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Fallen Dynasty (Dragon, Fantasy RP)

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Cosplayer of Doom
  • 1,372
    WARNING! THIS RP IS RATED PG-14 For Violence!

    Dragon types:

    Oriental: Long serpentlike creatures that fly using energy they attain from consuming food. The normally have long manes rather then the rack of horns down their spine. Some even have fur. The inhabit the eastern regions and prefur warmer climates. These dragons are typically the water element because of their streamline bodies. But, that is not always the case.

    Norweigen: These are large dragons that have two legs and large batlike wings. These are concidered the best flyers because they use their wings to move rather then walk. They also are known for their aggressive nature and large array of horns. These are normally the Air dragons that use Lighting based attacks but as with the Oriental, that is not always true.

    Western Fur: The Western Fur dragons are dragons that instead of scales have feathers and fur that coat their bodies. They are smaller then most dragons, and have four legs and normally a large tail blade. Their wings are also feathered.

    Western Scale: These are the largest speices of dragon, and also the most feared for the many tales that have been told about them. They are the four legged, scaled beasts of lore, with massive wings and an array of wicked horns that run down their backs and end in a sharp blade weapon.


    Each dragon has a specific element that comes from their parents and the location of their birth. The four elements of Earth Fire Wind And Water determine the coloration and abilities of each dragon. And often a dragon's temperment reflects their element.


    Earth dragons are generally kind and docile by nature but can become quite fearsome when provoked. Their colors range anywhere from Dark green to yellow, and even some mixtures.

    Earth Dragon Abilities: Each element has many sub catagories for each dragon, reflecting personality and parent influence.

    * Yggdrasil: The ability that few earth dragons have that causes vegitation to grow in it's presance. This also allows the dragon to manipulate those plants to it's own needs.

    * Strength of the Oread: The ability that allows dragons to cause earthquakes, and create mountains. This ability also allows the user to control rocks it their own needs.

    * Druid's Light: The ability of being one with other creatures. (These dragons are vegitarians) The user can summon forth any creatures within range and communicate with others. They also hold the rare ability of shape shifting which allows them to take the form of one animal.


    Water dragons are known for their loner nature and are very docile. Of course they can become angered in an instant, which makes them unpredictable. These dragons are prefered by many riders because of the close bond they build with a soul. These dragons range from Blue to purple and to white.

    Derkonic Sight: The ability of sight. The dragons with this ability can glimpse at the true forms of things and rarely into the future.

    Nifflheimir: This ability allows the user to use ice based magics and to tolerate unbelieveable cold. They also are known for manipulting the weather.

    Charybdan: These Dragons can summon up waterfalls when there is no water, cause floods in an instant, and even part the sea itself. They are genuninely water dwelling and do not fly unless it is nessisary.


    Air dragons are calm creatures that coexist rather easily with their environments and the creatures in them. But just as with the water dragons they can become angered in an instant. They are typically Silver, white, Yellow, and pale blues.

    Air abilities:

    Titanic Aura: The ability to control storms. These dragons breathe bolts of pure lighting and can summon up storms with a mere thought. They manipulate the weather as the Ice dragons do.

    Fomori's Wind: These dragons hold the ability of the wind itself, causeing hurricanes and strong gales. They also fly constantly, only stopping once they have found a clan. But even then they become restless and often go on long journies around the world. They dictate the trade winds.

    Horolim Aspect: The ability to read the stars. These dragons predict the future and learn of the past using the stars. They also are capeble of creating new ones, but to do so drains away a few years of their lives.


    Fire dragons are feared above all for their ferocious temperment and their lust for battle. They are typically the Western Scales, and use the power of fire to combat their opponents. They are also highly territorial. They are colored any where from red to orange to black.

    Fire Abilities:

    Odhinn's Orb: The ability to invoke flames and manipulate all forms of fire. This ability can cause massive wildfires and volcanic erruptions.

    Hel's Wrath: These dragons have tha abilities of the blood lust, a deadly and often bloody method of killing. The speed and pain tolerance of the Karna users is much much higher then most dragons.

    Atlan Vigor: An ability that allows the user to increase it's strength by ten fold for a short time.

    (( Names of the abilities were supplied by:Hydraconis Requiseq-Hrael give him fames for the awesome names! XD sorreh for the pun, couldn't help it!))

    Also, Humans, Elves, and Centaurs are welcome! If you wish to join as another creature then please PM ME THE DESCRIPTION!!!!Do not spam here once the thing begins, Pm me instead and I will do what I can.

    Gryphons in this rp are veeeeeerrrrry important, and if you want to play one PM me about it.


    1.) NO GMING OR PPING!! I do not my charas to be controlled by others and I don't think anyone else does either. Your char must have a weakness!
    2.) Do not spam here once the rp begins, if you want to join after it starts, PM me and I will tell you if you are in or not.
    3.) Type the words Magical crumpet of doom when you post your form to join XD(( Aren't I evil?)) I do this to make sure people read the rules.
    4.) Mix breed dragons are allow to an extent, as in VERY FEW!!! Also, their elemental abilities will be weaker and the dragons will be smaller. After all, the types normally do not like each other.
    5.) <-- isn't this a great number?
    6.) You may have up to four characters, but only if you can keep up! This RP is open to everyone so Join away! And it doesn't matter how far along in the story we are, I can help work you in!
    7.) Behave, Have coutesy to your fellow players, and Have fun!


