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2nd Gen G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Ok your'e electric. Yes you can use a game shark for a Pikachu and yes you can use the speed button.

ok,thanks.ill be using pokemon gold rom and ill edit this with my status in game.

Started a new game.
ANDREW is my game name.
I picked chickorita.
went to mr.pokemons to get egg.
Beat ??? with ease.
Went to lab,named rival SILVER,and received pokeballs.
Used gameshark and caught level 4 pichu.
deposited chickorita and trained pichu to level 8,moving on.
Beat Falkner,recived egg and deposited,pichu lvl.11.
Captured a lvl.6 mareep and trained it to lvl.11.
Going to attempt sprout tower.
Beat the elder and got hm flash,pichu lvl.12 mareeplvl.13.
Evolved mareep to flaffy.:D
Going through union cave.
Got out of it finally with pichus mud slap.
End day in front of Kurts house.
[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge
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New Update:

Trained. That's it.

Current Team:

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 20
-Fury Cutter
-Water Gun

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 18
-Water Gun

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 17
-Water Gun
-Tail Whip

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 15
-Water Gun
*image removed*
i went power training and that catching a poliwag and trading a mankey
and i trained them to the 40's
i also beat the 4th gym and the lighthouse
currently getting secret potion

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Lexenzi L41
-mega punch
-ice punch
-fire punch
-thunder punch

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Sakupi L41
-high jump kick
-mud slap

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Jacklenee L41
-rapid spin

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

Mankey L40
-low kick
-seismic toss
-karate chop
-cross chop

[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

poliwag L41
-body slam
-double slap
-water gun
Ok Then Ill Be.........Ice And Ill Hack For Smoochum!

(Started Game AS Boy)
(Got PokeGear)
(Got Smoochum!)
(Leveled Up Smoochum)
(Got A Egg)
(Got Back To Town)
(Battled A Boy)
(Killed Chickorita With .....Pound And Lick!)

Saved Game And Rested.

Smoochum Level 10
Sweet Kiss
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i wanted a jolteon,but is there a way to get the thunderstone before bills grandpa in kanto?

heres another update...

defeated rockets in slowpoke well
defeated all trainers in gym and got hivebadge
defeated my rival SILVER
caught oddish for hm slave
deposited oddish in pc then went to take on whitney
defeated whitney with 16 hp left in flaffy and received plainbadge
took out the sudowoodow(spelling?)
battled morty and lost,time to try again.
Gengar squashed me with his combo,time to train!
Rival battle at burned tower.
Lost to him too-_-
really going to train now.
before=Pichu-21 Flaffy-28
after=Pichu[still):-32 Ampharos-31
captured lvl.16 magnemite(time to train:D)
Woo!magneton-31,,Time to take on morty!
Yes!got the fogbadge.Rival time.
Beat him,seen the legendary dogs.
Got growlithe for HM slave.
Time to climb the lighthouse!
Surfing over to cinawood.
woops..have to go get surf first.
caught a level 20 chinchou
caught krabby for hm slave.
defeated chuck and received stormbadge.
getting fly then catching another hm slave.
had to surf back to get fly and secret potion.
received the mineral badge.
defeated red gyarados.
stopped in front of gym
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hey xXGold&SilverXx i would like to take the dark monotype challenge but considering there is only 5 dark types, would I be allowed to have a gengar or similar pokemon that has dark moves but isnt dark.
If that is possible then i would like to take the dark position.
Actually I think I will be taking Dark off considering there isn't enough.

got through the gym and earned the glacierbadge with only ampharos
entered the radio tower to battle rockets
got the basement key
chinchou evolved into lanturn!
got card jey and went back to radio tower.
received rainbow wing
pichu finally evolved at lvl.44!!!
exited ice cave.
defeated clair,then got the risingbadge.
woo!enetered kanto.
entered the pokemon league
lost once.
beat the elite 4!
stopped in front of my house.
I'm considering taking up Dragon, but there's so few Dragon Pokemon :3 Would Horsea be applicable, as it eventually evolves into a Water/Dragon-Type? Because otherwise, I think Dratini is close to my only option XD
[PokeCommunity.com] G/S/C Monotype Challenge

I might post their moves later, I'm at Indigo Plateau and getting ready for the Pokemon League. I'm probably going to hack Graveler to evolve at the next level up so I can have Golem since I can't trade and don't want to chance save file corruption with other emulators with trade capabilities. I'm having trouble deciding who to use TM for Earthquake on, I wish they would've given Nidoqueen and Sandslash some ground moves.
Sawaa you can use Horsea.

