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Challenge the Prism League!

The Prism League

Prismatic Beams Aligning
  • 45
    • Seen Jun 27, 2015
    [PokeCommunity.com] Challenge the Prism League!

    Welcome to the Prism League! The unique thing about this league is that it is divided into a Pokemon Showdown division and a 3DS division! There are 6 Gym Leaders, 4 Elite Members, and 1 Champion in each division. Not only that, but the league members (except the Champions) utilize two types instead of one! Do you think that you have what it takes to conquer the league and become the Champion? But before you challenge us, there are some rules you need to follow:

    League Rules

    -Challengers must only use one set of species when taking on the league; no switching species before each battle, and your species set will be tracked in the thread; otherwise people will just use teams that have an advantage against the league member they're about to face.

    -However, you are allowed to change your team's movesets, EVs, natures, and items at any time during the challenge.

    -You do not have to defeat all of the Gym Leaders and all of the Elite members of both divisions in order to battle a Champion; just the Leaders and Elites of one division will suffice. You are welcome to challenge both divisions if you like, and can challenge the Leaders within a division in any order.

    -All battles are 6v6, and the battle type (Singles, Doubles, etc) is determined by the league member you are facing.

    -This league will be using most of Smogon's ORAS OU rules, which can be found here.

    -All Pokemon on this list are banned from both divisions. Any challengers who use these Pokemon will be disqualified.

    -All battles in the Showdown division will take place on PC's battle server.

    -Dark Void is banned in all Double battles.

    -Both league members and challengers must save all battle videos/Showdown replays and post them here so we can confirm a challenger's victory.

    -If you lose, you must wait 24 hours to challenge that Leader/Elite/Champion again. This is so we aren't flooded with rematches.

    -In the event of a disconnect, attempt to battle again, unless it is clear who the winner was. Save the battle replay (if on Showdown) in case there is some sort of dispute. If playing on the 3DS division, take a picture of your PSS screen immediately after the battle ends as proof of who was the one to disconnect.

    -This thread is strictly for signing up and recording your challenge progress. Discussions and questions about the league itself go in this thread. PM, VM, or use other communication methods to set up matches with league members.

    -Follow all the rules of the PokeCommunity.

    Regarding ORAS Mega Stones
    Game Freak announced back in October that they will not be providing a patch for X&Y for the new Mega Evolutions and forms introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:

    Due to this compatibility issue between ORAS and X/Y and the fact that not everyone is going to have both X/Y and ORAS, we are allowing people challenging the 3DS division to have one substitute Pokemon IF they are using Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire for their challenge and using one of the new Mega Evolutions and/or Cosplay Pikachu. The substitute Pokemon can only be used in place of the new Mega Evolution that was on your team and only during battles with a Gym Leader or Elite 4 member that does not have ORAS.

    People challenging the Showdown division are free to use any of the Mega Evolutions except for the ones currently on the ban list.

    Regarding League Positions

    Current League Members
    3DS Division

    Champion: ?

    Elite: Polar Spectrum, Flying & Fighting Types, Doubles
    Elite: skyburial, Ground & Dragon Types, Doubles
    Elite: ScraggyTrainer, Fire & Fairy Types, Doubles
    Elite: Krystia, Bug & Electric Types, Singles

    Leader: Charcoal Embers, Normal & Ghost Types, Singles / Doubles
    Leader: Oblivion Wing, Ghost & Dark Types, Singles
    Leader: Cyclone, Dark & Fairy Types, Singles
    Leader: TGM , Water & Ground Types, Doubles
    Leader: rob_thijs Poison & Psychic Types, Doubles
    Leader: Nah, Grass & Rock Types, Singles

    Prism League 3DS Division substitute Leaders/Elites: Polar Spectrum, TGM, Nah, Krystia

    Showdown Division

    Champion: Dark Azelf

    Elite: Exile, Steel & Flying Types, Singles
    Elite: Euphoric, Dragon & Bug Types, Singles
    Elite: Nah, Fire & Rock Types, Singles
    Elite: halcyonic, Fairy & Steel Types, Singles

    Leader: static, Fighting & Rock Types, Singles
    Leader: eros, Bug & Water Types, Doubles
    Leader: Archy, Dark & Dragon Types, Singles
    Leader: Ingosmex, Normal & Ice Types, Singles
    Leader: [Position Open]
    Leader: Lucky#13, Grass & Poison Types, Doubles

    Prism League Showdown Division Substitute Leaders/Elites: Euphoric, Lucky#13, Nah, eros

    Note: It's generally best to VM and/or PM the league members your challenges rather than asking who's available for battle in this thread.

    3DS Badges List

    Showdown Badges List

    Note that challengers who make it into the Hall of Fame will also receive an emblem for their accomplishment.

    Some badges made by Cakesu

    Current Challengers

    Hall of Fame

    Sign-Up Sheet
    PokeCommunity username:
    Division being challenged:
    3DS FC/battle server alt(s):
    Team to be used (just the species is fine):

    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or a colorblind slice of loaf, contact Polar Spectrum and/or Nah, or post in the Prism League Discussion & Questions thread.

