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[Showcase] CiCi's Dark Arts


[font=Satisfy]Obsession: Watanuki Kimihiro and Izu
  • 1,508
    • Seen Nov 24, 2023






















    Blood/gore warning pics (very minor):


    Accepting requests, though they are to be done at my leisure and discretion. Can be Pokemon Trainer fan characters, Pokemon, art of your original ideas, and fan art.
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    Your style is so distinctive, it's amazing! :) I especially love the starter art you did, its a different take on the normally cute galar pokemon.

    Can't wait to see more from you :)
    Aww, thanks so much! I've been developing my own little way of doing things and I'm glad that it's made my art distinct. ^^ I've got plenty of other non-Pokemon related art pieces, who knows what I'll be in the mood to upload, haha
    I love this kind of grungy, new school style that you have in the first drawing. Like Kitty said it's really distinct and interesting. Not to mention the rest of your art is great, but that first piece really stands out to me! Excited to see how that WIP turns out. :)
    Aww, thank you~ x3 All of my finished products have that grungy look, but it takes a lot of time and layers so most of my stuff never gets past the plainer brightly colored wips, haha. Can't tell if I have a short attention span or if I just have an aversion to finishing things.
    Just some older stuff I did early this year for people to see what I generally like to draw. Some fluff, some horror, some fluffy horror.

    [PokeCommunity.com] CiCi's Dark Arts
    Some people might recognize one of these characters as Souichi Tsuji (featured in another piece in this thread), and the other character is my cringey fan character, Guinevere, or Gwyn for short. She's Irish, taught Japanese so her and her father could move to Japan after [redacted]. When she transfers to Souichi's school, they wind up bonding over their mutual love of creepy things, and Gwyn's ability to accurately read tarot cards. Gwyn disappears after [redacted], leaving Souichi and everyone else who came into contact with her, to completely forget about her existence.

    This situation is just Halloween and the peppy Gwyn finally got Souichi to let her put stickers on him, which made her happy. She's very huggy when she's happy.


    [PokeCommunity.com] CiCi's Dark Arts
    Another Souichi pic, based off of the canon Anjyuu rejecting Souichi. Needless to say, he's not very happy about it. Not much needs to be said about this, I think Souichi says it all himself.
    Also cat photobomb at the end because I didn't want to draw that hand, lol.


    [PokeCommunity.com] CiCi's Dark Arts
    And this is just a scribble drawing with some of my favorite colors: black and this weird seafoamy green. :3
    Oooo I was actually going to ask you about that character! Very neat looking. I can definitely see the Junji Ito influence, and a little Jhonen Vasquez too. I'd love the know more of that guy's story! :)
    Junji Itou, Jhonen Vasquez, Tim Burton, Don't Starve, and just general punk/goth/scene styles are my top influences :3 <3 And I like this cartoon-meets-anime anatomy that I've got going on. Sometimes I lean more into the cartoon, but if I'm trying to draw characters attractively, I'll go more anime anatomy.

    As for Souichi and Gwyn's story, that's got some very questionable content that I can't imagine would be allowed on pc, but if I ever finish it and decide to post it I'll be sure to ask before I do. :)
    That's just kind of the case with most of my writing, though, hehe
    [PokeCommunity.com] CiCi's Dark Arts
    A bit of an oldie but goodie. I adore drawing Souichi and I adore drawing in this gritty black and white texture <3
    Oh, all of those are great! I too love your version of the gen 8 starers, looks like they're all getting along fine haha. = P The picnic one is lovely, all the Pokemon in there have very cute personalities thrown into them. I don't know too much about Souichi, but the grudge style fits very well! And yeah, I can see some Tim Burton and Don't Starve influences there.

    Also, you're accepting art requests? There's a Pokemon Sun/Moon original character that I think would look great in your style. I can give more details, but only if you're totally cool with it!
    Thank you! :3 Haha, I love to make sure everyone's personality is shown when I draw. Just makes for a more dynamic and fun piece!

