If your emblem was not uploaded:
This is probably because your request didn't follow the format outlined in the first post. These will be done later by another administrator. In this situation, do not edit your existing post to meet the format. Either make a completely new post, or leave it as it is.
Alternatively, I may have somehow accidentally missed your emblem out. If you think this has happened then you should make an additional post highlighting that. Again, do not change your existing post.
If your emblem was uploaded incorrectly:
Please make a new post in this thread asking for it to be corrected. I copied and pasted titles and descriptions so there should be no issues, and the forum did not report any errors while uploading, but there could still be some.
Emblem distribution:
Will likely be handled by moderators. Mods have permissions to hand out emblems so you do not need a super mod or an admin to do this, although you can ask a super mod or an admin to do so if you want to.
PM me with any queries regarding this or what you should do if an un-listed situation occurs, but please do not ask me to distribute, upload or modify any more emblems. It's best to go to another admin for these since I don't really have the time and working with emblems is a pain.
Finally, Kip, I know two of your emblems have gone wrong and have "DO NOT USE" titles and descriptions. I'll fix that one later.
Thanks guys!