    (( This plot will grow and shift as we go, each character will add a little twist after all! ^_^))

    In a land far to the northeast, surrounded by mountains, a fearsome clan of War dragons reigned. War dragons were creatures that were feared by all creatures in the land, and the greatest desire of every dragon rider. They were known for their power and skill in the air, not to metion their combat abilities such as the legandary Blood Rain, and Kon Dar (Death Dance). But, Gryphons took over their lands and killed every last one, that is, except for Kaarnishia. Kaarnishia was the daughter of the leader of the War clan, and had just reached the age for her to be given to a mate. But, she rebelled against the union and fled. Of course that very night the clan was slaughtered. When Kaarnishia returned she buried each of the dead and made a vow that she would return one day and seek her revenge.

    Now, Kaarnishia seeks the world for worthy dragons to become the next War Clan, and to reclaim the lost lands of Eaden....


    Creature: (Dragon, Human,Elf, ect.
    Type: (Fire,Water,Wind,Earth, Mix)
    Ability from other element: ( You may choose one ability from another element)
    Rp Sample: (Everyone must post one just to keep things fair)

    NOTE*** If you become a War Clan member, you will learn new abilities over time so don't think that I am GMing with Kaarnishia.XD

    Ok sign away!!! Sorreh about all the readin!

  • 5,553
    Tee-hee-hee! ^^ Tch, I'm tha first one tajoin it seems. OO;

    Okay then... now... umm... Magical crumpet of doom? ROFLXD [/copy-pasted from her title b/c he was lazy]

    Creature: Dragon -- Western Scale (duh XD)

    Type: Fire -- ability: Hel's Wrath

    Name: Searinox

    Age: 50 (yup, tch, I'm a very young Dragon ^^;;)

    Gender: Male

    Description: A pair of glowing, green eyes, a scaly, bulk body full of crests, running all the way down to the tail, 3 claws at the wingtips, black claws, and canines on the outside of the mouth, visible even when it's shut. A pair of long, black horns and a small horn on his snout. As a general pose looks aggressive and evil, the numerous crests giving an evil, somewhat demonic aspect. His scaly hide is full of scars.

    Personality: Despite being part of one of the most fierce of all races of Dragons, he is calm and tollerant, always ready to listen and understand others as well as manifest emotions. Has no despise for humans or any other race considered inferior to other Dragons, but even so he still does not see the full extent of their capabilities and might underestimate them. Can sometimes be impulsive and act on instinct -- feature that characterizes his species, now more than ever, given his age, which can be compared to human adollescence. Is of an anti-authoritary nature, and will refuse being ordered around by others. Although his unusually mild nature and understanding had made him be excluded from Dragon clans of his own kind before he is a Karna none the less, and will enjoy the flow of blood, pain, and death when given the chance to do so. He is ambiguous, capable of contemplating both the beauty of a flower, as well as that of death and pain.

    History: Raised until the age of 20 by his partents, being taught the dark arts of magic, until they were killed by a group of dragonslayes who sought to put an end to their evil.
    Has sought to avenge his parents, raiding villages and burning them to cinders, sword against the human race, but as he narrowed in on the ones he sought to destroy he discovered the "human" side of humans, and stopped.
    Over the next few years he apprenticed under a wizard, who taught him of human lore, to which Dragons usually have little access. He became a helper to people, and although most feared him for what he was and the demonic aspect he exuded, he never beared a grudge on them. Left their village about 1 year ago after his instincts began to act up, and started to search for his own kind.

    Weapons: Fire breath, dark magic, claws, sometimes the crests on his body, tail, horns, has control over the three claws on his wingtips, able to use them as real claws.

    Ability from other element: N/A

    Weakness: Hah! Tch, ya missed this one out even though ya mentioned it in tha rules. XD Weakness to water and ice as well as any cold temperature, never drinks water for that reason. Also physically weaker than most other Dragons, but pain tollerance usually increases his endurance to effort, but does not necessarily increase his power.

    RP sample: The Sun's glow fleeted through his eyes for a moment as he quickly turned around in a roar of agony. Particles of ice scattered off like glittering diamonds from his back as the ice beam's blast faded. His wings thrusted against the air in powerful beats as he regained control, staring at his attacker. As the second beam hurled towards his form his wings flapped and folded to a side, dodging the azure beam. Then his wings spread wide and flapped again as he rushed towards him with a roar of pure hatred, his freezing cold gaze radiating a hot burning glow, as if both heaven and hell had been unleashed within him...
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    ^_^ Magical Crumpet of Doom for president! ^_^

    Creature: Dragon-Western Fur

    Type: Water/Air mix

    Name: Mysvaishorteras, Myst for short.

    Age: 493

    Gender: Male

    Description: A slim and agile, if rather small, dragon. Myst's long and slender body bears a slight resemblance to an oriental dragon's, which seems to signify that a cross-species breeding has occured. The body is covered with sleek, snow-white fur, except for a long golden mane that runs from the top of his head to the point on his tail where the tailblade, which is similar to a falchion blade in shape and silver coloured, resides. He also has a large pair of feathered wings, also snow-white in colour, and four sets of sharp, gold-coloured claws on his feet, one each on the four toes of each foot and one somewhat larger sticking out of each heel. Myst's eyes are clear blue.

    Personality: A generally social and amiable, if rather mischievous, individual, Myst holds a fascination for the 'lesser races' which is somewhat unusual for his kind and has spent much of his time skirting around villages and cities, usually human, delighting in the urgency of their lives. The scattered sightings of this dragon have some times been interpreted as omens or even messages from the gods, something that amuses the young dragon to no end. Myst delights in exploration and adventure, quickly growing restless if he is not provided sufficient diversions. His speech pattern can vary from carelessly informal to a level of politeness so careful that it can be construded as mockery.

