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Development: [FR] Triple Layer Tiles using Block References

Shiny Quagsire

I'm Still Alive, Elsewhere
  • 697
    So for a long time there has been a bit of an underground-ish ASM routine (made by diegoisawesome) that's gone around which enabled a hacker to have a triple layered blocks, which is done by using the bottom layer of the next block as the third layer of the tripled block. To demonstrate graphically, imagine this is your average block:

    [bottom layer (4 bytes)] [top layer (4 bytes)]

    Depending on the background byte, these two layers will be loaded with either both underneath the player or the top layer above the player. With the triple layer tiles, it will load like this:

    [bottom layer (4 bytes)] [middle layer layer (4 bytes)] {player} [top layer (4 bytes)]

    However, I found this system to be slightly inefficient, and given all the extra bits that Fire Red has been blessed with by GameFreak due to the fact that Fire Red has 4 bytes for block behaviors instead of 2, we can utilise these extra bits available to us to create a reference-based triple-layer tile. That is, a tile which will tell the game which block to pull it's top layer from.

    To start, I wrote out the original block rendering routine, which can be compiled and inserted at 0805A9B4. In it's current state, it is very inefficient and has a lot of repeating code:
    push {r4,lr}
    mov r4, r1
    lsl r2, r2, #0x10
    lsr r2, r2, #0x10
    cmp r0, #0x1
    beq underplayer
    cmp r0, #0x1
    bgt triple
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq overplayer
    b render
    cmp r0, #0x2
    bne render
    @ Commented out due to space restrictions. This code block is unused anyhow.
    @ Write bottom blocks
    @ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    @ldr r0, [r0]
    @lsl r3,r2,#0x1
    @add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4]
    strh r1, [r0] @ Write top left bg tile
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x2]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r2, r0
    add r2, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x4]
    strh r1, [r2]
    add r0, #0x42
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x6]
    strh r1, [r0]
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r0, r3, r0
    mov r2, #0x0
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r1, r0
    add r1, #0x40
    strh r2, [r1]
    add r0, #0x42
    strh r2, [r0]
    b overplayer_bg1
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3,r2,#0x1
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4]
    strh r1, [r0] @ Write top left bg tile
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x2]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r2, r0
    add r2, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x4]
    strh r1, [r2]
    add r0, #0x42
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x6]
    strh r1, [r0]
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x8]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0xA]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r2, r0
    add r2, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xC]
    strh r1, [r2]
    add r0, #0x42
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xE]
    strh r1, [r0]
    @ Clear other existing blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r3, r3, r0
    mov r1, #0x0
    strh r1, [r3]
    strh r1, [r3,#0x2]
    mov r0, r3
    add r0, #0x40
    strh r1, [r0]
    add r3, #0x42
    str r1, [r3]
    b render
    @ Write nothing to bottom (not sure why they use 0x3014 :/)
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3,r2, #1
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldr r1, _3014
    mov r2, r1
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r1, r0
    add r1, #0x40
    strh r2, [r1]
    add r0, #0x42
    strh r2, [r0]
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x2]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    mov r2, r0
    add r2, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x4]
    strh r1, [r2]
    add r0, #0x42
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x6]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r3, r3, r0
    ldrh r0, [r4,#0x8]
    strh r0, [r3]
    ldrh r0, [r4,#0xA]
    strh r0, [r3,#0x2]
    mov r1, r3
    add r1, #0x40
    ldrh r0, [r4,#0xC]
    strh r0, [r1]
    add r3, #0x42
    ldrh r0, [r4,#0xE]
    strh r0, [r3]
    mov r0, #0x1
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x2
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x3
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    pop {r4}
    pop {r0}
    bx r0
    bx r1
    .align 2
    overworld_bg1_tilemap: .long 0x03005018
    overworld_bg2_tilemap: .long 0x03005014
    overworld_bg3_tilemap: .long 0x0300501C
    _3014: .long 0x3014
    render_bgmap: .long 0x080F67A4+1
    I should probably note that this version was actually slightly larger due to the bl's at the end, and as such part of the unused part of the routine was cut out. But, after some optimisations we can come out with a much cleaner version of this renderer which is a lot more efficient:
    push {r4,lr}
    mov r4, r1
    lsl r2, r2, #0x10
    lsr r2, r2, #0x10
    cmp r0, #0x1
    beq underplayer
    cmp r0, #0x1
    bgt triple
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq overplayer
    b render
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ All blocks are underneath the player  @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    bl write_bottom_blocks
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    bl write_top_blocks
    @ Clear other existing blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    bl write_nothing
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ The top layer of blocks is rendered over the player @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    bl write_bottom_blocks