Update by end of weekend.
another update!!

got ss ticket from elm and boarded ship
went in to vermillion city
beat lt surge and got thunderbadge
beat sabrina and got marsh badge
beat erika ana got rainbowbadge
caught a level 15 electabuzz
found machine part
beat misty and got cascadebadge
beat janine and got the badgefrom her
fainted the snorlax gaurding diglett cave
beat brock and got boulderbadge
beat blaine and got volcanobadge
beat lue and got earthbadge
prof.oak gave me access to mt.silver
lost to red!forgot how strong his pokes wereDX
time to train.
New Update:

Got all the way up to 7 badges.
Currently facing Team Rocket.

Current Team:

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 29
-Fury Cutter

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 29

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 29

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 29
-Water Gun

Poptart (Soon to be Vaporeon)
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 28
-Tail Whip
-Quick Attack
-Shadow Ball

*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
lvl 30
-Dragon Rage
Detailed Progress So Far::
Well I've been playing away from the computer with my Crystal Version. I won't mention everything I've done with super duper detail, but here goes nothing. I climbed the Sprout Tower, beat the old guys inside of it and then challenged the Gym Leader and his members. The battle was easy and my pokemon all leveled up a bit.

Then I began to train in Route 32, leveling up my Pidgey [Birdie] until she evolved into a Pidgeotto, my Hoppip [Puff], and my Hoothoot [Zorro]. Also as I trained, the "mystery egg" that I was carrying around hatched and a male Togepi came out of it. And I nicknamed him Mars before stuffing him into my PC so he could rot in there. Then I stuffed my level 15 Hoothoot in the PC as well since I decided I only needed one normal/flying pokemon on my team. I also got an Old Rod and caught a LV.10 [male] Magikarp so I could evolve him later. I nicknamed him Magicittso.

I then trained some more on the Route until I decided my pokemon were strong enough to go through the Union Cave. And it took a while since I had to constantly make trips from the Cave to the Pokemon Center. [Gosh Flying types are soo stinkin' weak against Cavern Pokemon] But whatever, I still managed to make it through the cave, I battled some more trainers. Beat Team Rocket up, beat the gym leader up easily with my bird pokemon and then began to go through the Ilex Forest.

In the Ilex Forest I chased the annoying flying pokemon, got the HM Cut, trained my pokemon some more, got a TM [Headbutt], taught it to Puff, and then trained some more. And while training I caught a LV.4 male Ledyba nicknamed Chuck and I also caught a LV.10 female Noctowl that I nicknamed Mysterii. And I also shoved them inside of the PC to keep my Hoothoot [Zorro] and my Togepi [Mars]. Also my Hoppip finally evolved into Skiploom. ^^

After all of that, I decided to type this up and then save the game. ^^

NonDetailed Progress::
+ A lot happened
+ Trained pokemon in Sprout Tower
+ Beat the old guys in Sprout Tower
+ Beat the first gym leader.
+ Trained some more in Route 32
+ Pidgey evolved.
+ Deposited Zorro [LV.15-Male-Hoothoot]
+ Caught a male Magikarp [LV.10-Male-Magicittso]
+ Hatched and deposited Togepi [LV.5-Male-Mars]
+ Went through Union Cave with difficulty.
+ Defeated Team Rocket in Slowpoke Well
+ Defeated second gym leader
+ Trained in the Ilex Forest
+ Obtained both Noctowl [LV.10-Female-Mysterii] and Ledyba [LV.4-Male-Chuck]
+ Hoppip evolved.
+ Saved the Game.

