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wait so that means we didn't have to vote snowy off.

what happens now? are votes for snowy invalid or something since she was just going to leave anyway?
Oh yeah, I remember Laguna.

The Flare's biggest regret was probably voting off Flareon instead of Laguna, unaware of what Laguna was going to do next round. Probably our lowest point in the game. Ah, memories.
User Name: Master Snowy
Voting Against: Forever and Your Everyday Ghost (because I cannot vote for myself and I was planning on voting out the strongest this time around if life hadn't gotten in the way.)

And daw, thank you for understanding and cooperating with me for my sudden leave you guys :'D Each one of your thoughts/ wishes have been appreciated <3

I've been in contact with Chu and he had agreed to post my vote here even though I couldn't come online on this forum myself.

But I'm not sure if that would have resulted in some confusion or not. So, I tried to make it in myself today.

This is the last you'll see of me

Take good care all of you and good luck with the event!

It was an amazing run while it lasted and will forever remain as a great memory on my mind!

Keep smiling then! :)



Yes, I'm no more in the game (on the account that I won't be posting anymore, I.e., I'll be like Catman). But you still have to vote me out.

I hope I will not be taken as a part of the jury, as that will be difficult for me to accomplish. So, I hope that my vote will not be needed in the jury (and that I can be ignored), but in case of dire circumstances, feel free to mail me Chu and I shall give my vote through the mail. I hope this won't be a problem.

Let Chu know,

Take good care everyone...

And keep smiling! :)
User Name: Master Snowy
Voting Against: Forever and Your Everyday Ghost (because I cannot vote for myself and I was planning on voting out the strongest this time around if life hadn't gotten in and such.)

And daw, Hank you for understanding and cooperating with me for my sudden leave you guys :'D Each on of your thoughtful posts have been appreciated <3

I've been in contact with Chu and he had agreed to post my vote here even though I couldn't come online on this forum myself.

But I'm not sure if that would have resulted in some confusion or not. So, I tried to make it in myself today.

This is the last you'll see of me

Take good care all of you and good luck with the event!

It was an amazing run while it lasted and will forever remain as a great memory on my mind!

Keep smiling then! :)

Edit: Yes, I'm no more in the game (on the account that I won't be posting anymore, I.e., I'll be like Catman). But you still have to vote me out.

I hope I will not be taken as a part of the jury, as that will be difficult for me to accomplish. So, I hope that my vote will not be needed in the jury (and that I can be ignored), but in case of dire circumstances, feel free to mail me Chu and I shall give my vote through the mail. And I hope this won't be a problem with anyone.

Let Chu know, I guess...

Take good care everyone...

And keep smiling! :)
rip master snowy. we will forever cherish her last words

User Name: Master Snowy
Voting Against: Forever and Your Everyday Ghost (because I cannot vote for myself and I was planning on voting out the strongest this time around if life hadn't gotten in and such.)

And daw, Hank you for understanding and cooperating with me for my sudden leave you guys :'D Each on of your thoughtful posts have been appreciated <3

I've been in contact with Chu and he had agreed to post my vote here even though I couldn't come online on this forum myself.

But I'm not sure if that would have resulted in some confusion or not. So, I tried to make it in myself today.

This is the last you'll see of me

Take good care all of you and good luck with the event!

It was an amazing run while it lasted and will forever remain as a great memory on my mind!

Keep smiling then! :)

Edit: Yes, I'm no more in the game (on the account that I won't be posting anymore, I.e., I'll be like Catman). But you still have to vote me out.

I hope I will not be taken as a part of the jury, as that will be difficult for me to accomplish. So, I hope that my vote will not be needed in the jury (and that I can be ignored), but in case of dire circumstances, feel free to mail me Chu and I shall give my vote through the mail. And I hope this won't be a problem with anyone.

Let Chu know, I guess...

Take good care everyone...

And keep smiling! :)
And daw, Hank you for understanding and cooperating with me for my sudden leave you guys :'D Each on of your thoughtful posts have been appreciated <3

I've been in contact with Chu and he had agreed to post my vote here even though I couldn't come online on this forum myself.

