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2nd Gen G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Crystal Progress 2
Decided to train my pokemon up a bit more after almost getting owned by the first gym trainer eventually got all my pokemon to lvl 10 and managed to defeat Falkner easily


I want to find a Onix soon to add like a defensive barrier in my team..
ermm yeh i think ill train my pokemon up a bit more to lvl 12 and make a move for the next town or event..

Crystal Progress 3

traded the boy a Bellsprout for his Onix which was frustratlingly(cba to spell) called 'rocky' -.- trained him to lvl 11 not knowing that he wouldnt obey me (GREAT!) anywho defeated the Sprout tower with ease then proceded towards Union Cave which Geodudes Rockthrow handled most of the pokemon with ease.
By the time i was out my pokemon were around 13-14 then when i did slowpoke thingy by that Onix was at lvl 12 while Geodude and Areodactly were 14 so i thought id challenge for the gym which i did beat the trainers with ease with Areo's wing attack.
Thought id give this non-obeying Onix a shot at Bugsy's Scyther which was a mistake as Scythers fury cutter was getting stronger...
Onix fainted due to an earlier Posion attack by Kakuna? (one of bugys poekmon)
then sent out my Geodude who one hit wondered Scyther with a Rockthrow and that was the end for Bugsy who handed me the Hive badge :)


Grr trust me to make an update just before someone posts >.<
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Since I just bought a Crystal Game today, I'll do the Flying Type Monotype Challenge. <3 Which means I get to have a team with my favorite flying type... Pidgey <3
I guess I can do the Psychic type as a monotype. Monotype challenges are very fun. I have been doing them all the time in Blue version.
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Detailed Progress So Far::
I started out as a female trainer named Cariger and started out with a "lovely" Totodile who was fondly nicknamed "Moron". He'll be my HM slave for the pokemon game since he could learn Cut, Surf, Waterfall, and Dive. Which are 4 HMs that I'm going to need in the future. I then did the ridiculous travel from my hometown to Mr. Pokemon's place to get the stinkin' egg, fought my rival and lost to him, and went to the lab.

When I got to the lab, I named my rival,"Caleb". Got five pokeballs [finally] and began to hunt in the grass for my Pidgey. And eventually I found a LV.3 female Pidgey who I nicknamed "Birdie". Then I saved the game and typed this thing up. ^^

NonDetailed Progress::
+ Named myself Cariger
+ Obtained Totodile LV.5 [male] -- Nicknamed "Moron"
+ Did the annoying stuff with Mr.Pokemon and his egg.
+ Fought my rival and lost.
+ Named my rival "Caleb"
+ Obtained Pidgey LV.3 [female] -- Nicknamed "Birdie"
+ Saved the Game.

Current Team::
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
:: Totodile nicknamed Moron. Male LV.5
"image removed":: Pidgey nicknamed Birdie. Female LV.3
I'll go for Ground type, I'm going to hack the rom so I actually start out with the right Pokemon instead of having to substitute until I can catch them. My starter will be Sandshrew.

Still playing at the moment, but I have progressed this far:
Started with Sandshrew I plan to nickname whoever I pick up on the way once I get to the name rater (I accidently didn't nickname my first 3)
leveled up to level 7 and took on Rival after receiving the mysterious egg.
Caught Geodude (female) level 3.
Raised everyone on my team to level 10 and took on the Gym leader, finished with Sandshrew leveling up to 12.
Received Togepi egg, plan to deposite or use as a move slave.
Caught Wooper (female) level 6 on my way to Azalea Town.
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Is it OK to start out with a full evolved or to cheat so I can make Kadabra evolve since I am playing on a Gold ROM and have no way to trade?

Update: Started with a Level 2 Abra and I have started to train it and will shove Cyndaquil (sorry Cyndaquil) in the box once Abra evolves.



[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Level: 5
Moves: You know them!


He is Abra's Mentor

Level: 7


And something else
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Today I end:
Sandslash: Level 33
Poison Sting (lol)
Nidoqueen: Level 18
Double Kick
Bite (Egg move ftw)
Graveler: Level 32
Tackle (lol)
Harden (double lol)
Rock Throw
Quagsire: Level 32
Ice Punch

5 Badges and a lot more to do.
Detailed Progress So Far::
With my recently caught Pidgey and my HM Slave Totodile, I've leveled up my bird pokemon to LV.10. while my HM Slave sadly leveled up to LV.7 while helping my bird pokemon get stronger. However now I'm glad to report that I'll never use my HM Slave for another wild pokemon battle. I also caught a LV.3 female Hoppip and nicknamed her "Puff" and I also caught a LV.3 male Hoothoot and nicknamed him "Zorro".

