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[Other OPEN] Fire Emblem: Flames of War (M/OOC)


Serious Punch!
  • 76
    • Seen Oct 5, 2017
    [PokeCommunity.com] Fire Emblem: Flames of War (M/OOC)

    [font="Kaushan Script]Fire Emblem: Flames of War[/font]


    [font="Kaushan Script]History[/font]

    Centuries ago, the island continent of Rathun was at peace. Rule was centralized under its one king who sat upon the Dragonthrone, an artifact from the ancient days of the kingdom. This king had three sons: Tiar, the eldest and most wise; Orwyn, who was hot-headed and obsessed with war; and finally Leincrast, the youngest brother, who was seen as a coward, but was actually a gifted diplomat. The king favored all three of his sons equally, and each believed their father wanted them as his successor.

    One day, however, tragedy struck. During a meal with his court, the king was poisoned, and died within minutes. The three brothers were outraged; they thought one of the brothers had been the one to poison their father. With no clear successor, the brothers began to fight for control, splitting the nation in three. To the east, Orwyn took to the large deserts to rally the nomadic tribes there to his cause; Tiar took to the west, with its many resources, to begin the construction of war machines; and Leincrast, driven out by his brothers, made the journey over the Tharsian mountains to claim the fertile land of the north.

    Over the next few centuries, the original names of these places were forgotten, and they came to be known by the names of their kings. Orwyn and Tiar constantly fought for control of Dragonthrone, for they knew the one heir who controlled the throne had a symbol of power to rally the entire country around. This struggle would continue for several lifetimes, each generation making even fiercer war.

    Leincrast, however, had settled into a psuedo-peace. With the Tharsian mountains as a natural wall, they rarely were involved with the other two countries' conflicts, and as such developed the furthest. Its line of rulers kept to their founder's ideal of peace: that only by ending the war can the old kingdom rise again.

    Today is the 400th anniversary of this split, and the Dragonthrone still stands dark and empty as ever. What's more, raids from northeastern Rothar's sea tribes have increased in ferocity and number. Little could any know, but a group of great warriors would soon be called by fate to end this conflict once and for all, and restore Rathun back to its former glory.


    [font="Kaushan Script]The Beginning[/font]

    This RP will begin in the city or Arthus, capital of Leincrast, during the annual celebration of the forming of the nation. There will be some time for characters to interact with the environment or each other, until the grand ceremony begins. The city is quite large, with shops selling nearly everything in its main square. People from across the nation have gathered in the capital for this celebration, and it is said that their prince will be giving a rather rousing speech come the grand ceremony...

    You will have a few posts to set your character into the world, then the ceremony will begin.


    [font="Kaushan Script]Mechanics[/font]

    This RP will function in three distinct phases, each with unique mechanics.

    Towns: While in a town or city that isn't hostile, characters will have some time to do as they please. Players can use this sandbox-time to develop characters and relax. Most towns and cities have the basic amenities and shops, from food to clothing to armor and weapons. Events may trigger in these zones, but they are much less likely to involve moving to combat.

    Combat: Combat encounters will make up a large part of this RP. There are two phases to combat: planning and action. At the beginning of a combat encounter, I will give you a scenario in the OOC thread, and players will discuss a plan of action there. Once a final strategy has been reached, we will move back to the IC thread, and proceed as planned. Combat action will be more freeform than in-game, just know that most characters won't be capable of mowing down hordes of enemies. It will be up to players to move combat along, but I have the ability to move things along if need be.

    Travel: While out of combat and not in a town, the party is in travel. During this time, Characters will mainly have time to interact, though they may have to make some decisions. Also during this time, a random event may occur, which can range from a full-fledged combat encounter to a new character being introduced to the party.

    There are also several important mechanics regarding combat.

    The Weapon Triangle: Every weapon in the game is strong against one set of weapon classes and weak against the other. Swords/Tomes beat Axes/Bows, which beat Lances/Shuriken, which beat Swords/Tomes. Tomes also have a subset Triangle: Anima beats Light, which beats Dark, which beats Anima.

    Traits: Some units have special traits, which interact with specific weapons. Most weapons have a trait-slayer variant which deals double damage against units with that trait (for example, a Myrmidon with a beastslayer sword could probably beat a Cavalier, even though he is working against the Weapon Triangle). Flying units are excepted from this, as they always take double damage from ANY bow weapon.


    [font="Kaushan Script]Rules:[/font]

    -Keep your character realistic. No godmodding/Gary Stus please.

    -Your posts will need to be at least 5 sentences long for each character, meaning detail is your best friend.