    History: Born under suspicious circumstances into a small and extremely conservative clan of water dragons, Myst distinguished himself from his clanmates at a very early age due to his peculiar appearance and restless spirit. As the young dragon began to grow of age it quickly became obvious that the child was indeed a half-breed, as he seemed to hold sway over the winds, a power attributed solely to dragons of air. After a good deal of heated debating and investigation it turned out that Myst's mother had actually been cheating on her mate with a passing air dragon. As was the custom of their tribe, the punishment was death for the mother and banishment for the child, the latter to last until he had proven himself worthy of belonging to the tribe.

    Although saddened by the loss of his mother, Myst couldn't help feeling a sense of excitement over his newfound freedom. He had always found the monotonous and law-bound life of his tribe unbearably stiffling, and now had the chance to leave it behind. For the next five years, Myst flew across the lands of humans, elves, and centaurs, sometimes even committing a few short trespasses on dwarven territory. Never having gotten along very well with the other clan members, the young dragon seems to feel no inclination to return to the people whom he previously numbered himself amongst, searching instead for a new clan, one that would appreciate him for what he is.

    Weapons: Claws, tail, and magic, improvises his style to fit the occasion.

    Ability from other element: Druid's Light (Animal shape; Otter)

    RP Sample:

    It was midday, the sun glared down over the peasants' wheat fields without any obstruction of clouds. Below, the humans worked tirelessly on the fields, hoping to somehow salvage at least some of their crop from the oppressing drought that hung over the land with infuriating persistence.

    Suddenly, the peasants looked up in astonishment as the faint rustling of wings became audible from somewhere above and the sunlight was briefly obscured by something quite sizeable, a peculiar shadow cast down over them.

    Peering upwards, the humans noticed the silhouette of a creature the likes of which they had never heard of outside the fairy tales of their youth. A distinctly reptilian creature circled above the fields on a pair of feathered wings, gold and silver glittering around the edges of its silhouette as it passed.

    Myst grinned in satisfication as he noticed that a sizeable mass of people from the nearby village had already gathered to witness the event, some of them dropping to their knees and praying, others pointing or just standing wide-eyed. Better not spread more fear, though... he thought for himself, noticing that some of the parents were already clutching their children and sobbing hysterically. I am not here to terrorize, and dragonslayers are too much of a bother. Although some of them aren't such bad folks, like that sir Cyrus... he smiled fondly at the memory of the paladin, with whom he had spent a good six hours of drinking, swapping stories of battles, and confessing sins. Too bad the order branded him fallen... he concluded with a sigh. It was time to get back to what he had come to do.

    Focusing his powers, the dragon sent a command deep within the earth below, to an untapped spring of pure water, beckoning it to reveal itself.

    The crowd's reactions reached hysterical proportions as the earth rumbled treatheningly, a single, particularly loud, voice was actually audible over the commotion, the voice belonging to one of the village priests with an almost unhealthy fondness for reading dragon lore.

    "God's have mercy!" he cried, throwing his hands over his head "It's the ancient wyrm Illiedowatki come to get his revenge as he promised! We are doomed!"

    Fool... Myst thought indignantly, Illiedowatki was an earth dragon, besides he had been dead and buried for centuries. To the young dragon's amusement, the spring had decided to make its emerging point precisely where the priest was standing, catapulting the man up into the air and sending him on a merry flight into a nearby haystack.

    There was a moment of silence as the peasants contemplated this new turn of events, before one of them drew the obvious conclusion:

    "It's a spring!" he called out excitedly "This creature is our benefactor! Nay, our lord and deity! Let us worship him so that we may prosper under his protection and learn from his wisdom!"

    Some of the villagers joined in enthusiastically, but soon another group cried out 'Blasphemy' and a quarrel ensued. When the crowd had finally settled down a bit, they realized that their benefactor was already gone, the sun shining down unhindered once more.

    That should give them something to talk about for a while... Myst mused as he soared through the air, smirking at the thought that he might have created a religious order that would last for centuries to come. All in a day's work...
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    Cosplayer of Doom
  • 1,372
    ((Silly Char, you don't put you weakness down! Just when you fight with another dragon or something you can become injured and run out of energy lol. As for age, 500 is the begining of adulthood. Also you inherit all the abilities from your respective element, plus one ability from another element.))

    Creature: Dragon -Western Scale

    Type: Air


    Age:506 years


    Description: Kaarnishia is a metalic dragon, identical to her father. Most war dragons of pure blood carry this trait. Her scales are reinforced for the abilities that her clan preform, and are so shiney that they reflect the things around them like a mirror. This makes her practically invisable during flight. War dragons inherit this ability from their leaders when then have completed their training. Her claws are pure black, and sharpened to perfection, As is the large bladed weapon on her tail. The dragons wings are tipped in three large sythe like blades, black in coloration. Down her spine runs a thick mane of red lined with an array of large black horns. Her eyes are crimson colored. She is a large dragon, and sleek in form.

    Personality: Kaarnishia is a cold and distant female, the deaths of her entire clan making her that way. This makes her a very hard person to befriend.

    History: As the next in line for her clan she was to be mated to a neighboring clan, but, her father apparently had other ideas. Soon after the death of her mother, her father Sytanios became very dark, and had started doing things that caused many other members of the clan to raise questions. One such question was why did he seem so interested in the Gryphon clan to the east of them? After the death of her clan Kaarnishia fled to the southern regions to escape the reign of the Gryphons. She now circles the world in serch of dragons to pass on the art of War.

    Weapons: She uses her many abilities and her entire body that has been honed into a weapon over the hundreds of years she had lived.

