- 93
- Posts
- 18
- Years
- Age 33
- England, London
- Seen Jun 14, 2023
Crystal Progress 2
Decided to train my pokemon up a bit more after almost getting owned by the first gym trainer eventually got all my pokemon to lvl 10 and managed to defeat Falkner easily
I want to find a Onix soon to add like a defensive barrier in my team..
ermm yeh i think ill train my pokemon up a bit more to lvl 12 and make a move for the next town or event..
Crystal Progress 3
traded the boy a Bellsprout for his Onix which was frustratlingly(cba to spell) called 'rocky' -.- trained him to lvl 11 not knowing that he wouldnt obey me (GREAT!) anywho defeated the Sprout tower with ease then proceded towards Union Cave which Geodudes Rockthrow handled most of the pokemon with ease.
By the time i was out my pokemon were around 13-14 then when i did slowpoke thingy by that Onix was at lvl 12 while Geodude and Areodactly were 14 so i thought id challenge for the gym which i did beat the trainers with ease with Areo's wing attack.
Thought id give this non-obeying Onix a shot at Bugsy's Scyther which was a mistake as Scythers fury cutter was getting stronger...
Onix fainted due to an earlier Posion attack by Kakuna? (one of bugys poekmon)
then sent out my Geodude who one hit wondered Scyther with a Rockthrow and that was the end for Bugsy who handed me the Hive badge :)
Grr trust me to make an update just before someone posts >.<
Decided to train my pokemon up a bit more after almost getting owned by the first gym trainer eventually got all my pokemon to lvl 10 and managed to defeat Falkner easily
I want to find a Onix soon to add like a defensive barrier in my team..
ermm yeh i think ill train my pokemon up a bit more to lvl 12 and make a move for the next town or event..
Crystal Progress 3
traded the boy a Bellsprout for his Onix which was frustratlingly(cba to spell) called 'rocky' -.- trained him to lvl 11 not knowing that he wouldnt obey me (GREAT!) anywho defeated the Sprout tower with ease then proceded towards Union Cave which Geodudes Rockthrow handled most of the pokemon with ease.
By the time i was out my pokemon were around 13-14 then when i did slowpoke thingy by that Onix was at lvl 12 while Geodude and Areodactly were 14 so i thought id challenge for the gym which i did beat the trainers with ease with Areo's wing attack.
Thought id give this non-obeying Onix a shot at Bugsy's Scyther which was a mistake as Scythers fury cutter was getting stronger...
Onix fainted due to an earlier Posion attack by Kakuna? (one of bugys poekmon)
then sent out my Geodude who one hit wondered Scyther with a Rockthrow and that was the end for Bugsy who handed me the Hive badge :)
Grr trust me to make an update just before someone posts >.<
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