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Finally paid my tuition fee. -_-


  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 3,667
    Hey there. I'm really really sorry for disappearing for a while! For the past two weeks, I've been dealing with many problems in freshman college. My finals didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, my one week break before entering the first week of summer classes didn't really make me any less tired, summer enrollment (that usually lasts a week) was only scheduled for two days, and worst of all, I just got cut from my scholarship.

    That last bit I feel needs some elaboration. See, my philosophy professor gave me an "incomplete" tag in my grade instead of an actual grade, and my scholarship stops subsidizing tuition fees immediately if ever I get either an incomplete or a failing mark on any subject. It wasn't even me; seriously, I wasn't expecting anything like this happening before last Monday. After all, I submitted all requirements the course asked me for on time, so naturally I'd be confused. Turns out my professor misplaced my final requirement somewhere, and that it wasn't his intention to do anything of the sort. ;;

    I'm still hoping that there'll be a leeway I could take to get my scholarship back. But I imagine that would take weeks to get processed, as slow as our university is with those things. I still have to seek my philosophy professor's advice and perhaps a letter or an appeal of some sort from him, too. But I guess there's nothing I could do about that now. I simply had to pay full tuition expenses, and hope that a refund is possible if I get it back. Someone from one of the offices I visited told me I could do that, so I'll be holding on the hope that she's right.

    Thankfully enrollment period was extended till the end of this week, too. I had to take care of the scholarship stuff I mentioned during those two days allotted for summer enrollment (bad timing, right?), so this was certainly a blessing. Gave me time to go through the building-to-building process of advising, validation, assessment, enrollment and payment. In the end, I was able to pay my tuition fee (just a few hours ago, as a matter of fact). I know it's way more than I was supposed to pay because I had no scholarship subsidizing fees, but I'm just glad I got through. Now I'm taking summer classes daily from 7am-10am, and I've never been happier.

    I hope this means I can be back and post again! Here at PC. And hey, if you're still reading this, why not check out the new and improved The Welcome Lounge? It used to be called New Users / Welcome but they changed it and now it sounds cool and new. So go visit and post on some threads or whatever! Say hi to the newbies. :D

    Also I just noticed that this is my second time in a row posting this kind of blog. That's not good, is it? :( I really hope this doesn't become a thing. I'll do my best with juggling all these obligations so that I can slowly increase my activity again.

    I missed you guys a lot.
    My Ciddy's back? ;u; <3
    I'm glad it all worked out for you, and that you only have short classes, now! c:
    And you should totes post blogs about other stuff. Like Pokemon, and HOW MUCH BETTER JELLICENT IS THAN SQUIRTLE. <3
    Missed you dude, I had to babysit the newbies while you were gone (with a bit of help from Cirno of course) but glad to see you back despite the disappointing results lol.
    Jellicent♀;bt87833 said:
    My Ciddy's back? ;u; <3
    I'm glad it all worked out for you, and that you only have short classes, now! c:
    And you should totes post blogs about other stuff. Like Pokemon, and HOW MUCH BETTER JELLICENT IS THAN SQUIRTLE. <3
    Duzzy! <3
    I still have to do some things but so far I am glad I at least accomplished stuff during this absence. ^_^ Scholarship stuff can certainly make you miserable, haha.
    I don't really know what to make blogs about but I will eventually! You gave me good ideas. :D
    Also to that Jellicent and Squirtle bit I say no! >:3 I'll make sure the first blog I make after this says SQUIRTLE > JELLICENT. XD;

    Lady Gunner;bt87834 said:
    CIDDY!!!! We missed you dearly at the server!!!! ::::< AND POST MOAR BLOGS PLS <3
    I missed you guys too Gunner! I need my server fix and I am probably really rough on the edges with battling now. @_@ Also I'll try. ;)

    Hikari10;bt87836 said:
    Missed you dude, I had to babysit the newbies while you were gone (with a bit of help from Cirno of course) but glad to see you back despite the disappointing results lol.
    Thanks Hikari. :D You know you don't have to babysit them, though. :P Still I appreciate your dedication because you guys keep that place lively. I have to join in the fun more! Not gonna post in all the threads made from a particular time until the present like I did that one time last last week though. Gosh that burns you out (that was like eighteen threads in total whoa), and it gets much tougher to be consistently in your best shape welcoming them by each post you force yourself to do. XD I love welcoming them and seeing them reply happily all the same though (I mean I wish more newbies replied to welcomes they get, but to those who do, I cherish the replies way more than you'd think). <3 I'm just gonna post as much as I can. ;D
    Cid, man. Glad to have you back. What happened to you was just unfortunate. Totally hope you get the scholarship back. :( And it is kinda strange how things in both of our lives are going similarly. You and I were both busy with our studies a while ago, preparing for something. Then this unfortunate turn of events happened and your scholarship got cut. While, on the other hand, the exam that I've been preparing for..I screwed up. Time management was a ***** and I'm pretty sure I screwed up really badly. Oh well, glad to hear things are looking up for you. I have another important exam coming up next month so I totally hope things are better this time around.

    Anyway, yeah, like I said, glad to have you back. :)
    Derozio;bt87838 said:
    Cid, man. Glad to have you back. What happened to you was just unfortunate. Totally hope you get the scholarship back. :( And it is kinda strange how things in both of our lives are going similarly. You and I were both busy with our studies a while ago, preparing for something. Then this unfortunate turn of events happened and your scholarship got cut. While, on the other hand, the exam that I've been preparing for..I screwed up. Time management was a ***** and I'm pretty sure I screwed up really badly. Oh well, glad to hear things are looking up for you. I have another important exam coming up next month so I totally hope things are better this time around.

    Anyway, yeah, like I said, glad to have you back. :)
    Thanks Derozio. I hope so too. I don't know what's up with me but I think I've been putting too much of my time and attention to the wrong things, and that's pretty much sabotaging my performance in things that I should put more attention to, not to mention the things I really care about. We're both going through tough times. It's not going to be easier in the near future, but I still believe that we'll get through this. Good luck with your exam coming up! You can do it.

    You should update me more about your life if you feel like sharing those hard times, bro. Especially if it can make you feel better. I'll always have your back.

    Cirno;bt87844 said:
    That really stinks to hear, but we're so glad you're back!! :DD
    Cirno!! I missed you guys so much. I'll definitely be as active as I can! You guys make me feel loved. <3

    Student D1;bt87887 said:
    Glad to see you back here after those unfortunate days you've had. :)
    Thanks Stu. I'm glad to be back. :)