I've ran around, fought various trainers and wild pokemon so I could continue to level up my three pokemon. Joey kept calling me and I replied happily by defeating him various times in pokemon battles. Thus helping me increase the level of my wonderful flying types with his weak LV.4 Ratatta. But eventually after leveling up my Birdie to LV.12, Puff to LV.12, and Zorro to LV.10... I decided to save the game and end my playing for today.

NonDetailed Progress::
+ With Totodile's help, Pidgey leveled up to LV.10
+ Totodile is in LV. 7 and will never fight again.
+ Obtained Hoppip [female] LV.3 -- Nicknamed "Puff"
+ Obtained Hoothoot [male] LV.3 -- Nicknamed "Zorro"
+ Fought trainers a truckload of times.
+ Fought Joey the Youngster a ton of times since he keeps calling me.
+ Saved the game.

Current Team::
"image removed":: Pidgey nicknamed Birdie. Female LV.12
"image removed":: Hoppip nicknamed Puff. Female LV.12
"image removed":: Hoothoot nicknamed Zorro. Male LV.10
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*:: Totodile nicknamed Moron. Male LV.7
Is it OK to start out with a full evolved or to cheat so I can make Kadabra evolve since I am playing on a Gold ROM and have no way to trade?

Update: Just upped the level of my Abra and Abra's mentor, game ended in Sprout Tower.



[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Level: 11
Moves: You know them!


He is Abra's Mentor

Level: 12


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Espreon,you can cheat to get the Alakazam but you can't start with it.

Here is my update:

Recieved and hatched Togepi
Got 2nd badge
Made it to Goldenrod City

Current Team

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 19
-Fury Cutter
-Water Gun

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 17
-Water Gun

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 16
-Water Gun
-Tail Whip

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 8
Bellsprout tower turned out to be a piece of cake, since Vine Whip proved to be less than effective against my army of bug types (didn't stop them trying, of course). The elder handed me HM01, so I went and caught a Bellsprout of my own to teach Flash to, just in-case (well, okay, I actually went and caught a Gastly to teach Flash to, but it turns out they can't learn it so I got a Bellsprout instead. Whatever, Gastly. You won't be laughing when you're stuck in Box 01 for the rest of the game).

Aaaanyway, the next obstacle in my path was Falkner, master of birds. Since flying-types eat bugs for breakfast, I was a little wary of this battle, but we marched right on into his gym regardless. Turns out I needn't have worried; he didn't use a single Flying-type move in my battle with him, prefering to match my Ledyba's Tackles with Tackles of his own. When Ledyba started to wuss out I swapped in Butterfree and blasted away with Confusion for an easy victory. Go go Zephyr Badge! I also picked up the Togepi egg from the eponymous aide, for no real reason. I just like Togepi.

Since all my Pokes are finally able to battle by themselves for decents amounts of time I was able to beat all the trainers on Route 32 with only a couple of breaks for healing at the Pokecentre. Butterfree is currently ruling the roost with its powerful Confusion attack, while Ledyba is letting the team down with its wimpy Tackle. I'm hoping he'll start to pick up when he evolves, as otherwise I may have to drop him from the team.

Union Cave, then. Beedrill leads, handily dispatching most opponents with his Fury Attack, although there's always a mad dash for Butterfree whenever a Rock type is encountered. I'm glad I decided to add Caterpie to my team instead of Spinarak, as that Confusion attack is proving a lifesaver. While exploring Union Cave I found the Swift TM, which I used to teach Ledyba an actual useful attack; maybe this'll help him pull his weight in future.

Level 16
-Comet Punch

Level 16
-Poison Sting
-Fury Attack
-Focus Energy

Level 16
-Sleep Powder
-Poison Powder
Alright well i had started yesterday night into this early morning
-i used gameshark to get a tyrogue
-did the usual stuff
-trained tyrogue to around level 15-18
-beat falkner with ease :)
-then i went and trained around
-went through and got flash
-on the way to beat the rockets by azalea tyrogue evolved into hitmonchan
-defeated bugsy and leveled to 23
- i went to challenge my rival
-i lost terribly since my hitmonchans
only attack was tackle so it wouldnt
affect his gastly -.-
-leveled hitmonchan to 26 so itll learn thunder fire and ice punch
-NOW i pwned my rival ryan
-went and caught a paras as and HM slave for cut
-went and caught a ditto by golden rod
-mated my hitmonchan and hatched the 2 eggs
-i leveled out my pokemon so now i have a 31 hitmonchan 31 hitmonlee and 31 hitmontop