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    bl write_top_blocks
    @ Write nothing to bottom 
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    bl write_nothing
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write first 4 blocks to bottom-most layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3,r2,#0x1
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4]
    strh r1, [r0] @ Write top left bg tile
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x2]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x4]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x6]
    strh r1, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write last 4 blocks to top-most layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x8]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0xA]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xC]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xE]
    strh r1, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write out 0's in the unused layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3, r2, #1
    add r0, r3, r0
    mov r2, #0x0
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    mov r0, #0x1
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x2
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x3
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    pop {r4}
    pop {r0}
    bx r0
    bx r1
    bx r2
    .align 2
    overworld_bg1_tilemap: .long 0x03005018
    overworld_bg2_tilemap: .long 0x03005014
    overworld_bg3_tilemap: .long 0x0300501C
    render_bgmap: .long 0x080F67A4+1
    In this version we cut out a lot of the repetition and junk, bringing our routine down to a slim 188 bytes, 100 bytes smaller than the original 288. With some modification, I added my triple layer tile hack:
    push {r4,lr}
    mov r4, r1
    lsl r2, r2, #0x10
    lsr r2, r2, #0x10
    cmp r0, #0x1
    beq underplayer
    cmp r0, #0x1
    bgt triple
    cmp r0, #0x0
    beq overplayer
    b render
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    bl write_bottom_blocks
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    bl write_top_blocks
    push {r2}
    mov r0, r6
    mov r1, r7
    ldr r2, getBlockIDAt
    bl bx_r2
    mov r2, r0
    ldr r1, =0x27F
    cmp r2, r1
    ble blockset_1
    add r1, #0x1
    sub r2, r2, r1
    mov r1, #0x4
    add r1, #0x10
    ldr r0, cur_mapheader
    ldr r0, [r0] @ Get mapdata header
    ldr r3, [r0, #0x10] @ Store blockset 1 pointer for later
    ldr r5, [r0, #0x14] @ Store blockset 2 pointer for later
    ldr r0, [r0, r1] @ Get blockset pointer
    ldr r0, [r0, #0x14] @ Get blockset background bytes
    lsl r1, r2, #0x2
    ldr r0, [r0, r1] @ Get background byte
    lsl r1, r0, #0x8
    lsr r1, r1, #0x16 @Isolate bits we want
    ldr r0, =0x27F
    cmp r1, r0
    bgt blockset2_tiles
    @sub r1, r1, #0x8 @Get top layer
    b write_third_layer
    add r0, #0x1
    sub r1, r1, r0
    mov r3, r5
    @sub r1, r1, #0x8 @Get top layer
    ldr r4, [r3, #0xC] @ Get blockset pointer
    lsl r1, r1, #0x4
    add r4, r1, r4
    pop {r2}
    @ Write third layer
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    lsl r3, r2, #0x1
    bl write_top_blocks
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ All blocks are underneath the player  @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    bl write_bottom_blocks
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    bl write_top_blocks
    @ Clear other existing blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    bl write_nothing
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ The top layer of blocks is rendered over the player @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write bottom blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg2_tilemap
    bl write_bottom_blocks
    @ Write top blocks
    ldr r0, overworld_bg1_tilemap
    bl write_top_blocks
    @ Write nothing to bottom 
    ldr r0, overworld_bg3_tilemap
    bl write_nothing
    b render
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write first 4 blocks to bottom-most layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3,r2,#0x1
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4]
    strh r1, [r0] @ Write top left bg tile
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x2]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x4]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0x6]
    strh r1, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write last 4 blocks to top-most layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    add r0, r3, r0
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0x8]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4, #0xA]
    strh r1, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xC]
    strh r1, [r0]
    ldrh r1, [r4,#0xE]
    strh r1, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    @ Write out 0's in the unused layer @
    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
    ldr r0, [r0]
    lsl r3, r2, #1
    add r0, r3, r0
    mov r2, #0x0
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0,#0x2]
    add r0, #0x40
    strh r2, [r0]
    strh r2, [r0, #0x2]
    bx lr
    mov r0, #0x1
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x2
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    mov r0, #0x3
    ldr r1, render_bgmap
    bl bx_r1
    pop {r4}
    pop {r0}
    bx r0
    bx r1
    bx r2
    .align 2
    overworld_bg1_tilemap: .long 0x03005018
    overworld_bg2_tilemap: .long 0x03005014
    overworld_bg3_tilemap: .long 0x0300501C
    render_bgmap: .long 0x080F67A4+1
    getBlockIDAt: .long 0x08058E48+1
    cur_mapheader: .long 0x02036DFC
    (To insert this, compile the routine and overwrite the bytes at 0x05A9B4. The compiled size should be 288 (0x120) bytes long. Any larger will overwrite part of the next routine.)

