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Decolonized (PG-13)

Dark Pulse94

Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    After Midnight woke up, she recieved a Phone call and had to leave immediately.

    Leaving the Ruins, Jake tried to navigate his way home.

    after a few hours, Jake gave up and started training Beldum and Houndour

    After an extensive training session, Jake prepares to heal his Pokemon, but notices one last target.

    "A Cascoon, an easy battle" Jake said as he called forth Houndour.

    "Poison Sting" a hidden voice called to the Pokemon, who instantly stabbed Houndour with it's spines covering it's body. Houndour was poisoned!

    "Ember Houndour! Take that Cascoon out!" Jake called out, a hint of anger flushing his face.

    "Thank you Cascoon, nice trapwork, now, go Houndoom!" The voice called, still in the shadows.

    Houndour's ember was absorbed by Houndoom's Flash Fire...

    (OOC - oh crap! assasin!)
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    This didn't look good for Houndour, and Beldum was a bad choice here, as it would be obliterated by Houndoom. Only one thing to do...

    "Houndour! Roar!" Jake called, still weak from the poison, Houndour made one last attempt to draw the Houndoom out, before falling to the ground.

    "Houndour! Return!"

    Jake returned Houndour to his Pokeball, then made a break for it.

    "No you don't" another voice called, but this voice was female... Midnight!

    "Beldum! Iron Head!"
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    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    Time moves slowly whilst rotting in a cell as Delta did. The minutes moved like hours, the hours like days, the days like years. If anything good came out of this experience of withdraw from the world it was that Delta had a lot of time to think And think he did, for that was all that could be done. Mainly he thought of what he had done in the past, what actions had led up to this.

    Was it wrong, a thought that crossed Delta's mind countless times.

    Was it wrong, he thought, to do as I had been told? Is it a sin to do as your elders teach you to do? Is it truely my fault, and mine alone, that I have met this fate. If it is then what, what was I to do? Who am I to renounce what I was taught? Who am I?

    Well, he thought at length, if this fate was of my own make, then at least I have had the honor to forge the chain that is my destiny. At least I was no puppet, at least I was able to do as I pleased. So then the question still stands: Was it wrong? By some standards yes, but such is the world, mere perception. Everything: Time, morals, scale, right and wrong, all perspective. So to the question of is it wrong. There exists no answer, he concluded after hours past.

    Yet still, even after this debate against himself, the day was still strong, and his naturally long-lived stamina was nowhere near exaushted. What was time to him anyways at this point? Just numbers on a machine. It mattered no longer weather it was day or night, it mattered not which sphere in the sky was visible. He slept when he was tired, and woke when his eyes opened. So there was only one thing to do, further submerge himself in thought.

    His constant train of thought was, from time to time, interrupted by visitors. Mainly to mock him. They did everything from basic verbal insults, to childish mockery. Delta got his two seconds of amusement from their trivial attempts to break his spirit before his death. Further amusement came from their expressions as he showed no signs of being hurt from their insults, even chuckling at times. He found it comical how the trainers could get so angry as their attempts to break him failed.

    Finally, after what seemed like millenia had passed, it was one day until the execution. It felt akward, frightful, to know your last day on this earth was tommorow. Delta could only imagine how he would feel on the day he knew that, undobtingly, he would die. He always imagined he would go out the "honrable" way in Karoncowian culture, to be slain in battle. He imagined he would fall to a great and powerful adversary, he imagined that he would die in the greatest fight of his life, as Karocowian legends have described of others.

    What a great fool I must look. Delta thought. To be executed by a single needle, in a prison, for all to see. It must be amogst the least honorable ways to perish.

    However, for the day before his death, it passed like any average day. All seemed normal. But such is the world, too big and important to care for the petty needs of its inhabitents. So the day slowly dragged on. Eventually the day ended, Delta taking the sleep second to last, the last sleep from which he could awake.