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Lexenzi L31
-ice punch
-fire punch
-thunder punch

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Sakupi L31
-high jump kick
-mind reader
-mud slap

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Jacklenee L31
-rapid spin

Now to continue my journey :P
it's an update


.chose name as borax
.furiously pressed the "a" button as i didn't want to hear the old oak was saying
.i was now in my room
.looked around in my room and had a look on the PC,radio,T.V,and my bookshelf
.went downstairs and talked to mom to recieve the pokegear

sorry i will update later as i hear my mom is calling me,you know i am busy but i shall post daily.
Right, another update from my mono-poison challenge.

After beating Bugsy, I headed off to Ilex Forest when...oh look, my rival's turned up again. Beat him easily, went through Ilex, getting cut on the way, then trained up my team before getting to Goldenrod. Bellsprout evolved into Weepinbell as well. Got a load of useful stuff in Goldenrod, including a bike, the Return TM, a radio card, a coin case and Bill's phone number, then I went to take on the gym, where I would face the most evil cow in the world. And also her Miltank. Took down the overgrown pink cow (no, really, why pink? Has anyone EVER seen a pink cow?) with Gastly's curse and Weepinbell's Sleep Powder, Growth and Vine Whip. After that I caught myself a Nidoran Male, trained it up until it became a Nidorino, then stopped training it until I could get Surf and access a Moon Stone. Oh, then I had to get a tree out of the way. Why can't anyone in this world do anything for themselves? It's a 3 foot 11 tree, for goodness' sake, you're not telling me that nobody can get rid of that? Oh well, one more Rock type for my PC box. Oh, and at some point around Goldenrod Zubat evolved.

I then reached Ecruteak City, beat the Kimono girls convincingly, and got Surf, which I taught to Tentacool (finally, a good move!). I then went to the Burnt Tower, met Eusine, beat my rival and had a staring contest with a Suicune. It ran away, so I assume I won. Yay. Golbat took on the gym with Bite, though Morty's Gengar was problematic. After that I went all the way back to New Bark Town, surfed into Kanto, into Tohjo falls and found a Moon Stone there. Yay, one Nidoking to me. I headed back to Ecruteak, and caught myself a Koffing in Burnt Tower to complete my team. Then I did some more training, and Gastly evolved into Haunter, so I immediately evolved it into Gengar.

I then headed to Olivine, went up the lighthouse and promised to help an Ampharos. This meant surfing across the sea to Cianwood, where my Golbat evolved into Crobat. Crobat and Gengar made the gym very easy indeed, and I flew back over to Olivine, where I am now in training for Jasmine's gym. Oh yay, steel types. They resist poison. Fantastic. OH well, will just have to teach Gengar Fire Punch.

And my team is:
Crobat lvl 30: Fly, Wing Attack, Bite, Confuse Ray
Gengar lvl 30: Thunderpunch, Hypnosis, Night Shade, Mean Look
Nidoking lvl 28: Strength, Thrash, Double Kick, Leer
Koffing lvl 28: Sludge, Tackle, Selfdestruct, Smokescreen
Tentacool lvl 28: Surf, Acid, Supersonic, Bubblebeam
Weepinbell lvl 28: Vine Whip, Acid, Growth, Sleep Powder
Ok Im Doing Normal Type Heres Mine.

(Chosen Chickorita)
(Went Around To Get To Proffeser To See The Egg)
(Got 5 Pokeballs)
(Caught A Jigglypuff)
(Put Chickorita In Box 1)
(Level Up Jigglypuff)


Jigglypuff (Level 8)
Ok Im Doing Normal Type Heres Mine.

(Chosen Chickorita)
(Went Around To Get To Proffeser To See The Egg)
(Got 5 Pokeballs)
(Caught A Jigglypuff)
(Put Chickorita In Box 1)
(Level Up Jigglypuff)


Jigglypuff (Level 8)

I'm sorry but Normal type is already taken. If you're going to play please read the first post.
i would like to use electric if its available.
if it is,i would be able to use gameshark to catch a pichu at the beginning and thats it with gameshark and just use electri right?

and if im using an emulator,can i use the speed button or not?
Ok your'e electric. Yes you can use a game shark for a Pikachu and yes you can use the speed button.