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Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

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Hey I started a Ultimate solo challenge with the Duskull Evolution Line way back with an old thread, I had finished Kanto and started Johto, If I post the pictures from my Kanto run can I continue it here on this thread?

Absolutely. I'll edit the USC part when I'm not lazy anymore. Or busy.
Here's my Hall of Fame pic (The Lapras, Mewoth, and Spearow are Hm Mules)
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Here's the after Pic it has my time and trainer I.D.
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Here's my trainer card confirming the 8 badges and trainer I.D.
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

And I never erased the save from my solo challenge on SS so I'll post where I am after I check it. Also if you need any more proof I think a few of my posts are on the old Ultimate Solo Challenge board here: https://www.pokecommunity.com/posts/5893736
Generation 3 - Emerald - Complete

HM Slaves:
Linoone (Cut, Rock Smash, Surf [Plus Pickup slave ;) ])
Kadabra (Flash)
Geodude (Strength)
Tentacool (Dive, Waterfall)

Xack the Xatu (M)
Level 74
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
Stats: 200/123/133/190/140/190
- Fly
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Wish

Onward to Platinum (I decided to change it up from Pearl since I've run through that so many times)
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Ok finished my Raticate solo.

Ok I might do a Venusaur solo now on Red again
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Checked my Soul Silver Game
Have Defeated Falkner Bugsy and Whitney and I'm in Ecruteak City
My Pokemon:
Boojangle lvl. 37 Male Dusclops
Moves: Shadow Punch,Faint Attack,Shadow Ball, Pursuit
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread
Togepi future fly mule
Than I updated
I beat the Rocket in the Dancehall
Beat My rival Risk in the burnt tower
Met the Trio in the burnt tower
Beat Morty in the Ecruteak Gym
Reach Olivine and met Amphy
Went to Cianwood and Grabbed the Medicine
Caught a Pidgey for a Fly Mule
Beat Chuck in Cainwood Gym his wife gave me Fly
Cured Amphy and Taught Rocksmash to Boojangle to beat Jasmines Steel Types
I beat Jasmine who is one of the toughest gym leaders I'd say and got her badge Boojangles safe till level 70
Decided to take a break until I can get my hands on another DS so I can evolve Boojangles into it's last evolution
My Pokemon
Boojangles Lvl. 49 Dusclops Male
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Moves:Shadow Punch, Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Rock Smash
Crokosmile Totodile
Rocky Onix
Taxi Pidgey
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I going to cancel my Venusaur Solo and instead do a Ultimate Solo with Raticate which i have already done Red for so im straight onto Silver.
Ill go Red - Silver - Emerald - Diamond - White 2 (with an English Patch)
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Generation 4 - Pearl - Complete

HM Slaves:
Bibarel (Cut, Rock Smash)
Zubat (Defog)
Barboach (Surf, Waterfall)
Geodude (Strength, Rock Climb)

Xiggy the Xatu (M)
Level 77
Hold Item: Mind Plate
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Synchronize
Stats: 199/152/135/156/125/222
- Fly
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Confuse Ray

Last, but not least, we get to tackle Black. (This should be fun since I've only beaten a Gen 5 game once, so I'm pretty lost on this one)
Went to Mahogany town
Defeated the Red Garyados
Defeat Petrol and Ariana
Beat Pryce in the Mahogoney Gym
Traded Boojangle and evolved Him into Dusknoir
Defeated Risk again in the Radio Tower Basement.
Beat Photon Petrol Ariana and Archer and the rest of the Johto Team Rocket
Cleared the Ice Path and Reached Blackthorne City
I beat Clair of Blackthorne with one Pokemon and she calls me lazy and won't hand over the badge >_>...
But than I past the test she couldn't and her grandfather made her give me the badge securing Boojangles eternal obediance :D
Had to go Fight the Kimono Girls because Lyra wouldn't let me pass
Apparently I also had to face luigia
Caught it with the Master Ball to trade to another game
With Lyra gone I headed toward the Pokemon Leauge
Beat Risk in Victory Tunnel
Reached the Indigo Plateu
Next Update will be Elite 4 and Champion
My Pokemon:
Boojangles Male Lvl.77
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Moves:Shadow Punch, Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Rock Smash
Also can I use my H.M. Mules as Revive Mules for Elite Four?

