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Well that depends on your taste buds, I used to hate coffee too but one day I dunno, tried the right one I guess and it was really nice!

Same with milk, I never used to drink milk I thought it tasted vile, but now, I could drink a couple of glasses a day and love it
Chess would create more headaches due to having to think about every move, unlike with the game we're playing atm which requires only hand-eye coordination really, or hand mouse coordination.. or mouse computer coordination?
But that's my point!
If almost none of us know how to play chess, then we're all equally matched!
Except chess that uses a computer usually shows you all of your options so you don't need to know the rules or even how to play.
And getting a new thread for an Event as big as this is probably hard. I don't see why everyone wants a new one, anyway.
It's not about not knowing the rules, or how to play. In my case, it's about being crap at strategies.

The double posting is precisely the reason. It happens when threads get a lot of replies. That's why some need to be remade

And I swear if I get another double post I'm just going to talk to people in the group chat instead. (wait actually that might be a great idea. using the group for what it was meant for. perhaps we don't need a new thread after all)
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Alright seems like a "Legend" has got the Highest Score here & the "Legend" is GreenLegend56 not, its the other Legend, ur very own LegendChu ^^.

When I saw Green's score, I was motivated to beat it & I just did, so I though I'd go ahead & post it {:3}.

Here it is:-



LEGENDCHU - 55,334
GreenLegend56 - 53,464
3. NeonJelly13 - 46,805
4. AlolaMaster (Komala) - 31,065

- 30,650
Dedenne1 - 26,156
Espeonica - 22,914
8. Cakesu - 19,723

STILL TO PLAY - Caite-chan, DyingWillFlareon, Master Snowy & Your Everyday Ghost

I'll give the rest of u who haven't played, some more time.

And the ones who have, well the Challenge has been laid out, beat my score if u can >:).

U need to beat at least GreenLegend56's score, to be Safe, coz even if I finish as the highest scorer, the one with the second highest score will be Safe from Elimination.

Just a reminder - Flare (DyingWillFlareon), JellyBoy (NeonJelly13), Espeonica & AlolaMaster are already SAFE for this Round, irrespective of what Score they end up with. If any of them gets the highest (or 2nd highest, in case I'm the highest scorer ;)) score, they'll also be Safe, for the Next Round.

Let's have some more competition here {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
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I'm fine with just being third.
That game was going to drive me crazy, anyway. Six hours of it today was more than enough.
Yeah, u're safe for this round anyways. And moreover, u do have a big advantage over the others, if u play as two entities (or three), because:-

Yep, he is, coz having him as two entities, will give him a distinct advantage. Applying simple maths, there are a total of 11 players in the game right now, each having a 1/11 chance of winning. But since NeonJelly13 is two entities, his chances of winning increase to 2/12 or to be more precise 1/6.
Applying science, Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert, monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air & forms no uncharged chemical compounds. It is also lighter than air, causing it to escape even from Earth's atmosphere.
Jelly is a clear or translucent fruit-flavoured dessert made by warming & then cooling a liquid containing gelatin or a similar setting agent in a mould or dish so that it sets into a semi-solid, somewhat elastic mass.
These definitions clearly suggest that NoenJelly13 can adapt himself to different environments & thus has a much greater chance of escaping Elimination than the others, especially if counted as separate entities.
Also, if he splits into three entities - Neon, Jelly & 13, his chances of winning increase to 15/13 (1 (Neon) + 1 (Jelly) + 13 = 15), which is more than 100%, giving him a very unfair advantage over the others.
And this refutes ur claims that being two entities is a disadvantage ^_^

Pika Pika :chu:
No, it's a disadvantage, because of a few other reasons I forgot to mention:

1. I have terrible luck most of the time
2. Being more than one entity wasn't a part of my plan
3. Having more than one entity to pay attention to lowers my chances of making it through the game, since there'll be more of me to eliminate
4. You say that the more entities I am, the higher my chances of winning are, but in truth, it only lowers my chances drastically. Currently, there are eleven players left in the game. Now, let's pretend that this round was the final round, and that ten people were to be eliminated (because I don't know how many people will be eliminated per round from here on out). According to those odds, I would have a 1/11 chance of winning. However, if there were three entities belonging to me, then it would be 3/13. That's a much higher chance, you might say, but since we're using a voting system and this isn't a computer, my chances would be lower, since
a) Everyone knows that
b) To eliminate me, they would have to eliminate all three of me, and they wouldn't eliminate one or two unless they wanted me to win
c) Knowing that I would have greater odds of winning, the other players would target me and eliminate the biggest threat to them

In the end, due to human psychology, I would be eliminated.
There is no advantage to be had here, LegendChu.

LEGENDCHU - 55,334
GreenLegend56 - 53,464
3. NeonJelly13 - 46,805
4. AlolaMaster (Komala) - 31,065

- 30,650
Dedenne1 - 26,156
Espeonica - 22,914
Your Everyday Ghost - 21,418
9. Cakesu - 19,723

STILL TO PLAY - Caite-chan, DyingWillFlareon & Master Snowy

Only a few more hours guys, before the Challenge closes. If those of u who haven't played yet, don't get a score in & the others who have, don't get a better score, as it stands now, GreenLegend56 will be SAFE from elimination & urs truly, LegendChu, will be declared the Ultimate Delphox Tamer.

Pika Pika :chu:
So are we ever gonna finish this challenge?

I mean originally the time limit was about 2pm my time yesterday and now its 931am i think everyones had enough time and I for one would like to move on....
Come on Flareon don't be like that, we love you here at PC and especially at Survivor and in the Trivia threads! We're always here for ya!