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Controversy: Tournament Participation


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401
    Is it proper to participate in your own tournament?

    Over on PC's shoddy server we got into a little debate about whether or not someone should participate in their own tournament. Some people over at the Battle Stadium don't touch their tournaments, as a somewhat respectful 'for the guests,' others participate, looking to win, and even reclaim their posted prizes back.

    What do you think?
    No. Its like working for the lotto company, and playing the lotto. (Except thats actually prohibited)
    others participate, looking to win, and even reclaim their posted prizes back.

    Those prizes were donated... And I do not think the host would enter to earn the prizes, but to participate in the aura or fervor, if you will.

    Is a tourney about battling and having fun, or prizes?... Meh.
    As I said in the chat, It's like the Referee in a soccer game playing on a team. So no, not at all.
    Just like you don't vote for yourself, you don't participate in something you have created like a tournament I say. If you are the person heading an event, you need to work and make sure the event goes as planned. And it's just...
    I can't think of the real real reasons for it, but it's just not something you really do, not just because people can accuse you of 'pulling strings' but it's..argggh. I can't word it.

    But anyways, I think "No, you do not participate in a tournament (or event) you have set up.".
    I'd say it's kind of bad form to participate in something you're running. If there are ANY prizes involved, it's a big no. Otherwise, I guess it depends on the tournament. If it's something casual where mostly everyone knows each other and you're only running it because *someone* has to, then it'd be fine. But if it's bigger than that, I'd say sit it out.
    I think it's okay. I mean, it's a tournament, you're basically the same as everyone else really, and you running it doesn't mean you get a handicaps in the battle.

    Or you can just battle the winner at the end for a fun match. XD;