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[Challenge] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

Okay, so let's expand on our notes:


and that's the last point we're at so far:
badges: 6
pokemon: 34
deaths: 0

We'll be heading to Blaine soon to get our seventh badge

Main team:

Other pokemon in training (as backup but also so my main team didn't end up ludicrously overlevelled while we were PP-Up grinding)

Special mention:
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!
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Update # 2 - Brawly and Wattson
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Got my first badge from Roxanne in Emerald!

HeCK, remember not to let your guard down, folks

badges: 8
usable pokemon: 36
RIP box: 1

Main Team

other levelled pokemon:

Taking a Break on the Sidelines in the RIP box
Update #3 - Flannery

i beat flannery, but i'm reporting the sad loss of needles the seviper. i didn't lose him to her, i lost him to a random numel and i knew in the back of my mind that a crit high magnitude could easily KO him, but i was being stupid. grinding up for norman now. not sure that i'll finish this before the end of the event lol but it's been fun so far. i added whitney back to the party to replace needles, also i'm not gonna list my box anymore bc it's getting to be too much.

before that all happened though, i added an aerodactyl i hatched to the team, originally replacing whitney. lol but oh well. i also passed on needles' silk scarf to whitney. anyway...

why tf sprites aren't working.................. whatever lol it's miltank, elekid, graveler, poliwhirl, vulpix, and aerodactyl.

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

whitney lv. 22 @ silk scarf
thick fat
seismic toss / reversal / stomp / milk drink

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

wonka lv. 26
thunderpunch / karate chop / swift / light screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

boring lv. 28 @ soft sand
rock head
rock slide / magnitude / mega punch / rock smash

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

not kiwi lv. 30 @ quick claw
water absorb
strength / hypnosis / bubblebeam / haze

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

kiara lv. 26 @ charcoal
flash fire
ember / faint attack / hypnosis / will-o-wisp

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

nutmeg lv. 26
rock head
rock tomb / whirlwind / bite / steel wing

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

Janp's Eggcellent Egglocke Eggventure

Once again let's start with encounters for this update:
Route 43 - Girafarig - actually 27th egg from 6th box containing Aquite, the male Mantyke
Lake of Rage - Magikarp - actually 8th egg from 3rd box containing Irony, the female Magikarp
Route 44 - Magikarp - actually 29th egg from 5th box containing Star, the - Staryu
Ice Path - Swinub - actually 10th egg from 2nd box containing Lambda, the male Abra
Blackthorn City - Magikarp - actually 25th egg from 6th box containing Hemelein, the female Wooper
Dragon Shrine - Magikarp - actually 13th egg from 2nd box containing Castor, the female Glameow
Route 27 - Tentacool - killed
Tohjo Falls - Goldeen - actually 26th egg from 1st box containing Puppis, the female Slowpoke
Route 26 - Sandslash - actually 8th egg from 5th box containing Circini, the male Rattata
Victory Road - Graveler - Selfdestruction

I was feeling unbeatable at this point. I had pretty nice team, even though it was a little bit unbalanced. Encounters were awful, but that's what you get for naming your rival Jamp.

I cleared Team Rocket HQ and easily beat Pryce with Sun. That Pokémon became my ace quickly. I pretty much only lead with her now. Hopefully she will survive all the way.

Another bunch of boring Team Rocket filler later, I got to Blackthorn and challenged Claire. Everything went well, until Kingdra appeared. Sun was badly damaged at that point, so I had to switch to someone else. I went with Zeta, but Kingdra used Hyper Beam and killed Zeta before he could even come out of Poké Ball. I then used Vega and her Toxic and Swagger combo to beat Kingdra, heal Sun and take care of rest of Claire's team.

I picked up Eridani, the Rhyhorn from the box, got some more encounters and after finishing another bunch of exploring and story stuff, grinded and challenged E4. Oh and I decided to box Merak, since I haven't used him that much and instead picked Cetus the Carnivine.

I beat Will easily with Upsilon and Sun, but after beating him, I realized I forgot to tweak my Pokémon movesets and give them held items. Never mind, I was confident in beating E4 without any deaths.

Koga's battle was a little bit scary, his Muk was able to poison few of my Pokémon, but after taking it down, rest of his team was easy. But I was running low on Upsilon's move PPs. Luckily, I had few Ethers.

Before facing Bruno, I found out I screwed up even more. I had nothing super-effective against him. I used simple strategy of stalling. I set up Toxic Spikes with Gilese and then healed/attacked until Bruno run out of Pokémon.

I don't really have much to say about Karen. I had enough Pokémon to counter her team, so no problems here.