    Ability from other element: Hel's Wrath

    War Dragon abilities: (eventually each member of the clan will learn these)
    Blood Rain, Kon Dar, Vernal Equinox, Fuer osk Drakka, Dance of War( Final ability)

    (( Note: to gain new war dragon abilities, your dragon will be put through a series of quests and upon their completion they will learn that ability. ^_~ ))


    Hydraconis Requiseq-Hrael

    The Derkesthai of Hraelis
  • 106
    It is time. Open the gate for Draecon! Magical Crumpet of Doom!

    ~~~New Character~~~

    Creature: Norweigen Dragon (Wyvern)
    Type: Air
    Name: Hydraecon Vercrinndas-Fero (Draecon)
    Age: 107
    Gender: Male
    Description: Soul-bearing Wyvern, having survived for a century, yet has not retained his magic power. For his powers were stolen by a Tyrant Lord Dragon. Silver-scaled, though in some legends, Green and Orange.
    Personality: Calm, Sullen, though easily Angered
    History: Born in the human Ferod kingdom, he is the son of a former anti-human, Hydraecon Varcrenn, who was captured by the humans in war. Varcrenn vowed to escape, for he hated the humans, but soon forgot his hatred when he fell in love with another wyvern. Draecon's parents died protecting their home in Ferod from the unknown Tyrant Dragons, and Draecon lived to serve the humans, being used as a leader of all of Ferod's pet beasts in war. His cunning excelled above his strength, in a way that would make any other beast jealous. A particular Tyrant Lord, Hydraconis Vollennis-Neith (Draconis), would attack Ferod endlessly until its fall, leading to his retreat each time, for his fellow dragons would be overwhelmed and slaughtered by the wyvern mastermind and his army. Eventually, Draconis sought aid, and as Draecon reached the age of forty, he was captured by Draconis and a mysterious lich, who drained Draecon of his power. Draecon fell into a trance and woke up ten years later, to see the humans of Ferod fighting alone against masses of monsters. He stayed beside the people in their time of need, but in vain, and lived through Ferod's destruction. Draecon now seeks any beast on the planet who will help him to stop Draconis and his Tyrade.
    Weapons: Ferodian Armor bearing Blades, unarmored back bearing an array of Horns, Barbed Tail, Claws, Wings, Jaws
    Ability from other element: Odhinn's Orb
    Rp Sample: Picture two humans in pursuit. They have stumbled into a secret cave, having awakened something upon their intrusion into the mountain forest. They do not know these lands or their endless tunnels, so they keep running, unaware of where they might end. They carry the broken weapons of a western scout; they would be unfamiliar with mountainous terrain.

    "Frenn, which way are we going?" one of them blurts out effortfully.

    "Away from that monster," was the reply from his partner, "I don't know where these tunnels lead."

    "We won't escape! That monster has never stopped hunting us."

    "Just don't stop running!"

    The wide, black tunnels seem to continue for miles, lit by a single light ahead. The two scouts stop at a wide chamber whose light fills in from a large crevice hundreds of feet above the ground. There is nothing to do now but climb. In the distance, the sound of a monster's rampant steps can be heard. In a moment the sound becomes as loud as ever, and the ferocious, snarling wendigo is upon them. Having followed the two men, the snow white, feral beast from the mountain forest scaled the tunnels for them in a frenzy. The monster lifts its giant claws with a roar as the two men cower, crouched down, with eyes closed, awaiting a quick, unpleasant death. Then, there is a noise, a crash, as if something from the ceiling has collapsed upon the ground. Yddral and Frenn look up to see a giant wyvern dressed in armor bearing large, protruding blades, crests, and symbols that they had never seen before. The dragonic firgure stands on the carcass of the wendigo, and the men stare at the beast's profile as its head turns toward them with light reflecting off of a its helm and a pair of yellow eyes showing through it. The wyvern spreads it wings. Then, the newly accounted monster speaks, "Need a lift?"

    Never before have these humans heard words come out of a beast. The one called Frenn opens his mouth to speak.

    "This is my cave," the wyvern announces, "You have no business being here."

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    Satanist to the core.
  • 2,208
    Magical Chrumpet of doom... (that was it right.... I think it was.... or was it spelled different... hope your not picky...)

    Creature: Dragon
    Type: fire
    Name: Taimat, (I know... but I really like that name.... it sounds good on a dragon..)
    Age: 24 hours, (I'm just a baby... but I'm still strong... I mean I'm a dragon after all...)
    Gender: female
    Description: I'm about two feet long.. a very dark red, I'm cute to anyone who sees me but I have the sharpest teath due to my babyness.... I can't really fly yet so my wings are tiny and almost useless, I have huge green eyes that see everything and tiny dimondlike claws, (arn't I cute...)
    Personality: well being a baby I'm very inquisitive, I get into things I shouldn't so that gets me into trouble with the older dragons, I like to grab things and take them.... but thats just becouse I want to know what they are... in short I'm a handful...
    History: I was the first of my cluster to hatch, when I did I found the cave empty and the rest of my brothers and sisters had been crushed, I never found out who my parents are but I do know that they are already gone and that they where killed, I don't know what to do about it but I know I must do something!
    Weapons: Right now only my claws and teeth... I'm sure as I grow I'll get more....
    Ability from other element: Druid's Light
    Rp Sample: I squeek and get no answer, I was already tired from crackin threw my shell, "mommy... mommy where are you?" I squeek calling to my mother, she should have been here, she was always here, "mommy... mommy come please..." I cherp and look around, the other eggs where chrushed destroied, "what happened, wheres mommy...?" I ask... no answer.
    I gather my streangth and crawl out of the cave calling to my mother, "mommy... mommy I'm hungry..." nothing. "Where am I...?" I wonder outloud hopping against hope that someone would hear me, "anybody... mommy... daddy...." nothing not even a breath of wind answered me, "mommy..." i say quietly and lie down, "what am I gonna do now.....?"