    As always, the sun rose on the day following. The natural world was in complete order. However the political world was not. It is funny, how the order of the world and its inhabitents are so divided. Throughout the day preparations were made. It only took a few hours to set up everything in the courtyard of the small prison, whose population will, on this day, drop to zero.

    Come the afternoon Delta was dragged into a room in the prison, from this day onwards dubbed the "execution room". The room was divided legthwise on half. On this dividing line was a three foot high wall, the rest of the line was plexiglass. On one side there was a dividing line of similar make, dividing it in half down the middle. This line had a door in it. On one side of the door was a single bench, it was standing upright, on it were four straps for the arms and legs of the one being sent to death. On the other side there were two similar benches, only smaller. These were custom-built: One for a Growlithe and one for a Wooper.

    Waiting on the other side of the plexiglass for Delta was a large crowd, it must have been nearly eighty percent of the town's population. In a few minutes Delta was strapped to the his bench, as were his Pokemon, their Pokeballs being placed on a small table near the benches. Delta had a feeling of helplessness, there was nothing he could do. But then, a beacon of hope. The gaurds, never having performed an execution, didn't know how to properly strap someone to the bench. Delta could feel a pocket of air near his right wrist. He kept it completly stiff, pretending that they had properly strapped him in.

    A man came out from a door behind Delta, he bore a needle bigger than any Delta had seen before. It was filled with a viscos, blue fluid. This man was followed by the mayor, who was holding a microphone in order to permiate the soundproof walls between him and the audience. The mayor repeated almost exactly the same speech as he did a week prior. Ending with, yet again, offering Delta last words.

    "I believe my last words were spoken one week ago." Delta said.

    "Very well then." the mayor said.

    The executioner approached Delta, who assumed he was no more than a regular gaurd given this task for the day.

    "You know for the first person to be executed here in over a century I would hope you would have something better to say." the gaurd said, his voice shook, as if he was the one on the bench.

    "That is quite a twisted thing to say." Delta said back.

    "But not nearly as much as what ha come out of your mouth. But I will silence it once and for all." the gaurd said, his agitation growing.

    Delta smirked "So you're under the impression that you are just going to stick me with that needle and it will all be over?" he chuckled.

    Fear gripped the executioner's eyes. Half with anger, half with fear he said "You're in no position to be so smug. You're the one who is going to die. That's it! I will have no more!" he quickly went at Delta, needle in hand.

    "Obviously you have no idea who you're talking to. So I'll tell you, you're talking to someone who isn't going to die today." Delta said, his smirk becoming a grin.

    The people watching gasped. In one swift motion, Delta's right arm was free of the straps. And his fist was clenched where the executioner's neck used to be. The executioner was now on the ground, unconcious. Gaurds approached his Pokemon with needles similar to the ones the unconcious executioner once held. Delta held up two fingers.

    For a moment there was nothing. Then fire erupted from Growlithe's. As part of training for a situation such as this, Delta had to train his Pokemon to use moves associated with hand signs. However, the Pokemon never quite understood the signs so verbal command was always used when possible.

    In an instant, Delta completly freed himself from his bonds and rushed into the room with his Pokemon. He unbound them and took out the earplugs and other such things they put on his Pokemon. Seeing how he was outnumbered, and countless Pokemon were being released to combat against him, Delta took an evasive strategy.

    "Growlithe, Ember! Wooper, Water Gun!" Delta called.

    The two did as commanded and a wall of steam was conjured, engulfing the room and making Delta and his Pokemon near invisible. In the confusion Delta recalled his Pokemon, located the door, and ran.

    Minutes later Delta burst through the front doors of the prison. He was clothed in the thick, protectve, brown coat of the gaurds, under that a black shirt, blue pants, and ordinary brown shoes. At least he could appear to be a gaurd chasing after Delta as opposed to Delta himself from affar. However the thing that nearly gave him away was his backpack, which Delta had retrieved only because it was in plain sight once he had escaped.

