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{F r i e n d s +-- [forever ♥] Club}

How much do you value your friends?

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Do you often count on you friends to do things for you?

Not really, I refrain from making my friends do a lot of things for me. Now of course every now and then like the normal, but I don't do it often. I don't want to be a burden I guess. So, I don't often count of friends to do things for me. However I'd be glad to help them out.

Soari said:
I've too many friends <33 so Can I join?

I bet Nica will say yes. ;D Welcome to the club, Soari.
New topic: Do you often count on you friends to do things for you?

Yeah... A lot actually...
Yes, I madly abuse them to do things for me. Not work though, just play-oriented stuff.
Yea, we have something in common. XD
Wanna be friends? :3
Do you often count on you friends to do things for you?
Nope.. That's not what friendship is about.
I wouldn't expect my friends to do my work for me. And I certainly would refuse to do someone else's work as I would be doing them damage.

But if I'm in dire need of help, I would expect my friends to be there for me. And of course, I would be there for my friends =)
Actually, my friends don't mind doing favors for me. That's probably because they ask favors for me too. xD Not my friends at PC though, I'm talking about real friends, not virtual. xD
Do you often count on you friends to do things for you?
No never in my life but my friends asks me to complete there work sometimes and I actually do it for them 0.o because I don't want to make them sad >3 which hurts me alot.
I used to be like that.. but you learn from your mistakes.
Being too nice is like inviting people to walk all over you.
For the topic um...

I count on my friends to support me in stuff I do... but that's really all.
Can I join? My computer kept breaking so it made it hard for me to keep the friends I had here. =( But it's better now. ^^
Do you often count on you friends to do things for you?

The are a few things I expect my friends to do without my asking or giving hints. An example of such is for my friends to console me when I'm feeling down. Unfortunately, my friends forget to do that a lot. XD
I count on my friends to support me in stuff I do... but that's really all.
Except for that FF is greater than versus IE thing, of course ^^

Do you often count on your friends to do things for you?

No, pff. I'm very independent.

I guess I count on their support, especially when I'm feeling down. I attempt to not rely on them too much, though. I don't really want to feel like I'm burdening them :\ But I really do think that each one of us (in our group) count on each other for support. Or something like that.
Wow, dead-ish... XD

TOPIC: Pretend you're a dictionary. Re-do the definition for "friendship" in your own words.