    Trainer Ben

    Super Trainer
  • 406
    The Magical Crumpet of Doom was recently chosen to be the new mascot for a Highschool, replacing Lady Colts. We all know there's no such thing as a Lady Colt (can't be a boy and girl horse at the same time).

    My character(s) Bob and Chan.

    Creature: Dragon (Bob is Oriental. Chan is Western scale.)

    Type: Chan - fire. Bob - Air.

    Name: Bob and Chan

    Age: 525 (the Dragon equilvilent to 25, right?)

    Gender: Male

    Description: Bob - Fallen Dynasty (Dragon, Fantasy RP) Chan - Fallen Dynasty (Dragon, Fantasy RP)

    Personality: Bob is, well, stupid. Think Ed from Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, but slower in the head. Bob can be very powerful, but only on occasion. He won't stand by and let someone hurt his brother Chan of course, because they're attached. After 525 years of being with his brother through everything, he still can't get one simple rule down: if Chan goes left, don't go right.

    Chan, on the other hand, is incredibly smart and cooks up destructive plans. He loves his brother as well, but often complains about their attachment. Because of Bob's poor depth perception in the sky, Chan is forced to concentrate and lead the way while flying. His favorite past-time is burning down villages and killing people. He'll never eat another Dragon, so he feasts on wildlife in various parts of the region.

    These two don't really have a weakness, except each other (can't agree or get along on some things.). Of course, certain elements have been known to hurt them pretty badly.

    History: Bob and Chan were born attached, recieving resentment from all the other dragons except their mother. Their father was especially ashamed, for he was the ruler of their community. Over time,though, everyone came to accept them, and treated them like normal. Except for their father, who will never come to love them. One day, their father gained enough power to kick them out of their home. To this day, Bob and Chan have been living wherever they find shelter.

    Weapons: Tail, claws and teeth, I guess.

    Ability from other element: Strength of the Oread

    Rp Sample:

    "...huh?" Chan slowly awoke. The sun had risen, birds were chirrping, and the local villagers had begun attacking them. While spears and rocks were being thrown, the two-headed dragon stretched it's arm out, punching a man a good few feet away and kicking another across the field like a football. Standing up, Bob crushed a few men and Chan swatted some into the air.

    "Same old thing every day," Chan said. He breathed clean, fresh air into his lungs. What came out, though, was 500 degrees of fire, which burnt many of the villagers up. The rest of the humans retreated back into their homes. Bob and Chan followed.

    "So, what're we doin' today, Chan?"

    "Same thing we do every day, Bob. Burn down some pathetic town." With that, they reached the village, took in some more oxygen, and reduced most of the village to what looked like a giant campfire.

    "Time for breakfast," Chan said. He turned left, while Bob turned right. The result was some unattractive stretch marks, the torture of previous marks, and the pair falling on their back.

    "Bob, you idiot! Wherever I turn, you need to turn as well!"

    "Sorry Chan. Isn't there an easier way of walking?"

    "...What? It's walking, Bob! You do it every day, and that's it!"

    "Well, maybe we should practice more, you know, until we get good at it."

    "Shut up, Bob." After the argument ended, the dragon with two heads begun their morning rituals, starting with looking for breakfast.


    The pen is mightier...
  • 1,606
    Magical Crumpet of Doom

    Creature: Oriental Dragon

    Type: Air

    Name: Aora

    Age: Unknown

    Gender: Female

    Fallen Dynasty (Dragon, Fantasy RP)

    Not Shown: A lovely pale silver mixed with pale blue, giving her a mother-of-pearl effect. Her eyes are a deep aqua, but when angered become a slate blue, resembling storm clouds.

    Personality: She is usually calm, but quick to anger. She is rather intelligent, and even creatures from another species (such as elves and humans) come to her, asking questions. She loves playing mind games, and can even form pictures in other's minds when wanted.

    History: A legend for her ability to predict the future, and is well-known among the dragon. Her mother and father are unknown, and so is her age. She just...appeared out of nowhere one day, and took a liking to a crystal-filled cave, where she lives today.

    Weapons: The average Dragon weapons

    Ability from other element: Derkonic Sight

    Rp Sample: The she-dragon arched her elegant neck up towards the stars, her aqua-marine eyes seemed to read the stars and search for something. A young woman looked questioningly at her, her large green eyes filled with hope at what the future held for her. The dragon paused for a moment, before tshe turned towards the woman and gazied at her with calm, beautiful eyes.

    "Choices are wise, and you must choose your husband wisely. Two men long for you, but only one is true. One will murder, the other will love.
    Your life ahead is long if you choose the right one, however short-lived if you choose the one wrong.

    The woman appeared to be in thought, for she was translating it so she would understand it better. She looked at Aora and gave her a nod of thanks before walking off. The dragon could hear the murmurs as she was trying to figure it out still, however she smiled and rested her gorgeous head in between her talons. She sighed before she closed her lovely eyes, her smooth body with fine scales rippled as she breathed in and out, and dreamed peacefully.
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    Bow to the Kaiser
  • 71
    Magical crumpet of doom..Taste like Cheese..

