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Darkrai's Balloon [PG-13]

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It's awesome! Totally a Munchlax XD And the Metronome will be fun.

Ash_Pikachu123 is accepted with Ayu the Munchlax.

Great, now we're all set. I'll actually put up Day 1 tonight or tomorrow night. Exciting~

---------------------------------------------------------- <- real line of doom. Do not post further OOC things in here now. *will get the OOC thread up in a minute. Or, within the hour at least*

Day 1

It is rather early morning, springtime. The sun has just risen and the faint sound of waves hitting cliffs can be heard. You wake up in a forest. There are other pokémon waking up in the same forest clearing as you. You will hear a voice inside your head, saying:

"You better make sure that balloon does not pop... if you want to get through this game alive."

You may spot the balloon floating away over the treetops, to the north. How you react to all this, and what you do afterwards, is up to you. When the night/evening comes, the chapter ends, regardless of where we are located by then.

Something tickled him. Christopher moved in his sleep, but found that the bed wasn't as comfy as it used to be. He opened his eyes drowsily. A blurry green scene met them. Grass... grass? So that was what tickled him. He rolled over and closed his eyes again, only to open them up widely one second later, sitting up.

He was sitting on green grass in the middle of a forest clearing. Tall oak and rowan trees lined the clearing and you couldn't see far into the forest because of lots of bushy vegetation. Christopher had to pinch his own arm, and let out a tiny squeak at the pain it brought. He wasn't dreaming, or at least the dream was very very vivid. He got to his feet. How... did this happen?

Looking closer around him, he saw other figures waking up on the grass close to him. They were... pokémon! Wow! And some species he hadn't seen before. He liked pokémon, they were cool and mysterious. He just had to try to wake them up and talk to them! As he scuttled away to the nearest one and reached out with his hand though, he noticed the weird yellow color it suddenly had, and the awfully short fingers. Wha-

Realization struck him. He wasn't really... human anymore. He looked down to see two pairs of cute paws, and behind his back he spotted a zig-zag tail. Oh my god. Reaching up to his head proved it, when he found the long ears. He had been turned into a Pikachu! For a few seconds, he was terrified. Then excitement and love for adventures took over.

"I am a friggin pokémon!!" he screamed so that it echoed in the woods, strangely happily, hands up into the air and hoping that Ho-oh wouldn't hear his almost-swearing.
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Yawning loudly, Adam opened his eyes and blinked several times. He must have still been dreaming, because he was sitting in the middle of a forest clearing surrounded by Pokemon. Sighing, he went to pinch himself, but found he couldn't move his arms... Because he didn't have any. He tried to turn his head to look at himself, but found that impossible too, aside from a rustling noise he made every time he moved his head. He looked around for a puddle or something, and lo and behold, there was ne relatively close to him. He tried to walk over- again finding that impossible, but instead found it surprisingly easy to roll around to mauever himself to ht epuddle. He managed to do so, and then thought hard. He needed to get back onto his... feet, if he had any, to see what his crazy brain had produced for him this time.

He twisted this way and that, trying to get back upright, and after about five minutes, he did so. He became faintly aware of a Pikachu behind him feeling itself like it didn't know what it looked like. Adam shrugged and managed to propel his back forwards so powerfully that he ended up facing the puddle and a Sewaddle. Now, this WAS new. He'd never dreamed of being a Pokemon before. He splashed his bug-like face in an attempt to wake up, but failed. So he decided to explore his little dream for a way to squish himself so he could wake up. After a little while, he got the hang of wriggling about on his stubby little Sewaddle feet, and began to crawl towards the forest, when he heard the Pikachu from Behind him cry out; "I am a friggin Pokemon!" He rolled his eyes and pondered the possibility of riling it up so it electrified him.

After rummaging around in the forest for a bit and deciding that squishing was an impossibility, Adam yawned and decided to revert to the ages old trick of waking oneself up- pinching, or in his case, nibbling voraciously, ones arm. He didn't have an arm now, so he just nibbled a foot. When it hurt, and he didn't wake up, he remained still for a split second. And then it hit him.

"I'm a caterpillar."

"I'm a flaming caterpillar Pokemon."
Kris Kollyns
Welcome to the world of pokemon, literally...