    He ran towards the edge of the forest, nearly out of breath. He stopped for only a short moment to catch his breath. There was no time to waste, the town was probably setting up a flank for him as of now. Yet near the corner of his eye, he noticed a single human figure. The figure was shadowed and impossible to distinguish. It could have been anyone. He began to move away, pretending not to notice the person. He wanted to see what this person did. If they ran to tell the people where he was, he could run, if they ran after him, he could run.

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - wow Hacker, that is one long post... I think I'm gonna have to print it out and read it later)

    As Jake healed his Pokemon, he set out to look for his attacker, but they were nowhere in sight.

    "Thanks again Midnight. But why did you have to leave" Jake asked.

    "Oh, it's a long story" She responded quickly

    (OOC - Mental blank, guess I'll just head back to town)

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC I've drawn a mental blank, I can't think of anything else to do, so...)

    "Houndour! Roar that Ursaring away!"

    Houndour leaps from his Pokeball, unleashing a mighty Roar. Teddiursa, too busy eating berries, doesn't notice her mother fleeing, but heads in the opposite direction from her, straight towards midnight.

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    After running for what seemed to be hours, Jake stumbled upon what appeared to be the burnt remains of a village...

    "So, you have stumbled upon my town, I guess I'm just going to have to kill you." Jake's attacker said.

    Turning around, Jake saw a boney man, with a leather vest hoding this insignia:

    Decolonized (PG-13)

    Jason Wolf

    The Chronicler
  • 999
    (MERRY CHRISTMAS, heres the christmas surprise.

    a random snowfall has hit the region and now hoards or ice pokemon have come to town. feel free to catch or rp or anything with them)

    I shivered as i went up into the snow rock strewn slopes. the ice and snow had made my hike extremely treacherous. neither of my pokemon were made to take on the harsh cold or steep cliffs. if only i had an ice or ground type to get me up there i thought. i triped of something and began sliding back down the mountain. i barely grabbed a little boulder that jutted out from the mountain side. i pulled my self up and dug my feet into the ice. then i hit something soft and warm. i dug out the area around it and found a little brown pokemon huddled in a rock outcrop that had ben covered in the snow, but underneath was bare. the pokemon dug in deeper and i began to dig aswell. most of the ground was really just ice and snow. the pokemon was alot faster than me, but it hole was alot smaller either way. it dug a little deeper and suddenly disappaered. it fell through to a little cave, which meant that i was standing on thin ice.

    "oh crud" i said to myself as the ice gave way and i fell in as well.

    i couldn't see much, but it atleast was a little warmer. the brown pokemon from before ran to me and tugged at my pants. then it ran off into the cavern. being as that i had no other plans i followed behind it.
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - oh couldn't you have done something to help me!? I don't wanna die!)
    (OOC - when I manage to escape this guy, I'm gonna go catch a sneasel!)

    Jake ran through the Burning town, trying to get away from the man. Jake was fast, he dodged under burning logs and onto houses, using anything he could to get away from the man. It was then that the snow started falling.

    It fell is large sheets, quickly obscuring vision from anything more than a Metre away. Jake couldn't think, he just ran. it was lucky for him that he was running straight towards the town.

    It came upon him without warning. The trees cleared, and he suddenly was faced with a building! When Jake realisd it was the Pokemon center, he quickly went in to much releif, to find the center full of farmilliar people. Midnight was there, hugging her new teddiursa, so was the strange man that gave him the mission to search the ruins.

    (OOC - I know it was sudden, but what else was I meant to do?
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC sorry midnight. but nobody else was posting, so I decided that you would go to the pokemon center to check on your new Teddiursa)

    Bursting through the Pokemon Center, Jake rushed to the Counter to heal his Injured Pokemon.

    "I was attacked by some strange guy!" Jake called to the Lady healing his Pokemon.

    "He lured me in with a Cascoon, then attacked me with his Houndoom!" Soon after that, I fled, but he followed me into these burned remains of a town, and he tried to Kill me!"

    A gasp from all the people in the Center burst out as Jake said this.