And battle with Lance was complete joke. I started with Sun, since she knew Electric-type attack. She beat Gyarados quickly even with Intimidate debuff. I left Sun out against Dragonite and stalled through Outrage until Dragonite got confused. Then Sun finished it with few Ice Fangs. I used similar strategy of stalling and healing against remaining two Dragonites. When Lance sent out Charizard, I decided to sweep his whole team with Sun. But she run out of Thunder Fang PP before she could finish Charizard. It did not matter. Charizard barely did anything to her, so I could "waste" one turn to use my last Max Ether. And... Lance's Aerodactyl was a bigger threat than Charizard, but it still lost in the end.

And so I finally finished this run. I wish I could finish it earlier and try more saves as part of this event, but I'll do it anyway in a near future. I'm satisfied with my team and I'm glad I could use Pokémon like Qwilfish and Vespiqueen again. Hopefully you all enjoyed your runs just like me.

Here's Hall of Fame:

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

it's the end...

and then we fight...
the Elite Four
Team: lv70

VS Lorelei
Lead: Catan

Dewgong brickbreak ohko
swap to Rattle for the
Shockwave ohko on cloyster
slowbro comes out, shock wave isn't an ohko and it gets off a surf for 59 damage, then goes down to a second shock wave
swap back to Catan for lapras
brick break takes it down to red, it gets off a surf doing 39 damage
Lorelei uses full restore on it, brick break takes it down to red again
Lorelei full restores lapras AGAIN, but Catan gets a critical hit this time and it's down
Swap to Rappa for jynx for a flamethrower ohko

Lorelei defeated

heal team up

VS Bruno
Lead: Weeble

Dragonbreath ohko on onix
swap to Catan for hitmonchan
psychic ohko
Weeble again for second onix, dragonbreath ohko again
Back to Catan for machamp, psychic ohko
stay on Catan for himonlee, psychic ohko

Bruno defeated with no damage taken

VS Agatha
Lead: Rattle

Extrasensory ohko on gengar
ice beam on golbat, ohko
extrasensory ohko on arbok
extrasensory takes second gengar down to like, 1hp, it retaliates with a sludge bomb that successfully poisons Rattle.
Agatha full restores gengar2
We use extrasensory again and get the evidence that the first one just got a lower damage roll as gengar goes down
swap to Babble and critical faint attack OHKO haunter

Agatha defeated

heal up Rattle

VS Lance
Lead: Rattle

shockwave ohko on gyarados (and Rattle reaches lv71)
swap to Catan for aerodactyl, meteor mash ohko, Catan gets attack boost
swap to Weeble for dragonair, dragonbreath ohko
leave in for second dragonair, dragonbreath ohko again
swap back to Rattle, ice beam ohko on dragonite

Lance defeated

VS Rival
Lead: Rattle

Shock wave on pidgeot doesn't quite ohko. it uses sand attack, but uh. Shock wave Unlimited Accuracy doesn't care, pidgeot is down
Swap to Babble for alakazam, faint attack ohko
swap to Catan for rhydon, meteor mask ohko
swap to Weeble for charizard, hydro pump ohko
feel bad and send Zeez out for gyarados. Psychic doesn't do even half it's hp. gyarados uses dragon rage
swap in Rattle, shock wave KO
swap to Rappa for exeggutor, flamethrower OHKO

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!


the Team:

Badges: 8
League victory: 1
usable pokemon: 39
RIP box: 1 (Mandey, Dugtrio, lv55)

Zeez really didn't get to do much in the league there, but what can you do
Rattle stands out as a major player against the league, excellent Exploud, A++
Very chunky HP (highest in the team), very respectable special attack (second only to Weeble), and a respectable tm movepool (and that Extrasensory eggmove!) made him very valuable

Catan and Weeble were also major players against the E4, but they're pseudo-legendaries, so it isn't nearly as impressive on their end.

(oh, and also:
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

I found a SECOND shiny gastly)
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Got my second badge from Brawly, and lost against Wattson! I still have a Seviper left in my PC that didn't faint yet, but seeing as how I would have a very rough time with it, I decided to end my adventure here.

Welp, it's over now.

Update #4 - Wipe

Rabinov's Egglocke Challenge - Flawless Victory

Unfortunately we do have a small gap in play, due to me not picking up this in a while and forgetting what I did. That aside though, let's see how the home stretch went! I will say we went through a HUGE slog of training for my E4 team however.

Victory Within Our Grasp - Victory Road

With us obtaining Ursaring in here earlier (future planning - always good!) this meant we could storm through Victory Road with little to no interruption. With our team now averaging Level 45, it was time to slap on some Max Repel and coast through.