Ah, that feels nice. The pleasent breeze, the sounds of the ocean, the - wait, WHAT?! I opened my eyes suddenly, taking in my surroundings. I was no longer on my soft bed, I was in some kind of clearing by what looked like the ocean. I tried to reach out to feel around me, and that's when I noticed I couldn't feel my arms, or legs, or many other things for that matter. I rolled around in...what was this? Some kind of liquid? I checked around me again and noticed Cinder was gone, and so were the rest of my pokemon. Okay, this was very, very strange, but I shouldn't freak out - yet.

I tried to move again, and realized that I could levitate. I figured I definately wasn't human anymore, so what was I? Could I be a pokemon? Right then I noticed I wasn't the only pokemon here, and a Pikachu screamed at that moment, "I am a friggin pokémon!!" From that I gathered that I wasn't the only one that was transformed, perhaps every pokemon here was? Well, that would explain the pokemon from Unova. It annoyed me that I had no limbs to identify myself with.

That's when it hit me right in the face; no limbs, green liquid stuff, levitation? I must have turned into a Solosis! "Cool, I guess?" I didn't know how to react. It was cool that I was a Solosis, but where was Cinder? The rest of my pokemon? What was I going to do? Where would I go? How would I change back?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice, "You better make sure that balloon does not pop... if you want to get through this game alive." Okay, where did that voice come from? It wasn't the voice of the Pikachu and it didn't sound like it came from...well, anywhere. It seemed like it came from inside my head...could that be possible? My brain finally registered what the voice had said. Game? Get through it alive? This was no freaking game, this was my life! Our lives! I mean, wait, balloon? I looked up, and surely enough there was a pink ballon floating in the air.

So, what was going on here? Why did the balloon have any relevance? I floated over to the Pikachu to see if it knew anything. "So, how goes it? Do you have any idea what's going on?" I asked, "And did you hear that voice?" As soon as I asked that, my attention went back to the balloon. I floated upwards, what did this balloon have to do with anything? Apparently if it popped, we died. So for now I figured it might be best to keep it with us. That was just a matter of figuring out how to grab it without hands...
the game begins
"Again? It was your turn to watch her!" The sound of her mother yelling could be heard from down the hall, as Andi hid behind the door to her room. She was ten years old and this was supposed to be Christmas dinner. Instead her parents were arguing again - this time, though, it was all her fault. Andi sniffled a little as the muddy tears rolled down her face. She had been outside when she had noticed a Pokemon and it's trainer down the street making an ice sculpture. Sure, the Pokemon was a huge Ursaring, but it had looked friendly enough. How was she supposed to know not to pet it? After all, she'd only wanted a closer look ...

Andi woke with a gasp. She had been dreaming again. Somehow, the fragmented memory of her childhood had made it into an otherwise-pleasant dream about ... well, Andi couldn't exactly remember what it was about. She only remembered that it was about something nice, maybe the ocean. She missed it a lot these days, although that wasn't unusual - she had spent the last few months trekking through Hoenn, growing stronger and collecting gym badges as she went. Obviously, she hadn't been able to stop for a swim. After all, there was no time for goofing off at the beach when you were a serious trainer.

Andi sighed and rolled over, expecting to find a soft pillow and her Marill sleeping next to her. Instead all she got was a face full of grass. Her eyes snapped open and Andi found herself laying - not on a borrowed bed in a Pokemon Center - but in the middle of a forest clearing somewhere. And that wasn't the strangest part, because if Andi wasn't mistaken, that was a snout coming out of her face, and that odd feeling behind her? Yeah, that felt a lot like a tail. She waved it around a little bit for confirmation that it was, indeed, exactly what she thought it was. Oh god. What was going on?

"I'm a friggin' Pokemon!" Andi suddenly heard a voice exclaim somewhere to her left. She felt a little irritated at the loud noise so soon after waking, but at this point, she was willing to let it go if it meant that she wouldn't have to be alone. She sat upright and finally took stock of her surroundings. Sure, there were trees, but Andi could also feel a slight breeze and the sound of waves crashing in the distance. The air smelt a little of salt, and suddenly Andi felt very at home. They were clearly near to the ocean.

Whoever they happened to be, that was. As she looked around the clearing, Andi noticed that there were a few other pokemon laying around on the grass, sleeping. Judging by the reaction of the two nearby, Andi could reasonably assume that they, too, were humans who were finding themselves in a spot of difficulty.