    -This is rated M for a reason. There will be love, there will be death. That being said, keep it from being too explicit.

    -If your character dies, you are welcome to make a new one.

    -To show that you've read the rules, put your favorite Fire Emblem game in the Other section of your form.

    -GM's have the final word. If you are asked to change something in your form/post, please do so.

    -If you are having a problem with a player, please settle it privately by either PM'ing them or a GM/Moderator.

    -Each player may have a maximum of 2 characters. This number may change as we progress, depending on how many people join.

    -All forms go in this thread. Anything in the IC thread will be ignored.

    -Most importantly, HAVE FUN!


    [font="Kaushan Script]Form:[/font]

    Name: (Self explanatory, first and last are required.)
    Age: (Nothing under 16 please.)
    Gender: (I'll accept anything just about anything.)
    Sexuality: (Again, anything is fine.)
    Class: (Check this handy spreadsheet for all available classes! Most characters should be base class, but I'll accept pre-promotes if your reasoning is good enough. There is a maximum of 2 Lord characters.)
    Hometown: (This can be anywhere, but they're going to somehow be finding their way into Leincrast before the start of the RP, or somewhere along the party's route after we have begun.)
    Appearance: (This can be an image or a description. If you go with a description, please try to be as detailed as possible.)
    Personality: (How your character interacts, their morals, etc. Minimum of 7 sentences.)
    History: (Where your character came from and how they became who they are today. Minimum 7 sentences.)
    Other: (There's something important here.)
    Theme Song: (Optional, but a fun addition nonetheless.)

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    Although I wanted to see the finalized OOC thread before I made a definitive decision, I would still feel bad not to say anything at all after expressing so much interest, so here's some musings of mine:

    Firstly, I'm getting a real "game-y" impression here—and this may be worded awkwardly—but the lack of explanation for some mechanics adopted from the subject material is a personal turn-off. A prominent example existed with the classes; why and how can troubadours only possibly impact the opposite gender? Why can only archers "open locks"? And, most importantly, why are characters defined by classes initially? As there's no provided justifications for questions like these, I'm left with only one implicated answer: that's just "how it is" in Fire Emblem, and it would work fine enough in the context of a videogame, but when those details are then translated into a more literary setting, it could cause confusion and even contention later down the road if the mechanics aren't as smoothly interwoven into the narrative. I do get the impression that players are expected to treat this as a writing experience from the emphasis on that personality section with a sentence minimum as well, so I do see complications as being preeminent.

    The other reason I'm hesitating making a sign-up is because of—and remember, both of my complaints are based entirely off of personal preference—the presumed emphasis on possessing more than one characte. Frankly speaking, when players are encouraged to have two characters, depth becomes less of a priority. Again, this is an entirely subjective perspective as someone could just as well root for having more than one character for one RP, but from my experience on other forums where playing one character is less of a "given", so to speak, those same players are bound to place less effort into either sign-up; the idea of playing two characters encourages separating general concepts, personality traits, and other idiosyncrasies. Instead of compromising and merging said concepts, traits, etc. into one deeper entity, the end results are separate and comparatively flatter. For example, I make a bubbly archer and a surly, stoic cavalier. If I can choose between either class, my end result could be either a cavalier who balances the zeal that comes with her youth and newness to combat with a forthright, composed nature or a more emotional archer who slides from excitable to ireful when his brittle self-assurance is shattered by conflict. If I could've had my cake and eaten it too with a character to split my seemingly contrasting ideas upon, I may not have been led to think more outside of the box, creating someone more memorable in the process.

    Hopefully it doesn't come across as too selfish to pass on a game where owning two characters is purely optional; I feel roleplays with multiple characters per player tend to have a "bloated" feel to them as well, and the idea of a player moreover retaining multiple roles within one game doesn't sit well with me.

    Ultimately, it's up to you how you run your game, and I'll express again that I don't at all want to come across as stating factually that "This is how a RP must be run!!" I'd wish good tidings for "Flames of War" either way.
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    Posting some opinion before going to make one, I guess.

    This RP is most likely to be a tabletop one (well, aren't they all?) and in many games of this title where there's just so many characters but still less than hundred joining up the army to fight in a war between bandits, soldiers and strange creatures alike, I think I can see why multiple characters are allowed. Unless the author states otherwise, it's to compensate the number of players who has interest of the said RP with the number of characters that will appear when the RP starts until its end. Not everyone might get the same feel or interest resulting in minimum amount of players, I have yet to notice this thread what a liar and it seems that it just needs more attention. The problems aforementioned may be true and will still occur, but in how the games' works then I think that's just fine as how it is, the roleplayers however will still need directions and maintain their activity to make sure it's not dead, while they can always cooperate between the other roleplayers. All they need is a great GM, interested and active players, and explanation on how they will do the RP. (Which needs to be enlightened more, tho) That's that.