    "Don't go out into the Forest! There's a Murderer on the loose! Get the mos Experienced trainers to go out and Recall any Trainers still in the Woods! We need to get everyone back in the town!"

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - my name isn't actually Jake, nor does it have any of the letters "J", "K" or "E" in it)

    "WHAT!!! Midnight went into the Forest!!!" Jake yelled at the girl.

    "Yeah, and she left her Pokeballs with her." She said. "Could you please take them to her?"

    "sure! Midnight! I'm coming!" Jake caled out as he grabbed the 2 pokeballs and charged into the white beyond.

    Running through the Forest, it was hard to tell where he was going. It wasn't until he chanced upon the man who attacked him, talking to midnight from a distance, Though midnight didn't see it, she was surrounded by him, a Froslass and the Houndoom.

    "no you don't." Jake said to himself. "Riolu! Close Combat that Houndoom! Beldum, Help him out with Iron Head!"
    "Poocheyena! Houndour! Bite and Ember on Froslass!!!"
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - well, let me see... I'm N [LOL Death Note reference] - but seriously, that's the most you'll get...)

    Beldum Charged into Houndoom, Flinching it, allowing for a quick close combat from Riolu... but Houndoom didn't go down that easily. It used Flamethrower on Beldum, Knocking it clean out...

    Froslass, on the other hand, was quicker to react. It used Blizzard, blocking Jake's View. But after a while Jake saw a flash of fire, and Froslass struggling with a burn.

    'Froslass seems to be under control.' Jake thought aloud. It was freezing temperatures, but jake was dripping with sweat. He couldn't let midnight die like this!

    Then, Jake heard Midnight. Riolu Rushed straight over in the direction of her voice, leaving Jake to follow.

    When Jake finally saw midnight, it was too late. Midnight was being held above the ground, and the Man's Cascoon was right behind her, ready to pounce.

    Riolu, seeing this, began to glow. Before anything could happen, he had evolved into a Lucario! [OOC - Jason, I think it was the only way, and you seemed very inactive, so I went ahead anyway] Lucario Charged at the Man, Punching him right between the shoulderblades, forcing him to release midnight, then he flipped over and kicked him on his left shoulder, disarming him. ('he had a knife! I didn't even see that! How did Rio- Lucario!?' Jake thought in bewilderment) Just as the man sank to his knees, Cascoon jumped right toward Midnight.

    Lucario Pushed her aside and took the Blow head on. although it appeared not to affect him. Lucario then gave Cascoon a swift Force Palm, knocking it clean out.

    Jake and Lucario both Rushed to help midnight.

    "Are you ok!?" They both Simultaneously asked, as Jake stared in Bewilderment 'How did Lucario talk?'
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    Jake Quickly called out Houndour to light a small fire. Lucario protected midnight with ferocity, even (at first) preventing Jake from giving her some water, until Midnight told him it was fine...

    "It was so strange how Riolu just suddenly evolved!" Jake had said, still wondering how Lucario could talk.

    "well anyway, I'd better go find my way back to the town. Mind if I borrow Poocheyena?"

    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    Delta pushed on into the night, his feet crunching in the snow. He cursed his ill fortune, the snow had only stopped a few hours ago. So far, everything was going well, he hadn't run into any interference. No contact at all, in fact. Not a human or Pokemon to be seen.

    Delta was focusing mainly on the ground, and trying to remain warm. It was only a few minutes ago that he saw the smoke of a fire rise through the treeline.

    Obviously whoever is there can't be looking for me. Detla thought. Not even these amateurs would be stupid enough to stop searching at night. Or to light a fire.

    Nonetheless he tried to keep his distance. But he didn't take darastic measures to do so, for fear of losing time. He had to keep moving towards his target: north. Once Delta got out of the forest he would be home free. Once he did from there he was unsure, but he had a good idea.