"Hey - you two! What's going on here?" Andi warily attempted to inch herself closer to the Sewaddle and the Pikachu ... and then fell straight on her face. She wasn't used to walking on paws.
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Christopher spotted a Sewaddle running (if you could call it that) into the forest. It looked kind of awkward... like it was newly born or something and didn't quite know how to handle its tiny legs yet. Christopher looked down on his own small feet with a wrinkled eyebrow. Did he know how to handle his own?

Just as he was about to take a leap upwards to test them out, he was approached by one of the other pokémon. ""So, how goes it? Do you have any idea what's going on?" it asked. Christopher had to blink and look twice. A green blob floating in mid-air? That had to be... no, he had forgotten its name. He was usually pretty good at knowing pokémon species though.

"And did you hear that voice?" the green thing continued.

"Voice? What-"

Just then, he heard it booming inside his head as if his brains were talking to him.

"You better make sure that balloon does not pop... if you want to get through this game alive."

He propped his hands against his ears in an effort to make it stop, but it didn't help. The voice quieted down and disappeared after those few words though. Christopher took down his hands and looked back at the Solosis.

"Right! You are a Solosis," he bursted out, noticing the name pop up in his own thought. "I remember now. Glad to meet you! Uh... I don't know... you mean you don't live here in the forest like pokémon do?"

It hadn't dawned to Christopher that the others could be humans as well.

"Hey - you two! What's going on here?" another voice called. A weasel looking pokémon walked up to them... at least until it tripped over its own feet.

Strange, Christopher thought. Pokémon in this forest didn't seem to know how to walk properly. He made an attempt to walk towards the Buizel to help it up, but stumbled himself, waving his arms to prevent his body from falling over. Whoa. Seems his test failed. "My legs seem a bit shaky..." he mumbled. "That's the only thing I know going on. Though... what was that thing about a balloon?"

He suddenly remembered what that voice had said. The voice... where had it come from? He looked up into the sky, for lack of better ideas. And there was the balloon. "Whoa... shiny!" he said. But it was drifting upwards, higher and higher.
"You better make sure that balloon does not pop... if you want to get through this game alive."

"Oh, you're absolutely HILARIOUS." Adam cried out to the sky. He finally had the hang of walking, and decided to look for this balloon. He looked up and saw it straight away. A few of the other Pokemon were gazing at it and looked like they may soon follow it, but Adam grumbled and spat silk at the Balloon, trying to catch it and bring it down to his level. He failed, and cursed bitterly.
"Of all the Bug Pokemon to be, I have to be one of the waht, three, without wings! DAMMIT!" He glared at the balloon. He knew that this was it's fault, and now it was mocking him. Well, it wouldn't do to let it get away with that insult!

He climbed a nearby tree and tried, again to spit web at the balloon to get it down to Earth, but the stupid thing just flew closer to his tree at the last moment. Sensing this golden oppurtunity, he leapt from the tree to grab the balloon. But as anyone who's even seen a Seaaddle knows, Bugs can't jump well. He made it about 1 cm away from the tree before plummeting from the tree to the ground. He curled up into a leafy ball and smashed into the ground, but his (apparently) hard shell meant that he bounced right off it, and went flying into the forest, spinning helplessly out of control, away from the other Pokemon and into the unknown.

"Ow. That was fun. Now, where oh where oh where am I?" The rollercoaster had been a bit more roller and less coaster than Adam would have liked. He looked about himself and saw he was surrounded byt rees, with a curious Ariados looking at him. He knew, instinctively, it was a female. And it started to look a little less curious, and a bit more angry. Adam felt a bead of sweat drop from the tip of his leaf and onto his nose. This would be interesting.