    So how does it work? There are a few parts to this. First, the background byte must be set to 0x60, which will trigger the triple layer tile code. Next, we need to select our block which will be the top layer donor. In vanilla Fire Red, block 0xF contains a top layer for trees. Now since we're using only unused bits, we are required to use the following mask for identifying our block:
    Which is basically just 10 bits bitshifted left by 14.

    So how can I use this in A-Map? Well, it's a bit complicated. First you need to take your block number (in our case 0xF) and bit shift it left by 14. For us, we get 38000, or if we pad it with 0's to get a full dword, 00038000. Now the trick here is inserting it into A-Map's behavior byte editor properly. As of now, A-Map's byte editor literally just takes the four bytes and gives them textboxes. The problem is, we need to split up our value into the right boxes. This is the current byte order it uses for Fire Red:
    So if we split up our dword by bytes (00 03 80 00), we'll get something like this:
    Now the reason why I put a 60 in there, is because that is what triggers the triple tile. Now obviously your tile might have additional bits set for block behaviors and wild encounters, and the solution to that is to only modify boxes 1 and 2, and the upper half of box 3 (which we replace with a 6).

    With that set, you can go ahead and test it in VBA. Here's a sample screen of what you can do using this system:
    [PokeCommunity.com] [FR] Triple Layer Tiles using Block References

    As you can see, you have the ground underneath the fence, the fence itself, and a tree above both. This system is especially useful for trees in particular because it allows you to have more dynamic environments with better looking trees without having to sacrifice additional tiles in your tileset.

    Comments, questions, and concerns are welcome. Also, it should be noted that this system will be implemented in MEH along with a proper inserter. This is just a thread explaining how it works. Also, (before someone asks), this system will not be ported to RSE due to the fact that RSE only has two bytes available for behaviors/backgrounds, which only gives us 4 out of the 10 needed bits for this system. So it's not a hate/time issue, but in fact an incapability without severely breaking existing tools. If there's enough support however, I *might* be able to implement something which expands the behavior bytes and is compatible with MEH. But it's very unlikely.
    Great work Shiny Quagsire, I have seen a video about it, but with no tutorial or anything like research, so I am glad you posted this, it is a relly nice feature, that will help with those pesky tiles that need too many layers, so I believe it will help many people, also the implementation of it into MEH is a great thing.