    Creature: Norweigen Dragon( Only in the sense he has only two legs )
    Type: Wind
    Name: King Ghidorah
    Age: 600 Man Years
    Gender: Male
    Description: King Ghidorah
    Personality: Not exactly the nicest thing around. Humans and Elves fear him alike, Being nicknamed the ' Great Thunder God '. He is worshiped by a few, For he can fire lightning out of each head, And each ' Point ' in his wings.

    History: Born in the west, The first few stages of his life were un-eventful. But then, After pillageing a human Town, Elves had gathered around him. And after useing some of their most powerful magic, Warped him to the East. Japan to be precise. The people that first saw him appear from out of the blue thought it was a God, And began to worship him as such. Thows people were executed due to their defience to the Shogun. This enraged Ghidorah, to the point of makeing it rain on Japan until it no longer could see China. Now, several hundred years later, King Ghidorah is liveing in the Himalayas, His Cackleing can be heard for hundreds of miles around.

    Weapons: All three heads can bite, Tails are like Maces, But mainly relys on his Lightning and manipulations of Weather.
    Ability from other element: Titanic Aura

    Rp Sample:

    King Ghidorah, after flying towards a valley, Sees a large village. He hasn't eaten for three months, Meaning its just about the time too( Remember, Dragons are largely considered to be Reptiles ). As he makes his decent, He begins to speak in a large, Booming voice.

    ' Bring me Sacrifise! Or I shall bring destruction to your people. I demand Two Head of Cattle, A Flock of Sheep, And one human man. You have until the sun has gone behind the Mountains to bring it too me. '

    With that, He waits. And begins the first of the Cattle and Sheep arive.

    ' Good, Good. Now where is the Human of which you are offering to me? '
    One of them then speaks up.
    ' Your All Powerfulness, We offer not a Human, But an Elve who we caught trying to steal Wheat from our storehouse. '

    King Ghidorah then thinks for a moment, And finally agrees. Useing his three heads, He consumes the Sheep, Cattle, and Elve, And is satisfied with their work. And he then flys off, Back to his cave...

    Edit: Oops, Picture works now.


    The pen is mightier...
  • 1,606
    Kagome said:
    (( Wolf-san if you could make your posts in past tense that would be wonderful ^_^ *happy Dance* Our first oriental!))

    ((Yes, I love oriental dragons! I think they're the best *Thinks of Spirited Away.*

    I fixed it and added more, I'm not the best at RPing past tense, and I tend to switch from present to past just to warn you...so I'll do my best.))


    Lost Realist
  • 1,392
    Magical . . . :: pauses before resigning oneself :: . . . Crumpet of Doom

    I almost did not join because of that. -_-

    Creature: Dragon - Western Fur/Scale
    Type: Earth
    Name: Ryu
    Age: 517
    Gender: Male
    Description: Ryu's colouring is somewhat unusual for an earth dragon. Mostly black, he has a series of tiger-like silver stripes that extend along his body. Ryu's eyes are solidly silver. The son of a Western Fur and a Western Scale, Ryu is larger than most Western Fur dragons and has a combination of scales and feathers.
    Personality: Though without any special form of vision, Ryu is extremely observant and perceptive--often able to sense another's inner thoughts, emotions, or being. Having spent most of his years alone, Ryu may be somewhat adamant in his methods of operating. Though he usually understands others well enough and is relatively accepting of them, Ryu has a tendency to isolate himself and prevent anyone from becoming familiar with him. Thus, while having an earth dragon's docile nature, he may also seem somewhat cold. Although he is difficult to truly anger, once his wrath has been aroused there are few who can withstand it.
    History: Born into a clan of earth dragons, Ryu is the last dragon in the area that remains alive. Because of this, he defends the territory unceasingly in their memory. It is rare that he permits any to enter the area, shielding it using the powers of both earth and sky. Being extremely protective of the territory, Ryu may appear aggressive to those threatening to enter the area. But, truly, he would prefer to remain unchallenged and with no need to harm others.
    Weapons: Bladed tail, fangs, blade-like wing edges, etc.
    Ability from other element: Titanic Aura
    RP Sample:

    Ryu's dark tail whipped about dangerously, his silver eyes staring intently at the scarlet dragon before him.

    Considerably larger than Ryu, the fire dragon stood erect and proud, flames playing about its jaws and bloodstained fangs.

    His head lowered and hovering less than a foot above the ground, Ryu retained a level tone as he warned, "I told you to leave this territory. It belongs to the tribe of earth dragons . . . "

    Raising his brilliant, crimson-gold wings, the fire dragon stared contemptuously at the earth dragon as he snarled arrogantly, "All the earth dragons in this area died years ago. It ain't their territory anymore--and I'm free to go where I please."

    A cold note entered Ryu's voice as he quietly replied, "There's one earth dragon left to defend this land."


    I may add more to the sample later . . . ^-^;;
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    That... thing
  • 151
    Magical crumpet of doom....odd

    Creature: Western fur dragon

    Type: Fire

    Name: Sophie Kittirin, though she tells very few
    Alias: Rune

    Age: 427, her humanoid for has not aged a day past 21

    Gender: Female

    Description: Rune is an oddity among dragons for her both her coloring and an odd ability she posesses resulting from her birth. Though Rune was born to two dragon parents, she was born into humanoid form and because of it, she was cast out of her civilization, but more on that later. As she grew, she found she was not limited to only her humanoid form, but she could use her dragon shape as well as meld the two to a hybrid form, though she is a bit smaller than most other western furs. In dragonic form, her feathers look like they are made of fire and her eyes look like two brilliant crystal blue orbs set in her head. Her tail is longer than most, but the bladed end is average in size.