"Now then, uh, madam, I don't want to fight you, but..."
"Shut up! Who are you!? Tell me!" At least they could communicate.
"Well... I'm, uh,a Sewaddle, called Adam. Pleased to meet you." He said, instinctively trying to raise his hand. He succeeded in smacking his head on a nearby tree. "Ow."
"Ok. Don't move, I'm watching you!" The Ariados hissed angrily. It crawled closer to him and touched his leaf with it's horn, a greeting amongst her kind. She frowned.
"You haven't been here very long, have you?"
"Well, it's complicated, but no, I haven't."
"Tell me all about it then." And so Adam spent about ten minutes explaining what had happeend to the Ariados, who waited patiently and then nodded. "Ok. So... You need to find this balloon?" The Ariados asked, almost eagerly.
"I do indeed. I need to make sure it doesn't pop."
"Do you need any help?"
"I would love it, but why?"
"Well, I like you. Well, I haven't tried to eat you yet, so it's a start. Plus it's been boring around the forest lately. It's about time something fun happened." Adam gulped and tried to look happy, but to be honst, having this giant Spider helping him scared him a bit. "So then, what should I call you?"
"How about Arachne? I like the name."
"Ok, Arachne it is! Now, I think it was headed in that general direction... Uh, shall I lead on, or will you?"
"Hey, you're the one who saw it last."
His eyelids flickering as the sun beat down on poor Alexander, the 15 year old released a loud yawn that seemed to shake his entire body, sitting up and stretching both of his arms. He must have slept on them wrong again, they felt...off. Like they weren't as long as he could remember them being. He made a quick note that his mother must have opened the window the previous night; there was a relaxing breeze that wafted over his whole body. It was amazing. With that, he opened his eyes slowly, letting the suns rays blind his vision.

He noticed many, MANY things wrong with the current situation as soon as he opened his eyes. One: Why wasn't he in his bed, in his home? Why was he in the middle of the woods, with no home or no civilization in sight? 2 Why did he seem so...short, all of a sudden? Sure, he was short, but at the moment it didn't even look like Alex could stand taller than a nearby tree stump. 3: Why were there Pokemon around him, crawling up the trees, flying through the air, and further more, why was he able to understand them at some point?

He was dreaming. He had to be dreaming. Why else would he be in the woods, short all of a sudden? he reached up to his cheek and pinched himself as hard as he could. Wincing at his now sore cheek, he saw his surroundings didn't change. That was more worrying was the fact when he did pinch his cheek, there was a fine layer of what felt like fur on it. He looked down slowly at his hand, which was now shorter, with three little stubs of yellow. HIs arm barely extended a few inches from his body.

Jumping to his feet and wobbling, he rushed over to a nearby puddle and looked in. Seeing his reflection, he saw a red and yellow, orb shaped pokemon staring back at him with wide, terrified eyes. Everything he did, the POkemon did back. He blinked, it blinked. He touched his cheek, it touched his cheek.

He screamed in terror. It screamed in terror.
Kris Kollyns
After it!


I hadn't payed too much attention after I started heading towards the balloon, but I did catch the Pikachu kids' last sentence. "I remember now. Glad to meet you! Uh... I don't know... you mean you don't live here in the forest like pokémon do?"

"Nope. I'm completely human...er, was completely human, just like you." I said as I pathetically tried to grab the balloon. As I had no arms, I had no way to grab it. All I did was bumb into it a few times. I had no idea how to work my psychic powers, as it was no doubt harder than just channeling electricity like Pikachu-butt down there. So, I had no powers to grab it with...so maybe I could bump it towards the ground?

I floated above the balloon and started ramming as hard as I could, which wasn't very hard at all. Jebus Cripes, how did pokemon do this?! I guess it would take a lot of getting used to. When I got halfway to the ground, the balloon just shifted direction. I tried to get back to it, but it avoided me. How the hell was a balloon avoiding me? I poured on the speed, probably making it to about two miles per hour. This sucked.

"Jebus! I give up!" I floated back down to the ground, next to the Pikachu. "Any ideas on how to get that balloon?" I asked as I stared at it. I could swear that if it could, it would be pointing and laughing at me. That image only made me angrier, which didn't help at all.
Andi stood up as fast as she could, pretending like she hadn't just eaten dirt right in front of all of these new Pokemon (humans? her brain couldn't help but add).

Despite the fact that she was still a bit wobbly on her feet, Andi opened her mouth to reprimand the other Pokemon in front of her. Didn't they understand how serious this was? Did they not care that they were no longer human? For god's sake! - There had to be somebody else as freaked out about this as she was!

But then Andi heard a voice in her head that chilled her to the bone. "You better make sure that balloon does not pop... if you want to get through this game alive." What - what was that supposed to mean? What balloon was he/it/the disembodied voice talking about? At this point, Andi was practically spluttering in indignation at the others' reactions. "Ooh, shiny" was not the proper response to a disembodied voice in your head, in Andi's opinion. Although now that she could see the balloon (and - oddly enough, a small caterpillar Pokemon jumping off a nearby tree), she could agree that at least, yes, it was shiny. But that wasn't important here.