    After roughly half an hour he came to what seemed to be a clearing, presumably a trail engulfed in snow. It wasn't too much out of the ordinary. Delta had come to many areas similar. However, this path was unique in that there was a black mass laying near the side of the road, Delta observing there were splotches of snow stained crimson around the body. But more importantly, Delta saw a backpack on him. It probably wasn't the best idea to stary from cover like this, but he figured the reward was greater than the risk.

    Delta stealthily scurried near the body, and carefully removed the pack. The body began to stir slightly. The man's face that gazed uon Delta was covered in blood and disfigurations that were presumably caused from a severe beating of some sort.

    "Oh,' he bagan, his voice was weary and gargling, 'so another trainer has come to take me in?"

    "Not quite." replied Delta.

    "Ah so then a gaurd. You're actualy pretty young for the job aren't you?"

    "Not quite a gaurd." Delta said.

    "Then who or what are you?" the man said, somewhat confused.

    "Well, you will know me as a raider or a theif. Which ever you may prefer."

    "That's not very honorable. Doesn't the city discourage that or something?"

    "Quite frankly I don't care about the town and its rules." Delta said back.

    "Then who do you pledge you aliance to?" the man asked, at this point, inquiring was all this man could do considering most of the bones in his body were broken and his Pokemon knocked out cold.

    "As of now, nobody?" Delta said.

    "Then where do you plan on going?" the man inquired further.

    "That's for me to know and you to find out." Delta replied.

    He was finished searching through the man's things. He had useful supplies, mainly food and water. Things which Delta was sohrt on. Everything else seemed to be useless old things "antiques" among the day's standards. Delta figured the man had has his fair share of raiding and stealing. Probably just a guy looking for quick money.

    "A word of advice,' Delta said, 'actually more like warning. Once a real gaurd finds you don't expect mercy. You see a prisoner just escaped recently, one condemed to death. Escaped on the day of his execution, in fact. They said the guy should be running around in a gaurd's uniform. My guess is the town is itching for a kill. Better start praying to whatever god or gods you believe in."

    Delta heard the growl of a Poocheana not too far away. The half-empty pack fell to the ground, making a crunching sound as it hit the snow. Delta quickly scurried away back into the forest. Never staring from his northbound path.

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - ok, I'll make my post soon, got to go out for about an hour, but I guess I'm gonna be meeting Delta)

    "No worries! And besides, I didn't Evolve Riolu! He did that on his own!"

    Jake Walked to go look for the Town, without much success... he did manage to find the remains of his battle with the strange man, but then Poocheyena smelled something.

    "What's that Poocheyena? Did you find people?" Jake asked, before Poocheyena Darted through the snow.

    after a long chase, Jake found Poocheyena chewing on an Oran Berry. But that wasn't all, Poocheyena, too busy eating the berry, didn't notice a sneasel sneaking up on it.

    "Houndour! Ember!" Jake called, as he flung his Pokeball out.

    Poocheyena, caught off guard, thought the attack was directed at him, and charged towards Houndour. Luckily, Houndour was able to lauch the Ember attack before Poocheyena could tackle him.

    Poocheyena's tackle did two things: Not only did it move Poocheyena out of Sneasel's way, forcing Sneasel to charge further, but it Brought Houndour to the ground, making Sneasel's attack miss completely.

    "Houndour! Ember again! Poocheyena! Get out of the way!"

    This time the Ember made a much more direct hit. Almost knocking Sneasel out completely... although Sneasel also hit Houndour with a Fury swipes, damaging Houndour as well...

    "Now Sneasel! Your time is up!" Jake called as he flung a Pokeball at Sneasel.

    1, 2, 3...



    and Sneasel Broke free!

    "What!" Jake was astonished. But that wasn't all. Sneasel came straight out with a Fury swipes, knocking Houndour clean out...

    "Duskull, I guess it's your turn... Shadow Sneak!" Jake called out his next Pokemon, who promptly dissapeared.

    But Sneasel wouldn't fall for that, she too dissapeared, and after a few blasts of air, Duskull rematerialised, fainted.

    "Well done Duskull, you did your job well. NOW your time is over!" Jake flung his last Pokeball at Sneasel.







