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4th Gen Did you like the new Pokemon?

Did you like the Sinnoh Pokemon?

  • Yes, they were awesome!

    Votes: 34 82.9%
  • No,they were uncreative and dodgy.

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • I don't really have an opinion on them...

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters

Rainbow Arcanine

now known as aslan
  • 636
    When D/P/Pt came out, honestly some of the Pokemon like Bibarel and Purugly made me pull disgusted faces. Then there were adorable Pokemon like Pachirisu which made me scream in excitement. Some Pokemon I thought were really badass and cool-looking as well...

    Sinnoh in my opinion introduced some wonderful Pokemon. But not every regional Pokedex is perfect right? I mean look at Wormadam, it wasn't something that made me smile but that's just me :P.

    Did you like the new Sinnoh Pokemon? Or did you think they were really dodgy and uncreative? Discuss here!
    EDIT: Added a poll,cast your vote now :3!
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    I always like the new Pokemon. Not every Pokemon is supposed to look beautiful or deadly. Some look cute, some look odd, and some look plain ugly...but they are SUPPOSED to look that way! There are some pretty ugly creatures in real life, so naturally there will be some ugly pokemon. But I like them all, but definitely some more than others! Though I don't think there are any bad Pokemon.
    I do like them, but they really just need to make a game that encompasses ones already in existence and add in a FEW more. Or do what Sony does and re-release Red/Blue/Yellow in 3D... since HD doesn't exist for Nintendo.
    Since I was only very young at the time in which Diamond and Pearl were released, I'd have to say I really didn't notice the difference between the older (Johto) Pokemon and the newer (Sinnoh).

    When I look back at Sinnoh now and compare the Pokemon to the older Johto and Kanto Pokemon, I do admit there are a few Pokemon which I still don't like in Sinnoh, (i.e: Snover and Abomasnow), but I love how all the pokes in Sinnoh are... let's say, clean. Their designs are smooth and they look like they have actually been derived from real animals.

    Off-topic: But now? Unova? Half of the new Pokemon are just disgusting to me. Maybe I just have to get used to them, and I've tried, but I don't even know half the names of the Pokemon or even what animals they are supposed to represent. A coffin? An icecream? I never knew they were animals.

    I find it strange how I can love Johto-kanto/Sinnoh evolution but now Sinnoh-Unova.
    I'm with voicerocker I always like the new pokés - you can't like all of them but the ones you like always outweigh the few that you wouldn't maybe bother with :)
    I liked the Sinnoh Pokemon, definitely, most particularly Gallade, Lucario, Porygon-Z, Empoleon and Garchomp. A few, like Rhyperior, were kind of unnecessary, IMO.
    For the mostpart yes. I loved their simple designs, yet they were different from the previous gen. (Naturally) I think like with any gen you'll have your favourites and your least favourite Pokemon, for example one of my favourites is Abomasnow, while one of my least favourites is Magnezone.
    I was excited first time I played. The designs are really well done. My favorites are Chimchar, Gallade, Riolu/Lucario, Ampipom, and Buizel
    Gotta keep this thread alive...

    I actually loved the designs of the Sinnoh Pokemon, a good mix of cute ones and badass-looking ones in the mix, and a few of my faves are among them.

    There weren't many I particularly hated the design of, which was nice.
    They were pretty good in my opinion.The spirites were good and most of them had a decent move set.
    I loved them! I hate 5th Gen Pokémon, tho. :[ They don't look very nice..
    Not a fan of the Sinnoh pokemon. I feel many of the designs were rushed, and that they ran of ideas so they just created many new evolutions of old pokemon.
    I agree with Toshiro, it looked as though they only wanted to create a new generation of Pokemon for the sake of sales instead of actually adding some creativity to it.
    As much as I looked for cool pokemon, aside from the starters the only decent pokemon I found was luxray. Most pokemon are strange looking and the ones that look like they can stand up to fight have very poor stats.
    They have a point to their favour, thought. They introduced new Eeveelutions, which are great but, again, they have poor stats and a lot of weak spots.
    So I ended up just bringing my pokemon from Emerald into Diamond, but it sort of bothered me that Ralts now has a new evolution. Not because I don't like it, it actually looks very cool, it's just that I always have a MALE Gardevoir in my party and now it's easier for other trainers to laugh at him.
    I do, but, as the generation gets higher, the pokemon are starting to look a lot less like pokemon, and sort of like Digimon. Other than that, Pokemon is still epic ! :D
    From a die hard 1st Gen fan, they were really good and easy to get used to, but I cant say the same for Gen V.
    I liked a good amount of them (and still do), but there were some that were pretty ugly. I'm not fond of like Tangrowth and Lickilicky - needless evolutions that look and act like ballooned versions of their prior forms - or the robotic designs of some of the legendaries. I do like the starers, the Luxray line, Staraptor line, and some of the better evolutions, like Gallade and Weavile, to name a few.
    The number of Sinnoh Pokemon I do like vastly outnumbers the amount that I don't like.
    Gen IV introduced my favourite Pokemon, Palkia. I would probably be my favourite generation design wise, if it didn't introduce any of those hideous evolutions.
    I really like all of the previous-gen-extra-evolutions that Gen IV brought around. All of them dramatically improved on either generic/good Pokemon and made them even better. Critters like Rhyperior and Magnezone, to even something like Lickilicky, which shouldn't work at all, but strangely does. And the Sinnoh starters were collectively my favourite group of them. Even Torterra wasn't horrible, which is what I normally think of Grass starters. As for the rest of the Sinnoh critters, the only real complaint I'd have about them was that - like Gen V - there were too many legendaries. But as far as the designs/movesets/names etc. went, I really liked them as a whole.
    I had to vote yes because in the end I liked them, but I'm sure a lot of us had hated them at first but then eventually warmed up to them and started to like them, right? I think that happened to us whenever a new set of Pokemon came out.