"Hey!" She said, trying to get Pikachu's attention again, "So none of us knows what's going on. Great. Does anyone have an idea of what that voice might be?" She asked. After all, maybe she had just developed the power to talk to Pokemon or something.

Then again, maybe they were all going mad - herself included - and she should just enjoy everything for the time being. After all, how often did she get to be a ... what was she again?

Andi studied her paws more closely, then noticed the blue fins on her elbows. She was a Buizel, right. One of her favorite Pokemon back home was a Buizel. Andi hoped she'd be able to see him again.

From off in the woods, there was a distant scream, and Andi couldn't help but snort slightly. Apparently someone else had discovered their transformation.

The Solosis that was nearby attempted to grab the balloon, but it simply floated out of his reach, as if it was avoiding him. That's odd ... Andi thought, although at the moment, she wasn't sure which was odder - the fact that a balloon had a mind of it's own, or the fact that she was a Pokemon.

"Maybe we should get that Sewaddle to help us," Andi suggested, "He can probably use string shot or something. Although - since I'm assuming you all heard the voice too - why we're listening to a random voice in our heads is beyond me." She said somewhat crossly, although that was mostly due to her being grumpy about being transformed into a Pokemon.
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When the Solosis rammed the balloon, Christopher couldn't help but feeling it was a bad idea. "Wait, stop, what if you pop it by doing that? Let's ask the Sewaddle, yes!"

After having looked around for a second, he spotted a problem though. "Uh, guys... he isn't here anymore. I guess he bounced off into the forest. Maybe he wasn't a human like us. Uh, and what if that voice was just an imagination? Though that balloon is here, and we all heard it... hmm."

He scratched his head, shrugged his almost non-existent shoulders and looked up on the worried Solosis and the annoyed Buizel. "Oh, by the way," he said. "My name is Christopher Amalan. I'm 13 and I usually live in Ecruteak... I wonder where we are now."

His sensitive Pikachu ears picked up the noise of water against cliffs. "There's an ocean near... but there's something else as well. I think... I think I hear someone talking in the forest."

He was still waiting for a response to his presentation and questions, but he was glancing into the forest.

((OOC: Just a note. For story reasons we'll not reach the balloon today :p someone should make it float out of sight to the north.))
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Adam was having an absolutely lovely day.
After waking up as a caterpillar and nearly killing himself by trying to retrieve a balloon (which, by the way, absolutely HATED him), he was nearly eaten by a giant spider and then befriended by it all in the space of about half an hour. Normally he'd be tending his rosebush by now, but no, this just HAD to happen to him. He had decided to try and head to the clearing with his new Ariados friend- well, kind of- in order to perhaps find the balloon again and prevent it from popping. But, although he had a wild spirit, Adam had been forced into the body of a baby Pokemon, and he was exhausted. He had fallen asleep again and Arachne had picked him up and was carrying him on her back whilst she walked towards the clearing her young acquintance had motioned to. While she walked, she thought. Why hadn't she just eaten the Pokemon? It wasn't like his story was true... And yet, it was so ridiculous that no-one would make it up, right? She frowned and saw a light that signalled she had found the clearing. She gently put down Adam and nudged him with a delicate tap of her leg.
"Adam? Adam? Adam, wake up." She tapped him slightly harder and he snapped awake, spluttering. "What? Where? I'm... Oh, right, yes... Um, so this is the clearing I was talking about, and the balloon should be around here somewhere..."

Adam decided that it was probably best if Arachne stayed back whilst he went back into the clearing. He looked up and grimaced. The balloon had gotten even higher, and now it was far from his string shot range. He fired line after line of sticky, gooey web, but every time it missed, until a tiny globle attached itself to the balloon, and it began to sink down to the ground. Adam practically jumped for joy and began crawling towards where it would land, but just before it did, the silk dropped off and the balloon sprung straight back into the air. Cursing bitterly, he looked around. He could have sworn that he heard some horrible, mocking laughter. He glared at the Pokemon huddled together, obviously trying to figure out a way to get his coveted Balloon, but they were having no more luck than he was. Glancing back at Arachne to go and hide somewhere, he settled in plain sight and began glaring at the Pokemon who had grouped together to steal the balloon from him... And he plotted.
Kris Kollyns
Just a regular ol' conversation...