    League founded by AdamEternal

    And thank you to all the non-league members who contributed to the development of the Prism League ♥​
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    I'd like to challenge the league on the 3DS division, my friend code is in my signature :D
    I'm so hyped. I'll be challenging as well- (pretty sure that's allowed) I'll designate my team for the challenge and post my FC here as soon as I get home.
    I'm so hyped. I'll be challenging as well- (pretty sure that's allowed) I'll designate my team for the challenge and post my FC here as soon as I get home.
    Since it's a Beta, I'm not sure if we need someone to take your place for you when you get to battling your own gym.
    I started school today, but I should be available from 5PM-10PM est on the weekdays and whenever on the weekends.

    My body is ready.
    I would like to participate but it must wait a bit for my team to get ready. I will like to participate both 3ds and showdown if it is possible.
    I don't see any problems with you challenging both. Let us know when you've got your teams ready. :)
    I'm pretty much generally around, but I will try to take one challenger a day unless I end up with a large number of challengers (maybe two a day then). This self-made restriction is because I am also doing breeding and plan to eventually get a 4EM specimen of every Pokémon it can be done with, and maybe some doubles with different moves over time. For now, I'm still working at completing my Dex, but have a good group ready to go for battle. Where possible, I will give priority in order of challenge in the event I have multiple challengers.

    So I dare you: come to the Dark side...
    As for me, I'm pretty much ready to battle any day, any time, provided I'm on....which is pretty often. Just don't expect me to on 24/7; I got other things to do too, like, sleep, ya know.
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    Sign-Up Sheet:
    PokeCommunity username: Polar Spectrum
    Division being challenged: 3DS
    3DS FC/battle server alt(s): 4570 7938 0346
    Team to be used (just the species is fine):

    I will take the challenge on the 3ds

    -PokeCommunity username: Krystia
    Division being challenged: 3DS
    3DS FC/battle server alt(s): 1693-1696-3415
    -Team to be used (just the species is fine):
    Polar Spectrum challenged Gym Leader Blueboi22!

    Polar Spectrum won the Chill Badge!

    [image unavailable]

    Battle Video: NCYG WWWW WWW97P8R

    Woo ^^ First challenge match, first win. Prism League Elites, here I come.

    Trying to challenge Cyclone as I type this, hopefully I'll be able to get that in tonight as well.

    Edit: Polar Spectrum challenged Gym Leader CycloneGU!

    Polar Spectrum won the Dark/Fairy Badge!

    [image unavailable]

    Battle Video: 5HYG WWWW WWW9 7Q4T

    Looking to challenge Ferraligator, or any of the 3 new additions Dialga, MegaSeeker, or Lobrix next. :)
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    I actually had a better performance against Polar this time, but the battle went the way of the challenger. As he has already posted a video, that will suffice; I will save videos for a minimum of a month and only post them if a challenger doesn't or if there's a dispute.

    Greninja got destroyed there. He got the first move, but OHKOed himself. Ouch.
    I can be challenged all wednesday and thursday. PM me for mya gym battle request and time for then and i will be online.
    PokeCommunity username: Kitsuki
    Division being challenged: Showdown league
    3DS FC/battle server alt(s): Kitsuki13
    Team to be used (just the species is fine):
    Talonflame, Exadrill, Gardevoir, Greninja, Chansey, Rotom-W

    I'm free hopefully all day tomorrow, 11 EST wed, and off again Thursday
    PokeCommunity username: sharkshocker
    Division being challenged: 3DS
    3DS FC: 3394-3742-8499
    Team to be used:

    Meowstic, Sigilyph, Medicham, Gardevoir, Slowbro, Malamar

    Any 3DS gym leaders available tonight?
    PokeCommunity username:robotic jo
    Division being challenged: 3DS Divisions
    3DS FC/battle server alt(s):In the sig
    Team to be used (just the species is fine):Weezing, Hydriegon, Kangaskhan, Crawdaunt, Greninja and Azumarill
    I'm redoing my post here to also add some information:

    All going for the Oblivion Badge (Ghost/Dark gym: Me) please pm me so that we can set a time and date. For a heads up, I'm available Wednesday and Thursday of this week (8/20/14 & 8/21/14).

    Please note the following:

    I will reward the winner with an Eevee nicknamed "Shadow", level 1 (bred by me), to those who are rewarded the Oblivion Badge on Wednesday (if challenges are made for then), and thursday will be an absol nicknamed "Eclipse" or "Dawn" (depending if you defeat me on the afternoon, or at night). Both, Eevee and Absol will be holding a dusk stone. (Dark Pokemon, Ghost stone... Thought it could be a nice mix).

    I thought that not only you challengers could be rewarded badges, but to commemorate the moment defeating me (if done so), you will receive a special pokemon as well.

    This is for my fellow Gym mates:

    This is to have a good kick off of our league, I want to do this on my behalf at no risk. These are not hacked Pokemon, they're bred, and are distributed at my own will. I want to give my 2 pennies this way so that we can have a successful BETA, and make it fun.

    I do encourage you guys to do so, but not enforce it as I thought it was a neat thought :)
    Sorry for not asking for permission, but I figured that a Pokemon giveaway would be neat for the challengers.

    For challengers:

    Lets make this fun... YOUR DESTINY AWAITS!
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