    Hybrid form:
    Fallen Dynasty (Dragon, Fantasy RP)

    Human form is minus wings

    Personality: Rune is very quiet and sometimes rather timid, but behind her nature beats the heart of a fierce warrior, given the injustice she has suffered through much of her life. Though normally keeping to herself, she will not hesitate to attack and kill any who seriously offend her or attack her first. If she cannot kill her adversary outright, she will strike at a later date in secrecy, she never forgets an insult. However, even being violent as she is, once she befriends someone, she forges a strong bond with that person which is difficult to break.

    History: Having been born a humanoid in a dragon settling, she was immediately cast out. Though the dragons could tolerate humans, they would not tolerate this type of violation. Her parents, feeling responsible for her misfortune, accepted exile themselves and left with their daughter. Her parents cared for her and raised her as best they could with their wandering lifestyle until she was two years old when they decided that if she was to live the rest of her life in a humanoid form, then she should live amongst the humans.

    After a long period of discussion, they agreed to take her to a nearby village where she might be well cared for, but before they could move far, something occured within Rune's body and her dragonic powers raged, a violent inferno incinerating the forest they were taking shelter in and her parents with it. However, as Fate would have it, this was not how things were to end for her, she still had a mission in life to carry out. In the nearby village, the people were startled by this unnatural catastrophe and at once a small team was dispatched to investigate. They found Rune huddled near a blackened set of bones, fast asleep. Though baffled at how she survived, they took her back to the village to their lord who, childless, decided to raise the fortunate youngster as his own. Ther she adopted the name Sophie and lived happily for many years, taking up a job as a defender of the castle, special runes inscribed into her skin to amplify her abilities as well as protect her, thus also earning her the alias Rune. However, after her father's death 30 years later due to illness, she took her position as Mistress of the castle, which lasted for another five years, which was where the people began to become suspicious of her never changing youth. One night while she was praying at her father's resting site, she was attacked by a group of men she'd never seen before and being caught off guard she stood little chance. She was caught, bound, and brought before the village where she was called many horrible names... devil woman, witch, horrid beast, and others... also accused of sapping their lord's life for her own, causing his death and even after his death by feasting on his spirit nightly.

    Rune could not believe what she was hearing, here she had been protecting these people all her life and now they were accusing her of being a monster. Rune feverently denied the accusations, but it was not long before she broke, the runes along her body twisting and contorting to form something else, then glowing a hellish shade of red. Rune morphed into her dragon form right before the people's eyes and, without control over her body, her anguish and fright too gerat for it, she destroyed them all as she had the forest that night many years ago. It was a long time later when Rune awoke, without clothing and iat the base of a mountain pass. She had no memory of what had happened, but she was only granted that gift for a short time since a few moments after gaining consciousness, the memories hit her like a train.

    At once, Rune was changed... the cruelty she had endured at the hands of the ones she called friends was all that stayed with her, that even overrode the terrible wrong she had commited in slaying them all... She could not forget how badly they treated her and after all she had done for them.. Their cruelty remains with her to this day and is cause for outbursts of anger and the occasional flashback where she falls into a heap screaming. She wandered for days, exhausted and famished, but when she came upon a village at last, she was reluctant to enter, however she had little choice as she passed out not far from it.

    Upon being found by a family who was returning to the village from the woods nearby, she was taken into their home and nursed back to health. However, even given their kindness and the kindness of others around her, she both distrusted them and was afraid of them. As soon as she was healthy which was a week later, she left immediately, leaving nothing more than a note for her caretakers.

    After that, she wandered for five years, barely surviving in the wild, her fear of both being shunned by people and harming them again so great that she refused to be around them, but after her years in the wild, she began to cope with this fear and then tried to slowly blend back into human civilization. She went back to the village she had left the five years before and was welcomed with open arms by the people who took her in before. She stayed there for another five years of her life, then she bid her new family farewell and decided to set out and find her own way in life. Since that time, she has been wandering from place to place, staying alive by taking on odd jobs and the like. She is still timid around people and stemming from that fear anger issues have developed, she snaps easily if someone offends her and she holds grudges for long periods of time. She has also gained control over her ability to change, she can even use a hybrid form, however she still knows nothing of the dragonic blood that runs through her veins, she believes she's still only human with a gift. Recently, a curious rumor caught her ear, a rumor of the War clan.... now she seeks to learn more...

    Weapons: Talons, tailblade, and razor feathers in dragon form, a spear and two daggers in human form

    Ability from other element: Fomori's wind

    Rp Sample: Rune couldn't believe it... these people... the one's she'd protected all her life were now jeering her, calling her a demon and accusing her of harming her own father...how could they? How could they be so cruel? After all she'd done... Rune started crying, she wanted nothing more than to be away from here, all she wanted to do was wake up in her bed and all of this night be just a dream, but no... this was definitely real and she knew there was no way of escaping it.

    Suddenlt, Rune felt hot... like there was a fire raging beneath her skin and it was starting to worry her. She didn't know what was happening, but she felt her grip on consciousness slipping. She struggled to stay awake, but to no avail. She descended into deep darkness shortly thereafter, but before she fell, she felt her body twisting and contorting,, like she was writhing, then nothing... In reality however, she was indeed writhing against the stake they had bound her to, but that was not it... Her skin was glowing all over with the runes which had been burned into her skin so long ago. She howled in pain and flexed her arms against the ropes, smoke coming from her wrists as though she was burning through them and she was indeed doing so, the runes like torches along her body.