But I'm not sure if that would have resulted in some confusion or not. So, I tried to make it in myself today.

This is the last you'll see of me

Take good care all of you and good luck with the event!

It was an amazing run while it lasted and will forever remain as a great memory on my mind!

Keep smiling then! :)

Edit: Yes, I'm no more in the game (on the account that I won't be posting anymore, I.e., I'll be like Catman). But you still have to vote me out.

I hope I will not be taken as a part of the jury, as that will be difficult for me to accomplish. So, I hope that my vote will not be needed in the jury (and that I can be ignored), but in case of dire circumstances, feel free to mail me Chu and I shall give my vote through the mail. And I hope this won't be a problem with anyone.

Let Chu know, I guess...

Take good care everyone...

And keep smiling! :)
I know Snowy might not read this, but still

Thanks a lot for voting Snowy really appreciate it {:3}. I know why u want to leave & I can totally respect that :).

Thnx for being a gr8 player, it was fun having u on this Event.

About the Jury thing, I'll let u know.

And so, the Tribal Council ends here.


Master Snowy - 6 Votes (CutieWillFlareon, AlolaMaster, Caite-chan, Your Everyday Ghost, NeonJelly13, Espeonica)
Cakesu - 6 Votes (AlolaMaster, Your Everyday Ghost, Forever, GreenLegend, Espeonica, Dedenne1)
Caite-chan - 4 Votes (NeonJelly13, Forever, GreenLegend, Dedenne1)
Dedenne1 - 3 Votes (CutieWillFlareon, Caite-chan, Cakesu)
Forever - 2 Votes (Cakesu, Master Snowy)
Your Everyday Ghost - 1 Vote (Master Snowy)

In DANGER of Elimination (NOT Eliminated yet)
Master Snowy - 6 Votes
Cakesu - 6 Votes

Elimination (NOT Eliminated yet)
Caite-chan - 4 Votes (in case any of the above (Snowy &/or Cakesu) play an Idol) >:)
Dedenne1 - 3 Votes (in case any of the above (Snowy &/or Cakesu &/or Caite) play an Idol) >:)

The interesting part of the game again - Hidden Immunity Idols.

Master Snowy said:
Type - Electric
Cakesu said:
Type - Water

Listen carefully both of u, who are in Danger of Elimination.

Master Snowy & Cakesu are in Danger of Elimination. If any of u have an Hidden Immunity Idol, now would be the time to Play it. Do it as quickly as u can, or u will be Eliminated.

I'm sure everyone knows how to play their Idols, its already been explained, so pull that out of ur bag & do it asap.

Pika Pika :chu:
Last edited:
I want to play my Hidden Immunity Idol !

Alright, so Cakesu plays the Hidden Immunity Idol, is Safe from Elimination. But Tribal Council is NOT over yet.

In DANGER of Elimination (NOT Eliminated yet)
Master Snowy - 6 Votes
Caite-chan - 4 Votes

Elimination (NOT Eliminated yet)
Dedenne1 - 3 Votes (in case any of the above (Snowy &/or Caite) play an Idol) >:)
Forever - 2 Votes (in case any of the above (Snowy &/or Caite &/or Dedenne) play an Idol) >:)
Your Everyday Ghost - 1 Vote
(in case any of the above (Snowy &/or Caite &/or Dedenne &/or Forever) play an Idol) >:)

If u haven't guessed it yet, more Hidden Immunity Idols might come into play >_>.

Master Snowy & Caite-chan are in Danger of Elimination now. If any of u have an Hidden Immunity Idol, now would be the time to Play it. Do it as quickly as u can, or u will be Eliminated.

Pika Pika :chu:
Considering its a Ghost....i guess its already Dead?? BOO crap wrong thread


Spoiler: 2LEGIT
Nice try "CUTIEWILLFLAREON" ^_^! Maybe, just maybe, u might have a chance to win a real one ;)!

Adding to what Ghost said, Snowy, it would be great if you could take DyingWillFlareon's "immunity idol" with you.
She might not need one >:)

Pika Pika :chu: