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find her yet? ✜ HOMESTUCK fanclub

  • 37,467
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    • Seen Apr 19, 2024
    [PokeCommunity.com] find her yet? ✜ HOMESTUCK fanclub

    A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man's birthday. On this day, he and his three best friends will start playing the game SBURB, which will bring the apocalypse to Earth and force the kids to grow up and meet aliens, alternate selves and time traveling horrors. Also, they will all get really rad hoods and pajama. Welcome to the new extreme.

    This is the fanclub for the PC members who follow the webcomic/phenomena that is Homestuck by Andrew Hussie, to talk, daydream and discuss the plot that is thickening every day. Homestuck consists of silly gifs, long dialogue, lots of time shenanigans as well as breathtaking flash animations and music. But if you are here, you probably know that already.


    Respect the opinions of others, even if they differ from your own. Always be polite and kind in this club.
    [PokeCommunity.com] find her yet? ✜ HOMESTUCK fanclub

    ==> If the buzzing topic seems old or has been answered by most already, you are free to suggest a new. You are also of course allowed to chitchat at all times, but stay on the topic of MS Paint Adventures-related stuff.

    ==> When you have proved to be an active member, you might be rewarded with the club emblem!


    Your own chumhandle: (with a color if you want!)
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer:
    ==> How far have you read:
    ==> Fav character:




    What's happening with Hiveswap?


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    ==> Username: Antemortem
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Derse
    ==> How far have you read: Admittedly only about 4500+ and I'm super ashamed especially with how much I say I love it. I still do, though I've not caught up yet and am o m g slow at it. Don't hurt me. ;; I do a lot of research (mainly spoilers, oops) on characters so I know some thingsss.
    ==> Answer current topic: My favorite about Homestuck is the childishness of the atmosphere that it conveys while also tucking in adult themes often enough that it stays enjoyable without becoming cheesy or tiring. It's also funny as hell.
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    ==> Username: Drew
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Prospit
    ==> How far have you read: Current and some fan adventures
    ==> Answer current topic: I think it's easier to answer what I don't like about Homestuck, which is roughly nothing, besides the fact that some times certain characters creep me out. I'm part of the fandom via Tumblr, Facebook, and at cosplay conventions. Been caught up for over a year now, and I really like most things about the comic. I love the characters, and the complexity of the game, and how Hussie tends to rely on humor, but one twist can turn it so it's actually really dramatic depending on how you handle it. Gives room for a lot of fandom discussions, and theories, etc. :3
    Username: Limanya
    Prospit or Derse dreamer: Derse
    How far have you read: Completely up to date!
    Answer current topic: Well it impresses me how long this thing already is going on. Seriously, so many pages and Hussie hasn't given up yet?!
    ==> Username: Antemortem
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Derse
    ==> How far have you read: Admittedly only about 4500+ and I'm super ashamed especially with how much I say I love it. I still do, though I've not caught up yet and am o m g slow at it. Don't hurt me. ;; I do a lot of research (mainly spoilers, oops) on characters so I know some thingsss.
    ==> Answer current topic: My favorite about Homestuck is the childishness of the atmosphere that it conveys while also tucking in adult themes often enough that it stays enjoyable without becoming cheesy or tiring. It's also funny as hell.
    Added! Welcome!

    I don't even know how many pages the comic consists of as of now. 5000+? Are you still in Act 5? I hope you're ok with us talking about dancestors and alpha kids, otherwise you'll have to let us know and we'll use spoilers for that :3

    ==> Username: Drew
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Prospit
    ==> How far have you read: Current and some fan adventures
    ==> Answer current topic: I think it's easier to answer what I don't like about Homestuck, which is roughly nothing, besides the fact that some times certain characters creep me out. I'm part of the fandom via Tumblr, Facebook, and at cosplay conventions. Been caught up for over a year now, and I really like most things about the comic. I love the characters, and the complexity of the game, and how Hussie tends to rely on humor, but one twist can turn it so it's actually really dramatic depending on how you handle it. Gives room for a lot of fandom discussions, and theories, etc. :3
    Oh, you're using this account again. Neat :3 Welcome!
    I agree, it's so complex that sometimes I wonder if Hussie is high on a new kind of drug when he's writing it.

    Username: Limanya
    Prospit or Derse dreamer: Derse
    How far have you read: Completely up to date!
    Answer current topic: Well it impresses me how long this thing already is going on. Seriously, so many pages and Hussie hasn't given up yet?!
    Welcome to the club!
    I actually think he's planned out the ending now. And what's up with Gamzee's business?? I wonder if he really planned all his shenanigans out from the start or just came up with it recently O.o

    ==> Username: Ink Heart
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Derse
    ==> How far have you read: Dancestors or something with Dirk? I've been procrastinating lately. xD
    ==> Answer current topic: The trolls, the music, the weird yet interesting yet funny storyline and stuff. Plus the fact that Hussie's been working on this for so long. SO MANY PAGES.
    I too love the music. I hang around the bandcamp and listen to the official music as well as fanmade music very often.

    I think the Derse moon is overweight btw xD Not that it matters~
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    ==> Username: Lt. Col. Fantastic
    ==> Prospit or Derse Dreamer: The quiz told me I was Derse..so..Derse.
    ==> How far have you read: I am up to date at this moment.


    ==> What do you like most about homestuck: I love how big the world is. It's always fun to have over thirty characters with their own pesronalities.
    ==> Username: Lt. Col. Fantastic
    ==> Prospit or Derse Dreamer: The quiz told me I was Derse..so..Derse.
    ==> How far have you read: I am up to date at this moment.


    ==> What do you like most about homestuck: I love how big the world is. It's always fun to have over thirty characters with their own pesronalities.
    Yeah, he really made over 40 characters with their own distinct histories and personalities. That's rather remarkable, I agree.

    I added you ;3 I'm contemplating a change to Prospit just to not let Drew be alone xD I just always thought it seemed more cool to be a Derse dreamer. You could run around and wreaking havoc for the agents prematurely and stuff. And stare out into the abyss, maybe communicate some with creepy horrorterrors. Instead of looking into foretelling clouds. Then again, Prospit looks so beautiful...
    ==> Username: Mr. Mammoth

    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Prospit. Because shiny future-clouds and sunlight are just teh BAWS.

    ==> How far have you read: I'm up to date so far, and I've read some fanstories if that counts.

    ==> Answer current topic: Oh geez, what do I like most about Homestuck? Umm... That it's an anime?

    Okay, seriously though. For me, it's the characters and the humor that makes Homestuck such a wonderful experience and also the fact that Hussie is able to set the mood quite well depending on the situation. I just love to sit and chuckle at Dave's and Tavros' rap-battle, or Karkat just shouting at everybody about... Well, whatever. Equius proclaiming how STRONG he is, or just seeing how the Major runs his business as, a Major. It's all just so, MAGICAL. Oh, and I also love Homestuck for spawning maybe one of the best webcomics of our time besides itself: Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.

    Oh yeah, and then we have the music which is just FFFGGGGGNNNNNNHHHHGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAmazing.
    It's totally the best anime. I added you! and switched to the Prospit camp hehe

    I haven't read many fanstories. I guess I don't find them as interesting as the real thing :p I did read one where Kanaya was a high school student, but I didn't get very far.
    Would you guys have any good fanstories to recommend?

    How about this: we put plot-related things from Act 6 in spoilers, but characters are ok to discuss (like alpha kids and dancestors). Everything up to Cascade is pretty much common knowledge among anyone in the fanbase now, I should guess. Or we'll make it so in this club xD Have to draw the line somewhere.

    SO about these last updates...
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    Yeah, I've read the one with High School Kanaya as well. Though I haven't read all of it. There is actually a Ke$haStuck story of all things which seems to be... Interesting with lack of a better word.

    Yes, about the last update:
    Yeah, I've read the one with High School Kanaya as well. Though I haven't read all of it. There is actually a Ke$haStuck story of all things which seems to be... Interesting with lack of a better word.

    Yes, about the last update:

    Ke$haStuck? xD Sounds interesting indeed. I kind of would prefer to find a fanadventure with original characters though. But all of those I've found seem to be about trolls... Why do people love trolls so much? I think the humans are much more interesting.

    ==> Username: Cid
    ==> Prospit or Derse dreamer: Prospit. Hussie says Prospitians are inherently introverts (or that's how I interpreted it, haha) so I suppose I fit in that description. :p
    ==> How far have you read: I'm up to date! I only got into the fandom last year out of sheer curiosity, and I'm glad I did. It's got one of the best fandoms imo; fitting for a great webcomic in the first place. <3
    ==> Answer current topic: No, because I've never read any Homestuck fanfiction, unfortunately. u_u Ke$haStuck and High School Kanaya sound like interesting reads, haha. Might check them out soon, just so I could get a piece of that Homestuck fanfic action. Also I agree! I like the humans way more than the trolls, and it's odd that the fandom seems to cater to the trolls so much with the work that they produce. The trolls are pretty cool in their own right, but I only really like a handful of them, so. :\

    Regarding the recent update:

    Regarding which to put in spoilers, I think that's a good plan. (b'')b But personally I think the main thing we have to put in spoilers is character deaths. Everything else wouldn't make much sense to the ignorant anyway. Or at least I think so, haha.