    I only have one question though:
    Are there any bugs related to this?
    Haha! You did it again xD

    Nice piece of ASM... Another great step forward :3
    This is great! I really like what you did here.
    I've always wanted something like this to be released.

    It'd pretty cool of you if you implemented an RSE version, too.
    Great work Shiny Quagsire, I have seen a video about it, but with no tutorial or anything like research, so I am glad you posted this, it is a relly nice feature, that will help with those pesky tiles that need too many layers, so I believe it will help many people, also the implementation of it into MEH is a great thing.

    I only have one question though:
    Are there any bugs related to this?
    As of now, there are no bugs known. You might get some weirdness going on if you try to reference a block outside of the scope of the second tileset though, but that's to be expected. Although I nearly released this earlier before realizing that if you referenced a tile in the secondary blockset it would be pulling from the wrong source, but I fixed it just in time.

    Haha! You did it again xD

    Nice piece of ASM... Another great step forward :3

    Realy awesome, I hope that can be a common "tool" to use on hacks soon :D
    I myself hope to see triple tiles used more, they really add a lot to a hack in terms of aesthetics.

    This is great! I really like what you did here.
    I've always wanted something like this to be released.

    It'd pretty cool of you if you implemented an RSE version, too.
    Thanks. In terms of an RSE version, I'm still unsure of how to go about implementing something properly. One option might be to replace the first block's behavior with a pointer to another table which will give us as much space as we need. Of course this is assuming that the hack applied to leaves the first block untouched (ie just black), otherwise it would cause a few issues. I definitely want to have some sort of implementation in Emerald though, because it would be a shame for this to be Fire Red only.
    Well, one way you could do it would be your table idea. Like, you set the behavior byte to a specific value, doesn't matter what, and then it checks a table. If the table contains a matching entry (block id, third tile?) then it would know to substitute. If not in the table, it is treated like a normal block.
    I hope Lu-Ho will add this in his A-Map ;)
    nice research (y)
    I doubt Advance Map will ever be updated again, but I'm pretty sure this is coming to (MEH).

    ahhh, it would be great if Lu-Ho'll apply that in his newest A-Map Version
    ahhh, it would be great if Lu-Ho'll apply that in his newest A-Map Version

    Lu-Ho hasn't been on PC in almost a year, and he also states in his sig, that he's "no longer active in ROM Hacking".
    Which is why I have my doubts of a Advance Map 1.93/2.0
    Lu-Ho hasn't been on PC in almost a year, and he also states in his sig, that he's "no longer active in ROM Hacking".
    Which is why I have my doubts of a Advance Map 1.93/2.0

    awww, since theres no assurance of A-Map new version, I am forced to apply this hack manually, but its ok, the harder the better
    awww, since theres no assurance of A-Map new version, I am forced to apply this hack manually, but its ok, the harder the better

    Look at it this way, you might learn a thing or two, doing it the hard way. Instead of having a tool do it for you.
    Look at it this way, you might learn a thing or two, doing it the hard way. Instead of having a tool do it for you.

    Eh, on the bright side this is one of the few things integrated into MEH. The tool can actually patch it in (although I believe you don't have as much choice in how it's inserted iirc), and the block editor handles previews and editing just fine.
    Eh, on the bright side this is one of the few things integrated into MEH. The tool can actually patch it in (although I believe you don't have as much choice in how it's inserted iirc), and the block editor handles previews and editing just fine.

    Hey, what if I want to make it "Block is covered by hero"?
    Hey, what if I want to make it "Block is covered by hero"?
    Er, that kinda defeats the point. Two layers will always be under the player, one will always be on top. That's how the BGs are sorted by default.
    Hey, what if I want to make it "Block is covered by hero"?

    That doesn't make sense. You either have it set as 0x20 block covered by hero, or 0x60 which activates the hack.
    That doesn't make sense. You either have it set as 0x20 block covered by hero, or 0x60 which activates the hack.

    Yah, I know that, I just want to confirm it is possible or not