Current Team::
"image removed"
:: Pidgeotto nicknamed Birdie. Female LV.21
"image removed":: Skiploom nicknamed Puff. Female LV.20
"image removed":: Magikarp nicknamed Magicittso. Male LV.17
*pokemonelite2000 image removed*
:: Totodile nicknamed Moron. Male LV.7

Pokemon Stored in the PC::
:: Hoothoot nicknamed Zorro. Male LV.15
:: Noctowl nicknamed Mysterii. Female LV.10
:: Togepi nicknamed Mars. Male LV.5
:: Ledyba nicknamed Chuck. Male LV.4
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Well, I've progressed a bit further, so yay. Gengar beat the steel gym for me with Fire Punch, though Nidoking's Double Kick helped. Then I headed up to Lake of Rage, caught the cool-looking HM slave and somehow ended up agreeing to infiltrate the hideout of a criminal gang. Seriously, why can't someone else do it? Beat the rockets, beat the gym leader, then found out that Team Rocket had taken over the Goldenrod Radio Tower. Thinking that the police would surely sort this out, I went and trained elsewhere, exploring the rest of Union Cave and beating the trainers there. Heading back to Goldenrod, I discovered that the police clearly couldn't be bothered actually stopping the rockets from taking over the radio tower, though there was one officer guarding that hive of criminal activity, the day-care centre. So, I beat the rockets again, Koffing evolving into Weezing in the process, and saved the world.

After that I went through the Ice Path, into the gym, beating it with Gengar's Ice Punch and on to the Pokemon league. I got there, beating my rival easily on the way, and took on the Elite Four. Will was difficult, due to Psychic being good against poison, though I eventually beat him. Koga was easy, Gengar and Nidoking took care of him. Bruno managed to take out my Crobat, but nothing else, and Karen was beaten quite easily as well, not managing to take out a single one of my Pokemon. The "champion" was the easiest battle of the lot, I just used Gengar and won easily. So, I've beaten the Elite Four, and this challenge is halfway done.

My squad:
Gengar lvl 46: Hypnosis, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch
Nidoking lvl 44: Strength, Thrash, Double Kick, Earthquake
Weezing lvl 43: Sludge Bomb, Tackle, Haze, Selfdestruct
Crobat lvl 43: Fly, Bite, Mean Look, Confuse Ray
Tentacruel lvl 44: Surf, Acid, Barrier, Supersonic
Weepinbell lvl 43: Razor Leaf, Acid, Growth, Sleep Powder
A HUUUUUUGE updates to be taken

alright well ater the 4th gym i trained and i went through the lighthouse
got the secretpotion for her caught a machop i beat the 5th and 6th gym
then i went to lake of rage
i caught the hm slave ;) and beat up team rocket
beat the 7th gym leader evolved my machop to a machoke and machamp
and trained a lot...
went and killed team rocket at golden rod and after that
i defeated the 8th gym with hitmochans ice punch
and poliwraths blizzard
got dragons fang and i went on to the pokemon league
went through the victory road fast but i stayed to train around and got all my pokemon to the high 60's low 70's
beat the pokemon league easily :)
then io went on and cleared through all the gyms in kanto in like 3 hours
got access to MT. silver and i trained around some more to the high 70's and low 80's
went in and killed red although i had trouble with his espeon but i had my revives and potions
and my pokemon mono challenge ended there

Hitmonlee L81
-hi jump kick
-dynamic punch

Hitmonchan L82
-mega punch
-ice punch
-fire punch

Hitmontop L80
-triple kick
-rapid spin

Poliwrath L84
-hydro pump
-dynamic punch

Machamp L84
-seismic toss
-cross chop
-vital throw

Primeape L79
-karate chop
-seismic toss
-furry swipes

Congrats to you Woohoo! I'll be adding you to the completations and fighting will become open.

If you would like to go through with another type then feel free.

I'm currently training to challenge the league.