants, and even video game enemies closer to home such as corrupt policemen, PMC mercenaries, street thugs, and racist neo nazi skinheads, all of whom deep down inside our power fantasies, we want to unmercifully dispose off to feel like a badass mother f**cker, and we always want to keep them coming! Video game developers of all shapes, sizes, statuses, and economical standings have used and employed these kinds of enemies for their video game.
These bad boys are the waves and armies of henchmen, thugs, hordes, and whatever that we have all encountered in our adventures. These enemies represent the advarsaries of the video games we are playing. Their presence in a video game can vary from whatever the video game developer(s) want, such as something as simple as "Shooting Demons in Mars = $$$", or "Setting a political message", or, "letting us live the power fantasy of the World Wars" or "making us feel empowered", or simply "Not giving a f**k lets put more DEMONS AND NAZIS!"
Whenever we see these enemies, we always have that smiles on our faces. The eagerness, the feeling of "ass kicking time!" and "chewing princess bubblegum's bubblegum, if you all know what i mean". While we pump, cock, and ready our designated weapons and player abilities to face the incoming threats. They are the enemies that attempt to kick our asses only for them to be mercilessly destroyed by our rage, passion, and downright MLG/LCS skills.
Enemies in the video games we play represent the obstacle and adversaries we have to overcome in order to fulfill what we need to do in the fun and fictional video game world that we dwell ourselves into. They wield whatever they have in order to defeat us, but in the end, they serve as adversaries who unfortunately must be defeated.
So i ask all readers and fellow video gamers.. what kinds of enemies you really enjoy fighting? What are your favorite video game enemies, the very adversaries you enjoy fighting against? Are there particular kinds of video game enemies that you wish were used even more? Heck what are some kinds of video game enemies that you feel are overused and need to put to rest or at least be used in a much wiser context?
Discuss. And of course RIP AND TEAR! By posting in this thread, you forfeit your right to cry, eat any non-meat products as a source of protein, and watch movies where people kiss under the rain and sh*t, or be a complete pacifistic wuss that probably needs to be fisted.
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