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Fire power: a pokemon term?


S P A R K of madness
  • 8,401

    So, the freshmen (even some sophomores) in our team sports class like to get cocky and arrogant, a lot. Well, before our baseball game, both sides were diagnosing the strength of each team; I said our team had a lot of fire power. In response this lil' 4'8'' kid (I swear, they get smaller every year), on my team, says "fire power? What is this, pokemon? Where do ya get this stuff" *continues to laugh, chest-bumping his other buddies like he's king of the hill*

    what. the. hell. o_o Since when did military terms become closely related to pocket monsters?

    The comebacks people try to muster these days. D:

    /blog for the hell of it
    Well if he knows about fire power then he must know some about pokemon :/
    And wow, you have baseball in the fall? o:
    And what is Team sports class??? O_O like gym or something?
    Every time my parents tell me that Pokemon is for babies, I remind them that Pokemon is an awful lot like dog fighting takes skills and strategy. 8D