![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/mBlSwN4.png)
The following is a visual upgrade to the Pokémon Essentials starter kit. It was created to resemble the Gen 5 battle system in both the scene and behaviour.
All the scripts and graphics are 100% plug and play. This system does not support GIFs and is not styled or optimized to the likes of Gen 6 games, so the resources provided, and the positioning of the scene elements will not work ideally with new Gen 6 sprites/graphical resources.
Should you wish to make changes to the system, you may do so, but I will not provide you with any support or assistance. Tweak at your own risk! Everything you could possibly need is already included in the kit, and should some resources be missing, or should you wish to add more, you can do so manually.
Carefully read all the instructions .
- You may use this system for any and all personal (non-commercial) purposes.
- You may modify this system. Should you wish to do so, you take all responsibility for any outcomes the modifications may have done to your system. If you agree to this, you also agree to the right of Luka S.J. from withholding any assistance when it comes to issues that may have arisen due to the modifications of this system. Any persistent and repeated asking for help of modified instances of EBS will be treated as spam, and be promptly deleted.
- You may not use this system in any commercial projects.
- You may not use footage of this resource (unless you're showcasing modifications done to it) in order to promote your game
- You may not re-distribute this system
- You may not bundle this system with unauthorized packs
- You may not use this system in commercial projects
- You may not claim this system as your own. Whenever using or showcasing parts of this system, full credits must be given at all times.
- Read the FAQ before asking for help
When asking for help, or reporting any errors, make sure to paste the whole error in your bug report as well as mention which version of Essentials you are using (whether or not it is vanilla as well).
Please credit all the following people for their contributions, when using the Elite Battle System.
- GameFreak | Original sprites from B/W/2 games
- Pokecheck.org | Ripping the sprites from B2/W2 roms
- Luka S.J. | Indexing and formatting the sprites
- PinkCatDragon | GIF to PNG conversion
- Tebited15 | B/W styled trainer Red sprite
- Spriters-Resource (redblueyellow) | Gen 5 ball sprites
- Eli | Ripping and compiling the backgrounds
- lilatraube | Some B2/W2 battle bases
- Luka S.J. | Design, formatting and implementation
- Luka S.J. | Elite Battle System
- Maruno | General help and support
- PinkCatDragon | GIF to PNG converter
- Pokémon Essentials | Base system
- GameFreak | Original sound effects from B/W/2 games
- BadSamaritan | Ripping the sound effects
Watch the video preview!
A small video compilation showcasing the key features
A small video compilation showcasing the key features
New Features:
- Fully animated Pokémon sprites (spritesheet format)
- Fully animated Trainer sprites (spritesheet format)
- Dynamic battle scene motion
- Dynamic (and fully animated) in-battle weather
- Custom UI
- Support for in-battle Trainer dialogue
- Gen 5 styled ability messages
- New VS sequences and battle transitions
- New (custom coded) common animations
- New Evolution and Egg Hatching scenes (B/W styled)
- Insane new move animations!
- All 649 B2/W2 Pokémon sprites [front,back,shiny,formes] fully formatted and indexed are provided
- Resource pack containing all the UI elements and animation files
- Several B2/W2 battle bases and backgrounds
- New metrics data for proper sprite positioning
- New Positioner.exe to easily reposition your sprites
- Audio files for several animations
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/3L4J2cI.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/F6hbFeT.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/XtoI0ky.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/4se4Pni.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/HbIEzH9.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/gqPBI9b.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/h2gMQlx.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/q81Ckmb.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/hxZ61ay.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/zDSCgvI.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/BZ8AoGs.gif)
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/GtikukL.gif)
Getting the new system to work has been made even easier! There is no need for you to worry and try to figure out how to install something, as everything will be done for you. Follow the instructions at this page to get the system running.
Refer to (broken link removed) to learn how to set up the new Sun/Moon styled trainer VS sequences.