    Also guys I saw you talking about the god tier title test in Tumblr back in the old Homestuck fanclub.
    Is it this one? It's just that you never linked it there, so I was left wondering. :p
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    ==> Username: Cid

    Adding you! Introverts, you say? Perhaps :3 I didn't think John seemed very introvert though. Just a bit odd xD

    It's not so much fanfiction as real Homestuck-copies actually. People do their own art, sometimes Hussie-style, and post on the official forums to let the readers choose what happens next. Just like Hussie did in the beginning with Homestuck. Here are some stuff which I think would be perfectly fine to post here since it's very relevant and on-topic.

    I wrote something here but now I've changed my mind and write something else xD Trolls are interesting when I really think about it, partly for having different blood colors and castes and partly for different psychic powers being pretty normal there so possibilities are many when making up characters. Plus, all the quadrants. ALL OF THEM.


    The test you linked to is the "advanced" one, yes. Here is the simpler one.
    Well I'm not really sure if introvert's the right word for it, haha. I'm sure the Dersites are pretty outspoken, though! Like Dave and Roxy are generally chatty, and Rose and Dirk are pretty smartassy. :p Sure John, Jade and Jake have their fair share of ramblings, but they're generally a lot less prone to talking than the Dersites, imo. Jane is just cute. <3 And besides, we only see them talking to their really close buddies they met in the Internet. Like look at how Jade dealt with the trolls at first, and compare that with how Dave dealt with Terezi. Oh and Kanaya being a Prospitian contrary to Rose being a Dersite is what I generally look at when seeing what defines each. :3

    I'm ashamed to say that I've never made an MSPA Forums account. I just lurk that place for the Let's Read Homestuck CoLab thread from their YouTube channel, so I'm really not as involved with the fandom as I'd like to be. XD; Buuut the adventures thing sounds really interesting! I might try reading some.

    Ah I get what you mean. But character-wise I just don't find myself favoring trolls over the humans, so I stick to what I said. u_u Troll culture is really interesting, weird, indulging, surprisingly consistent and most of all, fun, but as for my opinion on the specific trolls that are introduced, they're okay. A couple of them stand out, but the others are just meh. That's saying something, because I love all eight kids a lot, haha. About that, the quadrants just always remind me of the long explanation that Hussie gave us that I bothered to read out of sheer boredom (and curiosity, I suppose) so ugh. Still, I like how it explains their relationships and pairings. And I sort of like that about Nepeta, too, because she's really cute when she does the whole shipping thing. :]

    More JUJUtalk

    Ah I've taken that, too. I remember I got Page of Space for that simple one and then Mage of Void for the in-depth one. I think Mage of Void captures me more, though, so I consider that much more accurate. B)
    Hmm. In that case, I should maybe be a Derse dreamer after all xD If the trolls would contact me, I'd be like Terezi on them and try to make them do things, or I'd try to talk to as many of them as possible.

    I made an account but I don't really go there. Maybe have made some post somewhere but can't completely remember.

    We can all have our own opinions ^^ I used to debate with myself if I liked Terezi or Vriska the most and now I think that Terezi has won me over. Mostly because she turned pretty sane later on, while Vriska just... was Vriska. I also love Meenah, for some reason I can't really explain. The quadrants make their interaction more interesting, yeah ^^

    even more Jujutheory

    Maybe I should do the advanced test then, since people seem to think that result fits them better ^^ I was a Mage of Light or maybe it was Hope, when I took the light test.​
    Omg Meenah. I went through such a phase when Meenah when she was in the series more, I really liked her, and that's toned now a bit now because she hasn't been around in a while, but yeah. She was really cool to me for a bit. I really like Vriska too, but my favorite troll is Sollux.

    I'm on the MSPA forums, but I made the account when I was real new to the series, and I never use it. I prefer other forms of the fandom.

    As for the title / aspect tests, there are two huge ones going around right now. They're both complex. One is the original huge one with three parts, I was Prince of Blood on that one. The other is also complex, but its newer and still being worked on.. that was Prince of Hope, for me. -w- If I can find a link to the second one, I wanna hand it to some of you, it's a neat test.
    I'd be happy to take that new test :3 Seems you're truly a Prince, then ^^

    btw, have you guys seen this? It's a highly interesting read, I think. Especially the very last chapters, about the lore. Totally not canon though, since they have invented new aspects and roles and changed the plot and mechanics around a bit in some places. https://archiveofourown.org/works/340777/chapters/551606
    I took the long title test on ThePageofHope or whatever it was called. I got A tie between Bard of Heart and Mind.

    I just now took the shorter one...and I got....Page of Time?

    Thats quite a jump.

    I took the deep quiz and I'm a Page of Doom O.o Quite ominous. Helpless in the beginning and then devastating xD Never quite liked the doom aspect, because I don't really understand it. At least I'd be hawt in le briefs.

    Act 5 Act 1

    Also, stumbled upon this. Only in spoilers because of size.
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