    Anyway, I'm curious with how the story will continue and few things. Are certain similar classes from precedessors are alright? (Let's say, a Thief who wields swords, or knives as in Telisus Series instead of an Outlaw from Nohr who wields bows or a nomadic looking Myrmidon instead of light-armored Samurai?)
    You're definitely allowed to have any previous classes, I've just been too busy with life to have updated the spreadsheet with ones I might be missing. Do note that I do have a more customized list than just Fates classes: the Myrmidon is in there, as well as some others that are going by their old class names/abilities. I am in the process of adding to that spreadsheet though, so if you are not yet decided on your class I'd hold off for that.
    I'd say it'd be up to the player, but if a character gets caught in combat it'll probably end with them dying (trait weaknesses would be the biggest factor, followed by weapon triangle).
    I'll be making a SU as soon as I can. Excited for fire emblem :D

    @Cutiefly: Perfect! I was beginning to worry. I'll go ahead and make my own as well.
    (Almost done)

    Name: Kiro Irakuza
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
    Class: Ninja (A shuriken using warrior who deals lower damage, but lowers enemies' ability with each attack.)

    Hometown: A village hidden within the Great Forest

    Appearance: Darkish skinned and 6 feet tall. With a young looking face, he has straightened super dark red hair that appears as a nearly black, very dark brown that is just like his eyes. There's also a streak of dark red dye in front that drapes slightly over his left eye.

    As for his outfit, Kiro's, "Robes of Exile," going from top to bottom, consisted of a hood that featured an eagle's beak at the center, paired with a ninja's lower face mask, and a black cloak accompanied the armor. Below, the metal portions of the armor appeared to have a gold tint, while the leather portions were black. The chest plate appeared to be made up of several thin overlapping metal guards. A red sash was worn around the waist, along with a belt containing pouches, and scabbards for shurikens, with a buckle featuring an eagle symbol over the sash. In addition to being black, the very breathable robes worn under the armor and between his unseen clothes were made up of three layers. Shorter in the front and longer in the back, each layer was longer than the one above it, and the longest, lower layer was segmented, giving the whole piece a look resembling an eagle's wings to signify freedom. When preparing for combat he changes the color scheme to blend with the battlefield.

    Personality: Maturity is sometimes hard to find in Kiro, though he can get serious when it counts, as he is very rash and fun loving. It often gets him into trouble. He goes about life in a very carefree manner, until he gets into an undesirable situation that is. He often procrastinates with things he doesn't want to do to have fun. Kiro also isn't the nicest person at times, occasionally teasing for his own amusement. He also has an affinity for puns, which is as useless as it is annoying. The reason behind his exile is one of his most well kept secrets, as he finds it to be extremely shameful.

    History: Originally from the Great Forest, Kiro now roams Rathun freely on his, "Pilgrimage of Exile," a respected tradition that allows those exiled from his clan to return by proving their worth and returning a better person. Kiro only recently arrived at Arthus after a harrowing trek through the mountains, and has decided to stay until he finds a reason to leave. (I would put the reason for his exile here, but I feel that'd ruin the fun of finding it out IC)

    Other: Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
    Theme Song: Twins of Duality (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pSjBc65FYBI)
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    Name: Sexton Harcastle
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Violence
    Class: Lord (Axe)
    Hometown: He's the son of the chieftain of a band of nomads. They mostly herd animals and pillage around the Tharsian mountains.
    Personality: (How your character interacts, their morals, etc. Minimum of 7 sentences.)
    History: Hawke is the son of the cheiftain of a bunch of nomadic barbarians, who call themselves Dragon's Spire. You'd think he'd be offended by being called a "barbarian," but he and most of his fellow tribesmen take pride in the title. Despite being stereotyped as bandits and sellswords, his people do have a code of honor. Due to his heritage, he's technically considered a lord, and him and his family are grudgingly allowed to state affairs. They don't usually attend, and when they do, they're mostly treated as an embarrassment. However, they also keep many factions of bandits and raiders in check, so getting rid of them is a bad idea.
    Other: Blazing Sword 4 lyfe
    Theme Song:
    Title: Metalingus Artist: After Bridge & Jim Johnston I'll post a link later 'cause it's a really good song but I just started so no posting links for this whacky guy
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