Since the system allows for in-battle trainer dialogue and BGM changes; if you'd like to use this feature you would need to turn the endspeech of the Trainers into an array, where the first field will be the speech after losing, second the speech during battle, and third (optional) the BGM filename that will be played.
Here is an example of how to use it:
pbTrainerBattle(PBTrainers::RIVAL1,"Test",["Not too shabby","It's not over yet!","final_battle.ogg"],false)
Let's talk sprites!
It is important to know that the Elite Battle System uses a different convention of formatting sprites as opposed to vanilla Essentials. First off; your sprites can either be set up in a sprite sheet and you can have them animated, or they can simply be single frame sprites to make them appear static on screen. On top of that, it is important to know that EBS handles all the scaling of the various sprites (both the baseline and then the zooms for the dynamic motion) automatically through the newly written BitmapWrapper. This means that you don't have zoom your sprites to the default upscaled 200% resolution that vanilla Essentials enforces. Another crucial part to keep in mind when making sprites is that the width and height of each individual frame of the sprite must be the same; in other words, each frame has to be a square. EBS has to somehow calculate the number of frames you have in your individual sprite sheets, and it does so by dividing the width of the entire sheet, by its height. Unfortunately, I have not yet graduated Hogwarts, so I'm no expert in wizardry to do it any other way. To further illustrate what I mean, see the graphic below:
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/nwWfM9d.png)
Alternatively, if you want your sprites to be resized but don't want to have to go through each sprite manually, you can do so by adjusting the appropriate configuration constants from within Settings.
Q: Help, the game is throwing out errors about missing Pokémon sprites!?
A: Run your game at least once in Debug mode to re-index the sprites.
Q: Help, I'm getting a 'NameError' 'uninitialized constant' error!?
A: This just means that you haven't compiled your game data yet. Please do so.
Q: Can I use GIFs with this system??
A: No. It's that simple
Q: Can I use static and/or default Essentials sprites in this?
A: As stated in the features list, yes. You can still use single frame, static sprites.
Q: How do I get this to work with a DS layout?
A: As of version 4.3.3, EBS no longer supports DS engines.
Q: HALP!!!! My sprites are huge/tiny?
A: If you're not using the resources provided, you'll have some issues at first. The system is not magic. However, you can use the Positioner.exe to position the sprites, and the scaling constants (in the SJPlugins_Settings script) to automatically scale your sprites.
Q: My Mega Pokémon are all over the place in this. What gives?
A: Unfortunately that is not an issue with EBS, but rather a limitation with Essentials, as it doesn't have a separate method to position mega Pokémon sprites.
Q: Can you make this compatible with online play?
A: No. That is none of my concern. Essentials has no PvP aspects to it, so neither will EBS.
Q: I'm getting 'Critical Error' messages!?!
A: That has nothing to do with EBS, and could occour from a multitude of reasons. A common one being that people tend to use pirated versions of RMXP. Another, is a mismatch of the version of RMXP that you are running and the RGSS10xE.dll Library in your project folder.
Q: Can you make this more like 6th generation?
A: No. I have no interest in that.
Q: How can we disable the zooming and scene motion?
A: The dynamic battle scene is the whole point of this system. By default, you can't. You'll have to go through and edit a lot of the scripts to achieve that.
Q: How do I use the new VS animations?
A: Read the top portion of the EliteBattle_EntryAnimations script.
Q: My game is telling me that I'm missing some Graphics resources??
A: Run your game at least once in Debug mode, and update your plugins when prompted.
Q: I'm getting a undefined method `isVersion17?` for NilClass error
A: Missing the mandatory Utilities Script (which has to be placed above EBS scripts)
Q: I'm getting a uninitialized constant PokeBattle_SceneConstants::XXX error
A: You're missing the mandatory Settings script (which has to be placed above EBS scripts and is included in the pack)
Q: I'm getting a Errno::ENOENT error (during sprite conversion)
A: Download the 4.4.11 patch
![[PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin [PokeCommunity.com] Elite Battle 2015: Gen 5 battle skin](https://i.imgur.com/48QBWPD.png)
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