"Maybe we should get that Sewaddle to help us," The Buizel said, "He can probably use string shot or something. Although - since I'm assuming you all heard the voice too - why we're listening to a random voice in our heads is beyond me."

"Well, we could always pop the balloon and see what happens." I said sarcastically, "And yes...Christopher, normally ramming it would be a bad idea. That is, if I was able to generate more force than a Magikarp." Okay, that sounded pathetic. True, but pathetic. "And my name is Kris. Kris Kollyns. It's possible you've heard of me." After all, I was champion of the Unova Region for, like, five seconds. Five seconds is an exaggeration if you didn't know. "Also, the person talking in the forest could be the Sewaddle."

I focused on the balloon and squinted. I squinted hard, harder than anyone has ever squinted before. Perhaps I just broke the squinting record, if there was one. Sadly, my psychotic squinting did nothing to bring out my psychic abilities. "Damn." I would have to figure that out later, for now it was time to search for the Sewaddle. "See ya." I said as I floated over to the forest. I thought I might have heard someone talking, or maybe their thoughts? That would be cool if I could read minds, but I didn't think Solosis could read thoughts. I continued to float into the forest, following the sound of...whatever I was hearing.


Of course following the voices almost immediately brought me back to the clearing, where the Sewaddle and Ariados had appeared. "Yo, worm guy!" I said as I floated towards him. He had just failed in an attempt to catch the balloon, but a close one at that.
"Oh look, he came back!" Christopher said and smiled when he saw it as well. "He's already trying to grab the balloon... he did it! No wait... it got away?"

The Pikachu was rather puzzled. It was a weird situation, all this. But he wasn't the one to overthink things. His light-going mind made him think of the transformation as a cool thing to be enjoyed. Trying to capture a balloon all day wasn't really fun... or was it? Hadn't the voice said it was a game? Christopher loved games. His eyes began to glitter.

The bug in the grass looked angry. Whatever would he be angry for? Being a pokémon? It was awesome being a pokémon! Well, not that Christopher had tried it for long, but he'd bet it. He thought for a moment. Hmmm... he hadn't really got any powers that could help him here, did he? Shooting the balloon with electricity would surely pop it. And why risk that.

((OOC: Maybe we should give the other players some time to come online and post as well. I'm going to bed now. Don't catch the balloon, but don't make it disappear into the sky until everybody has waken up and seen it and heard the voice. Good night~
Michaela, Diamond, Ash_Ketchum and Giratina are left. ))
OOC: I'm so sorry guys!! I went to lie down in my room for a few minutes, and I ended up sleeping for five hours. XD But I'm here now?

Lars (Rufflet M)
Forest Clearing

Somewhere off in the world of Pokémon, in a clearing near a body of water that projected soothing noises all over the surrounding area, sat a sleeping pile of feathers. It was curled up in a little fuzzy ball, with the wings (yes, the fluff-pile had wings) curled in and the head (it also had a definable head! With a beak!) tucked into its chest. This pile of feathers was called a Rufflet, and when this Rufflet woke up, he was in for a major shock. For now, though, he was going to continue sitting there, catching up on his sleep.

However, Lars – for that was this Rufflet's name – was accustomed to sleeping in the limited existence he had lived, and so had developed a light-sleeping habit.

So at the sound of a human voice (which was enough of a surprise to make him wake up even without the sleeping pattern he had adopted) naturally made him stir from his little comfort zone. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and in his half-awake stupor noticed… giant Pokémon? They were bigger than they were supposed to be, obviously, but hadn't there only been giant Pokémon off in a certain island in Kanto? He wasn't on any island when he fell asleep, he was…

…not where he was now.

With a jolt, the Rufflet sprang to his feet, letting out a squawk of alarm. Pokémon? Here? W-who had let them in? And… and… where was he? Where was he? In… in some kind of forest? He hadn't been there when he had fallen asleep, certainly, he had been in a bed admittedly not his own, but still one that had been designated to him until the blessed day that he could get back to his own solitary confinement. He hadn't been here… and he hadn't been a Rufflet, either.