HM Slaves:
Pansear (Cut)
Scraggy (Strength)
Tirtouga (Waterfall, Surf)

Xylo the Xatu (M)
Level 87
Item Held: Expert Belt
Nature: Docile
Ability: Synchronize
Stats: 233/196/147/198/152/214
- Fly
- Grass Knot
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball

That's all folks. I'll probably do some non-ultimate solo runs at some point and I'll upload screenshots if I do.
I defeated the Elite 4 and Champion Lance without the need of any Revives next stop Kanto
My Pokemon:
Boojangle Male Lvl. 81 Dusknoir
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Moves:Shadow Punch, Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Rocksmash
My (Unneeded) Mules:
Well, I've decided to do a single Solo run using Blastoise on Red.

Here's where we are after 1 badge:

Bob the Squirtle
Level 14
Stats: 40/19/25/22/23
- Tackle
- Tail Whip
- Bubble

EDIT: Blastoise Run - Pokemon Red - COMPLETE

HM Slaves:
Farfetch'd (Cut, Fly)
Jigglypuff (Flash, Strength)

Bob the Blastoise
Level 68
Stats: 231/149/176/161/166
- Surf
- Mega Punch
- Dig
- Ice Beam
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I need a break from my UMC Water. Sign me up please. I'm solo'ing on Pearl with a Infernape. When i'm finished, i'll sign up for an Ultimate Solo with Alakazam. Expect an update later on today.
I'll try this again. I'll join:

Username: RubyHacker
Ultimate solo: No
Game: Yellow - AFTER: Gold, Ruby
PKMN: Pikachu for all Yellow, Poliwag (Poliwrath for Gold), for Ruby I am still thinking
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I'm doing it with the Grass starter of each game.

Username: bctincher15
Ultimate: I don't know if what I'm doing would count.
Games: Red, Gold, Ruby, Pearl, Black
PKMN: Bulbasaur/Chikorita/Treecko/Turtwig/Snivy(and of course, I'll evolve them).
Rode the SS Anne won the game of Hide and Seek and reached Vermillion City
Defeated Lt.Surge of Vermillion City
Defeated Sabrina of Saffron City
Beat the Foreign Grunt and Got back the part from the gym
Returned the part back to the plant and Returned power to Kanto
Defeated Misty in Cerulean City
Defeated Erika of Celadon City
Defeated Janine of Fushia City
Defeated Brock of Pewter City
Defeated Blaine from the former Cinnaber Island
Crushed Blue of Vidirian/Pallet
Beat the Elite 4 and Champion Lance Again they were way tougher but I needed no revives
Beat Red and Finished My Johto Challenge
My Pokemon:
Boojangle Male Lvl 100 Dusknoir
[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Moves:Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Faint Attack, Rock Smash
If I do Emerald can I hack in a Duskull with a dark move so I can compete with the zigzagoon you face?
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Beat Red, hover over my username and see why I named my character ILDEINO. :D

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

[PokeCommunity.com] Combined Pokemon Solo Challenge Thread

Next up is Gold.

If I do Emerald can I hack in a Duskull with a dark move so I can compete with the zigzagoon you face?
I'm pretty sure it's fine, just start with something weak, but not too weak, like Pursuit.
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Ultimate Jynx Solo

Hey guys, started my challenge today.

Got my starter Smoochum
Went through all the opening nonsense
Traveled to Pewter City fighting every trainer, need all the exp I can get
Battled Brock about 6-7 times before I won
Finally got the Badge and got Running Shoes from Aid
Travel to and through Mt. Moon battling every trainer
Stopped at the Pokemon Centre in Cerulean where I saved the game to play another day :)


Bewsa the Careful Smoochum
Lv. 22 - Oblivious
Confusion, Lick, Sweet Kiss, Powder Snow
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