We reach the end with relative ease and crush our rival SEREBII. Sorry kiddo, looks like you'll have to wait to achieve your edgy dreams, weirdo.

The Final Pantheon - Elite Four & Champion

This is it. The moment this has all been building up to. It was time to finally face off against the Elite Four and defeat the Pokémon League! Thankfully I had put some thought into who I'd be using and where, so this should be a breeze, right...

Well Will went down with no hitches at all - Neptune essentially managed to solo all of his Pokémon and we didn't take any significant damage, fortunately.

Moving onto Koga... and shoot, I had completely forgot to prepare for his Pokémon in any way. Luckily, between Neptune, Hyperion and Castor he was mostly taken care of easily (although his Crobat tanked a few attacks which was scary). Onwards and upwards!

Bruno was where things for a little bit uncomfortable. I realised too late that 4 out of my 6 Pokémon were actually swept by his entire team, so I had to play this carefully. Luckily, Ganymede smashed through the Onix with relative ease and Neptune managed to tear through the Hitmon Trio... and almost got killed by Machamp. After I let out a small scream as its Rock Slide MISSED Neptune, it was time to move onto the last Elite Four.

Karen's Umbreon was, for once, demolished instantly when it took Hyperion's Hi Jump Kick to the face. Then things started to cascade down from here. Switching into her Gengar with Europa seemed like an easy move, with it being 5 levels higher AND having access to Crunch. However... I had completely forgotten that they now had access to Focus Blast. LUCKILY, the first one took Europa down to 20HP, so I dispatched one and then brought in Neptune to Night Slash the remaining one. Then her Houndoom caused a few small issues too, as again it had a move I forgot it did in HGSS: Nasty Plot. Ganymede however shone through as the Special wall of the team, tanking it and eventually getting rid of it.

Now with the scares finally over, it was time to take on Lance!

Lance started off fairly easy, with Gyarados being taken care of easily by Castor's Thunder Fang. However he became a nuisance very quickly. His first, and highest level, Dragonite again almost killed Europa, leaving it on about 15HP after using an Outrage, before being defeated. This then became a war of attrition between my healing items and his Aerodactyl, where I spent turns healing until he missed a Rock Slide and then killed him in return. After this, it was a bit easier as his Charizard could do nothing to Ganymede, so I capitalised on this to heal everyone up to full health before destroying 'Zard and the remaining Dragonites.

And with that... we were finally the Champion! Yay! We did it! It was finally over... 47 hours and 47 minutes of pain was all it took. And with that, it's a warp until we decide to venture into Kanto! Thank you Loomie and Janp for hosting this, it's been super fun and re-ignited my lvoe for Nuzlockes once more, I look forward to your next event!

Epilogue, Stats, etc.

So first off, I can proudly report the following statistics for the game:

Pokémon Caught - 35
Shiny Pokémon Hatched - 4
Deaths - 0!!!!!
Eggs Used per Box - Box 1 (7), Box 2 (4), Box 3 (6), Box 4 (6), Box 5 (9), Box 6 (3)

Hall of Fame

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

Final Team

Castor - Luxray - Level 47
Ganymede - Lapras - Level 48
Hyperion - Medicham - Level 47
Europa - Glalie - Level 51
Neptune - Scyther - Level 48
Galatea - Sharpedo - Level 47

late to post, but i beat norman without any losses. i don't think i'll finish the challenge between now and the deadline, but i've been having a great time!! i'll continue to play and stream it, and if this gets moved to a regular thread, i'll likely continue to update there. i've already started up on doing the surf routes btw, but the team was all at 30 when i went in.

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

whitney lv. 31 @ silk scarf
thick fat
seismic toss / reversal / stomp / milk drink

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

wonka lv. 33
thunderpunch / karate chop / swift / light screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

boring lv. 32 @ soft sand
rock head
rock slide / magnitude / mega punch / rock smash

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

not kiwi lv. 32 @ quick claw
water absorb
strength / hypnosis / surf / haze

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

kiara lv. 31 @ charcoal
flash fire
flamethrower / faint attack / hypnosis / will-o-wisp

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

nutmeg lv. 31
rock head
rock tomb / whirlwind / bite / steel wing

staryu, cacnea, ponyta, seviper

We have two new champions who updated their adventure through Discord - Aslan and Nebula! Congrats <3
for the heck of it I did a second run, in White this time, not really expecting to finish it before time so we didn't post about it
It is now 10 past midnight on the 5th for me.
I managed to beat N at just about midnight, and beat Ghetsis just now
it was a wild ride, but fun. Does it matter if I post it, even if we finished after the 4th by a few minutes?