    And sure, I wouldn't mind! I've been in the drawing mood lately and wouldn't mind drawing your character with his/her favorite Pokemon ^^ You can just post here what you want and I'll post the finished product here. I'll probably send you a couple of WIPs through dm to make sure I have what you want, but typically like to make most of this sort of thing public so people know 'customer satisfaction' is my steez :P Plus then all these uncultured motherf[Happy Mother Day]s can see your lovely fc! xP
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    I'm like 90% sure I know which character Bay is talking about and I AGREE VERY MUCH!!

    It's not often we get an artist with such a distinct style here. Been craving some proper macob art lately anyway, haha.

    So, if Souichi's story is dark, can you at least explain the origin of the nail in his mouth? I'm curious! :o
    Ah, I adore drawing (and writing) macabre things, so you'll get that with most of my posts! xD

    Haha, the nails. They're ubiquitously in his mouth and I'm amazed he can get them all out when he brushes his teeth or eats. He claims that he puts nails in his mouth so he can get the iron off of them to help with his anemia. But anyone who knows Souichi knows he does that because it freaks people out and he can have a chance to spit nails at those he doesn't like. They're also good for pretending to be a vampire, which he enjoys doing very much. Ala:

    Nice vampire costume there, Souchi. Spit nails? Oh dear, people better watch out when they get near then haha.

    All right, so my art request! So you know "the Faller" that was referenced in the Sun/Moon games? If not, basically she was an Interpol agent that got killed during a dangerous assignment. She doesn't have a name, so I have her named Sana. Anyways! The details:

    -Sana wears a dark suit (like Sun/Moon Anabel's) and has medium-long black hair. Her facial features are similar to Southeast Asian (so like a Filipino/Vietnamese/Malaysian etc). If you're unsure of that I can find you some references. I don't know if for your art requests you'll color or just have them black or white, but if the former her skin is dark brown.

    -Her Pokemon partner would be a Mightyena!

    -Optional: Maybe have Guzzlord's shadow in background?

    I think that's it! If this is too complicated then I can give you a much simpler request with more recognizable character(s)!
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    Haha, he loves to pretend that he's a vampire. Or is he pretending? Hard to tell. But yeah, don't piss him off at any time because he's probably got nails in his mouth and he has really good aim. xD

    Sounds perfectly fine to me! The only other details I ask: is her hair straight, curly, or somewhere in between? Bangs or just parted? And is there anything special about said Mightyena, or just a standard one? And finally, what sort of personality type should I shoot for? All my poses and expressions are typically tailored to the character's personality. :)
    Sana's hair is straight and parted. As for her personality, I would say she can be sassy (especially to her superior Nanu haha), but does her job well and wants to find a way to save the Ultra Beasts she was forced to kill/send back to Interpol. So maybe a determined look on her face?

    As for her Mightyena, standard Mightyena! The Pokemon's personality is she is friendly and laid back, but once her partner comes to harm she immeditely becomes protective of her and won't go down easily.

    Hope this makes sense!
    While that request gets done:

    Some blood warning:

    Here's my fan character for One Piece, Yvette, alongside her new Captain, Law. :) I love Yvette's character and what she's become. She's got the makings of an original story behind her and her powers.
    Tried to go for a more cutesy look on this piece and I like the colors ^^
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    Ahhh Law is fantastic! I like Yvette, she reminds me of Red 13. Does she has a devil's fruit power? :)
    I'm not into FF so I had to look up Red XIII, but I can definitely see the similarities! Huge, hunched backs, manes going up the middle of their head, and most pics of Red had him looking pretty pissed. That's accurate, too. xD

    She does! :3 She ate the Hyena Fruit, Pachycrocuta. An extinct and carnivorous Devil's Fruit. Quite nasty. Between that and the crap she's been through, she's a really angry, quick to attack in self-defense kind of person. But she's also really loyal to all of those who took her away from her bad life. To the point where Law can pretty effectively sic her on people like she's a police dog, lol. Works for him, we all know he's a trouble maker.
    I know I'm a horrible double poster, but I got Bay's request finished!

    [PokeCommunity.com] CiCi's Dark Arts

    Full sized:

    I hope the colors turned out okay! If not, they're an easy enough fix -- I'll change whatever you need me to and then update this original post. Otherwise, I hope you like her! :D