    Ding! Sneasel was Caught!

    Jake healed his Pokemon, and headed back the way he came, it was getting Dark, and he didn't want to leave midnight alone for too long, even though Lucario was there...

    as he got close to the Clearing, he saw a line of smoke. 'Good, Houndours fire . But then Poocheyena started Barking at something.

    "Who goes there? Midnight? Lucario?" Jake called out in the direction Poocheyena was Barking.
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    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - the frosslass was meant to be the evil guys, a wild Froslass wouldn't be about)
    (OOC 2.0 - it's easy totell midnight, all you do is stand it on it's teepee head!
    also - I was hoping for Noob Hacker to post before me, so I won't post now)
    (OOC 3.0 - I know that, but I wasn't telling you, I was teelling Midnight! She's the one that has the Snorunt, and I guess you don't get my inuendo then...)
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    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    As Delta began to move swiftly away from the man in the road he heard a boy call out:

    "Who goes there? Midnight? Lucario?"

    What? Delta thought. Now not only were there at least two people on to him but there is also a Lucario now.

    Delta didn't know a lot about Lucario but he knew enough to fear it. He knew them to be really strong and had the ability to sense aura. Delta didn't know the range of Lucario's sensing abilities, but hopefully the image became less clear at a distance. All he needed was something to slow them down, and he couldn't stop moving.

    Delta observed his surrondings: Foward there was nothing but a black sky, white snow, and leafless brown trees. To his left was more of the same. Going back would be idiotic. But to his right, over the tops of the trees, he could see the peaks of the local mountains. They weren't too far away so he figured that was his best chance, with luck he could push a few rocks in his persuers way and what not.

    Delta diverted from his course and began in the direction of the mountains, being careful to still be going north while at it.

    (OOC: I know it's not a big post but there's not to write about.)

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    (OOC - darn, I was hoping that we'd meet... or will we...)

    'Hmm, nobody' Jake thought to himself.

    "well come on Poocheyena, let's get bck to camp.

    It was then that Lucario struck
    He Charged straight past Jake and Poocheyena, and pursued something off to the left, which seemed to continue running.

    (OOC - there, is that better!?)
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    The Noob Hacker

    Praise the sun.
  • 559
    • Seen Jul 16, 2016
    Delta heard a rapid approach of crunching footsteps from behind. It was coming fast. Without looking back Delta began to run, knowing exactly what it was. He ran pas countless trees until he got to what seemed to be a wall of trees. There were vast numbers of them, all bunched to gether.

    In a frenzy, Delta grabbed his Pokeballs.

    "Growlithe Ember on those trees now!" Delta called aloud, he didn't care if he was giving himself away, he had already been comprimised.

    Thanks to Growlithe's long rest he was at max power and easily got the trees weak enough to the point where Delta needed it.

    "Wooper Mud Slap the trees."

    Wooper did as commanded, knocking the trees over. Delta had successfully set a minor barricade. It even took him a little while to climb over them. Now he knew that the realativly unskilled Trainers that were most likely persuing him would have trouble getting over that. But it would be no problem for Lucario. He had to set up an extra obsticale.

    "Growlithe, re-ignite the trees." Delta commanded.

    Growlithe, once again, set the trees ablaze. Unfortunatly for Delta, however, it would take time for the enitire structure to catch fire. Time he probably didn't have. Lucario couldn't be too far by now, and might be able to put out the fire. But it would have to be good enough. He recalled his Pokemon and dashed off once more. The swiftly approaching footsteps becoming ever more louder.

    Dark Pulse94

    Scienta Potentia Est
  • 388
    Rushing through the trees, Jake tries to catch up to Lucario, but he just wouldn't slow down.

    "Halt! Who are you!" Lucario called out in front of him. 'Again, how can Lucario talk?' Jake was thinking to himself.

    He eventually found Lucario standing off to a trainer, backed up against a cliff face, two Pokeballs at the ready.