(also, I found a shiny litwick while getting some sp.attack evs?? How?? Like, two shiny gastly in the LG run was weird but okay, I spent a LOT of time grinding in lavender tower, understandable, but I really wasn't in celestial tower very long overall??)
Was so busy playing other games that I didn't really feel like playing this challenge, so I rushed through it over the past few days. Overall I quite enjoyed it, in theory the deaths don't really matter that much since you get a good variety of pokemon to replace them. I do wish I got less type repeats and meme mons though. I might try it again at some point in Y so I'll download that save for later :)

Hall of Fame:

Final Team:

I'm used to playing Platinum on speed-up and not paying attention to what's happening, so I amassed quite a few deaths:

The event has ended
Congratulations to everyone, who was able to finish on time.

We have a small surprise! There is a VPP reward for you!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

To claim it, please contact Caite-chan or Fairy and they will walk you through everything.

If you don't know what VPP is, check its forum.
But that's not all!​
In the following days, this thread will transform into regular Egglocke Challenge thread, so you can continue updating your runs here or even start whole new run. Good luck and have fun!
well, since it'll hang around, and since I did finish almost everything in this one except Ghetsis before the 5th (to think, I might have managed to finish before midnight if only the council of our area hadn't blocked the whole bike path to widen it be a meter for some reason and the detour around taking 10-15 minutes more)

waters_echo Egglocke: White

badges: 0-4


E4 + N & Ghetsis

badges: 8
League Win: 1/ (Hall of Fame: 0)
usable pokemon: 26
RIP: 3

Maybe we'll go all the way to Alder at some point

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!




*insert sound of me absolutely losing it*
[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

3 shiny wild ghosts across two egglockes what is going on

What I learned from this is: a ridiculous amount of things in this region have a rock move and/or bide

Anyway, it's been fun, thanks for making this!
(I will say it was incredibly hard to get the gen4 files to function, and I needed to do different things for them and I'm still not fully sure how I got them to work in the end because it was different between platinum and soul silver (was it just like this for me? I don't know. It was really weird). I did the White run because I got it working easy as anything, a full day before the others, and I figured I'd just stick with it)
forgot to post after winona, but i had no losses. came dangerously close, though. prior to getting to her though, i hatched a torchic which is a huge blessing bc it's my favorite starter lol so naturally i replaced kiara with her. i just beat tate and liza last night, very easily at that. was kind of surprised, but i think i just need to have more faith in my team. evolved poliwhirl after i beat them too. :) will be streaming the seafloor cavern and stuff tonight too!

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

whitney lv. 40 @ silk scarf
thick fat
seismic toss / reversal / stomp / milk drink

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

wonka lv. 41
thunderbolt / karate chop / swift / light screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

boring lv. 40 @ soft sand
rock head
rock slide / magnitude / mega punch / rock smash

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

not kiwi lv. 40 @ mysticwater
water absorb
strength / dive / surf / ice beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

chictor lv. 40 @ lax incense
blaze kick / double kick / bulk up / peck

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

nutmeg lv. 41
rock head
rock tomb / ancientpower / fly / steel wing

staryu, cacnea, ponyta, seviper
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forgot to tell y'all i beat this slfkjsdl like last weekend actually. i didn't clip much from it but here's this epic shot of poliwrath being the goat - volume warning! lol anyway this was super fun! i did have one more loss, right in the steven battle with nutmeg. but i beat the challenge which means all my pokemon are magically back alive now it's the rules :))) lol i plan on doing another at some point, just want to clear out some challenges i've been neglecting for a while first.

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

whitney lv. 53 @ silk scarf
thick fat
shadow ball / reversal / body slam / milk drink

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

wonka lv. 53
thunderbolt / karate chop / swift / light screen

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

boring lv. 52 @ soft sand
rock head
rock slide / earthquake / mega punch / dig

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

not kiwi lv. 55 @ mysticwater
water absorb
return / brick break / surf / ice beam

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

chictor lv. 54 @ lax incense
flamethrower / double kick / bulk up / slash

[PokeCommunity.com] Egglocke Extravaganza (2021 Easter Event) ♥ Now open as a regular challenge!

nutmeg lv. 54 - RIP (but including here bc he made it to the champion battle)
rock head
earthquake / ancientpower / fly / steel wing

staryu, cacnea, ponyta, seviper, aerodactyl

Your name: Kyuuji
Your game of choice: Black 2
Any optional rules: None really, may make some exceptions for hidden grottos as extra encounters (statics aswell)
The best Easter Pokémon: Buneary!