Lars' terror at the presence of the other Pokémon transferred to terror at the presence of himself. He was – there was no other way to describe it – a cute, fluffy little bird, of the sort normally native to Unova. Did that mean he was back in Unova? With any luck, he could find his way back to his own home, but there was still the small problem of getting back into his own body and out of this tiny bird-like one. He was just about to wonder this, when another voice slammed around inside his head, terrifying him even more than anything else he had seen thus far… mostly because it hadn't come from any discernable source.

"You better make sure that balloon does not pop… if you want to make it out of this game alive…"

Balloon? What balloon?
((OOC: I apologize greatly. RCHP, I think you should know what held me up. :P))

Miharu allowed the sounds of the ocean to wash over her. She was completely relaxed and breathing easily, looking like she was asleep. In retrospect, she was very much awake and aware to her surroundings. She could feel that her body mass, height, and weight, had lessen. There were also two fairly large things sticking out of her mouth. She went over what she has realized.

Alright, she was a pokemon. An Axew if she was to be correct. There was a balloon and "the voice", as it is now dubbed, told her not to pop it otherwise she will die. Simple enough instructions. She had narrowed down what "the voice", most likely a pokemon, was. It could not be a regular psychic pokemon, most of their telepathic connections were with people that they trusted or hanged out a lot. So it must be a legendary. However, there is the simple fact that, apparently, all legendary pokemon could speak telepathically. So, for right now, all she knows that it is a legendary pokemon who turned them into pokemon. However, the only one that could, quite possibly, turn humans into pokemon is Arceus. Unless it is a dream, or the legendary get permission. If it is a dream, then it would either be Darkrai or Cresselia. Although, Cresselia dealt with good dreams and Darkrai dealt with nightmares. Being turned into a pokemon was neither a good dream, nor a nightmare for Miharu, so it might not be the two of them. That meant that it was Arceus or a legendary pokemon had gotten permission from Arceus to do this. She would have to do more thinking on this later.

"Perhaps everyone should not try to pop, or grab, the balloon," murmured Miharu before sitting up. She glanced at the balloon. It was a bright red colour. Red was usually with fire types, although some legendarys had red on their body as well. The colour narrowed it down to the fire types and the ones with red on their body. "My name is Mizushima Miharu. Or Miharu Mizushima. Whatever is one's preference."
((OOC: No need to apologize xD I won't be online today or tonight, so forgive me in advance for that instead.))

Christopher stopped his thoughts and shook his head. Why was he even caring about that balloon? When he could go play with the other pokémon! Maybe they could even battle. He tested out his electrical powers, carefully. A tiny spark crackled from his cheeks. Wow, it worked!

He then spotted two other pokémon having woken up. One was a pretty terrified bird that Christopher didn't really remember the name of yet... and the other one was a completely adorable Axew! Christopher's eyes glittered as he was about to take a leap towards it and greet it, when it spoke.

"Perhaps everyone should not try to pop, or grab, the balloon," the Axew murmured. It didn't sound happy nor angry. "My name is Mizushima Miharu. Or Miharu Mizushima. Whatever is one's preference," she continued.

"Oh, hi," Christopher said. "I'm Christopher. We can't seem to reach that pink balloon... maybe you can, Rufflet?" he added, turning to the bird.

Again, his brain surprised him, making him remember the species' name before he had realized it. "Just don't... don't touch it with your beak maybe. Or your claws. Ugh... maybe you shouldn't try by the way."

He stared at the annoying pink blob for a moment. "So... if we can't reach the balloon... maybe we should just make sure nobody else reaches it as well?"
Yum, Oran Berries~

Ayu woke up hearing the wind brush against some trees. Which was odd because she never remembered planting anything by her window. But she didn't bother checking what was wrong. She was too sleepy to. She tossed and turned around her bed, until she noticed she wasn't on hers anymore. Come to think of it, it felt like she was sleeping on grass. She sat up as fast as she could and saw that she WAS sleeping on grass. In a forest clearing to be more exact. She looked around and saw a bunch of Pokémon around her. "Ohkay," she told herself. She pinched herself to check if she was dreaming. "Oww!" She wasn't. She examined the part of her arm that she pinched. Hmm, nothing wrong, she thought. Dark blue like always...wait. She rubbed her eyes, but before she could, she noticed that her arms were shorter than they were yesterday. Oh yeah, and her whole arm was covered with dark blue fur. She touched her face. It was completely different. Something stuck out above her head, and she realized that it was her ears. She started to freak out. What has she become? A dark-blue bear thingy? She was nervous. And when she gets nervous, her appetite goes crazy, but on this case, her appetite was way over crazy. She wanted to eat. She needed to eat. She held her head down. "What happened to me?"

