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[PKMN FULL] Darker than it Seems [OOC]

I'm off for now, guys! I've had enough rp'ing for now xD I'll update the post later when my writing returns to normal haha! If you do continue and it's morning, Arryn hasn't gotten back yet.

That post was longer than I anticipated... oops
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I think I am going to make mine a bit longer. So I will update it in a few. Should have read this before I posted lol. So I am going to make it a little be longer.

Ok I added a little more. If yall start the next morning, I will catch up. May be gone for a bit. Tonight, I will try to keep up a little bit better lol.
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I think I am going to make mine a bit longer. So I will update it in a few. Should have read this before I posted lol. So I am going to make it a little be longer.

Ok I added a little more. If yall start the next morning, I will catch up. May be gone for a bit. Tonight, I will try to keep up a little bit better lol.

We do tend to post really fast haha. I'll rp for a bit though!
I'm gonna be at work all day so I probably won't be able to post until around midnight. Just pretend Darren's sleeping the whole time and I'll catch up when I get back.
I really like Rex :p Especially when he goes back and pick up the fridge. That was just hilarious.

I will be away for about an hour. Will be back at around 8 or 9 central time. It is 7 now. Back for now.
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Maybe Hecate is just waiting for an opening. Probably need to ask though. I know they have been on the IC thread, but hasn't posted.

Anyways, I am going to take a break for a few days after tonight I think. I think I have developed my character enough with everyone other than Rex, and he hasn't really had a chance to post I don't think. I'll jump in when I have to though. I will still read, I'll probably let my character sleep as he is the only one who hasn't gotten sleep yet.
I've been talking to her (: She says she'll have the introduction up today or tomorrow!

Sounds fine Iceman, looking forward to when you come back (:
I will still be around lol. I think Zatanna's character still needs to talk to my character some. So if you still want to talk to my character, go ahead.

And I loved yall's last posts! Gave us a little more background to work with.
Oh, sounds good! It's definitely an interesting love triangle going on xD

Thanks! I loved finding out about the background, too.

Also: I just added some stuff to my characters SU (:
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That irritating moment when you are almost finished with your post, and then your laptop decides you need to go to the previous webpage... resulting in your entire post disappearing...

Laptop :1
ElBurrito: 0

PS: I'm rage quitting for the night.