    Once more she flexed and her binding snapped, the throng of people stepping away like a bunch of ants from a flame, ironic as in the next instant she was engulfed in a nimbus of fire which was relatively small, but only for a moment as it burst outward in the next instant and incinerated a few rows of people too close to it. When eyes were again able to see, wether recovering from the burst of light or being uncovered, they saw a blazing dragon where Rune was standing, its feathers and fur looking like flames leaping from its body. Some of the bystanders ran to get spears and bows to fight her while others merely stood, dumbfounded, but they only had mere seconds longer to live. With one exhalation of flame, she burned a quarter of the crowd to cinders. At that, the rest didn't know what to do, even those rushing for their weapons stopped. They'd never dealt with a dragon before and at this display of power, they knew they were beaten.

    Rune was now in a frenzy because of all the screaming idiots around her, she was quite tired of them all and was in a mood to eliminate them. She spread her great wings, gathered herself, and let loose with one great flap, a swarm of razor sharp feathers being released from her wings and slicing the crowd immediately in front of her to ribbons and those behind them being shredded more slowly, buildings too being torn by some of the feathers and some feathers getting stuck in them. Where the feathers were embedded now, they burst into flame, catching buildings and people alike on fire. Now with three quarters of the wntire city in ruin, people and buildings alike, the remaining alive fled for their lives, but to no avail, Rune immediately turned to them and let loose another gust of flame, incinerating them in an instant.

    Once her task of eliminating the nuisances was complete, Rune set about destroying their dwellings, the fresh scent of vaporized blood driving her forward. She left not one building standing, but once her task was complete, she felt bored, wishing there was something nearby still so she could destroy it, but no sich luck...all was ash... Her task now complete, rune spread her great wings and took off into the night sky, looking like a brilliant burning star...

    If anythin needs fixin, tell me
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    Cosplayer of Doom
  • 1,372
    I am sorry Rex but I can not accept your character. Please make an original one. As much as I love old school Godzilla I can't allow more then one multi headed dragon.

    Accepted People:
    Alter Ego
    JBC (As long as you understand that as a hatchling your powers are VERY weak)
    Trainer Ben (This is the only multi headed dragon I am allowing, oh and your names really lack in creativity ^_^;; ))
    Wolf Goddess
    Kogenta( You shall say it and like it slave! MUHAHAHAHA!!! j/k))
    Zephiros (Absolutely beautiful character Zephi!!! ^_^ *gives you a cookie* ))


    Cosplayer of Doom
  • 1,372
    (( Not quite yet,Sorreh Lovelies! I am waiting for a few more. We need at least two more characters. Anyone may make more then one if they can handle it. I am posting my second character now. And also I encourage non dragons as well ^_^))

    Creature: Centaur
    Type: Wind
    Name: Wynd Weaver
    Age: 854
    Description:He is a unique type of centaur and was appointed the guardian of the plains of Tarinth. He stands about seven feet tall, and his muscular(not sickeningly though). His lower horse body is gray dappled with white and black, his front legs having two black socks that stop at his knees. His horse fur stops at his navel, reveiling snow white skin. His hair is long and ash black, two stripes of white lining his sharp face. He has two grayish horse ears atop his head and a pair of Gray dappled angelic wings on his back. His tail is similar to his hair. Wynd's Hooves are pure black except for his front left hoof which is silver, a trademark of his. His body has various ancient runes all over it. He appears very young, looking as though he is eighteen years old. His eyes are a pupiless silver which gives people the impression that he is blind.

    Personality:Wynd is quiet, often lost deep in thought. He only speaks when it is absolutely nessisary and may come off as rude because of that. He holds an air of dignity about him that is almost unmatched. But one of his major flaws is his willingness to aide anyone in need.

    History: He once was a regular centaur that lived on the plains until he encountered a legandary beast known as Deamonios, a massive lion made entirely of light. The beast was going to kill the centaur and devour his soul, but, the good in the young centaurs heart stopped the beast and instead, his body was reborn and morphed into the way it is now. Of course because he looked directly at the beast his eyes were never the same. He encountered Kaarnishia on many occasions and often aided her and her clan. After the death of the War clan the centaur went into a deep silence, having been dear friends with Kaarnishia's mother. He was one of the few creatures that could actually call the War clan friends more then Allies. Wynd of course believes Kaarnishia to be dead and to this day mourns her.

    Weapons:He carries a large black Halberd called Divine Wind and uses wind based magic
    Ability from other element: none ( You may choose one ability from another element)


    Lost Realist
  • 1,392
    Er, I suppose I will create another character. I hope I am able to properly retain both . . .

    Creature: Most unsure due to his being a shapeshifter; usually appears as one who is partially dragon and partially human
    Name: Kaen
    Age: Unknown; Appears 20
    Gender: Male
    Description: Dark hair covering one eye, blue eyes, black cloak, dark clothes; dark dragon ears and tail
    Personality: Generally accepting of others, Kaen has little confidence and places little value in himself. Though somewhat insecure, Kaen will help those who seem to need it. Any hesitation he might have would arrive more from fear of being rejected than a lack of desire to give aid to others. As it is, Kaen may help unseen from the shadows. Because he understands the pain of rejection and being alone, Kaen is not terribly judgemental and is highly understanding of others.
    History: Though he once lived a relatively normal life as a mage and alchemist, a certain event one day mutilated his body--though it gave him the ability to shapeshift. However, one half of his face was badly damaged and he was unable to shapeshift away from it. Also, the aura he gained from after event caused most to avoid him. Seeing this, Kaen withdrew from society and lived alone.
    Weapons: Bow and Arrows; Double-edged sword enhanced by magic and able to negate other magics; Potions he creates
    Rp Sample: Am I required to give a second one?
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