"You better make sure that balloon does not pop… if you want to make it out of this game alive…"

A voice. In her head. She looked around. A balloon? Where? It took her awhile to find the pink balloon floating almost right above her. She pondered for a moment. What if she DID pop the balloon? It was way above her, so she couldn't actually reach it, but her curiosity was driving her mad, and she just wanted to poke it so badly. She shrugged. She was too hungry to feel curious. She walked around with her really short feet. It felt weird. It was like walking on her knees. She saw different kinds of Pokémon in the clearing with her. One was yellow with a lightning-shaped tail, another was a caterpillar, and there was what looked like a baby eagle. Maybe I turned into a Pokémon, she thought. Suddenly, she smelled something. Her instincts made her sniff the air (which was so unlady-like) She could smell...food...nearby. She ran quickly towards a bush. She dived right in it and gobbled up a bunch of berries. Yum, Oran Berries~ she told herself. She stuffed her mouth with the deliciously sweet berry, and it just made her worries scurry away. She wanted food, and now she has 'em. After eating, she went back to the middle of the forest clearing. She was unbelievably happy. Just because of those Oran Berries. She smiled at everyone around her and shouted, "Hey there, all of you. I'm Ayumi Kimura. Can anyone tell me what I have become?"
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"So... if we can't reach the balloon... maybe we should just make sure nobody else reaches it as well?" The Pikachu said. Adam gave him a look that could have killed an elephant stone dead. Such a fool. It was clear that the Balloon held some source of power- if not the source to his own survival- and if it got away, then anyone could get a hold of that extraoridnary balloon. He shook his head and laughed to himself.
"Oh, come on. It's a Balloon." But whilst he said this, he knew that it wasn't "Just" a balloon. It was THE Balloon. HIS Balloon. And if he could obtain it then perhaps, just maybe, he could find a way to reverse this change and return to being a human. Maybe he could take revenge on everyone who had hurt him. So many possibilities. But first he needed the Balloon. He would deal with the Pikachu and the others later. Anyone who got in the way of his mission would be stopped.

Thinking up a plan, he called Arachne down from her perch. "Hey again. I heard what they were planning, and you don't seem to happy."
"I'm not. They just want to let it go? No, I won't stand for it. I have an idea, but I'll need your help, if you wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, of course. Us Bugs have to stick together, right?"
"Don't Ariados usually eat other Bugs?"
"Well... Yes, but..."
"Never mind. We need to set up a net around this clearing. If we can stop the other Pokemon escaping, then the Balloon is ours. You know any other Pokemon with String Shot or Spider Web?"
"I don't, sorry."
"Ah well. We will suffice." And so the pair set to work forming a sticky, gluey net around the clearing, When suddenly, a thought hit him.
"What about that Rufflet and that... Uh, Floaty one? What if there are more that can fly?"
"We'll deal with them ourselves. I hate birds, and that floating one, a Solosis, I believe, looks quite... tender."

Somehow, the pair managed to complete their fence without anyone noticing, and no Pokemon could jump over it without a heavy heap of luck. But as Bugs, Adam and Arachne could easily traverse the net. "And now, we wait for the Balloon to leave the clearing. And then we can take it for ourselves."
"It's like a hunt, for me. The fly comes into my web... And then I strike."
"I do wonder how long it'll take for them to notice our little present."
"And if they know it was you?"
"Well, we'll just wait and see. Suddenly I'm in the mood for some leaves. I haven't eaten in AGES."
Alexander did the only reasonable thing he could do in this situation: Call for help. So, shaking the entire time, his eyes wide, unable to even walk in a straight line. okay, Recap: He didn't know where he was, he didn't know what day it was, he didn't know how he got there, and oh yeah HE WAS A POKEMON!

"You better make sure that balloon does not pop… if you want to make it out of this game alive…"

"Hello?!" he shouted suddenly, jumping about in surprise. Where did the voice come from? And...what balloon?

He didn't give time to think about it. Instead, with a worried, shaky cry, he shouted, "Hello?" Out into the forest. Praying that anyone, anything could help him.
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